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The Bound Lily

Page 17

by L. L. Chance

  “I love you too, and Sylvia as well, of course.”

  “We know you do, now get some sleep. If I can come up with a way to make my dreams come true, then you’re definitely going to need all the rest you can get.”

  “I look forward to it, Master.”

  He gave me a long, deep kiss that gave me a major case of goosebumps, before bidding me a good night and walking out the door. Damn, he could turn me on faster than anything, and while I might’ve wanted him to come back and pick up where he’d left off, I knew I had him hooked and would get my chance soon. My plan was going to work.


  I noticed Claude spending a lot of time with Billy over the next week, and hoped it meant he was putting something together for me. I was kept in the dark, of course, but it was easy to tell that something was up.

  The multitude of workmen swarming the grounds was another big clue, and I hoped he’d be ready soon so we could do this at the best time of the month. I was starting to get nervous about how long he was taking, but knew it was finally about to begin when he removed all my restraints and told me to get myself ready to go out.

  His timing couldn’t have been better, and it was tough to contain my excitement as I went through my entire routine. I showered, plucked my eyebrows, took care of the few body hairs my laser treatment had missed, and even gave myself my first self-inflicted enema in case that end would come into play. I hoped it wouldn’t, and not because I didn’t like him back there, but because I was a girl on a mission.

  I spent more time on my makeup tonight than I had in the last several months combined, and when I emerged into my bedroom, was almost disappointed when I saw the outfit laid out for me. To call the ensemble plain would be a kindness, but it was his show and if this was what he wanted, then that’s what he’d get.

  I put on the plain white bra and simple cotton panties like they were something from another planet. A thin T-shirt and a light sweater that still had the $1.95 Goodwill store price tag on it were next, followed by sports socks, jeans, and sneakers.

  Everything was used, and even back in college when I was so broke I had to live off Ramen noodles for most of the year, I never dressed this badly. If the entire outfit cost more than twenty bucks, I’d be surprised.

  I considered downgrading my makeup to suit my ‘fancy’ new duds, but decided it was probably fine since I’d gone for the subtle look in the first place. A cheap purse with the Naugahyde already showing cracks was the last thing on the table, and a quick inspection revealed I had about ten bucks in singles and loose change inside it, and the keys to my crappy old car.

  I had no clue where this was going, but felt a chill run down my spine thinking that whatever it was, this was something that he really wanted, and I’d be able to provide it for him. I was so excited, I could hardly wait to find out what it was all about.

  On a hunch, I peeked out the window and saw my old Corolla parked out front, more than a little surprised Billy hadn’t hauled it off to a junkyard the moment I moved in. Well, I wasn’t going to find out what was going on by standing here, so I grabbed the purse and went down to get some instructions.

  “Your chariot awaits, milady,” Billy said, waving at my old beater with a grand flourish.

  “I hadn’t seen it around anywhere and thought you got rid of it,” I replied with a laugh.

  “I just picked it back up this morning. My cousin is going to school not far from here and needed to borrow a car. Since Claude signed the Jag over to you, I didn’t think you’d mind if he drove it once in a while.”

  “Not at all, and if you want, I’ll sell it to him for a dollar.”

  “I’ll probably have to loan him the dollar if you do, but I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”

  “We can take care of that later, but right now I think I have somewhere to go.”

  “Quite right,” he agreed. “Head towards the outskirts of town and go to the bar where you first met Claude and Sylvia. Wait for further instructions there, preferably at the same barstool if at all possible.”

  “Gotcha, thanks Billy.”

  “Good luck,” he called out, as I bounced down the steps.

  I still didn’t know what was going on, but his fantasy had begun. My hands were shaking as I put the car in drive and sped off with as much speed as the aging Corolla could produce. I tried to imagine what he had in mind, but the possibilities were almost endless. Still, it was a way to keep my nerves under control, and kind of fun as well.

  My daydreams were rudely interrupted by the sputtering of my car. A quick glance at the dashboard showed my gas gauge was running on empty, and I cursed Billy’s cousin for returning the car without refilling it. He was rude… he was inconsiderate… he was a bastard… he was… he was a typical school kid, and I remember doing the same thing when I borrowed my brother’s car once. It sucked having it happen from this end, but I understood why and couldn’t blame him too much.

  I pulled over as it died, and let it roll to a stop, wondering if I’d be better off walking back to the house, or going forward to wherever the closest gas station was. I started to reach for my phone, and cursed again as I realized I hadn’t put anything into the purse I was carrying today. Shit.

  Before I could make up my mind, I heard a car pull up behind me… it was a police car. A momentary wave of panic flashed through me, but quickly passed; it was a reflex reaction and totally unnecessary since he’d be able to help me out of my bind. Even though he hadn’t pulled me over, I sat with my hands on the wheel and waited for him to approach.

  “Thank God you happened to come by,” I said. “I ran out of gas.”

  “Sorry to hear that, Ma’am. License and registration, please,” he said, sounding bored.

  Shit… I didn’t grab my wallet either, although my registration and insurance should still be up to date. I leaned over to the glove box to grab it, but as soon as I popped it open, a large plastic bag fell to the floor. A bag filled with white powder. Oh shit, indeed.

  Dire Straits

  I’m not sure if embarrassment or fury was the prevailing emotion I was feeling as I sat handcuffed in the back of the police car, but both were off the scale. I wanted to kill both Billy and his cousin for this mess, and prayed I didn’t have to wait ten to twenty years for my chance.

  With no identification, and a kilo of cocaine in my car, the cop definitely didn’t look bored anymore. Hell, I’d arrest me if I was him. This did not look good at all. He was standing outside the car talking on his phone, and while I couldn’t hear what he was saying, he seemed to be getting angrier with each passing moment.

  He was swearing once he hung up, and if looks could kill, the one he threw my way would’ve splattered me all over the back seat. He slammed the door when he got back in, and squealed the tires when he stomped on the gas.

  “Please,” I begged. “You’ve got to believe me… that really isn’t my bag of drugs.”

  “I’d shut up if I were you,” he snarled. “You’re in enough trouble already, so don’t go pissing me off.”

  “I’m sorry, but if you just call Billy he’ll back up my story.”

  “One more word and I’ll gag you, now shut the fuck up!”

  I bit off the reply that was halfway to my lips; he sounded deadly serious, and I kept my mouth shut as he drove to the station. I was lost in my own misery and didn’t think anything of it when he drove past the exit leading to town, but something finally clued in as wrong when we entered a fairly remote area.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked.

  For a reply, he slammed on the brakes and hopped out of the car, opening the back door and pushing me face down onto the seat. Making good on his threat, he soon had a gag in my mouth, and purely out of pique he bound my ankles with plastic zip-cuffs and connected them to my wrists with a second set.

  Now I was hogtied in the back of a police car in the middle of nowhere, and fear set in like never before. Something was really wrong here, and I wondered what
the hell Billy’s cousin had gotten me into. He wrapped a seatbelt around me and got back behind the wheel, all without saying a word.

  We drove for maybe another half-hour, the last of which was down a dirt road that had more potholes than level areas, and was so heavily overgrown that branches were scraping against the car. When we parked and he pulled me upright, I saw what looked like an abandoned barn sitting in an overgrown yard.

  He wrapped a greasy smelling rag over my eyes and cut the cuff keeping me hogtied, but left the others in place and simply threw me over his shoulder to take me inside. I struggled a bit but was afraid he’d drop me on my face if I actually succeeded, so my transport was pretty much a fait accompli.

  The barn smelled of ancient horse shit, and I was a little glad of the blindfold so I couldn’t see how bad things really were. He dropped me to the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of me, and while I lay there gasping he quickly undid my cuffs just long enough to pull my arms around and over my head.

  He ratcheted the cuff shut again before I could react, and tied it off to something. I knew what was coming when I heard a chain rattling over a pulley, and sure enough, it wasn’t long before I was pulled to my feet with my hands held high above me.

  I had to stand on my tiptoes to keep the metal cuffs from digging painfully into my wrists, and I hoped like hell he didn’t plan on leaving me like this for long. I tried to beg him to let me down, but the gag was too effective for any coherent speech, and he seemed to have walked away anyway.

  I faintly heard him talking in the distance, and stilled my struggles to try and make it out.

  “Yeah, she’s here and waiting for you. Did you take care of her car yet? … It’s already in the scrapyard? I’m impressed at how fast you got the tow truck there … No, I don’t think she’ll be missed, she looks like a common tramp and isn’t even a good bullshitter … The coke? It’s low grade shit and wouldn’t be worth keeping if there wasn’t a full key of it.”

  My car was towed and scrapped? The cop knew enough about cocaine to instantly rate the quality? What the fuck was going on here?

  “No, I have no clue who was trying to sell on our turf, and I don’t have the time to beat it out of her. That’s your job … Right, I’ll keep an eye on her until you get here, but you better hurry so I can get back to my patrol before I’m missed … ok, see you soon.”

  I wished I could’ve heard both sides of the conversation, but what I heard was bad enough to make me think I wouldn’t be getting out of this. I was sweating with more than the strain of keeping my weight off my wrists when I heard a car pull up.

  I caught the edges of a brief conversation but couldn’t make anything out, and then someone, presumably the cop, drove off. I hadn’t heard their approach on the soft dirt floor, so when the first guy spoke right next to my face, it scared the hell out of me.

  “So this is her, huh?” he said.

  “Yeah, I think Joe was right about her… she looks like she’d be working a street corner if she could afford the clothes for it,” the second man laughed in reply.

  “How hard do you think it’ll be to get her to talk?”

  “She looks like a wimp, so I bet she’ll be begging to sing within a few minutes.”

  “That’s a shame… the last one we caught took days to break and I missed out on all the fun.”

  “I’ll let you do the honors then,” the second guy said with an evil little laugh.

  I flinched when I felt cold steel touch my cheek a moment later.

  “I recommend you stay as still as possible, since I don’t want to cut you… yet.”

  I felt him pull the sweater away from me, and he slowly began cutting it off my body. With the ease in which he shredded it, I suspected his knife was razor sharp and I took his warning to heart, staying completely still, other than the slight tremor of fear I couldn’t contain.

  My T-shirt was next, followed by my jeans. He didn’t bother removing the ankle restraints, and I felt the denim scraps pooled around my feet. My heart skipped a beat when I felt the cold blade between my breasts, but it was gone a second later, as was my bra. By the time he got to my panties, I was shaking in full-blown terror.

  “What do ya think?” guy number one asked.

  “Better than I expected… she’s one hot fucking babe, and she must be new to the business since I don’t see any track marks on her arms. I can see a few bruises on her ass, though, so I’m guessing she likes it rough.”

  “Well, being the upstanding gentlemen we are, we’ll have to accommodate her with that after we warm her up. What shall we use first?”

  “I saw some barbed wire outside… how about we whip her ass with that?”

  Barbed wire? Holy fucking shit, these guys were crazy!

  “Naw, I think she’s a prime piece of meat and if we tear her apart too badly, we won’t get as much money from Carlos when we sell her off.”

  “True… how about this old horse stuff then? We can cut a couple of good leather straps out of it.”

  “Perfect… gimme the long one for her tits and you take that short, fat part to beat her ass with.”

  The first blow took me by surprise and left a trail of fire across my breasts, followed immediately by a resounding slap on my ass by the guy with the wide strap. I howled into my gag at the unexpected pain, but only received laughter at my reaction.

  I don’t know how long they kept it up, but I was hanging limp from my wrists by the time they’d had enough and lowered me to the ground. I was in complete shock and couldn’t even move a muscle as they pulled me to the side and dumped me over a sawhorse.

  One of them held me down while the other removed my handcuffs and retied them to the legs, and then the process was repeated for my ankles. I was now firmly anchored over it with my legs spread wide and completely vulnerable to whatever was coming next.

  The worst part of it all was this was just a warm-up to them, and they hadn’t even asked me a single question yet. I thought this was going to be a long, bad night, but then a familiar odor wafted past my nose. It was the incredibly expensive Giorgio Armani custom cologne I knew so well, and the only thing Claude ever used.

  Relief flooded through me as I realized I hadn’t been diverted from his game by a dirty cop and his drug dealing cronies… this was the game! I wasn’t sure how they managed to change their voices enough to fool me, but without a doubt it was Claude in front of me, and most likely Billy with the second guy.

  Almost like someone flipped a switch inside me, my terror instantly switched to lust, and even with the narrow wood pressing cruelly into my stomach I began breathing easier. I felt a finger rudely slide into my pussy, followed immediately by a sharp, short laugh.

  “Look at how wet this slut is!” Billy exclaimed. “She really does like it rough.”

  “Maybe we’ll have to keep her for a week or two before selling her. I’ve got more wood than this old barn, and can’t decide which hole to take her in first.”

  “I’ll tell ya what… I want first crack at her ass, so if you take her snatch I’ll let you go first.”

  “It’s a deal,” Claude agreed, walking around behind me.

  I heard his fly unzip and his belt buckle clink when it hit the floor. A moment later I felt a pair of fingers penetrate me and piston in and out a few times before being withdrawn.

  “You’re right,” he said. “She’s wetter than a swamp down there. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s looking forward to getting it from a real man.”

  “I’m gonna go grab the beer cooler. Hurry up and get busy so I can get my turn.”

  “I’m way ahead of ya, buddy,” he said, positioning his cock at my folds and rubbing it up and down to coat his head with my natural lubricant.

  After teasing me with it a few times, he finally rammed it home in a single hard thrust that impaled me fully and completely. As he got serious about fucking me I became even more certain it was Claude. The size and feel of his cock, coupled with hi
s technique, was almost as good as a fingerprint to me, and I felt my heat begin to rise.

  I was now moaning almost non-stop into my gag, and that seemed to drive him even wilder, making him pick up the pace until he was thrusting hard enough to almost tip me over. He came with a roar that echoed through the barn, and finished a bare moment before I could cum myself.

  I heard him panting as he stepped away to make room for Billy, and it was mere seconds before I felt a cool stream of liquid being poured down my ass crack. He used his thumb to push some of the lube past my rosebud, adding a fresh stream every few seconds to make sure I was well and truly greased up for him.

  I felt his cock press against me insistently, but not overly hard, and I willed myself to relax. The head of his cock eventually popped past my sphincter and continued in until his full length was probing my colon.

  He went slower when he began fucking me, which I was grateful for since while his cock wasn’t as long as Claude’s, it was slightly fatter and he was stretching my asshole almost painfully. He only lasted a few minutes before filling me with his spunk, and I could feel some of it run out of my gaping hole and down my leg when he pulled out.

  I was panting myself now, close to an orgasm but unable to reach it. I heard the crack of two cans being opened, and assumed they were taking a beer break while their batteries recharged. I felt their bodies press against my legs a moment later; they were making themselves comfortable by using me as a backrest.

  They talked about baseball and stuff while drinking their beers, occasionally giving my ass a slap or rubbing my clit until I moaned, almost like this was an everyday occurrence for them. I guess it almost was, just in a different setting.

  I heard their empty cans bounce off the wall and figured break time was almost over. Sure enough, I felt more lube being poured over and worked into my ass, and wondered if Claude was going to take me back there this time. Nope… that was definitely Billy’s cock sliding in back there.

  He had me worked up again in no time at all, mostly assisted by Claude working his magic on my swollen and sensitive nubbin poking out from underneath its hood. This time when he came, he shoved a butt plug in place the moment he pulled his prick out. His seed would now be trapped inside of me for the foreseeable future.


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