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The Bound Lily

Page 26

by L. L. Chance

  Even though I was feeling sticky and icky under the latex, I skipped taking my shower so I could keep an eye on her, and logged into my website chat room to see what the viewer’s thought so far.

  The response was positively overwhelming, and the compliments were scrolling by so fast I could hardly read them. Several people, including Laste, wanted to know if my pyramid contraption was available for purchase, since it seemed like an almost limitlessly versatile bondage device.

  Several people wanted to know if I was available for private sessions, and a few of the elite asked if I could do some training on their own submissives. None of the compliments I’d received could hold a candle to being asked that from them, and I was positively glowing over how well things were going.

  By now Claire was being held just shy of her peak by the devious toy, and it was already driving her crazy with unfulfilled lust. I gave a detailed explanation of how well it worked, and I’m sure Laste got a ton of private messages from people wanting to buy one of their own after my enthusiastic endorsement.

  I chatted for almost two hours before I heard a car pull up, and went to make sure it was who I was expecting. I unlocked the door when I saw Donna and Barb step out, followed by their boyfriends. It was about time they finally got here, although letting Claire stew for the extra time would probably work out better in the end.

  I gave her a thumbs up to let her know the plan was still a go, and let them all in.

  “Hello,” Donna called out. “Lilith, are you home? You left the door unlocked.”

  She gave me a wink as she stepped by, and repeated her call.

  “I think I heard something from upstairs,” Barb said. “Let’s check it out.”

  The whole lot of us tromped up the stairs and into the loft where Claire was trying to look around in a panic, a useless gesture considering she couldn’t turn her head much and was blindfolded.

  “Well what do we have here?” Donna said, feigning surprise.

  “It looks like Lilith had a busy morning and forgot to put her toy away properly,” Barb replied.

  “Please help me,” Claire begged. “She left a vibrator running inside me that won’t let me cum. Please either turn it off or turn it up.”

  “I’m not sure it’s wise to mess with Lilith’s work, but maybe we can strike a deal.”

  “Anything, just please give me some relief!”

  “Anything, you say? Well, I must admit seeing you squirm is making me hot, so maybe there’s something you can do for us after all. What do you think everyone? If she can satisfy us all, maybe she can earn an orgasm.”

  “I’ll do it, but please hurry.”

  “I don’t know about hurrying,” Barb drawled. “Rushing kinda ruins the fun, and with how horny I’m feeling right now, it might take a few turns before I’d consider myself satisfied. When’s Lilith coming back?”

  “She’ll be gone all day, so I’ll do whatever it takes if you’ll just help me.”

  “Even the boys?”

  Claire paused for only a second before agreeing, her incredible horniness the only thing she cared about right now. Barb’s boyfriend Roger climbed onto the pyramid first, his cock already standing at attention from staring at Claire’s bound and gyrating form while the girls had been talking.

  He had to do most of the work, since Claire’s head was held too tightly in place. He didn’t seem to mind, though, since he came with a satisfying series of grunts a few minutes later. Barb took her turn next, followed by Steve and Donna.

  Claire started begging with some real passion after Donna came, but by then Barb was ready for a second round. I figured she wouldn’t know the difference by now, so Dana and I joined in on the fun, and it wasn’t until she’d serviced all us girls three times and each boy twice that we decided she’d had enough.

  “Ok, girlie,” Barb said while pulling her clothes back on. “I think you deserve a little treat after all your hard work.”

  “Thank you,” Claire panted, repeating it several times for good measure.

  “Now how does this computer program work?”

  “I don’t know, just turn it up!”

  “It looks more complicated than that, but maybe this override button will work.”

  Claire visibly jumped as the vibrator went to full speed, driving her over the edge in about three seconds. She began thrashing around hard enough to actually move the pyramid slightly, which was an impressive feat considering how much the thing weighed.

  “That did it!” Barb exclaimed. “We held up our end of the deal, but now we’ve got to run. We spent far too much time here already. Let’s go, everyone.”

  With the exception of Dana, we all stomped down the stairs again, ignoring her cries of ‘wait’ from behind us. As far as Claire knew, the vibrator would be running full blast inside her until I ‘returned’ in about eight hours. She started cumming for the second time before we even made it to the living room.

  When I sat back down at the laptop, I was amazed to see the number of viewers had tripled over the last two hours. My private message queue was also overloaded with more of the same stuff as earlier, as well as viewer requests for things they’d like to see me do to Claire.

  A lot of requests were completely over the top, but a few sounded fun, so I made notes for future reference. I was so busy trying to catch up that I lost track of time, and only a text from Dana reminded me about Claire’s predicament. It was five-o-clock now, so the orgasm express train had been running non-stop for a full hour.

  I quickly logged out and went to the door, slamming it louder than usual in case Claire was still coherent upstairs. Once again I made sure my heels clacked loudly across the floor as I strode across the loft floor and turned the toy down to five percent power.

  “It looks like Laste’s program has a glitch in it,” I absently commented. “You’re lucky the outdoor portion of the show got rained out or it would’ve been running like that for hours and hours.”

  I had Dana give her some water through a straw, which she did gradually to prevent Claire from trying to gorge. I gave her an hour to rest and recover while I pretended to forget about her. I threw a quick dinner together for Dana and I, giving Claire our leftover mac and cheese as a treat after she finished another one of those foul shakes. I figured she could use the carbs.

  Dana gave her another bio-break when we changed her position, and now she was sitting and leaning back against the pyramid with her legs held wide and her arms pulled backwards. It looked harsher than it really was, but I didn’t think she had much left in the way of reserves for anything too strenuous. We still had almost twenty-four hours left to go, so I gave her another hour to rest while I took my much needed shower.

  I emerged feeling clean and refreshed and found she’d nodded off while I was gone. I thought I would’ve lost a lot of viewers after so long without any action, but the numbers were even better than before.

  I saw my message log was full again, but had Dana try to answer as many as she could for me since I needed to get back into action. I was really glad she stepped up to take a more active role this weekend, since there was no way I could’ve handled everything by myself.

  I woke Claire up by giving her a dual tittie twister, holding it until she was begging me to stop and I was sure she was fully awake.

  “Now that I have your attention, I’d like to play another fun little game,” I said, kneeling on the floor in front of her and fondling her breasts.

  “Whatever pleases you, Mistress,” she replied.

  “Oh no, this is to please you, since you’re the one who paid so handsomely for this session. You get to choose what you want me to do. Just ask anything you want, and I’m at your service, although I’m feeling a little absentminded tonight and don’t think I remember what the word ‘stop’ means. If you get tired of what I’m doing, you’ll have to think of something else I might enjoy, or I’ll just keep going.”

  I thought the game was pretty self-explanatory, but sh
e looked a little confused so I decided to give her some examples.

  “Some of the things my feeble little mind can handle tonight are tickling, turning the vibrator on, whipping, caning, flogging… you get the picture. I’ll accommodate you as much as possible, but if I get bored, I may change things up a little.”

  I gave her a brief demonstration of each option as I rattled them off, leaving everything I might need on the floor beside her so I wouldn’t have to get up again. This was going to be another long scene, so I grabbed a fluffy pillow to sit on. No sense in both of us being uncomfortable.

  She hesitated so I decided to start things off with some tickling, thinking it’d be the option she’d choose the least, at least at first. She started bucking like a bronco from the moment my fingers attacked her sides and armpits, and immediately asked for the vibrator.

  I made her ask three times before I finally ‘heard’ her and stopped my assault. I had to get up to turn it on, an oversight on my part, but used it as an excuse to fetch a bottle of wine I had chilling downstairs. I poured us all a glass and sat at the computer to answer some of the queries Dana was unsure about, letting her give Claire some while I typed away.

  She begged for a change after her second orgasm, asking for the whip. It was a bold choice, since the single tail could be difficult to endure if I was in the right mood. I wanted to make each part last, though, so I simply rolled the chair over and picked up the whip, starting off nice and easy.

  I began at her breasts and worked my way down to the soles of her feet before going back up again. By the time I was back at her breasts I was up to my regular force, and a particularly nasty crack across her left nipple made her scream for the vibrator again.

  I waved my hand in Dana’s direction and she picked up the cue immediately, turning the toy back on. Claire must’ve been pretty sore and sensitive down there by now since she asked for the flogger the instant after she finished cumming.

  I didn’t feel like working over her whole body with the flogger, so I went in a triangle instead. Left breast, right breast, pussy… once again I started slow, but soon had the leather strands flying at a reckless pace. The pussy whipping made her think twice about asking for the vibrator again, and she reluctantly asked to be tickled instead.

  I attacked her knees and feet this time, leaving her completely breathless before I relented and accepted her request to change to the cane. It was the one I was really waiting for, since I had something extremely corny and fun in mind.

  I went behind her and sat on top of the pyramid, leaning over to get the angle I needed. I began tapping her breasts with it, giving her a good solid crack just outside the left nipple after she was nicely warmed up. I tapped for another minute before making a matching mark on the other side of her nipple, and then repeated the whole thing for her other breast.

  I climbed off the pyramid and went to the side where I started over on the first breast, placing a stripe both above and below the nipple this time. They were hard blows and I figured she’d probably ask for a change soon, so I struck twice more for the final marks I needed on the other breast.

  She was still howling when I dropped the cane and picked up my digital camera and took a close-up picture of my work. She was asking for the vibrator again, so I went over to the computer to accommodate her and transfer the picture I’d just taken.

  When I uploaded it to my website, I named it HASHTAG: BRUSIED TITS. I think I got about a dozen screens worth of ‘lol’ and ‘rofl’ comments from the people in chat. I was so pleased at how it worked out that I gave Claire a two hour break when she asked for her next change. Eighteen hours left.

  The Grand Finale

  Claire was the perfect example of ‘rode hard and put away wet’ when I bedded her down for the night, although there wasn’t a bed in sight for her. I left her tied to the pyramid. I programmed her toy for ten minutes of denial stimulation every hour and connected a fresh battery pack before lying down myself, leaving Dana to take first shift at watching over her.

  I felt much better after four hours of real sleep and Dana looked renewed after her turn, although Claire still looked wasted. We only had ten hours left now and I knew she’d make it to the end, but everything I’d done had taken its toll on her and I’d be willing to bet she’d sleep for at least a day straight once I finally released her.

  Other than what she’d requested for the grand finale, I didn’t have much of a plan for today. I wanted to highlight my rigging skills and some of the other toys in my collection, so Claire became my training dummy for the day.

  I bound, released, and rebound her two or three times an hour for the next six hours straight, until I think I had at least a pint of sweat trapped inside my latex suit and my muscles were screaming with the strain, but I endured and so did Claire. She obviously had it a lot tougher than I did, but being a good Domme sure ain’t easy.

  I took a dinner break to regain my strength and gave Claire another bottle as well, although she mainly just wanted water. Even after drawing dinner out as much as I could, I was a little ahead of schedule, so I told Dana to have some fun with her while I answered more messages.

  I felt rested again when my one hour warning sounded, and my hands were steady, so I got Dana’s attention and gave her the nod indicating our plan was a go. She nodded in return and went to fetch her equipment.

  While she prepared her stuff, I got Claire ready. The first thing I did was put the original inflatable gag back in place, pumping it up until my fingers couldn’t squeeze anymore. She obviously didn’t like it in the least, but didn’t have the energy left to fight it.

  Next was the heavy leather discipline helmet I’d been soaking in a pail of water all weekend. I pulled it as tight as possible with its wet rawhide laces and hung a hairdryer from a ceiling hook to help it dry while I continued restraining her.

  She was still sitting on the floor with her back to the pyramid, so other than pulling her legs back, I didn’t have to move her much. Once her legs were tied to the pyramid behind her, I put a wide waist belt around her and connected a line to the side rings, ratcheting it until she was bowed into a severe forward arch that looked almost like a kneeling hogtie.

  I ran cargo straps both above and below her breasts and pulled her chest back until she had absolutely zero wiggle room, and changed the hairdryer’s position to get the other side of her head. While waiting for the leather to dry, I added more straps and ropes, as well as tightening any slack that developed in the others, until she was completely and truly immobile.

  I gave her another double tittie twister to see how effective the gag and hood combo was, and was pleased to find she made less noise than a mouse fart. It was time to begin. I gestured Dana forward and she began cleaning all her exposed skin with disinfectant wipes.

  It left her tits stained with a darker color, but the contrast would be good. When Dana moved south, I began rubbing ice cubes over her nipples to make sure they were at maximum attention, but also to give her a tiny bit of numbness. I wasn’t completely heartless, I just wanted to appear that way.

  Dana reinserted the vibrator after her crotch was cleaned and turned it on full blast, while I picked up the waiting piercing needle. I only hesitated a moment before plunging it through her left nipple, leaving it halfway through and picking up the second needle.

  I stuck it through her other nipple and left it hanging there as well, wrapping my fingers around the protruding ends of both needles and giving them a slight twist. She was barely audible, but definitely howling at this point, so I released them and continued with the piercing properly.

  Two heavy gauge rings soon took their place, and I had Dana mash a magic wand over her pussy while I leaned close to her head. It was time for the grand finale mind-fuck.

  “This has been such an amazing weekend, I don’t want it to end,” I shouted into her ear. “We’ve talked about it and Dana agrees with me; we’re going to keep you as our permanent slave. As such, we’ve decided to fin
ish piercing you properly, so enjoy the incoming orgasm since it’ll be the last one you’ll be having for a few months while the labia, clit, and hood piercings heal.”

  I used a simple bamboo skewer to fake the dozen piercings down there, and she was definitely buying it. She struggled, she tried begging, and she even tried using her safe word, but I was relentless… or so she thought. I gave her one final orgasm when I ‘pierced’ her clit, and she actually passed out from it. We both rushed to release her, but I glanced up at the clock and was pleased to see the time was five fifty-nine. We were done.


  We laid Claire out on the bed and loosely tied her arms and legs to the ends to make sure she didn’t wake in a panic and do something to hurt herself. We decided to leave the catsuit on her for now, since it was certain she was quite the mess underneath it, but everything else was removed and put aside for later cleaning.

  I crawled in beside her and held her, but fell asleep myself within minutes. The loft was almost pitch black when her stirring woke me up, but enough light came through the door from the stairs to let me see her face. She still thought I was serious about keeping her!

  I gave her a big sloppy kiss and released her arms, telling her to go soak in the tub to work the kinks out. I left her to release her own legs while I got up to start the bath running, and wished I could’ve seen her face when she checked her pussy and found no piercings there. Oh well… nothing’s perfect.

  She elected to strip off the catsuit in the shower to prevent spoiling the tub water, and I helped her get it off, giving her a quick rinse before guiding her into the waiting hot water. Once she was settled I went and got a tray of food and drink together for both of us, crawling in behind her and feeding her myself while she soaked her aches and pains away.


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