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Travis - An Alluring Indulgence Novel

Page 43

by Edwards, Nicole

  “How ‘bout each other?”

  Nothing again.

  “That’s what I figured.”

  Travis bit his tongue to keep from making a snide remark. Although he didn’t appreciate Luke’s interference, especially right now, he still had to work with the guy in the future, and he knew that blowing up at him wasn’t in his best interest.

  “Ok, so I’ll give you an easier one,” Luke grinned and the smirk pissed Travis off more.

  “Why haven’t you told each other yet?”

  “Man, you’re seriously starting to piss me off,” Travis said, his voice barely heard above the clang of silverware against plates that echoed throughout.

  “Good. It means you’re alive,” he retorted.

  What the fuck was wrong with all these people today? Sawyer hadn’t said a single word to him which was worse than if he had. Then Braydon confronted him, offering up his unsolicited opinions. And now, Luke and Cole were sitting him down like he was a child and needed a lesson in how to make a relationship work.

  Travis was just about to give them both a piece of his mind when something caught his eyes. Or rather someone.


  Oh, God. She looked so beautiful, and she was coming toward them. Sierra was walking along beside her, her face expressionless. That’s when Travis noticed that Kylie had been – no, she was – crying. He pushed to his feet, sending his chair over backward and without thinking he walked right up to her and pulled her into his arms.

  “Oh, God, Travis. I’m so sorry,” Kylie sobbed against his chest.

  Travis pressed his lips against the top of her head as Gage walked around to his side. Without hesitating, Gage put his arms around her too. Kylie released one arm from around Travis and wrapped it around Gage, her face still buried in Travis’ shirt. She trembled as she cried, and Travis’ heart broke again.

  He met Sierra’s eyes over the top of Kylie’s head, and she gave him a small smile. This was the reason they were there. Luke, Cole, and Sierra had come down to help Kylie. Luke and Cole had been a distraction. The real conversation had been between the two women.

  When Kylie pulled back a couple of minutes later, wiping her eyes with the heels of her hands, she turned to face Sierra.

  “If you ever want to talk, call me. And I’m serious, you guys should come visit the new club. Anytime you want,” Sierra said as she hugged Kylie as though they were long lost friends.

  “Or better yet, hang out at the resort if it ever opens,” Luke joked.

  Travis mouthed a “Fuck you” to Luke and got a one finger salute in return.

  “Look, we do need to get back to Dallas,” Luke said as he pulled Sierra up against him.

  “Oh, and Gage, if you’re interested in a job, I know this resort who needs a security team. I heard that the owner was actually thinking about hiring an out of work cop to manage things for him.”

  Gage flipped his gaze to Travis’, his eyebrow going up in question.

  Hmmm. Did he fail to mention that to Gage?

  Travis and Luke had talked about Gage managing the resort shortly after they found out he was undercover. Since he was a friend of the family, Travis had wanted to bring him on if he was interested. He just never got around to discussing it yet.

  “Thanks, I’ll have to talk to the guy,” Gage told Cole as they shook hands.

  Luke slapped Travis on the back and leaned down close to his ear, “Whatever you do, don’t fuck this up.”

  Travis laughed. “Pot. Kettle, right?”

  “Damn straight.”

  Chapter Fifty


  After Luke, Cole and Sierra made their exit, the three of them stuck around long enough for Travis to drop cash on the table to cover the coffee and that was it.

  Now, as Gage stood on his front porch, he watched Kylie’s truck pull down the driveway with Travis at the wheel. Because they had all arrived at the diner in separate vehicles, and neither of them wanted Kylie to drive when she was so upset, Travis decided to leave his, and he called Kaleb and asked him to get it when he could.

  Gage felt a wave of déjà vu. Kylie was suddenly back in their lives after what felt like forever and a day, but had only been less than a week. The only difference now was Kylie was coming to see them on her own. For once, neither Travis nor Gage had interfered. And now Gage was ready to have that conversation they should’ve had before this all happened. The one that might’ve prevented any of the suffering that they’d had to go through to get here.

  Gage walked out to the truck and opened Kylie’s door for her, taking her hand in his as they headed into the air conditioned house. June was in full swing, and now that the storms weren’t blowing in cooler air, it was downright uncomfortable to be outside for more than a few minutes.

  Once inside, Gage led her to the living room and let her crawl up onto the couch. He watched as she kept her eyes down and curled her feet up beneath her. She looked so broken, and he had to fight the urge to want to pull her into her arms and tell her everything would be ok.

  As much as he wanted that to be the case, they still had to talk.

  “Need anything?” Travis asked Kylie, and when she shook her head, he sat on the couch beside her, but not too close.

  Gage sat down beside Travis. For some reason, he felt as though he needed to keep some distance between him and Kylie. She’d hurt him and the throbbing ache was still alive in his chest, even if seeing her was the closest he’d come to any sort of relief in several days.

  “For the record, we had no idea they were going to do that,” Travis told Kylie as he crossed one leg over the opposite knee and reclined back into the couch.

  “I know.”

  “Do you?” he asked, his temper rearing its ugly head.

  Kylie met his gaze head on. “I do. I talked to Sierra, and I think they did it because Zoey asked them to.” At the mention of Zoey’s name, Kylie looked at Gage, but he didn’t say anything.

  What could he say? It wasn’t like he could change the past, no matter what Kylie wanted.

  “I owe you an apology,” she told Gage. “I was so shocked to find out that you had been with her…” Her words died off.

  “We know this is new to you, Kylie,” Gage began, unsure where he was even going with this. “And maybe we should’ve told you that we had a history with this sort of thing. For me, because nothing I’ve ever experienced came even close to this,” he said as he waved his hand to encompass the three of them, “I didn’t even consider the subject relevant.”

  “So, it is different from when you were with her?” Kylie sounded surprised.

  Gage glanced between the Travis and Kylie. If he was going to lay it all on the line, now was his opportunity. He could tell them he loved them and be done with it. Whatever their reaction, he’d have to live with it.

  When he opened his mouth to speak, nothing came out.

  “It’s a lot different,” Travis said calmly, speaking directly to Kylie. “Like I told you before, until you, I had never loved anyone. And until Gage, I hadn’t loved anyone after you.”

  Gage was staring at Kylie as Travis spoke. When the last words came out, he jerked his head in Travis direction. Gage’s heart skipped a beat. Maybe two. He stared at Travis, replaying what he’d just said over in his mind, trying to figure out if he’d misinterpreted it. When Travis turned to meet his gaze, he knew he hadn’t.

  “I should have told you before,” Travis said, his voice low. “I’ve spent the last three days trying to come up with the way to say the words, but I chickened out.”

  Gage couldn’t say anything at all.

  “And I should’ve told you, too,” Kylie added. “Both of you.” She angled her body on the couch to face Travis more fully and said, “I loved you the very first day I met you. I spent ten years hoping I’d stop loving you. The day Gage took me to see you, I realized it hadn’t worked.”

  The room was so quiet, the only sound was the air coming through the vents from th
e air conditioner.

  “And Gage, I fell in love with you before you brought Travis back into my life. The day you came to my house, and we made love for the first time, I knew I’d never stop loving you. No matter how badly you hurt me.”

  “I’m sorry,” Gage said automatically.

  “I’m not,” Kylie added. “I didn’t like it at the time, but if you hadn’t dug around in Travis’ past and found me, we wouldn’t be here. And I don’t even know exactly where we are at this point, but I can tell you, I...” Kylie stopped as a sob tore from her chest.

  Gage wasn’t sure which one of them moved faster, but Gage was on one side of Kylie as Travis was moving up to her other side, their arms going around her.

  When she got herself under control, she started speaking again. “I don’t want a divorce,” she told Travis. “I don’t know how this works or even what’s legally acceptable, but I want to be married. To you both.”

  “Baby,” Travis whispered as he pulled her close.

  “Sierra said she had two husbands,” Kylie hiccupped as she buried her face in Travis’ shirt.

  “They aren’t legally married, but yes, there are some ways to go about it,” Travis replied, his eyes locked on Gage’s.

  As he sat there staring into pools of steel blue, Gage finally found the words he’d been searching for, and they fell from his lips although the rest of his body didn’t seem to be working. “I love you,” he whispered to Travis.

  He hadn’t thought Kylie could hear him, but she looked up at him just as Travis said, “I love you, too. And Kylie, I love you, baby.”

  Kylie held Gage’s stare for long seconds. The words were on the tip of his tongue and he had every intention of telling her, but he was holding back because he knew once they were out there… if she ever walked away again, he wasn’t going to survive it.

  She must’ve realized he was having a hard time because she moved closer, taking his hands in hers. “I’m sorry. I know you might not be able to trust me, but when I tell you that I love you, I want you to know that the only other person I’ve ever said that to is Travis. I don’t take the words lightly.”

  Gage slid his hand into Kylie’s hair, holding her so she continued to face him. “I trust you, Kylie. That’s never been the issue. I’ve just never realized I could love anyone as much as I love you and Travis. And truthfully, it just scares the shit out of me.”

  “I’ve always been told that a little fear is a good thing,” Kylie whispered as she leaned in to press her lips against his. “It means you’re alive.”


  Not in a million years did Travis ever believe he’d be here. The place, the people, the conversation. For so long, it’d been a dream and yet here they were, sitting in Gage’s living room, professing their love for one another. Copping to their fears and their mistakes.

  They weren’t lying in bed, bodies wrapped together and sharing the sweet words that seem so easy to speak in the heat of the moment. Not that he’d ever spoken the words that way either, but this was much more intimate than he ever expected.

  Too bad his true nature was kicking in because Travis’ cock was as hard as a baseball bat, and he was ready to strip them both and alternate fucking them both until they were screaming his name. He’d be more than willing to tell them he loved them a million times after the three of them came.

  His opportunity presented itself when Kylie kissed Gage, but as he moved closer, she pulled back. He waited, breathless and eager, and he wasn’t disappointed because Kylie leaned in again and this time Gage pulled her to him, cupping the back of her head as their mouths pressed together.

  Travis wasn’t sitting this one out, and he quickly got in on the action, moving up behind Kylie, lifting her so she was sitting on his thigh as they crushed her between them. Travis grabbed the backs of their heads and inserted his close enough so they had to break the kiss.

  “What are you doing?” Kylie giggled.

  Yeah, it probably looked a little ridiculous, but he had his reasons.

  “I’m planning to kiss you,” he explained. “Both of you, right now.”

  And that’s exactly what they did, the three of them shared a kiss hot enough to torch the place down. Maybe that was because they expressed their love for one another, or because they’d spent so many days apart. Travis didn’t care. He would put more effort into thinking about it once they were naked.

  He felt like he was high, his body not his own. He had been so overcome with anger and pain when Kylie left them that he had a hard time coping. He had just settled in to go back to the life he had been happy to shed and here he was again, the euphoric feeling returning in full force.

  Gage was the first to pull back. “This couch isn’t big enough for the three of us.”

  No. No, it certainly was not. Although, if they… Ok, no. It wasn’t the right place for them right now.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Travis pushed to his feet and held his hand out to Kylie. Before she could take it, Gage swept her up into his arms and headed toward the stairs.

  Travis didn’t stay still for long. They were almost to the second floor when Gage stopped suddenly, and Travis had to grab the railing to keep from slamming into him. “What the hell is the matter?”

  “We haven’t finished talking,” Gage said seriously, and Travis damn near rolled himself right down the stairs to ease his misery.

  “What else could we possibly have to talk about?”

  “Condoms,” Gage said.

  “Condoms?” Kylie and Travis asked at the exact same time.

  To Travis’ relief, Gage continued up the stairs but at a much slower pace. He stopped at the top, which left Travis still a couple of steps beneath him. “Yes, condoms. We need to talk about us using them.”

  “We always use condoms,” Travis reminded him. Had Gage fallen on his head lately?

  “Yes, we do. What if we didn’t?”

  Ok, now Travis feared he actually would fall down the stairs, so he pushed past Gage and Kylie and stood on level ground.

  “I’m on the pill,” Kylie said, squirming in Gage’s arms like she wanted him to put her down. “And besides the two of you, I’ve only ever had sex with two other people and we always used condoms, but I was still tested after both of them.”

  “I’ve never had unprotected sex,” Travis said as Gage put Kylie on her feet. As he waited for them to keep talking, he did his best to herd them toward the bedroom. “I’ve been tested routinely, including when I joined Club Destiny, but I’ll be glad to do it again and get you both a copy of the results.”

  Just as long as you’ll move your asses into the bedroom.

  “Same here,” Gage added, his smile growing as he stared back at Travis. “Going somewhere?”

  “Yes. To the damn bedroom. You know, the place with the bed. And the condoms we don’t want to use.”

  “I know the place well.”

  “Good, then lead the way.”

  “Impatient much?”

  “Ask me that question after I’ve got my dick buried in your ass,” Travis growled as he pressed Gage against the wall.

  That worked.

  Gage grabbed a fistful of Travis’ shirt and yanked him forward, their bodies slamming together. The kiss that ensued knocked the breath from his chest and Travis clung to Gage, desperate to feel his bare skin. He pulled his shirt free of his jeans and tore it over his head as Gage did the same. They were still in the hall, Kylie staring up at them both, her mouth hanging open as she fought for breath.

  God it was fucking hot that she got off on watching them.

  Without releasing one another, they managed to stumble into the bedroom and onto the bed. Travis was about to demand that Kylie take her clothes off, but she was one step ahead of them. Gage was the next one naked, and by the time Travis was stepping out of his jeans, Gage was crushing Kylie into the mattress, his mouth on hers.

  Her sweet moans filled the air, and Travis knew there wasn’t go
ing to be much foreplay. Then again, maybe they could consider the lovey dovey shit they’d done downstairs foreplay. Shit, it had damn sure turned him on.

  Before climbing on the bed with them, Travis reached for the lube and the condoms but stopped and glanced over at the bed. “Condoms or no condoms?”

  A unanimous “No condoms,” came from the bed and Travis dropped the box, but took the lube.

  He was anxious to be inside of Gage, having spent the last few days sleeping in the same bed, but never making love to him. Travis had needed to sleep, never wanting to get out of bed or open his eyes because at least in his dreams his world hadn’t been crumbling around him.

  Now that the sun was shining in his chest again, he was ready to make up for lost time.

  “Holy shit,” Gage said on a breath. He was blanketing Kylie completely, his cock sliding in between her legs. “Baby, fuck. You’re so damn hot.”

  Travis lubed up his cock, stroking slowly as he watched Gage begin to thrust gently. Long, deep strokes. Travis slid two slippery fingers inside Gage’s ass when he was buried deep inside of Kylie, and Gage’s answering groan urged him on.

  Every time Gage retreated from Kylie’s pussy, Travis slid his fingers in deep, twisting them in that perfect angle, pressing insistently against Gage’s prostate until the man was begging for more. He continued to massage Gage’s prostate as he fucked Kylie until she clamped her legs around Gage’s hips, holding him close to her body.

  When she began saying their names over and over, Travis relented. As slow as he could manage, Travis slid his cock deep in Gage’s ass, the heat of his body magnified without latex, and he held his breath, unable to go farther for fear he would come before he was ready.

  With sweat beading on his brow, Travis breathed deep, got himself under control and started to rock his hips, finding a rhythm that worked as Gage continued to push into Kylie harder.

  Oh, yeah. He could get used to this.

  “Fuck.” Dropping over Gage, Travis pressed his chest against his hard muscled back and pressed his lips to his shoulder. “As much as I want to be easy, I need to fuck you,” he whispered in Gage’s ear as he met Kylie’s glazed stare. She was hovering on the edge as it was.


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