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Salvation At Sunset (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 5)

Page 5

by Donalyn Maurer

  “Okay,” I mumble, looking into his eyes.

  Sarah appears at our side and grabs the binder, quickly returning Garrett’s card and receipt. Garrett signs and we head back to his truck.

  “I would have asked you to dinner but I’m working tonight. I have to be in at five o’clock, so unfortunately we don’t have much more time. Anything you want to do?” he asks.

  “Not really. I like just being with you,” I share as he opens the door to his truck and helps me in.

  “Same,” he agrees. He hops into his side and we head back to town.

  “I like being still with you,” I whisper and he glances over at me before swinging his eyes back to the road.

  “Yeah,” he agrees and reaches over and takes my hand.

  As we travel through New Braunfels, I spot a sign that gives me an idea.

  “Are you off any nights this weekend?” I ask.

  “Holloway’s isn’t open yet so I’m off most evenings. I’m only working this evening because I promised to help haul some stuff out of the back rooms. Allie is turning one into a break room and the other into her office. We’re moving the furniture in there to Chief’s house. He has a lot of war memorabilia displayed too. He left some things for Allie to show, but some he wants to pass down to his family so we’re pulling them down and carefully packing them up for the transfer. Most of the guys have day jobs so the only time we can get that stuff out is when they’re all off. We plan on doing the rest Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Why?”

  “Well, I’d like to take you on a date but you’re paying, I insist.” I giggle and he chuckles.

  “If you insist,” he faux moans in complaint.

  “I do, big boy,” I tease and he laughs.

  “Okay, then what are we doing on this date?” he probes.

  “Not telling. You show up at six o’clock, okay?” I chirp.

  “Yeah, okay. Sounds good.” He sounds skeptical, but that’s okay.

  We pull into the driveway and get out of the truck. We reach the front door and I unlock it and set my purse inside before turning back towards Garrett.

  “Friday. Six o’clock,” he mumbles his eyes on my lips.

  “Garrett, don’t look at my mouth that way,” I warn and back away.

  “Why?” His deep chuckle shakes my body to its core, causing it to come alive. When he quickly reaches out, snaking an arm around my waist, pulling me towards him, I squeal.

  “Garrett,” I warn breathlessly. “I ate fish.”

  Garrett bursts into laughter and buries his face in my neck. As he body shakes, I start laughing too.

  “So did I,” he mumbles and his lips kiss my neck.

  Oh my, that’s nice.

  “Garrett.” I shiver and wrap my arms around his back. As his lips travel up, I turn giving him better access causing him to groan in appreciation and my nails to dig into him. His only protection from their bite is his t-shirt.

  When he finally reaches my lips, they open willingly. Never satisfied I hold Garrett as close as possible. We kiss and kiss, his hands threading through my hair, his fingers tangling into the strands, holding me where he wants me. When a beeping starts, Garrett slowly ends our front porch make-out session.

  “What’s that?” I sigh, irritated.

  “My alarm. I have to go. Can I call you later?” he whispers while smoothing my hair from my face then pulling the phone from his pocket and switching off the alarm.

  “Yes, please.”

  “I will. As soon as I can.”

  "Okay,” I murmur still drunk on Garrett’s kisses.

  “Do me a favor?” He raises his eyebrows at the door.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll lock up tight,” I promise and reluctantly step inside and lock the screen door.

  “Soon.” He nods and I hurry to the living room window. I get there in time to watch Garrett get into his truck. He sees me in the window, smiles and waves then makes his way out of the driveway.

  I do a very embarrassing, silly happy dance as I head into my kitchen and grab water then plop down on my living room couch and flip on the television. I turn it to the home and garden channel and busy myself watching shows while planning my upcoming garden. My mind drifts back to Garrett often and I wonder what he likes. Does he have a favorite flower, plant or vegetable? I want to make him dinner and wonder briefly what his favorite meal is. I find every thought turns to what would Garrett like or want. I finally give up on trying to focus on anything specific, and turn on Sweet Home Alabama. I absolutely love this movie and even though I’ve seen it hundreds of times, this time is different. Garrett. I’m falling fast and hard for him. I warn myself to slow down but it’s too late. I feel it. I’m falling in love with him.

  The next few days go by painstaking slow. Even talking to Garrett every day isn’t enough. Filling my days at my parents shop doesn’t take away the want and need I feel. My mom, Skye, is the sweetest kindest woman on the planet. She is who I get my looks from. Both of us with long dark hair and butterscotch eyes. I’ve been hesitant to share Garrett with anyone, and at the same time, I want to share him with the world but mostly my mom.

  “Where are you?” My mom whispers from behind me, startling me. Her soft giggles make me smile.

  “I have a date tonight.” I finally share as she sits down next to me at one of the stools at our design counter.

  “You do?” She gasps softly. “Details,” she demands and scoots closer.

  “His name is Garrett. He’s works for Allie at Holloway’s. I met him when I went to drop off the shirts with Bella.” I smile.

  “That was a while back. Why haven’t you told me?” she inquires sadly.

  “Mom, with everything going on, I’ve been too terrified to say anything out loud. Worried someone would wake me from this dream,” I explain. “I wasn’t even sure if he’d like me the way I like him, which is a lot. Then I worried that Tad would pull something and he’d hightail it, not wanting anyone with a ton of drama attached.”

  “Did you tell him about Tad?” She tilts her head, studying me.

  “Actually, the first time he took me out, we went to the river walk and on the way my phone went off with text messages. He saw them,” I admit. “He read them.”

  “What did they say?” Her face becomes angry. “What did he say?” She narrows her eyes in concern.

  “The text messages said the usual.” My mother sighs deeply. “Its okay, Mom. It doesn’t hurt me. I know they’re not true,” I assure her.

  “What did Garrett say?” she asks cautiously.

  “He got real angry,” I whisper. “Said he was going to kick his ass,” I blurt out and my mom claps her hands in approval.

  “I like him already,” she gushes.

  “I know.” I smile. “And my God, you have to see him. He looks like a rock star,” I admit excitedly and grab her arms. “His eyes are the most amazing blue and his smile, Mom; I’ve never seen anything like it. He…” I blush when I realize I'm rambling on.

  “When do we get to meet this rock star?” she asks, just as excited as me.

  “Soon I hope,” I share. “I just want to make sure—sure...” I frown.

  “What’s wrong, Bella?”

  “I think he has some walls,” I tell her honestly as I think about him and not talking to or about his family.

  “Sweet Bella.” Mom smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Now she’s worried about me.

  “It’ll be okay. Tonight I’m taking him on a date,” I tell her and look at the clock on the wall. “He’s picking me up at six. Would you or Dad mind taking me home soon?” I probe cautiously knowing I haven’t been worth a darn all day.

  “Of course.” She stands from her stool and grabs her purse. “I’ll take you because I want to hear about this date. Let’s go tell your Dad. Say goodbye.” She gestures for me to grab my purse.

  I hop up with a smile, grab my purse and follow her to the back where my dad is working on an order.

  “Case,” she call
s and my dad looks up from the table. He smiles at both of us then heads over.

  “What are you two up too?” He grins and pulls mom to his side.

  “Bella has a date tonight and I’m taking her home now so she has time to get ready.” Mom rests her hand on his stomach in a calming gesture when Dad tenses. She’s obviously felt what I see on his face, a mixture of anger, concern and fear.

  “Dad, I met him at Holloway’s when I took over the order. Allie hired him as a bartender. I’ve been talking to him almost every day and I’ve been out with him a couple of times. I would have told you but I’ve been worried about things too. Mom can explain all that. I’m promising you though; I wouldn’t go out with him if there were any red flags. Noah and you told me to trust my instincts and I do. Garrett is a good guy.” I rush out and my Dad seems to relax a little.

  “I want to meet him,” my dad growls. “I want to see for myself,” he demands.

  “I just told Mom I’ll set something up soon.” I promise.

  “You tell your mom where you’re going. I want you to check in before you leave and while you’re out and when you’re home. Got it?” he gently demands.

  “Dad…” I begin to complain.

  “Bella, there’s no compromising. I can tag along on the date or you can do everything I just asked. It fair,” he warns.

  I think back to everything my family went through knowing I kept what happened with Tad from them and I nod, relenting. “It’s more than fair.” I whisper.

  On the drive home, I tell my mom what I've planned. I’m taking Garrett to the drive-in. She suggests that since the weather is so nice we sit outside, and I think that’s a great idea. We swing by my parents’ house to grab her and Dad’s awesome camping chairs. They’ll be perfect so I agree and thank her. After she drops me off, I lock the doors and rush upstairs and take a shower. As I’m doing my make-up I take a breath and the air feels crisp and fresh even though I’m indoors. My lungs have unseized and breathing is easy. I'm starting to feel like my old self again, and a large part of that is owed to Garrett and how he makes me feel.

  I dress in jeans and a long-sleeved, thin, soft brown sweater. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and head downstairs. I take the throw blankets I have hanging over the backs of the couches and fold them up neatly and put them next to my purse. When I hear a familiar humming of a vehicle I look out the front window and see Garrett’s truck in the driveway. I rush to the door, opening it and walk outside on the porch to wait. Garrett is coming up the path and when he sees me his face breaks out in a smile.

  “Hi,” I greet him, unable to stop my grin of happiness.

  “Hey,” he offers back as stops on the step in front of me making us lips to lips. I waste no time, leaning in and kissing him. He follows my lead and we sink into each other. After a heated kiss, we break and I walk back inside with him behind me.

  “You ready for our date?” I ask as I swing the strap of my purse on my shoulder and pick up the blankets.

  “I’ll get those,” he offers but I shake my head. “No. I need you to get those.” I point to the folding chairs behind him.

  “Sure.” He takes the two chairs and looks at me with a puzzled expression. “Where are you taking us?”

  “The drive-in.” I smile.

  “Really?” he asked surprised. “I didn’t know they had those anymore."

  “They do,” I assure him.

  We walk outside and I lock up. Garrett stores the chairs in the bed and we head off to New Braunfels.

  “What are we seeing?” he asks as we travel down the highway.

  “I thought about something scary so I could find an excuse to snuggle up against you,” I admit. “But that idea was flawed because as wonderful as that would be, I’d still have to go home alone and I don’t do well alone after scary movies.”

  “I’ll remember that,” Garrett teases.

  “Oh.” Realizing I just gave that away.

  “I’m teasing,” he chuckles.

  "The movie I picked is Guardians of The Galaxy. The second one.”

  “Really? Wow. I may let you plan all our dates,” he says in awe.

  “You approve then?”

  “Hell, yes.”

  “I’m glad. So tell me what you’ve been up to?” Even though we talk all the time, I still love to hear about Garrett’s days.

  “Nothing special going on. Still getting ready for Holloway’s opening. You?”

  “Well, um, I told my mom and dad about you,” I rush out worried of his reaction.

  Garrett coughs like he choking on something so I reach over and pat him on the back. “Are you okay? I mean don’t worry. You don’t have to meet them. I just… Well, I mean, they asked why I’d been so happy lately. You know, after Tad. Then I told them I was going on a date, and of course they became concerned, because of what happened, you know? I was just trying to ease their mind. I didn’t obligate you to anything.” I ramble finally realizing Garrett has taken the exit to the drive-in but pulled over to the side of the road. He clears his throat then calls my name. I'm unable to hide the tears in my eyes. “I’m so sorry,” I whisper, lowering my head. “Bella, baby, look at me,” Garrett whispers. It takes all I have to meet his eyes. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect that. Remember how I told you you’re my first date?” I nod. “I’ve never met anyone’s parents’ either.”

  “Oh,” I sniffle.

  “Bella, this,” he gestures between us. “I like it. I like it a lot. I want it to go on. Don’t get thrown by some of my reactions, okay? I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “Okay,” I murmur, still unsure.

  “I’m sorry. Do you still want to take my jackass self to the movies?” he jokes, and I give a shaky smile.


  Garrett leans across and gives me a soft gentle kiss before we make the last of the drive.

  We pull into an excellent spot, front and center. Garrett backs into the space so we can sit in the bed of his truck if we want. We make our way to the snack shack and load up on nachos, popcorn and drinks before heading back. About the time we set up the chairs the movie preshow starts. The chairs I borrowed from my mom are top of the line in comfort. They recline and have their own cup holders and side table to hold food. We settle in, but about a third into the movie a chilly breeze picks up so Garrett grabs the blankets and covers me while grabbing a lined flannel he had in his truck for himself. Another bit into the movie and the chilly wind is becoming too much. The patrons parked backwards begin loading up and turning their cars around. We do the same and settle back in to watch the rest of the movie from the warmth of Garrett’s truck. Garrett arranges a few things in the front seat and pulls me across to sit in his lap. Once we settle into a comfortable position, he covers us in the blanket. As I lay against him, my body becomes warm. Heat fills me like I’ve never felt before. I give up on the movie and rest my head on his shoulder, my nose against his neck. I breathe him in and wrap my arm around his shoulder. Garrett swallows hard and rests his head back against his headrest. When my nose accidentally touches his throat, my breathing picks up and so does his. I lay a soft gentle kiss on his chin as I run my hand from his shoulder up into his hair. He groans and his arm around my back tightens.

  “Garrett,” I whisper as I lay another kiss higher up, on his cheek.

  Garrett’s other hand gets busy doing something but I don’t know what until he pulls the blanket from us. He turns us and then my back is on the front seat. I stare up at him, expecting Garrett to be right on top of me but he’s not. He’s looming above with a hungry look that brings me to life.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he growls then comes down and attacks my mouth with his own.

  He holds himself just off my body until I open my legs for him to settle and when he does, our bodies rest hard against each other, and we both moan. Garrett’s lips are everywhere. I try to follow. I want to taste him too, but his hand wraps around my pony tail and stops me from doing anything
other than what he wants. He keeps kissing me as I struggle. Finally, I give up and submit to his control, and when I do he rewards me. His lips travel down my neck and his tongue tastes me. My body arches in response and I feel myself becoming not wet but drenched. With one hand he takes both of mine and rests them on the door handle above my head. With a squeeze he releases them. I stay completely still hoping for more rewards and he does not disappoint. He growls his approval and his hand travels down my body to the spot I need him the most.

  “Are you wet for me, baby?” he asks as he rises above me and looks down my body.

  “Yes,” I confess shamelessly.

  He looks out the window at the movie screen. “We don’t have much more time. Can’t do much here but I can make you come. Do you want that?” he asks as his fingers rest on the button of my jeans.

  “Yes, please.” I beg.

  He unbuttons the button then pulls down the zipper then raises my sweater enough that he can see my belly. He leans down and runs his warm tongue along my skin as his hand slides in to meet my need. When his fingers run along me, he groans. He spreads my wetness and inserts one, then two fingers. My hips rise to meet his fingers while I moan and grip the door handle. His head comes up from kissing my skin so he can watch me. “Yeah, baby. Take what you need,” he growls and leans down and kisses me. His fingers take turns between thrusting inside to circling me. I’m almost there and my hands begin to leave the arm rest to wrap around him when he stops in warning. “Trust me, baby?” I nod yes quickly. “Don’t move those hands. Just feel.” I nod again and place my hands back on the handle. Only then does his hand go back to taking me where I so desperately need. I whimper and moan, calling his name, trying to be quiet, but when his thumb gets into the action I call out his name loudly. Two fingers deep in me as his thumb circles me hard, I explode.

  “Garrett,” I cry out, and his pressure deepens to a point that I know I’ll be sore. My walls tighten around his finger as my body locks, my hands gripping the door handle even tighter as I try to get even more.


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