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Salvation At Sunset (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 5)

Page 14

by Donalyn Maurer

  “I talked to the guys that jumped me. Tad lied to them. Won’t go into everything they said Tad told them about the situation, but he did make you the bad guy. They agreed to make statements and testify him against him when the time comes. They seemed legitimately remorseful and they’re all pretty messed up too. I offered to drop the charges, but Sheriff Cullens told me it wasn’t up to me. I could talk to the judge at their hearing, but he’s sure they will get at the very least disturbing the peace. But they will be charged. They were being released as we left. Tad is still behind bars. His mom is sending in a lawyer. Not sure what’s going to happen, but the Sheriff did say he’s going to be released. Nothing any of them can do. He doesn't have a record and will be able to make bail.”

  “Maybe you should stay at Jack’s. I’ll go to my parent’s house. I don’t want anything else to happen to you.” Garrett looks down at me, not saying anything. I feel so guilty and that guilt only intensifies when he hisses as he turns more towards me.

  “Not going anywhere. If you want to stay at your parents, I’ll go with you. I’ll sleep in my truck outside the house if I have to, but I’m not leaving you.”

  “Listen, Sheriff Cullens said he’s going to keep Tad behind bars as long as possible. Deputies Walsh and Lopez we’re just getting off duty. They said they’re going to look out for the house and they also made calls to those on duty. They’ll be driving by all night. I’d rather you both stay with us but I think you’ll be safe here. Victoria is going to stay with mom and I and we’ll be five minutes away." Dad tells me.

  “I’m sleepy, Dad. I can’t keep my eyes open. If you think we’ll be safe here, that’s good.”

  “I do.”

  Before they leave, Victoria checks Garrett’s wrap, and then proceeds to get in an argument with him when she insists on him taking his medicine. He finally gives in, takes it, then she comes and check me over. She tells me it’s almost time for my next dose of medication and as soon she gets some ice for a compress for my cheek, she wants me to take it. Garrett’s face is already turning slack. His medication is kicking in so when Victoria gives me mine, I lay down next him on the bed. My mom gives me a kiss on the cheek and then reaches over and squeezes Garrett’s shoulder.

  “We’ll be back in the morning to check on you.” Dad promises.

  “I put both your phones by your bedside tables. Call me if you need anything.” Victoria says and walks over and grabs her purse.

  Garrett starts to stand and walk them out but my dad stops him.

  “Just rest.”

  Garrett clears his throat. “I don’t know what I can ever do to repay you all. Thank you so much.”

  “Get some rest.” My dad responds with a nod and Garrett nods back.

  I lay still and listen to them leave and then Garrett lays back down with me.

  “Shit!” I wake to Garrett cursing as he turns over and reaches across me for my phone that’s ringing.

  “Baby?” I murmur and stir as he lies back on the bed. “Who is it?”

  “Fuck.” He bolts from the bed, and groans as he answers the phone. “Raleigh?”

  I bolt up in bed too, and turn on the light. We both are still wearing the clothes we fell asleep in. Glancing at the clock, I notice it’s a little past one in the morning. I crawl out of bed and walk over to Garrett.

  “Slow down, Raleigh.” He’s trying to calm her. “What?” Garrett’s eyes fly to mine. “Did they see you?” He grabs his phone from the nightstand. “Where exactly are you?” He hands me his phone. “Baby, I’m sorry but can you please call your dad? We have to go now. My dad has her stashed away in a hotel in Houston with Hans.”

  I nod and urgently make the call. As soon as my dad answers I tell him. “Dad, Garrett needs you. Raleigh. Something has happened.”

  “Raleigh, stay where you are. Don’t answer the door, and I’ll call you back in about ten minutes. I’m coming. I promise.” he vows and hangs up.

  “Dad…” I start but my dad cuts me off.

  “Heading there now.”

  Garrett fills me in. “She’s in Houston. From what I gathered they were going to do to her what they were trying to do to your mom.”

  “Oh, my God.” Garrett lets out a loud, frustrated groan.

  “Honey,” I frown when I see he’s in pain.

  “I’m okay. Nothing more than what used to happen when I played football as a kid.” But I don’t believe him and he can see that. “Bella, I’m okay. It hurts, but I’m okay. How’s your cheek?” His eyes travel across my bruise.

  “It hurts, but its okay.” I toss his words back at him.

  I want to stay up with Garrett but he’s not having it. He has me resting and every so often I doze off. When I realize he was trying to take care of me, and the situation with Raleigh, I decide to give him a break. I relent and go upstairs and fake rest as he talks with my dad. Over the next couple of hours, I hear light knocks on the front door. I’m going out of my mind with the need to help and I’m about to go downstairs when Garrett and my dad walk in. Garrett’s holding a plate with crackers, cheese and grapes and a glass of water.

  “Your sister called and told me it was time for your next dose but to make sure you ate a little something first,” Garrett explains as he walks over and sets the plate and glass down on my nightstand. “How are you feeling?”

  I decide not to lie because it will only make his concern grow. “It hurts.” I scoot over to the edge of the bed and grab a grape.

  “Are you going to take your medication without a problem?” My dad questions as he stands next to Garrett. He cups the uninjured side of my face, and gently pulls me to face him. “Please?”

  “I need it, so yes I’ll take it.” I concede and quickly eat a cracker with cheese. “How’s it going down there?” I ask while taking a few sips of water. Garrett hands me a dose and I take without argument. “Listen, I’m fine. I’m going to rest.” And I’m not lying. I’m very sleepy and I’m sure this dose of medication is going to send me to sleep. “Just tell me how things are going?”

  “Good. Better than good thanks to your Dad.” Garrett looks at my dad and nods in gratitude.

  “I’m going back downstairs. I’ll let you to talk for a few. Love you sweetheart,” Dad says and kisses me on the crown of my head.

  “Love you too, Dad.” I whisper as I watch him leave the room.

  “How are you really?” Garrett asks.

  “I’m trying to hold my stubborn in,” I tease and Garrett smiles. “I really am tired. I may come down in a bit and rest on the couch but for now I’ll stay up here like you asked.” I lay back on the pillows and Garrett sits on the edge of the bed.

  “I just want you to get some rest. Let me do the worrying for a while.” Garrett reaches over and runs his fingers through my hair soothingly and my eyes droop.

  “Did my mom tell you to do this too,” I quiz and Garrett chuckles.

  “Yes.” He admits and I laugh. “Said it would put you right out.”

  I smile and look up at him. “I love you, Garrett.”

  “I love you too, Bella.” He whispers as my eyes drift close.

  I open my eyes and look around and my bedroom door is closed. I guess that medicine and Garrett’s touch did the trick. I turn over, look out the window and see its dawn. It’s not quite daylight, but the sun is coming up. I can hear faint voices coming from downstairs. Deep voices. Lots of deep voices.

  I get up and go through my morning routine in the bathroom and then dress. I know Garrett wants me to rest, and I did so I hope he’s okay with me coming down. I make my way to the door, down the hall then stairs. I jolt to a stop when I see lots of big men. My eyes scan the room and I see Blue and his brother, Johnny and their father Acer. Jesse, Jake, Chase and Nash are here and so is Patrick, Allie’s brother and their dad, Jack. Jaycee’s father, Stone and Jack are standing with my dad and Garrett. All over are maps. My house has just room turned into command central.

  My eyes travel to Garrett a
s he’s reaching for my phone that's hooked up and charging. As soon as he says hello our eyes meet. His level of anxiety has shot up since he first received the call, the weariness playing across his features. As soon as I get close enough, he pulls me to him. He hisses when I touch his side and I try to pull away but he won’t let me. I settle in close but try not to lean on him.

  “Raleigh, are you okay?” he questions his voice full of concern. “Okay, good.” A collective sigh goes through the room. “We were held up by the storm that hit. Traveled right up your way. It’s all but stopped. We’re clear to head out. We’ll hit the road in less than an hour.”

  When he says that, my body tenses. I’m worried for her. I’m worried for him. I'm worried for them. Garrett feels my reaction and he begins rubbing his hand up and down my back soothing me. I can’t help the sheen of tears that blur my vision.

  “I need you to stay in your room. Keep Hans close. We should be there before ten. Your checkout isn’t until eleven. No one should bother you, so don’t answer the door. Okay, honey, I’m coming for you. Sit tight.” His eyes close. “I love you too,” he whispers and then hangs up.

  “I have to go.” He caresses my cheek. “I want to stay here. I want to protect you in case something happens. I…” He’s torn and full of agony and that breaks my heart.

  “Garrett, go get Raleigh. I’ll be okay.” I lean up and give him a peck on the lips. “I’m going to go to my mom’s.”

  “No. You’re all going to stay here.” Stone barks, but its gentle and I nod in agreement because he really hasn’t given me a choice. “Callie is in Lubbock with Brock, Paige, Duke and Savannah visiting Abigail, Nick, Linc and Lina so at least we don’t have to worry about them."

  “I’ve talked to my buddies at the police and Sheriff’s department, and they’ll keep an eye on all of you. This is within their jurisdiction and they know the case.” Johnny adds.

  “Patrick is calling in his guys and they’re going to stay back with you too.” Jack finishes.

  “Go get her and bring her home.” I reach up and cup Garrett’s cheek. He nods and pulls me upstairs to the bedroom.

  “I’m so sorry, Bella. You’re hurt. I should stay.” He’s still worried.

  “Honey, you made a promise ten years ago to a little girl. Not following through has been one of the demons you’ve been fighting all this time. This is the only way to send it back to hell.”

  “She said my dad woke her up in the middle of the night. Snuck her and Hans out of house and drove her to Houston and checked her into a hotel. Told her to sic him on anyone that tried to gain entry to her room. She said Hans is on guard but he’s older. He’s not as strong. Plus, she’s never had to sic him on anyone. She’s not sure he’ll respond. I asked her what dad said and she told me that he wanted her to go, call me and for both of us to never look back. Said whatever happened not to ever come back to that town. He gave her money and then left. Went back to that hell.” He swallows down a lump in his throat. “If they know he got her out of there, and there’s a rally, he goes back? Bella, what they did to me will be nothing compared to what they’ll do to him. Maybe I shouldn’t care, but I do. Him getting Raleigh out of there, I owe him.”

  “I understand, honey. Go get you sister and father, bring them home.”

  All Garrett does is nod and pull me into a hug.

  Two San Antonio Police Officers, Deputy Walsh and Lopez along with Sheriff Cullens wearing guns and badges are in my living room. They’re staying back while the others head out.

  “Garrett, I’m not sure all this is necessary,” I point to the police.

  “I don’t have much time so let’s go in here.” We enter the parlor and he deposits me in his lap on the couch.

  “I need to tell you something.” I look into Garrett’s eyes and see he’s totally serious. He’s worried about me but needs to go. I’m not going to make it any more difficult.

  “Baby, just like we knew he would, Tad is in the process of being bailed out. Johnny found out earlier, while you were sleeping.” Even though I try not to react my body still jolts. He senses my fear and remorse fills his eyes. “I don’t think he’s stupid enough to try anything else once he’s out. Even if he does, he won’t get past the men out there. Since all of us are going, we felt it would be best to pull everyone together. I don’t know how far his reach goes and I fear he may come after anyone that he feels will help him get even, like hurting a loved one. We won’t have to worry for long because he won’t be free for long. He’s into some serious shit. Like really bad shit. He and his mom are being watched by several agencies. They’ve just been waiting for him to slip up. Sheriff Cullens was trying to hold him until agents arrived. If I didn’t think you were safe, I’d stay.”

  “Garrett, thank you. I love you. I love that you want to protect me. I’m sorry all this is hitting you at once. You think you’re bringing problems on me and I feel the same. I feel like I’m burdening you. You need your mind clear.” His jaw ticks.

  “Bella, do not ever call yourself a burden. I love you. Do you understand?” he growls.

  I see the truth in his eyes. He loves me like I love him. He doesn't feel I’m a burden as I don’t feel he’s one.

  “Okay, honey. I’ll be fine. I promise. Go.” I tell him and crawl off his lap and pull him up. “You need to go. She’s waiting.” I wrap my arms around his neck and go up on my tippy toes and give him a quick kiss.” When I pull back he nods and walks out to the others.

  My dad pulls me into a hug.

  “Bella, don’t worry. I’m going to take care of him. We have a small army with us and we're leaving you with another small army. We’ll be protected and so will all of you. This is all just a precaution.” he says and kisses my forehead. “I love you.”

  Sheriff Cullens walks to the room’s threshold and gives my dad and Garrett a look that has my dad going to him.

  “It’s personal for him too.” Garrett says in a low voice. “Somehow, Tad and his mom play into him getting shot. I don’t know the details though.”

  Leaving me stunned for a moment, I look at the sheriff and my dad. Garrett got my attention back when he takes my hand and pulls me with him and with a final kiss; he gives a small wave and leaves.

  Without saying a word all the women, who have arrived over the last few hours make their way to the window when rumbling can be heard. We all watch as our men on their cars and bikes pull from my driveway and onto the road and head towards the interstate. We stand until their car lights are out of sight. We stand there till the rumbles of the motorcycles can’t be heard.

  The women take seats around my living room and kitchen. Allie introduces me to Jenny, Patrick’s wife and Anna, Johnny and Blue’s Mom. The rest I know. We all have our phones in front of us in case we get a call. I have Garrett’s. He took mine since that’s the phone Raleigh has been calling on. Somehow she has been blocked from receiving calls from his phone. I sigh before starting to talk.

  “I guess you all know what’s going on by now.”

  “Acer told me what he knew.” Anna responds giving me an understanding smile.

  “Jesse and Johnny told Allie and me that Garrett has a sister that they had to go pick up. He said she was running from Divor. That was enough for me. I remember driving through there a couple of times with my grandparents and my grandpa talking about it. I know the back-story of the town.” Macie adds and frowns.

  “I think we all know. I’m so sorry that Garrett and his sister experienced even a day in that town. I just can’t imagine years.” Jaycee mewls and her eyes start tearing up.

  “Come here.” Allie pulls Jaycee into a hug. “It’s okay.”

  “It’s just that I feel so horrible for them. But also to think that someone could hurt or hate my Max simply because of the color of his skin. That hurts my heart. It makes me angry too.” Jaycee takes a deep breath and sniffles.

  My mom looks guilty and hangs her head. “No, Mom. Don’t you dare!” Victoria barks.

  “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Rollins. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Jaycee apologizes in a hurry.

  “It’s my family and they’ve caused so much pain.” My mom mutters and my heart breaks for her.

  “No Mom, we’re your family. Us!” I point to Victoria and me without hesitation.

  “Us too,” Jaycee adds.

  Anna, Allison, Tara, Violet and the others nod and reach out for her hand. We all pile our hands on top of each other and squeeze.

  “This is family.” Tara states.

  My mom sighs again. I can tell she’s touched but she still laced with guilt. “I never understood my parents or the people of that town. Never. Up until I was maybe ten years old I didn’t know what or how my parents really were. I mean I knew how they were but I didn’t understand what it was. I’ll never forget the day I realized the truth. We eating at the diner in town and a black family walked in. I’d only seen a black family once or twice and I’d never talked to anyone from another race that’s how closed off we were. The family that came in was a man and woman and they had a little girl with them about my age, I’m guessing they were her mom and dad. The girl and her mom started to the back area where the bathrooms were while the dad walked up the counter. I watched the pastor of our church stand up and block the area to the restrooms so they couldn’t get through. The entire diner had gone quiet. The Sheriff walked in the front door of the diner and straight to the man at the counter. I saw the fear on the woman and girl’s face. The girl, like me didn’t understand. I remember it all clear as day. It’s the day that changed my life.” She closes her eyes slightly and re-tells the memory.

  “You lost?” The Sheriff asks.

  “Um, no sir,” the man replies with a smile. A smile that slowly fades as he scans the diner and his eyes land on his wife and daughter.


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