Salvation At Sunset (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 5)

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Salvation At Sunset (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 5) Page 17

by Donalyn Maurer

  “This is my fault.” she cries into Nash’s chest.

  “Raleigh, this is not your fault. Stop it, sugar.” Nash tries consoling her.

  “Yes. If I would have left on my own. Just ran away, my dad would be okay. Garrett would be okay.”

  “That’s not true. Listen to me.” Nash orders softly.

  Nash pulls her face to his and she looks into his eyes, pleading for him to help her.

  “Something bad happened. There’s no denying that. But this is going to force change. You’re out of there. Garrett is out and now your dad is out. You can all start healing together. It’s going to be okay. Believe me.”

  “Okay.” she sobs but her voice still rings of doubt. I share her feeling. Will they really be able to come back from all of this?

  We are all quiet as we stand around waiting to hear any news. Sheriff Cullens walks in and immediately I go on guard. Something else has happened. I don’t know how much I can take. When he walks towards me, Victoria and my mom get up and stand next to me. Sheriff Cullens looks angry and his jaw is ticking. A soft knock on the front door has my attention. Deputies Walsh and Lopez enter and behind them are Captain Walters and Sergeant Taylor. I take shaky steps to the couch and sit and wait.

  “He got away.” Sheriff Cullens doesn’t sugar coat it. “His family was able to get him out of the country. His plane took off about an hour ago off a private strip off Stinson. We have his mom, sweetheart. And we’re going to get her to talk.” he tries reassuring me.

  All I do is nod but my all my thoughts go blank. He’s going to keep his promise. He’s going to come back and make me pay.

  “Bella, we’re not letting this go. It’s far from over. Most important is you’re okay. He can’t reach you. He’s gone. Doesn’t mean we’re not going to keep an eye out.”

  “I know.” I nod and attempt to smile.

  “Listen, I can’t tell you much, but I what I can tell you is this is much bigger than we all realized. He and his mom are wanted internationally. Wherever that plane lands, agencies are going to be on him. His photo is in every law enforcement office this side of the world, and it’s quickly making its way to the other side.” Sergeant Taylor adds.

  “What did he do?” I wonder knowing this can’t be because of what he did to me.

  “I’m not privy to all the details. I don’t know how or why but he’s wanted for questioning by many agencies. Not only him. There are others too. When he steps foot back on U.S. soil, he’ll be apprehended.” Sergeant Taylor looks at Captain Walters and he begins speaking. “We have Senator Kearny in custody and she’s being questioned as we speak.”

  “God, please tell me what else could go wrong?” I mumble to Heaven before I bury my face in my hands.

  “I’m sorry I brought this extra trouble on you.” Raleigh voice is full of shame as she sits next to me.

  I can’t let her think that so I take a deep breath and look over at her. I pull her hands to mine. “Raleigh, you are no trouble. Both of us have others that are bringing this on us. We didn’t ask for it.” I try to smile at her. “It’s all going to be okay.”

  “Okay.” She gives me smile back. Both our smiles not touching our eyes.

  Now all any of us can do is wait.

  Over the next little while everyone, with my encouragement and insistence starts slowly trickling out. With Tad out of the country, his mom in custody, and Garrett and Raleigh’s Dad out of Divor everyone is breathing a little easier. Me, until Garret gets home and I can see him with my own two eyes, touch him with my own two hands, my heart is going to feel like it’s in a vice grip.

  I’m lost in my thoughts when I hear a soft voice call my name. Raleigh is standing there holding her suitcase. My eyebrows draw together in confusion.

  “I just want to thank you for letting me stay here with you and your family and friends. It was real nice of you. When Garrett gets back, please tell him to call me. I want to see my dad. Maybe over time, I’d like to get together if that’s okay.”

  I’m still staring at her, wordlessly, confused. I understand she’s leaving, but why? A horn honking out front has me standing and walking to the door. Outside there's a cab along my curb.

  “What are you doing? Why are you leaving? Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to a hotel. Dad gave me some money.”

  “But why?” I turn when Nash and Johnny walk in the room.

  “Who’s honking?” Nash looks out the front door and spots the cab. His eyes go to Raleigh and her suitcase.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Nash growls at her.

  Johnny and I both jolt back on our heels when Raleigh drops her suitcase on the ground and narrows her eyes on Nash. She quickly closes the distance between the two of them and pokes Nash in the chest with her finger. She attempts to match his growl but it sounds more like a kitten purring. Still, I give her an A for effort. Johnny and I share a look and a grin before giving our attention back to Nash and Raleigh.

  “Stop talking to me that way, Nash! All day you’ve been growling at me. Stop!” She hisses.

  “Then what the hell are you doing?” He demands again...on another growl.

  “I’m leaving to go to a hotel.”

  Johnny barks out a laugh when Nash pulls out his wallet and pushes past us and walks out the front door to the curb. He pay's the cab driver and he takes off. Nash then stomps back up the front walk and stalks inside straight for Raleigh.

  “Why the hell would you leave? And leave without saying anything to anyone?”

  “Everyone is upset. I think it will be best if I don’t add to anyone’s stress. I don’t want to be an added burden.” she confesses and I realize this is partly my fault.

  “Raleigh, I’m sorry. I guess I just assumed you’d know that you’re staying here with me and Garrett. I mean Garrett doesn't officially live here, yet.” I walk over and stand in front of her. “This is your place too if you want.” I offer. “I have three extra bedrooms in this huge place. One is yours if you want it.”

  I watch her let out a huge sigh of relief. “Yes, please.”

  “Of course.” She looks between Johnny, Nash and I. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re fine.” Johnny says and gives her a one arm squeeze. Before he leaves the room, he barks out another laugh and calls out to the others. “Man, you’re not going to believe this. Nash has got it bad for…” Nash looks up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath trying to calm himself.

  Raleigh puts her hands on her hips and waits. He still hasn’t said anything, but now lowers his head and drops his eyes to the floor. Finally, she lets out an annoyed cough and Nash looks at her. When he sees her hands on her hip his stare narrows on her.

  “Nash?” I call out. “You okay?”

  I shake my head in disbelief when he just grunts and storms away. Raleigh's stare is narrowed on Nash’s retreating back.

  “Just a little girl.” he growls before he clears the room but Raleigh and I both hear him.

  She gasps and calls out to him. “I’m not a little girl, Nash!”

  He stops and twists around. “Yes you are.”

  “No, old man, I’m not.”

  “Watch it.” he warns.

  “Or what? You going to wobble over here and hit me with your cane or something? Can you even see that far with your old eyes?” she taunts.

  Nash fully turns towards her and Raleigh backs up against me. I can’t help it. I laugh as I wrap her up in my arms protectively, even though I know Nash would never hurt her.

  Before Nash can take another step, Jaycee and Johnny breeze by him in a fit of laughter and drag him with them out the back door.

  “Whoa. I probably shouldn’t do that again.” Raleigh mutters.

  “No. Probably not.” I can’t help but laugh.

  As soon as all the things happening to our families get straightened out, watching what happens between these two is going to be interesting. I smile and make my way back to the couch a
nd sit down.

  By nightfall, the only ones left at my house are Raleigh, my mom and Nash. Sheriff Cullens, Sergeant Lopez and Walsh are also here but outside. Patrol cars are stopping by every little while and checking in on us. Johnny and Patrick took everyone home and made sure they get settled, but plan on heading back. When my phone goes off, we all sit up eager to hear any news.


  “Hey, baby. How you holding up? How’s Raleigh doing?” Garrett’s voice sounds resigned and tired.

  “We’re all okay. How are you? How’s your dad?”

  “I heard about Tad getting away. I’m really sorry, Bella.” he responds ignoring my questions.

  “Garrett, how are you?” My eyes travel the room and I see my mom look down at her phone when it starts vibrating. She holds it so I can see it’s my dad calling. I nod at her and she stands and leaves the room with Victoria following.

  “I’m fine. Dad’s stable. We should be home in a couple of hours.” His voice is gravelly with fatigue.

  “What? How?” Knowing it’s at least a four-hour drive, and the condition his dad is in, being home that quickly seems impossible.

  “Oh, sorry, baby.” He tries to stifle a yawn. “Your dad, Jack and Stone all got on the phone and made some calls. Dad is being transferred to a hospital in San Antonio. Jesse and I are riding with him. Everyone else took off a little bit ago so they could meet us there.” he explains and my heart does a happy flip even though the circumstances are terrible.

  “How’s your dad holding up?” I glance at Raleigh and see she’s waiting anxiously.

  “He’s better than any of us thought he’d be. I’m told he can’t talk very well. He’s on some serious painkillers and has been asleep. Doctors say he’ll make a full recovery. Baby, all hell is about to break loose in Divor. Beaumont police crossed lines and came in with state police from Texas and Louisiana. They've arrested Divor’s entire police force. We told them everything we knew. Before we were done being questioned, a team of agents from the FBI showed up. Something else is going on. They have guards stationed at my dad’s hospital door. There’s talk of him possibly being flown to another facility but your dad is demanding they explain their reasons. More agents arrived and they’ve been in a meeting for the last hour. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, Bella.”

  “God, honey. That’s crazy. They’re not telling you anything?” I reach over and take Raleigh’s hand when I see her anxiety is rising.

  “No. Not yet. Oh shit. Baby, I’ll call you back. They just came out of their meeting.”

  “Garrett, what? Why? Where’s my dad?” I stand now anxious myself.

  “He’s coming down the hallway with Stone and Jack now. Baby, I’m sorry. I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”

  I flop back down on the couch and look at Raleigh.

  “The FBI is involved. I’m not sure what’s happening. Garrett is going to call back as soon as he finds something out.”

  “The FBI? I mean, I guess that would be a good thing right?” Raleigh asks.

  “I’m not sure but yeah, I would think so.”

  Sheriff Cullens walks back in with Deputies Lopez and Walsh.

  “We just got news.” Sheriff Cullen’s states and smiles. “Tad Kearny landed in Brazil at eleven p.m. our time. At eleven o’five p.m., he was taken into custody. Arrangements are being made now to extradite him back to the U.S. He and Senator Kearny are being charged with crimes against humanity.”

  “My God.” Now I know that’s not because of me.

  He comes forward and kneels in front of me. “I want you to know you’re safe now. I don’t want you to worry about anything else. We’re going to give you your space back.” He motions to the other officers. “But we’re going to be doing drive-by's until Garrett and the others get back.” He stands and hands me his card. “Call if you need anything.”

  I nod and finally let myself smile. “I will. Thank you.”

  “Thank God.” My mom cries.

  “That’s one less thing we have to worry about.” Victoria states, relief flooding from her.

  “I’m happy for you.” Raleigh shares.

  “Thank you. Now we can all concentrate on you, Garrett and your dad. We’ll get through this too.”

  Almost two hours later, Victoria, Raleigh, my mom and I along with the others stand in the waiting room of The Methodist Hospital waiting for the arrival of Bobby Cooper. When the others got news they decided to come support us even though I know they’re exhausted. I know Garrett will soon be within grasp, and that along with knowing Tad is behind bars in another country, and Bobby Cooper is going to make a full recovery has me almost jumping for joy.

  “There.” Johnny points to the night sky and red blinking lights appear, coming closer and closer. A black and white helicopter appears from the darkness. It makes a couple of turns before landing on the red tarmac with a white cross in the middle and the letter H inside that. As the blades slow, the doors open. Hospital staff immediately rushes forward and stand just outside the landing platform ready to accept the new patient. As soon as the blades completely stop, crew from the helicopter starts exiting. Along with help from the hospital staff a gurney is carefully brought out, the legs released and set on the ground. For a few moments, cords, wires and IV are straightened and then they all urgently move towards the hospital entrance. My eyes stay trained on the helicopter as I wait for Jesse and Garrett to step out. When a figure emerges, I know it’s my Garrett and I finally begin to breathe. Really breathe. Next is Jesse and behind him a few more men in suits. I briefly wonder if they’re FBI as I clasp Raleigh's hand. She's frantic and we could both us the extra support.

  “Raleigh, let’s go to the emergency room downstairs and wait. That’s probably our best bet.” She nods and we start for the elevators. Everyone takes our lead and follows us. When the elevator doors open on the lower level there stands Jesse, Garrett and the men from the helicopter. They’re talking to some doctors and there are a couple of police officers nearby standing guard.

  “Garrett.” I cry out.

  He's startled, but when he sees me, he visibly relaxes. I rush to him and he pulls me into a hug just for a moment before I step away; I know Raleigh needs him too.

  “Garrett?” she whimpers.

  I know they only saw each other briefly and didn’t get to talk so I step back to give them their much long overdue reunion.


  His glassy eyes are filled with remorse and begging for forgiveness. A silent apology waiting for acceptance stands between them.

  Garrett hesitantly reaches out for her and she speed walks to him and he pulls her into an embrace. He holds his baby sister as she sobs.

  I can’t help but cry as I hear both of them apologizing. Everyone in the room, even the men in suits seem touched by the reunion and gives them their moment.

  Eventually one of them men in suits steps forward. Before he can speak, the elevator doors open and Stone, Jack, Blue, Jake, Chase and my dad step out. They make their way over to us and my mom, Victoria I rush to hug my dad. Jaycee and Violet rush to Blue and Stone. Allison and Tara make their way to Jack along with Patrick and Jenny. After Jaycee and Violet hug Stone, they show Chase the same welcome home. Allison is now in Jesse’s arms; Blue is holding Jaycee and Chase are holding a tearful Victoria.

  “I’m sorry to break this up but we have some information and the doctor has an update.” the man in the suit says. “First off, I’m Agent Neil. I’m the Special Agent-in-charge. I’m going to let the doctor go first.”

  “I’m Doctor Maloney. I’ve been in contact with the doctors in Beaumont that originally assessed Mr. Cooper situation and injuries. I was able to do a very quick assessment of my own, and I concur with their prognosis. Mr. Cooper has bruising along his throat, and some tears to his larynx. I’ve been told he was found hanging.”

  Raleigh lets out a loud wail and starts sobbing. “They hung him? Oh, God. Daddy. I’m sorry. I’m
so sorry.” she sobs. Garrett tries to quiet her tiny wails but she just can’t settle down. Her cries are coming out in hiccups.

  The doctor’s face is full of regret. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’ll take her.” Nash offers. Before Garrett can argue Raleigh turns into Nash and holds him tight. Garrett’s eyebrows shoot up at this new revelation.

  I start to speak but Doctor Maloney begins explaining again. “My apologies. Would you like me to go on or should we maybe just have a few of you meet with me in private?”

  “No. Continue.” Garrett requests.

  The doctor looks at Raleigh with uncertainty but goes on.

  “The wounds on his back are serious, but they’ll heal. All of his injuries will heal. I was told he was given CPR?” Garrett and Jesse nod. “The Beaumont team did run an MRI and all brain activity appeared normal. When he starts coming around we will know more. As of right now I’d say just let his body, nature and God do their thing and heal him. I’m not going to lie to any of you and say that I’m not shocked and appalled by the information I received on how he received these injuries. I think those wounds will be the last to heal.” He shakes his head. “We’re moving him into a private room now. He can have visitors, but they’ll have to be approved by Agent Neil and his team before being allowed in. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.”

  “He’s really going to be okay?” Raleigh whimpers.

  “Yes. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shock you like that. From what I’m looking at now, he’ll make a full recovery.”

  When no one else asks anything, Doctor Neil nods and leaves, making his way behind the metal doors.

  Agent Neil steps forwards and takes a deep breath. “Maybe we should make our way to somewhere a little more private.” When a nurse walks by, he stops her and they talk in murmurs. He shows her his badge and she gestures for all of us to follow her. She guides us to a door and after Agent Neil checks it out, he gestures us all in. It’s an empty hospital room used for storing Victoria extra furniture. A couple of the agents arrange the chairs so a few of us can sit. When everyone is situated, the other agents stand guard at the door as Agent Neil proceeds to shock us all with the information he shares.


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