Salvation At Sunset (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 5)

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Salvation At Sunset (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 5) Page 18

by Donalyn Maurer

  “Almost fifteen years ago, Robert James Cooper walked into our bureau’s office in Baton Rouge. He came to us after he told us he did something he knew God would never forgive him for. His only hope was to expose the ring of hate in his town of Divor to ensure no other person would go through what he or his children had. He wasn’t looking for salvation. Maybe redemption. He didn’t hold back when he told us what he’d done or why.” The agent shakes his head. I feel hands on my shoulders and I look up to see Garrett standing behind me. I lift my hands and place them over his offering a small gesture to let him know I’m here with him.

  The agent grabs an empty chair and pulls it over and sits down.

  “Before I go on I have to confess that Bobby or as I call him, RJ has become a good friend to me. I saw him fighting so many demons. He’s a good man. He just needed help finding a way out of the hell he was born into. Even when he was offered a way out, he went back in. Just like last night.

  “He came to us to originally to confess to a crime he committed. We ended up working together. He went back to that godforsaken town time after time. He was to watch and report back with names and events. In trade, we kept an agent on his son and placed another agent undercover to keep an eye on his daughter. Years later, we kept him updated on his son’s whereabouts while serving in the military. I know this doesn’t answer all your questions, but RJ will have to be the one to do that. What I will tell you is that RJ is not a racist. He is not and never has been a Klan member. Also, Garrett, you may not believe this, and I won’t blame you if you don’t. Son, he loves you, and dammit he’s so proud of you. He was so proud of you the day he saw you had helped that man and he holds so much shame for what came after. He was trying to keep you alive.”

  Garrett’s fingers take on a death grip. He’s crushing my fingers. I pull them away and stand and see trails of tears streaming down his face. “Garrett!” I rush around the chair to him and hold him as tight as I can. Nash has Raleigh.

  “The rest is RJ’s to explain. Because of his involvement as an informant, guards will be kept on him while he’s incapacitated. When y'all got him out, saved his life, we went in right after and did a round up. Many out-of-state Klan members are in custody. This is what we’ve been waiting for. They were in custody of files we have a special interest in.”

  “Garrett, Raleigh, I do need to speak with you for a moment.” Agent Neil ushers them to the side and they talk softly. Whatever is said both Garrett and Raleigh look relieved. Garrett pulls her into a hug for a few seconds before releasing her.

  “Garrett and Raleigh Cooper?” A nurse asks from the doorway.

  “That’s us.” Garrett responds and he and Raleigh walk to her.

  “You father is awake. He’s asking for you. He can’t talk very well. Just whispers. If you follow me, I’ll take you to him.” She starts out the door with Raleigh on her heels.

  Garrett doesn't move. This is a huge step for him. He’s terrified. I move to his side in a silent show of support.

  “I never hated him. I don’t know what I feel but I never hated him.” He’s looking off in the distance. “Agent Neil told us they arrested my mom and grandfather. I’ll have to testify to what I saw. Both of them standing there watching him hang like they were watching dishes dry in the sink.” He shakes his head at the flashback.

  “It’s okay. You can go see or him or not. Either way, I think he’ll understand. You’ve hardly had time to process anything. But, Garrett, listen to me.” I shake his shoulder and he finally looks down at me. “Walking in there is not a promise of forgiveness. All it means is that you’re willing to see where this might go. It’s not a guarantee. He knows that. I’ll stand beside you whatever you decide.”

  Garrett leans down and kisses me softly on the cheek and then starts to follow Raleigh. It’s Raleigh who stops then. “Please. Can they go too? We need them. Please?” She gestures to Nash and me, pleading with the nurse to show compassion.

  The nurse looks at Raleigh, Nash, Garrett and me and nods. “Follow me.”

  Nash and Raleigh take the lead behind the nurse and Garrett again takes in the two of them, his jaw ticking. I reach out and take his hand and squeeze. He keeps his eyes on them but squeezes my hand back. When we reach the room, the nurse opens the door but stands back and lets us in. Raleigh wastes no time rushing to her father.

  “Dad?” she cries and rushes to his bedside. She stops briefly and her eyes travel across his body taking in his appearance. She carefully reaches down and touches his arm. He lifts it and cups her cheek, wiping away her tears. His neck is bandaged up and his eyes are bloodshot but other than that he has no visible injuries. My God, he looks just like Garrett only with a few streaks of gray in his hair. He has oxygen running through his nose and an IV in his arm.

  “Raleigh, please don’t cry.” His voice is a deep, soft rumble.

  “Okay, Dad.” She kisses his hand and he lays it back down on the bed.

  He winces as he turns his head. He glances at Nash, then me before his eyes stop on Garrett.

  Garrett swallows thickly but doesn't speak. His dad can’t take it. His body jerks in a sob, then another and another. He raises his hands and covers his face, as years of hurt, guilt and pain are released. He’s crying so hard he can’t contain the tears behind his hands. His cries and moans that he’s trying to hold back get to me and I start to cry. I look up at Garrett and he’s broken and lost. He’s not sure what to do.

  “Honey, do you want to go to him?”

  All Garrett does is nod.

  “Then go. It’s okay. No promises. Baby steps.” I stand back as Garrett takes a few steps forward until he reaches his dad’s bedside, opposite Raleigh.

  “Dad? Please stop. I’m here.” Garrett tries to soothe his crying. He touches his dad's arm, and Bobby grips Garrett and pulls him down; wrapping his arms around him and holding him tight. I don’t think he’s ever going to let go. Garrett seems shocked, but he slowly returns the embrace. Raleigh is watching them with her hands over her mouth. She tries to hold back all her emotion too.

  After a few more emotional minutes, Garrett’s dad releases him but only a little. He keeps hold of his arm and then cups his cheek much in the same way he did Raleigh.

  “Garrett, I’m so sorry. So so sorry.” His voice strained under his deep rumbles.

  “I know, Dad. It’s okay. It’s okay.” Garrett attempts to console his guilt.

  “I’m going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you let me.”

  Garrett cups his dad’s cheek. “Dad, do you love me?” he asks.

  “Yes. So much.”

  “That’s all I need. Just love me.”

  “It wasn’t enough before. I hurt you.”

  “Dad, those wounds healed a long time ago. The only wound that hasn’t healed is thinking you didn’t love or want me.”

  “Garrett, I love you. I always have. I’m so sorry I led you to believe different. But can you forgive me after it all?”

  “You protected Raleigh and because of you, that bitch mother of ours along with the devil we knew as our grandfather, are going to be put away for a long time. You paid any penance due. It’s time to move forward. You just need to get better for us to do that."

  Bobby takes a deep breath and nods. His eyes begin to drop closed but he hasn’t let go of Garrett’s hand. For the rest of the night, Garrett and Raleigh sit by their father’s side and keep vigil. I know it’s going to be a long road before they can be the family I can see they truly want to be, but I know it will happen.

  It’s been a few days since the night Raleigh came to us. Tad is still in custody. Apparently his family has hired lawyers to fight his extradition so now it’s just a waiting game to see what happens.

  Bobby Cooper was released from the hospital yesterday. Agent Neil consulted with Sheriff Cullens and other law enforcement and after they heard what he’d done to bring down the Klan they went out house hunting on his behalf. They secured him and Ralei
gh and house a few blocks over from us in the King Williams District. It’s also within the same neighborhood as a lot of SAPD and sheriff's deputies. It’s a beautiful home with a pool. It’s been suggested Robert James Cooper is being taken care of by the FBI. Garrett also said that his dad told him that their grandpa had put all properties in his name because if anything happened, he didn’t want the FBI to get their hands on it. Garratt said a little over a million dollars total was found in different accounts. With Raleigh and Garrett’s blessings he donated all monies to organizations that help fight hate crimes. Garrett told me Jaycee’s dad, Stone, offered his dad a job and as soon as he’s well enough he’ll go to work for McGinty’s Construction. The land and home back in Divor is up on the market. Garrett’s dad didn’t want one thing from the house. Not even his clothes.

  Jaycee and I along with the other girls went shopping for him and got him quite a few things. We may have gone overboard. All I know is when we walked to the counter at Cavender's the agent was mortified at the amount we had. Luckily, another worker came over and in no time we had everything bagged up and in the car.

  Agent Neil gave Raleigh a credit card and told her to furnish the house and get what they need. No limit. We spent time picking out furniture, Raleigh being cautious about what she spent. When Agent Neil found how little she purchased and what she’s picked out he cancelled the order and he went with her to pick things out. They now have a home full of extremely nice things. From furniture to dishes to towels, sheets to curtains. With the help of all the families, the house is ready for them. Now all they have to do is heal their hearts and they can be a family.

  A couple of nights ago, Garrett shared with me many things his dad had confessed to him and Raleigh.

  Garrett’s Dad, who we now refer to as RJ, told him that night in the woods all his worst fears came to pass. Garrett’s mom and grandpa used everything he loved against him over the years. When RJ married Jolene, at his father’s insistence, it was by using threats against his own wife, RJ’s mother. He knew he had to shut down emotionally. He couldn’t show love to anyone or anything in fear they’d use it against him.

  He confessed he never loved Jolene. Said she is more evil than his father. He told him after their grandma died he planned on leaving Jolene. He admitted although they didn’t have a traditional marriage based on love, he did have relations with their mom out of basic need. The day his mom died, he was packing to leave Jolene. She walked in and announced she was pregnant. He told Garrett inside he was torn. He wanted to leave but he couldn’t live with himself if he left an innocent baby in her clutches and no court in that town would give him custody. As time went on, Garrett was born. While he was growing up, he kept his emotions in check. He planned on running with Garrett a few times when he’d heard Jolene and his dad talk about Garrett and introducing him to the life of the Klan. Each time his dad found out and threatened him. Told him they’d find him no matter where he went, and it wouldn’t be him that would pay for his defiance, but Garrett. He knew the KKK was connected all over the country. He honestly feared for Garrett. He remembered being asleep in bed and hearing his dad’s voice coming from Garrett’s room. When he went out to see what was going on Jolene had Garrett dressed. Elijah told him they had business to tend to. He could come or stay, but Garrett was going. He’d get up and dress and go too. Garrett and him stood back and watched those cowards vandalize cars and homes, burn crosses in their yards, and their torment had no bounds. That first night he found Elijah with Garrett, he began recording dates, times and names.

  RJ explained he then began making different plans. He began feeling out law enforcement from other nearby towns. Everyone knew he was the son of the devil, Elijah Cooper so he was worried they wouldn’t listen to what he had to say but they did. He found a couple of men he trusted and they began pulling in more of their fellow officers. They had a network of local law enforcement netted around Divor. Everyone was just waiting for something big so when Elijah and the demons of that town made their move they’d be able to shut them down once and for all.

  It took longer than any of them realized. Then Jolene came up pregnant with Raleigh. He knew they’d use her as another weapon to get him to do their bidding. Said he never ever did what they wanted. He never understood why they kept him around. Elijah couldn’t handle that he’d had a son so weak that he couldn’t stand against the others trying to destroy their dream of a white America. He said his dad was delusional with hate.

  The night in the woods, Elijah Cooper told him he’d better punish Garrett for betraying them or he would. He threatened to call Jolene and have her punish Raleigh. Raleigh was only four years old. He knew it wasn’t an empty threat. He knew Jolene was waiting for Elijah’s word to hurt Raleigh. Elijah told RJ he had to pick Garrett or Raleigh. Said with every lash he died.

  His only hope was that he’d recognized the man in the car. He didn’t know his name but he knew he was friends with Rollin’s family. He also knew Case and Skye were visiting with their girls because he’d seen them in town eating at one of the diners. He shared that he was just trying to buy time hoping something, anything would happen. He prayed that man would call for help. He didn’t know if Elijah was really going to follow through was his threat to hang Garrett, but he knew he was going to have to fight like hell to get Garrett out of there if help didn’t come soon.

  He knew the Rollin’s knew firsthand how evil the Coopers were. Said what he didn’t know was that Case would be the one to return but God was he thankful he was. He’d heard that Case was one of the military’s top snipers. He'd prayed Case would end him. He felt the bullet ripping across his face and knew he had sweet salvation within his reach, even though he knew he was probably going to Hell. When his dad pushed them both to the ground it only took a moment for him to realize what a selfish act that was. He carried Garrett out of the woods and took him to the hospital. He almost kept driving but Jolene had Raleigh.

  That night, the Klan went back into hiding within the town. Everything they’d been waiting on to happen was set back. As soon as he got to the hospital he made calls. Everyone in the net set up a perimeter to stop anyone leaving the area looking suspicious but nothing came of it. He was too late.

  The next day, he went to the FBI and turned himself in and told them what he knew of the organization and that they needed to get Garrett and Raleigh out. It was when Kane, Agent Neil hit him with the realization that if he went to prison since there was no physical abuse by anyone other than himself the courts would find no reason to remove Garrett and Raleigh from Jolene. She’d get sole custody and he’d go to jail for child abuse and lose all his rights. Jolene and Elijah had set him up and now they had that over him too. That day RJ became an FBI informant. He knew the KKK had their hands in money laundering, drugs, among other things. Over the years, he gathered information and turned it over.

  He told Garrett he got a call from one of the police officers from the next town that had seen Garrett with the recruiter. That's how he'd known Garrett was leaving. He told Garrett he was so proud of him for joining but knew the reasons for leaving was because of him. The day he was in the yard with Hans and Raleigh, and she blurted out to Garrett he was showing him how to attack; he almost told Garrett the truth. He shared he was so proud of him when he came up with the idea of the dog for Raleigh. He trained Hans. But while Raleigh was at school, Hans went for training at Lightens law enforcement police dog unit. He admitted Hans is better than most police dogs.

  RJ also shared he knew the underlying reason he joined the Army was so that he could take of Raleigh. He thought Garrett would be back within a few months and he was prepared to let her leave with him. He said he was going to beg for forgiveness and pray they’d let him come too. He had already told Agent Neil that when that happened they’d need to step up the operation and make their move. What he didn’t plan, nor did Garrett or Raleigh, is for the military to keep him away so long. Then he’d heard what happened to Garrett and how
he left the military and all but gone underground. He knew he had to find him. Help him if he’d let him.

  The day Raleigh walked in on him with his hands around Jolene’s throat she’d told him she’d sold Raleigh to Bodean. He couldn’t believe it. He only stopped from ending her evil reign because he couldn’t bear Raleigh seeing him do something like that. He promised to get them out of the mess he had put them in. Finally admitting to Raleigh he wasn’t like the others were first time he took a real breath of air and felt hope.

  When Kane informed him Garrett’s social security number popped up on a background check requested by Allison Holloways they looked further into it. He couldn’t wait to tell Raleigh Garrett was back.

  Garrett then told RJ about trying to call Raleigh but couldn’t get through because his number was blocked. They had Kane look into it and later it was collected by an agent and taken to the lab. Not only was Garrett’s number blocked, there was a tracker on it. The tracker was FBI issued. Now Kane is busy looking into finding a mole.

  He had reached out to Kane to tell him the day had come, they were leaving. He told them they needed to make their move now. Kane told him they’d be moving in the night of the rally and to hand tight just a while longer. He went to tell Raleigh salvation was within their reach, but heard Jolene telling her that at the rally, Bodean would be moving up in ranks and she’d be leaving with him after so to pack a bag.

  Later that night he went to Raleigh’s room and she was crying and her bags were packed. He didn’t say a word. Just grabbed her bags and motioned for her to come. Once he got her settled in Houston, he told her to call Garrett. He had to go back in and do what he could to put an end to everything.


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