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Always and Forever [Decadent Delights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 16

by Shae Shannon

  Giselle worked her way through the bloody and violent crowd toward the guys. She fought carefully and strategically, herding the attackers out of their surrounding circle and grouping the men close to her. Her intentions had gone unnoticed, and the fighting continued. She caught a glimpse from her peripheral vision of a bleeding Aiden and her temper exploded. Her panther released a loud, shrilling scream before a blast of energy shot from her. It hurled outward, hitting the mob like a grenade. They fell to the ground, immobilized by the force of the blast waves she emitted. The group stared at their defeated opponents in disbelief. A few more rushed from the side woods, only to be met by bolts of electricity that shot from Giselle in flashes of blinding light, killing them instantly.

  Those that weren’t dead were injured and quickly gathered the bodies of their friends and fled. Brett morphed back into his human form. All eyes fell on her, who had shifted back as well and stood naked in front of them. Despite the fact that nudity was a normal occurrence for all shifters and most vampires, Aiden shielded her body in a protective gesture from the eyes of the guys. “Giselle! That was badass! You are a witchy kitty!” Chase’s enthusiasm lightened the mood and drew a few chuckles from the others.

  Brandon stood by her also and kissed her forehead. “You are one mean putty tat, love. That was hot!” He flashed his Colgate smile and wagged his brows in a sexy, playful taunt. “See, if you would have taken on the wolf form, you wouldn’t be half as lethal as you are as a panther. Panthers are stronger and more deadly than all of the other shifter breeds.” A shimmer of friskiness flashed across his violet eyes with the teasing banter he directed at Aiden.

  * * * *

  Aiden knew that Brandon’s comments were meant to tease in good fun, but he couldn’t help the jealous reaction he had. It killed him that Giselle wouldn’t connect with him in his wolf form, and instead she shared that special bond with Brandon. Even though it wasn’t her choice and happened by fate alone, it was hard for him to be the odd man out.

  An involuntary growl boiled out of Aiden, rippling from the tips of his toes. The group turned to stare, unaware as to what had infuriated him to that point when he hadn’t reacted that way against the mob of hunters that they had just taken on. Brandon turned to him immediately. “Hey, man, I was only joking with you. I think we both know that it is an even fight straight down the middle between us. Don’t go getting all huffy and puffy and end up blowing the damn house down.” He playfully nudged him in the ribs with a right elbow, attempting to simmer the threatening eruption that Aiden had become unexpectedly.

  Giselle stepped in between them, trapped in the alleyway of their muscular, brick-wall chests. She gently traced her palms down the contours of both men, sending a calming energy into them.

  She felt Aiden relax a fraction, but he radiated anxiety and sadness. She knew he was upset about her taking the panther shape and not his wolf. He had tried to mask his feelings, but even though he had been nothing short of supportive, she knew he was hurting inside. “Aiden, baby, don’t be upset. I love you and wanted this to wait until our wedding day, but I think I had better show you now. Step back.”

  Puzzlement twisted his features, but he stepped a couple steps backward at her request. Brandon moved also, but a small grin tugged at the corners of his mouth and a wicked gleam illuminated in the violet pools of his eyes. The others caught his “I know something you don’t know” attitude, but Aiden was too deep in thought to notice.

  Giselle stepped in the front of the group. She appeared unaware of the effect her milky curves and bouncing breasts were having on them. Brett and Chase nonchalantly averted their eyes, fidgeting with something on the ground. Blake and Gabriel showed appreciation of her full curvaceous figure but kept any other reactions contained. Aiden and Brandon all but drooled at her being on display in the cold winter snow.

  Giselle smiled at her mates, hoping that she could surprise Aiden. Her teeth had begun to chatter, and she refrained from the growing urge to shiver. Okay, showtime. All right, wolfie. It is time to show you off to Daddy. Are you ready? The massive chocolate wolf barreled to the front of her mind, yipping and chomping at the bit to break free. Her honey eyes danced with delight, and her tail wagged back and forth in a speedy blur. All right, girl. Let’s do this. I am freezing. The wolf leapt forward, blinding her sight, and caused her body to change and shift into her wolf.

  Aiden gasped. She was massive in size. Her chocolate coat was thick and long but as silky smooth as rabbit’s fur. Her huge honey eyes gleamed in the night. She was as magnificent in her animal forms as she was as a human. Her lush curves remained, giving her a sexy, foxy flair.

  Aiden’s mouth dropped open in shock. The others whooped and hollered in excitement and appreciation, yelping catcalls and barking at her. She walked over to Aiden and nuzzled his hand. He slid it down her soft coat, his eyes beaming with love and pride. “Giselle, love, you are magnificent. I have never known anyone to accept two animals that wasn’t a born shifter. Even then it is rare. You are so very special, and I love you forever and always, baby.” She licked his palm.

  “Brandon, did you know about this?” Aiden turned. He stood smirking and cocky with a huge, toothy grin spreading across his face.


  “So you knew all this time and still teased me, knew that it bothered me, and didn’t say anything?” His tone came out on the grumpy side.

  “Yep.” This time his grin somehow expanded wider.

  “How did you teach her when you are a panther? I know it has similarities, but there are more things that are different.”

  “Well, what I couldn’t figure out, I called in backup. You ain’t the only wolf around, ya know. She is a natural and didn’t need a whole hell of a lot of teaching. Lisa, Brett, and Chase all pitched in when needed. It was going to be a big revealing at our wedding. Way to pout and ruin that plan.” He walked over and slapped him on the shoulder, pulling him in for a man hug.

  His features softened, and it would be denied if mentioned, but glistening pools flooded his warm, emerald eyes. Giselle walked over to them both and shimmied her way in between them. She sat back on her haunches with her mouth agape and laughter reaching her eyes. They both embraced her, astounded at how strong and amazing their witchy-cat-dog was.

  * * * *

  The next two days flew by as preparations for their “small, intimate wedding ceremony” were finished. Giselle had been swept in different directions as all of the arrangements were made. Two things were impossible with this huge, inclusive, assorted family that were amalgamated together—the first being creating any get-together and the whole crew not showing up, and the second being that intimate meant loud, wild, crazy, and fun. Ironically, vampires and shifters that hadn’t showed up for the huge shindig double wedding of Chloe and Gabriel and Blake and Amy had arrived for the trio’s “small,” simple ceremony.

  The ballroom had been decorated elegantly with hints of mystic touches. Lilacs, orchids, and streaming satin ribbons were placed throughout the space, with black silk chairs and tablecloths. Tiny magical touches were scattered throughout, giving the room an enchanted feeling. Mossy logs had been brought in to line the front where the vows would take place. Tiny flowers added pops of color to the earthy elements. A large, magically produced waterfall flowed into a small pool behind them. The aisle that the bride would walk down had been covered with black silk and flower petals for her to walk on, and a canopy of woven branches with streaming ribbons and sparkling lights hung in festoons above.

  The room had filled to max capacity and turned to jam packed before the wedding party made their entrance. People were standing in any empty space available. Some even had taken an aerial spot and hovered from above the crowd.

  When the enchanting wedding march melody began to play, silence fell over the crowd. Aiden and Brandon stood at the altar, each dressed in matching black tuxedos with violet accents that defined their masculine build. They brought the phrase “drool worthy
” to a whole new level. The wedding party started making their way up the fairytale walkway. It was led by the little girls who were dressed in fairylike gowns, and the boys in crisp linen tunics and trousers. Lisa, who was on the arms of Brett and Chase, went next, followed by Chloe and Gabriel, and lastly Amy and Blake. Once they were all in position, Giselle emerged. She was stunning, with her long locks left to float over her shoulders in loose curls. Small sprigs of flowers and greenery randomly dotted through her silky mane. She wore a flowing gypsy skirt of multiple handkerchief-like strips of colored silk whisked in layers, giving her the illusion she was floating. Her top was simple and elegant, a cream peasant-style blouse with ribbons and embroidery adorning the cleavage-enhancing plunging neckline and arm cuffs.

  The ceremony was kept simple and as traditional as it could be with two grooms and a witch. After she kissed her grooms, her arms snaked in the air around her head to bring swirls of delicate colorful butterflies and flower petals to encircle them in peaceful tornado-like twisters.

  The following celebration rocked the mansion to epic heights. Man, woman, and child alike partied until dawn threatened to peak in the sky. The crowd began to die down and headed to the protection of their rooms or other sleeping arrangements after final congratulations and hugs were given to the bride and grooms.

  Brandon and Aiden politely guided Giselle through the guests and made their way back to their room in the mansion. Giselle’s breath was taken from her in a gasp of astonishment at the sight that met her.

  Her husbands had illuminated the room with hundreds of lit candles. She was taken aback at the romantic gesture and emotions flooded her senses. Both men embraced her in a cover of loving protection and showed her to the bed that was smothered in satin and fluffy pillows. It was there that for the first time of many to come, they wrapped her in romance and made passionate, euphoric, soul-deep love to her. They introduced her to a whole new type of pleasure, bringing her to the peak of orgasm over and over and over again without the rough and naughty ways that usually took place. It was a joining of hearts and souls, which carried into the next afternoon before they fell in a heap together of exhaustion and contentment. Before the shadowy depths of sleep encased them, Giselle whispered to her mates that were tangled around her loved, sore, and totally satisfied nakedness. “Thank you, my husbands, for the most perfect day of my existence. I am and will always be, madly, deeply, and passionately in love with you both for always and forever.”

  Both men kissed her deeply in response before they spoke in harmony, “Always and forever, my love.”

  Chapter 13

  Six months later…

  “Mommy! Mommy! Cody said I was stinky and ugly and looked like a pig!” The little redheaded girl dashed to Giselle’s side and wrapped up in her skirt. Her little ringlets bounced with every move, bringing a smile across Giselle’s glowing face.

  “She said that I was a dumb ol’ dog and when she got bigger she was gonna eat me!” Cody ran to her other side, staring up at her with tears streaming down his rosy cheeks. His blond hair waved in every direction, reflecting on the untamable spirit the lad carried. She ruffled his hair and wiped the tears from his plump cheeks. “Brookie, you need to be nice to your brother. He is younger than you, and someday when you need him most, he will be there to protect you from whatever evils the world throws at you. Cody, love, the same goes for you. Your sissy loves you. It hurts a girl’s feelings to be told they are ugly or stinky. Don’t forget that she will be able to shift into a huge grizzly bear and will be able to crush you. Your sister is beautiful, as you are, my son. Now, get up here and give me kisses.” She reached and smothered both kids with kisses all over their faces, bringing fits of giggles from the four- and five-year-olds.

  “Okay, guys, let’s leave Mommy alone. She needs to sit and prop her feet up before they swell up like balloons again. We don’t want that, do we?” Aiden’s tenderness with the tots touched something deep in Giselle’s heart.

  “No, sir.” A pouty Brookie untangled from the skirt and slipped her hand in Giselle’s.

  “What about you, son?”

  “No, sir. I don’t want her feetsies to be like her tummy again. One baby is enough. I don’t want her havin’ no feet babies. They would smell like toe jam forevers and stinky up my toys and room.”

  Aiden had to fake a cough to cover his chuckle at the adorable words. “All right, you two go pick up the toys in the front room and then go play in the yard until supper is ready.” He planted a kiss on both kids before affectionately swatting their rears as they raced off.

  “I ain’t picking up your dolls, Sissy. I don’t want cooties!” Cody’s sweet voice echoed as he dashed off into the house.

  “You didn’t mind touching them when you took them and made me catch you to get them back! You gotta help. Daddy said we both gotta pick them up!” Brookie rushed in after him, staying on his heels.

  Aiden scooped Giselle into his arms and carried her to the porch swing. The huge wraparound porch of their massive cabin-style home had a lot of built-in seating and tables for outdoor entertaining. The porch swing was positioned especially for her, giving her the view of the lake and the snowcapped mountains in the background. “Aiden Grey! Put me down! You are going to hurt yourself carrying my fat butt!” She squealed when he sat her down and motorboated her cleavage.

  “You are not fat, love, by any means. The plump swelling in your belly is the most beautiful thing in the world. You are glowing with our child, my love.”

  Tears drained from Giselle’s eyes and flowed down her cheeks in an emotional river. “Thank you, baby. That is the sweetest thing you have ever said.” She buried her face in his chest.

  “What did you do to her, dude? Don’t make me kick your ass for making her cry.” Brandon had joined them on the porch and took a seat on the other side of her. He wrapped his arms around her as well, making soothing, calming sounds.

  “It wasn’t Aiden, love. It’s these stinking hormones. I am sorry for being a crybaby. I just can’t help it.”

  “Don’t apologize, baby girl. Those hormones are molding and creating our bundle of joy.” Brandon’s loving words shook another round of cries from her chest. Both men snuggled her closer, providing the comfort she needed.

  When her cries subsided, she kissed each one passionately. “I love you both so much.”

  Aiden shifted to look her in the eye and said, “We love you more, pet, more than all of the stars in the sky, always and forever.”

  Brandon leaned in and kissed her long enough to spark desire in her. When he pulled away, he stayed a fraction of a hair from her and whispered on her lips, “Always and forever, minha rainha.”

  Aiden laced his fingers through hers, before asking, “Is it naptime for the littles yet? I think Mommy needs a nap with the daddies.” He wagged his eyebrows and grinned.

  “You two are horrible. No, it’s not time yet. In another hour they can go down for a short rest. If you are both good, maybe we can, too.” A glimmer of arousal lit up her eyes.

  “Aiden, in the meantime, I say we have a little fun and get her good and ready for naptime. Go get the goodie bag and the lube. I think she needs a plug in her ass, clamps on her nipples, and an egg in her cunt. I want her begging and dripping.”

  With a quick, wicked smile, he jumped up and rushed into the house, leaving Giselle’s jaw agape and her eyes bugged out of her head.




  Shae Shannon was born in California where she lived until the age of 13. Her family decided to uproot and move to a small town in Oklahoma. It was fate, Karma, or coincidence that had put both Shae and her future husband on the paths of destiny and love. She spotted him in the back of a pickup truck while cruising town, his hot sexiness capturing her attention and her heart. One introduction later and she knew that he was her soul mate. Dustin was also from California, and had grown up only 30 miles from

  After marriage, Dustin joined the Army. They spent 9 years in northern New York and 4 years in Georgia. He served 3 tours overseas, and numerous stateside training exercises. It was during the long, stressful, lonesome deployments that Shae found she could escape into imagination and majestically teleport into juicy books. Her most prized gift came in the form of a Kindle, sent from her husband in Iraq. She quickly filled her digital library, and adds to it every week.

  They are blessed with three kids ages 16, 10, and 5. Two dogs, a hamster, and a fish make for a chaotic crazy daily routine that Shae handles like a pro, and with a lot of humor.

  Needing to branch out more, Shae picked up her laptop and began to write, allowing her boisterous imagination to fly. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally created her first novel that soon became published by Siren Publishing. She was finally on the path of her dreams of becoming an author.

  Shae currently lives in northwest Arkansas where the tea is sweet, the grass is green, and people still say ma’am and thank you. Every summer, they load up the family and head for the lake for swimming and fishing. There is not a water park or swimming pool in the world that could ever compare to a rope swing and a floaty. The only thing that will change is that Shae will be scribbling and writing as she floats on the water and works on her tan.

  For all titles by Shae Shannon, please visit


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