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BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 50

by Raeden West

  Chapter 2

  A series of light snaps awoke Abigail, coming from a distance. The cave was far more illuminated now, as apparently morning had come. She rubbed her eyes awake, remembering what had happened in the forest last night.

  She walked cautiously into the light, listening closely for any bear growls or claw movements. Her instincts were telling her it was safe; that the bear had already taken off for the day. But years of living with a bunch of abusive assholes surely taught her one thing if nothing else. Quiet certainly doesn’t mean the coast is clear.

  She finally emerged from the deeper chamber of the cave, seeing nothing but sunlight shining from the morning sky. The bear had left, thank God. Just after deciding that the coast was clear she walked closer to the entrance, wondering where she was and what direction was back home.

  Home. Damn. I have no home. Wherever I am now is the only place I call home.

  She walked to the entrance door and did a double take.


  A man was standing just outside the cave, a dark haired White man with a good tan. He was young, probably not over twenty-three, and had a ripped body. Not that she was trying to check him out—the young lad was butt naked, having just come from a dip in a nearby pond. He squeezed his long hair dry and turned to Abigail, his dark brown eyes certainly taking her in but having no immediate reaction.

  “Oh!” she said, staring straight into the eye of the young man’s semi-erect penis.

  “Get a good look?” he said bitterly, as he turned around, showing her more of his beautiful tight bare ass. He grabbed a pair of shorts and put them on. He turned around, eyeing his captive and wiping off excess water from his slightly hairy chest.

  “Uhhh…” she looked around the cave, thoroughly confused. “Uh…”

  “Are you a Neanderthal?”


  “Well you’re not making a lot of human sounds right now. So I’m not sure what you are.”

  “I’m a human!” she said defensively, folding her arms and still trying to figure out what happened and where the hell she was. “Am I dreaming?”

  “No. Because I’m far too real to be a figment of your brain’s simple imagination.”

  “Well…where the hell am I?”

  “As far as I can tell, you’re in my home.”

  “You…you live in a cave?”

  “At present time. So the real question is, why are you here?”

  “I…I have no idea.”

  “I don’t know either. So I guess you should be going.”

  “Well…wait a second. I mean, who are you? What’s your name?”

  “My name’s Malleus. You?”


  “Ah. Okay. So…I guess you’ll be leaving now, Abigail.”

  “Why are you trying to get rid of me?”

  “Why are you trying to stall and see me naked?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, noticing Abigail was staring at his washboard abs.

  “Sorry…just confused. Because see…well…”

  “Well what? Why are you trespassing?”

  “I was kidnapped last night.”

  “You were kidnapped?”

  “I mean…I used to live down towards Woodville Road. But I ran away from home. Last night.”

  Malleus stared in curiosity.

  “And I ran into the woods. And then a wolf threatened me. And then…well, you’re going to think I sound crazy.”

  “Maybe,” Malleus said in suspicion.

  “A bear kidnapped me.”

  Malleus laughed heartily. “A bear kidnapped you?”


  “You know, usually when a bear attacks you, you either shoot him dead or he goes all Timothy Treadwell on you. I’ve never heard of a bear kidnapping someone. You have…a very inflated opinion of yourself, don’t you?”

  “I’m just telling the truth!” Abigail grouched. “That’s what happened. I was scared to death and waited in here.”

  “Why didn’t you just run away if you were scared for your life?”

  “Because he blocked the exit.”

  “Yeah, right,” Malleus said. “I think you just wanted to get nailed by a werebear.”

  Abigail flinched. “Why did you call it a werebear?”

  “That’s what you said.”

  “No, I said a bear. I didn’t even mention the fact that it was walking on two legs. What the hell do you know about it?”


  “No, you know something.”

  “Look, just get the hell out of here. This is my cave. I don’t have to waste any more time talking to you. Unless of course you want me to strip naked and we can start having some hot bear sex.”

  “Shut up,” she said, walking ahead of him and hoping to find her way back to town. But maybe the same old town was a mistake. Maybe trying to run back home was a mistake. After all, her stepfather and her mother had a lot of powerful friends around town. Would they really accept the words of a renegade daughter over the prominent Campos name?

  “Hey you, weirdo,” Abigail said, looking backwards. “Do you know the way into town?”

  “Uhh…yeah. Just go up that road. And keep heading right.”

  “That road?” she said, pointing to a trail that led only into deeper woods.

  “Yeah. Yeah, that one.”

  “You…really don’t know what you’re talking about, do you?”

  Malleus looked miffed. “I don’t know. You’re the one who was trespassing in my cave. I don’t really have all the answers. I’m not a fucking tour guide, okay?”

  “Fine. Geez, you don’t have to be such an fricking beast about it.”

  “Roar,” he said sarcastically.

  Abigail left him behind again, trying to walk up the trail to see if there were any roads besides just tall and unending acreage of woods. All she seemed to find where dead ends and glimpses into a huge maze of trees.

  “This is insane!” she said, loud enough to be heard by the angry fellow. “I was literally dragged out here into the middle of nowhere. How the fuck am I supposed to know what to do?”

  “Didn’t you ask yourself that before you ran away from home?” Malleus said turning to face her.

  “Well yeah…I just figured I’d…”

  “What? Run into the woods until you found a new town to start over again? You’re not that bright, are you?”

  Abigail broke down and started crying, turning around and hiding her face in her hands.

  Malleus stammered and winced, hating the sight of grief. “I didn’t mean it like that. Look, stop crying. I’ll try to help you find your way back.”

  Abigail turned around and stared at him, rubbing her tears away. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Well yes, I obviously do. I mean…just tell me what were you thinking coming out here in the middle of nowhere?”

  “I was thinking…” She shook her head. “I was thinking I hated my family. I hated my life. I was thinking…the woods were peaceful.”

  Malleus stared at her until she looked away, sending her eyes to the hard ground beneath her feet.

  “You…weren’t planning on leaving the woods, were you?”

  Abigail answered him by looking towards the ground and flinching away her thoughts.

  Malleus thought it over and shut his eyes but reopened them with a new outlook. “Well, your planning skills are lacking. Because if you want to live in the woods, first you have to find shelter. Then you have to find resources.”

  “But…I didn’t…what I was saying was…”

  “Just listen up,” Malleus said, raising his arm and commanding attention. “Living out in the wilderness is not impossible. It just takes planning and it takes strategy. First, you think about essentials. Utilities like rope, knives and nets. You need a firearm. You need a flashlight, flares, duct tape can’t hurt…”

  “I…I don’t have any of that. I just ran away from home with all I had on. I gave this no thought at

  Malleus sighed. “Fine. Look, you can stay with me for just a few days. But eventually, you’re going to want to go back to civilization, okay?”

  “What do you eat and drink?”

  “Well, meat. Some vegetables and plant food, but yeah mostly a carnivore. You’re not an herbivore, are you?”

  “An herbivore? You mean a vegetarian?”

  “Yeah, that.”


  “Good. So you’ll have no complaints in what I serve you. I’m not running a restaurant here.”

  “So…what do you do out here in the wilderness?”

  Malleus sat down against a hard cave wall and started carving his pocket knife with a rock. “What did you do in your old home?”

  “I don’t know. Just sat around. Thought about how much I wanted to leave.”

  “That’s all anybody does. They sit around and mope. They bitch about their lives and then they cry about it and break things and scream about how the world sucks. That’s just life. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s in the wilderness or in the city.”

  “That’s a pretty bleak outlook on life.”

  “Well, it’s the truth.”

  “What about you? Why are you here? Did you run away from home?”

  “I’ve never had a home,” Malleus said vengefully.

  “So what, you were just born here? Raised by wolves?”

  “Yeah raised by bears.”

  “And yet somehow you speak English. Impressive.”

  “Yeah my bear parents were kick ass.”

  “I guess so,” Abigail said, staring at him in deep thought.

  “So where are you going to go when I take you back into town?”

  “I don’t know. The bus station I guess. Although…I don’t have any money.”

  “Well, you can’t stay here. I’m not a fucking homeless shelter.”

  “I know,” Abigail snarked back. “You’re a lone wolf, right?”

  “Yeah something like that.”

  “Or is the correct expression a lone bear?”

  Malleus caught Abigail staring at him, implying something or another. “As far as you know, I’m a fucking monster, okay? I could be a rapist or a serial killer. So trust me when I tell you, you’re not safe staying with me. I’m doing you a favor by getting you back to town with a normal human family.”

  “I don’t have any family. They’re dead to me.”

  “Oh boo hoo,” Malleus griped. “What, because daddy didn’t buy you a pony? Because your first car was returned to the lot? Get real. Your family may be retarded but they’re the best thing you have in this world.”

  “Then I don’t want to be in this world!” Abigail said, standing up and making two fists. “Do you know what it’s like Malleus to be beaten by your stepfather? To have your mother constantly make excuses for him…and then for her to start taking her grief out on you? To have a psycho bastard of a father and a complete mental case for a mother? Do you know what that’s like?”

  Malleus stared into Abigail’s fiery eyes and remained silent.

  “I didn’t think so.”

  Abigail stormed away, ready to find her own cave and start tearing her food to pieces without anyone’s help.

  “Hey!” Malleus said.


  “If you want to take a bath there’s a pond about thirty feet to your left.”


  “It’s up to you. I don’t care. But if you don’t, you know, you might attract vultures or something.”

  “Jerko,” Abigail said with a sneer.

  Malleus half-smiled and walked back into his cave.


  Abigail did find the pond and took a long cold bath, washing her body and replenishing her mind of all bad memories. It was one of the best baths she ever had, even better than the time she got to stay in a hotel room with her childhood friend. It was independent. Free. Safe. Even the animals she saw a distance away, seemed to silently respect her boundaries.

  The only thing she wasn’t sure about was how to dry her clothes. She dumped her shirt, shorts and underwear into the pond after she was done bathing, but they weren’t drying too well not even in the sun. She carried her soaked clothes back towards the cave, holding them in front of her womanly bits.

  “Malleus?” she said loudly approaching the cave but stopping short of the entrance by several yards. “Hello?”

  “What?” his voice replied from inside the cave.

  “I’m naked?”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “But don’t come out here!”

  “Then why are you telling me?”

  “Because…I was wondering if you had any spare sets of clothes.”


  “I want to let mine dry.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Just a minute.”

  Malleus came out of the cave holding a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. Still underdressed. Still hulking around with those big muscles and those shredded pants. “Now I got to do two sets of laundry to get rid of all your girl germs.”

  “Very funny.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at Malleus, admiring his chiseled body and the way it glistened in the sun.

  “What was that look?”

  “Nothing. Now can you please turn around while I get dressed?”

  He laughed as he turned around. “You people in the city…so uptight about all that shit. Makes no sense to us. In the wild. Everyone’s naked. Everyone’s exposed. Clothes are just part of our protection. Our winter coat, that’s all.”

  “Well, I’m new to the jungle way of life,” she said jumping into the jeans and then quickly stuffing on the shirt.

  “You get used to it. Behold.”

  Malleus smiled and dropped his pants, exposing not only his divine muscles but also his large cock, still only half-erect, along with a thin trail of pubic hair.

  “Oh!” Abigail said, hiding her eyes.

  “See? No big deal. In the wild, there’s no shame in being in your natural state. No one to judge you or control you. Just surviving. Just living. And just enjoying the fucking thrill that is life.”

  “Uh huh…” she said, still covering her eyes and trying not to look.

  Malleus laughed her shyness away. “Hey look at me.”


  “Look at me. Not down there,” he said with a grin. “Look at my face.”

  She looked into her eyes and felt a thrill. His eyes were sizzling and strong, his smile so intensely communicative. He literally felt like a human animal, an evolved specimen that didn’t need anybody and answered to no one.


  “Rule number one, whether you’re living in the city or the wild. Don’t ever be ashamed of who you are. Whatever happened, it turned you into the animal you are now. The strong and ferocious beast you must be to survive whatever comes today. Leave all the past behind you. You’re better than that.”

  She smiled, a bit bashfully. It might have been a more tender moment had his large dick not been flopping around. Malleus was indeed unlike any other man she had ever met. He seemed literally wild, a man oblivious to social norms.

  “I’ll be in the cave if you need me,” he said, walking back inside.

  Abigail looked around the cave, unsure of what to do or where to go. She was freshly washed, restless and clueless as to where to go next. All she really felt was an attraction to her new survivalist best friend. A monster of a man who, as it turned out, really had a gentler side to him. She hesitated, looking back and forth, and doing exactly what he suggested—expunging the past from her mind. Embracing the jungle of today.

  And all she really felt at that moment, was a strong desire to talk to Malleus again. He made her feel safe. Comfortable. Free and unashamed. She walked into the cave until she found him, resting against a stone wall. She caught him off guard and so he stood up quickly…until she realized she didn’t have anything bratty or needy to say. She just stared at him, admirin
g his body and letting herself feel every new sensation.

  “Abigail,” he said walking closer, still nude and emanating calm energy with every deep but silent breath he took.

  “Mm, hello.”

  “Why did you come in here?”

  “I dunno.”

  “Come here,” he said strongly, extending his hand and inviting her closer.

  She hesitated for a moment until his eyes enthralled her, calling her closer to his manly frame. She walked slowly towards him, shyly at first, step by step until she waited in front of his face.

  “Don’t be afraid,” he said, stroking her face with his big hands. He reached over and kissed her, as tenderly as her first boyfriend, but with a stronger, dominant power in his caress. His lips were thick and hungry. He didn’t kiss romantically but intensely, as if his entire being, all of his desire, were in his burning lips. He let go of her kiss and put his hands through her hair.

  As if sensing her almost-virginal longing, he told her what he wanted and what she wanted to hear. “Kiss my body. Taste me.”

  He guided her head to his chest, welcoming her face into his body, kissing a trail down from his middle chest to his firm stomach. She kissed lower, below his belly and his hips, still a little nervous to touch his most intimidating appendage.

  “Touch it with your hands. Feel my cock get big in your hands.”

  “Huhhh…” she sighed, gripping his ten-inch dick with both hands, barely squeezing the shaft with one and gently touching his tight cockhead with the other.

  “Take these off,” he said, reaching down and pulling the t-shirt arms above her head. He raised it over her hands and then through it to the ground below. He caressed her voluptuous bare breasts and then rubbed his hands across her shoulder and down to her belly.

  He guided her up to a standing position and pushed her against the wall, pinning her hands roughly to the stone. He kissed her breasts fervently, suckling each morsel of flesh and tasting her delicious skin. He sucked her nipples hard, leaving each one stiffened as he popped it out of his mouth. He grabbed her breasts firmly and lowered himself, squeezing her ribs and then caressing her curves down to her hips. He tore at her jeans, eager to taste her intimacy. She loved the feeling of roughhousing the loops, cramming the button through the hole and unzipping her with a fury.

  “You were right…it was no sense putting them on…” she said, biting her finger and giggling. But her smile quickly turned into an open-mouthed groan, as he placed his soft lips right on his pubic hair kissing her tender spot right above her mound.


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