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Execution (2020 Ed)

Page 21

by Lucia Franco

  My pussy pulsated as the orgasm climbed higher. A faint sound echoed in the distance but I couldn't focus on it, not while his fingers were playing with my ass. I didn't want him to stop, I wanted us to come together, and I wanted us to come hard. I wanted to feel him shoot his load inside me, feel it seep out, feel him throb, and watch his face as he experienced sheer bliss with me.

  I locked eyes with Kova, his face was flushed, like I knew mine was. His lips were swollen and his eyes were lost in a dark cave of desire. I licked my fingers, and he watched as I brought them to my clit and rubbed. I widened my hips and wiggled my ass on his fingers, whispering for more as his eyes stayed fixated on my hand. He pushed just enough for the tip of his finger to enter my ass.

  It was all too much and I wasn't prepared for the euphoria that shot through me.

  I cried out. Tears fell from my eyes. I'd never had an orgasm like this before. Kova grabbed my hip. "I… I am…" I couldn't find words. I was lost to sensation. My pussy throbbed, quivered, and I was two seconds from coming hard.

  "Give it to me," Kova demanded, leaning over me. His finger pushing in more, but not too much. "Oh shit, Ria, you are squeezing so tight… I need to pull out."

  I couldn’t let him do that. It was irrational but I was too far gone to think. Too addicted to what he was giving me. Too obsessed. I needed to feel this moment with him, in me, touching both entrances.

  Reaching up so quickly, I pulled his face to mine and bit down on his lip. He fell onto my chest and I locked my ankles around his back and dug my heels in. I loved his weight on me. There was so much fluid between us. My inner thighs were slippery with it and I knew his were too.

  "Finish with me. I need to feel it," I said against his mouth.

  He clenched his eyes shut, fighting it. "No."

  "Yes," I countered. "Come inside me."

  "No…" he said, so full of pleasure and desire.

  I scored his back with my nails and bit his chest and pulled his hair. He was going to need to be covered up by the time I was done with him. I sucked his neck and pulled away with a pop. I didn’t know who I was anymore.

  He groaned. "Oh God, why are you doing this to me?"

  "I gave you a hickey." I bit where I sucked.

  Kova surged forward and I met his thrusts with mine. We grunted with each drive. I yanked his hair and twirled my tongue with his, just barely, making him work for it, as I pulled his hair even more. He was like a starving animal. His pace sped up and his hand wrapped around my throat. I huffed, pushing my breasts to his chest as he hit the right spot when I lifted my hips off the couch.

  "Right there," I said, nearly choking myself. "It feels so good right there."

  "Fuck… I feel it. I am so deep. Holy shit, I cannot stop."

  Our hips slammed together. I tightened my ankles around his back, and I licked the shell of his ear and moaned.

  He didn't hesitate. I didn't expect the force. Or the pleasure that followed either. "Fuck!" His voice thundered.

  I gasped, throbbing, and coming so hard. My eyes rolled shut as Kova applied pressure to my neck. He roared and pulled his hand away from my ass, and gripped the armrest next to my head, using it to push off and drive into me as he pumped his hips hard against mine, and released inside me.

  "I can feel you coming in me," I said, rubbing myself all over him.

  "I…cannot…stop… You are mine and only mine." He wrapped his arms around my back and grasped my neck and lower back as he pushed off the couch and drove into me like a fucking pro.

  "Only you, Ria," he groaned, "only you. I cannot live without you or this feeling you bring me. I want to be in you every day, all day, for the rest of my life. I want to wake up next to you, make you only mine, and do this every fucking day. This is heaven. You are my everything."

  His voice broke and my heart shattered at the conviction and desire he shouldn't feel but did. Kova's head reared back, a vein protruded from his neck as we exploded together, crashing into oblivion.

  Kova fell on top of me and gave me all his weight. I pulled his body close to mine and wrapped my arms around his back, and lazily dragged my nails over him. His cock twitched, still inside me.

  "Is this normal?" My voice cracked.

  "What?" he asked, not moving. My heart was racing, I could feel his heart beating against my chest.

  "When two people connect so deeply when they have sex, is this normal? I feel like I'm on another dimension when I'm with you."

  Kova looked at me. "No, it is not. It is not normal at all," he said with such genuine sincerity I knew he wasn’t lying.

  "Have you…" I glanced away for a second and licked my parched lips. "Have you ever felt like that with anyone else?"

  I swallowed, not sure I should've asked that. He used his finger to trace over my lips. "No, never. Only you."

  My eyes shot to his. "Really?"

  He nodded. "Only you, Ria. Why do you think I cannot get enough? I have never felt like this with anyone else, and I do not know was it even is. All I know is that I am hooked on all of you. Hooked on your body, hooked on your smile, hooked on your personality, hooked on your ambition, hooked on you. I can only hope you feel the same way."

  "Yes," I said softly.

  Leaning forward, Kova licked his lips before he pressed them to mine and kissed me. But this wasn't any regular kiss. It was a kiss that wrapped around my soul and embraced the worst and best parts of me.

  He kissed me like he loved me.

  Pulling back, Kova stared at me with nothing but raw affection. The ache in his gaze rendered me speechless and I found myself staring back. In the stillness of his office with our naked bodies pressed together, he studied me for a long moment. He reached forward and brushed back the strands of hair that stuck to my mouth.

  His jaw was propped on his fist as his eyes lovingly roamed my face. A lyrical melody of Russian filled the space between us, like he was singing me a song. With my heart in my throat, I didn't do anything other than blink and listen. He spoke softly, intimately, grazing my cheek with the back of his finger. I watched his mouth move, his tongue tapped his teeth between words. His brows furrowed and thin lines creased the corners of his eyes as he spoke. A dozen emotions crossed his face. This was his vulnerable side, a side of him I was not often privy to. Only when the layers peeled back, and I got to the core of him, was I rewarded with juicy little seeds I coveted for myself.

  Our small moment of closeness broke at the sound of Kova's cell phone ringing again. He droned on about not wanting to answer the phone, but he rolled off me with a content smile. As he stood, I took in his magnificent back and round ass until I saw all the marks I left on him.

  I hissed. There was no way he was going to be able to hide them from Katja, or the hickey that I stupidly gave him.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  He turned around on his heels with his phone cradled in his hand, distress spanning his face. He looked up. His Adam's apple bobbed and he sputtered, "Get your stuff now, Adrianna."

  I froze. Immobile. The unnerving tone of his voice sent chills down my spine.

  "Adrianna. Now. Get your stuff, now!" he yelled as a flash of light traveled across the windows.

  "What's going on?" I asked as I shot up.

  His wide eyes scanned the floor. Kova threw his shirt on, and said, "Katja is on her way."

  "What!" I panicked and picked up my leotard. "I told you to answer the phone before!"

  "Let us not discuss that again. Hurry up and get your stuff."

  There was no way I was going to be able to get the leotard on right now, so I held it to my chest and walked to the door. I turned the knob and the door creaked open a sliver.

  "Konstantin!" I froze at the sound of Katja’s shrieking voice echoing down the hall. Her shoes slapped against the tiled floor.

  My blood turned ice cold.

  The world faded around me and the walls closed in. This was it.

  Call me naive, but I truly never thought we'd ge
t caught. I thought we’d been careful. I thought we had put up the perfect pretense and disguised our attraction to each other well.

  Maybe we had, and nothing could've prepared us for someone catching us. Just like when Hayden had caught us.

  I backed up and turned to face Kova, who was fully dressed. She's here, I mouthed, terrified and on the verge of vomiting. His eyes widened and he grabbed my shoulders to scan the office for a place for me to hide. He didn't have a closet, or a personal bathroom.

  There was nowhere for me to go.

  Katja's fearful voice echoed in the distance, but much closer this time.

  I was trapped. We were trapped… Until my eyes fell on his desk that was enclosed all the way around.


  Footfalls drew closer and I clutched my leotard in my fist.

  I huddled in a corner under the desk and covered my mouth just as the door flew open and banged against the wall.

  "Konstantin?" Katja bawled. My breath caught in my throat. "Konstantin?" she said again. I wished I could see what was happening.

  "Hmmm…" Kova sounded groggy.

  "Wake up. Wake up. What are you doing?" she questioned, a shuffling noise followed.

  He yawned, faking sleep. "Katja? What is going on?" I rest assured a little, not completely, that he pulled off the act. I was still naked under his desk and afraid to move my hand in fear of a sound accidentally escaping me. That'd be my luck.

  "What time is it?" he asked sleepily.

  "I have been calling you, texting you. I did not know where you were. I worried for you."

  "Where else would I be but here?"

  She continued to whine and it started to grate on my nerves. "Why did you not come home? I waited hours—"

  "I had work to do, Katja," he said, his voice abrasive as steel wool. "How many times have I told you that I cannot just leave when everyone else leaves. I cannot leave when you want me to. I own a company, I have an overhead. Money does not grow on trees, you know. Someone has to do the books."

  "I know that but—" She paused. "What is that mark on your neck? Is that… Is that a hickey?" A stiff tone replaced her saccharine one.

  My eyes widened and I cupped my mouth harder.

  "I missed the high bar during my workout. I fell, just barely catching myself," Kova growled. "I had a shitty night, Kat. I decided it was best I finish early and came in here to do paperwork, but I fell asleep."

  Katja transitioned to her native tongue. Words like velvet fell from her lips that I assumed were terms of endearment.

  "Whose car is outside?"

  Fuck! I'd completely forgotten my SUV was parked out front. I really hoped this conversation would end soon so I could get out from under here and go home. The problem was, I was afraid to leave the building knowing Katja could be nearby, but I also didn’t want to leave alone in the middle of the night either. In fact, I didn't even know what time it was.

  "What?" he questioned.

  "A car is outside. Is there someone else here with you?"

  "At this hour? No, I did not know there was a car there. What does it look like?" he asked, playing dumb. Katja described it, and Kova said, "Ah, that is Adrianna's. She had a late practice, then went home with one of the other girls."

  "You worked her too hard," Katja said sympathetically. I almost laughed. Damn right he fucking did.

  "Then I did my job." Kova said each word with gratification, and I smiled.

  "Have you ever considered that maybe she is not as talented as you think?" Katja hesitated. "Just because she wants to go to the Olympics does not mean she is qualified to. She seems… I do not know the right word…mediocre."

  My heart ached at her question. A thousand different kinds of insecurities slammed into me at once and I questioned whether I was good enough. I wanted to leave. I felt like an intruder listening in on their conversation and I didn't want to hear any more.

  "I would never put my time and effort into someone who was mediocre. I know God given talent when I see it, and Adrianna has it." Kova turned defensive. "She is brilliant, artistic, and imaginative. There is nothing even remotely mediocre about her. Mark my words, she is a rare pearl that is about to shine in the gymnastics world."

  I was flabbergasted he spoke about me in such a way to his girlfriend.

  "But how much more extra time is she going to steal from me with you? How much more time are you going to devote to this gym over me?" Katja whined. She'd never understand what gymnastics meant to people like me and Kova. "I should be your number one priority, but as always, I am last on the totem pole."

  "A lot more actually," Kova bit back. "A bunch of the teammates have extra sessions coming up, it is competition season, as you know. I have told you this a hundred times."

  "It is late. I did not mean to upset you." Katja’s voice gentled. "How about we go home now?"

  Yes! Go home. What a grand idea.

  "I will go home when I am ready."

  I scoffed at his stubbornness.

  "What was that?"

  Oh God. I bit down on my knuckles.

  "What was what?" Kova acted clueless.

  "I just heard a noise…" Katja’s words lingered in the air.

  "Oh that? It was me. I, ah, was adjusting myself and kicked my phone by accident."

  "You are aroused." Her voice took on a seductive tone that made my stomach curl with nausea.

  "You know it is hard when I wake."

  "Let me take care of that for you."

  I closed my eyes and prayed for them to leave already.

  "Not necessary. Let us go home now."

  "No, I insist," she said. My heartbeat thundered in my ears; no way would Kova allow anything sexual to happen, not with me in the room, or with my remnants on him.

  "Katja," he growled.

  "Konstantin. Baby, you know all you have to do is call me and I would run over."

  "Katja," he warned over a rustling sound. "Now is not the time."

  "Since when?" she teased.

  "I am serious," he barked. "Go home and I will meet you there. I just need to lock up; I will be right behind you."

  She was quiet for a moment. "What is going on with you?" This was the first time I truly ever heard Katja angry. "You have not let me touch you in weeks like this. Do you not want me anymore?"

  I perked up. Kova remained abstinent for weeks? Why?

  "It has nothing to do with you. I have been under an enormous amount of stress. I am really feeling the pressure right now. That is all."

  Each word was clipped and short. If he was telling the truth, I wished he'd open to me the way he opened up to her so easily. It was like pulling teeth to get him to communicate with me.

  "You act like you do not want me anymore," she said with a note of dejection in her voice. I almost felt bad for her. Almost.

  He sighed deeply. "You know that is not the case. I just have a lot going on."

  "It has been a while for us and I need you," she whined again. I wished she'd stop doing that.

  "No, now is not the time."

  "Did you just push my hand away?" she said, enraged. My jaw dropped. Pushed her hand away from what exactly?

  "Yes, I did. Now go home, Katja, I will be there soon."

  "I do not understand why now is not the time. You say it is not me, yet you will not let me touch you or give you the release you so clearly need. You ignore me for hours on end, you stay at work late, you come home when I am sleeping, and leave before I wake. To a woman, the signs are all there, Konstantin."

  "Nothing is there, I promise, sweetheart," he said, softening his voice. "You are reading into it too much."

  Nothing is there. The nothing being me. I was nothing. I wasn't naive, I knew he couldn't say anything else, but the way he spoke it stung my heart in a hundred different places.

  "You work so hard… I just want to help you," she offered, and the rustling sound I heard moments ago returned. "I love you, you know."

  "I know you
do, and I love you. Just please, go. Let me lock up and I will follow right after."

  Katja switched over to Russian. Just when I thought he convinced her to leave, I heard the unmistakable sounds of clothes shuffling, a faint moan, and a sound I wasn't prepared for.

  Slurping. Wet, sloppy, slurping. My stomach flipped and I swallowed down the bile in my throat.

  This couldn't be happening.

  "You taste different," she said. I paled at the repugnance in her voice. This time I actually felt bad for her. She was licking me off him and didn’t know it.

  "I sweat a lot while I work out. How about we wait until I get home to shower and then we can pick up where we left off, yeah?"

  "I do not mind," she said sweetly. "This is just a little of what is to come."

  "Katja, please," he begged.

  After a moment’s silence I heard a long slurp and a pop, followed by an incoherent moan that had to have come from her.

  "Katja…" he growled, his voice was deep and guttural.

  I had to see for myself what she did to him. If she was on her knees like I assumed she was, then her back would be to me.

  I peeked around the corner of the desk, careful not to make a sound.

  Kova was on the couch with his legs spread wide and Katja between his thighs. As if he sensed me watching, he looked up and locked eyes with mine.

  A deep sigh expelled from his lips and he sank further into the couch. His mouth parted in bliss. "Yes," he drawled out, and pushed her head down on him. He pumped his hips harder into her face, not breaking eye contact with me. Her gulping moans filled the room, and her nails dug into his thighs in almost the exact places where my marks could be seen.

  Kova fisted her hair and gritted his teeth. His facial expression was stuck somewhere in between remorse, pleasure, and guilt. The only thing that kept me from breaking down was the fact that he wasn't carnal in the way he was with me, and I found solace in that. Still, there was no way to mask the hurt written all over my face, and I let him see it.

  Three more rough thrusts, then Kova pulled Katja's head back.

  "I cannot fucking do this!" he bellowed and quickly put his dick back in his pants. Katja wiped her mouth and they both stood.


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