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Bound Together: Gay Romance

Page 35

by Tommy Twist

  Ryan finally gets himself upright, slides into the back.

  "Brian, are you okay?"

  He turns and gives a thumbs-up sign. It's low, and I can tell it's not because he's just a low-signalling kind of guy. He's struggling to raise his any higher for more than a second or two.

  "You alright? That was a pretty bad crash."

  I can see Ryan in the rear-view, smiling. "I've got a pretty hard head."

  "No, you never did wear a helmet, I suppose, did you?"

  "Nah. Head's harder than a helmet, and I get to feel the wind in my hair."

  I chime in. "That's dangerous, you know. You could hurt yourself."

  "Sure, I could. Then again, Brian here could get picked up by drug traffickers. And we all know how likely that is."

  Brian turns back in his seat, apparently too tired to stay twisted around. "Never happen."

  "See? It'd never happen."

  The signs say we're thirty minutes out of Tucson, if we obey the speed limits. We're interpreting them very liberally, though, at the moment. I figure twenty-five. I shut my mouth and let them talk to each other.

  Part of me gets nervous about the way that they both seem to be treating their wounds with a very cavalier attitude. The way Ryan's eyes were rolling around in his head like that, he looked like he had a concussion, probably pretty bad.

  Brian can rarely keep his head up for more than a few minutes before he has to lay it back on the headrest for another minute. To regain his strength.

  But here they are, talking like they're immortal. Like none of it matters, like none of it affects them.

  Each is trying to be stronger for the other. I don't know if it's working, but they sure are trying like hell. For me, it's just a constant reminder of how bad the A.T.F. fucked this all up.

  Now, I keep being reminded, it falls to me to clean that mess up. To make sure that the guilty get punished. Well, the Crazy Horses have got 2 down, and 1 un-accounted for. 2 more are sitting in this car, and it'd be a damn shame for that to be how it ends.

  My list isn't looking as good, but I've got my first big win. If there's a head to this snake, I have to think that it might have just gotten cut off, whether it was luck or fate or what.

  There are signs pointing me in the direction of the nearest hospital, right off the interstate. Convenient. I follow them a little ways. It doesn't take long to find some place. Nice and big, white walls.

  It looks quite nice. Pristine, even. I can't complain one bit. I pull around to Emergency and jump out of the car. Brian, appropriately, starts to get himself out of the passenger seat as if he's going to walk himself in.

  I book it inside to grab a wheelchair, and happen to find a promising-looking nurse along the way. Between the two of us, the boys are brought inside. Their names are on the list, but the list looks long.

  Just in case, I show my badge, and make a few notes as to their condition. One was in an accident, possible concussion. The other's lost a lot of blood. A lot of blood.

  The nurse takes that all down. I like to hope that she's taking it more seriously, but I really can't say if she's just putting on an act for my benefit.

  I settle into one of the cheaply-made chairs and for the first time in what feels like days, I can finally relax. The rest of the world can wait. I lay my head back against the stucco walls and close my eyes. I've got a lot of catching up to do.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  I don't know how long I've been sitting in this room, waiting for something to happen. Long enough to remember that I hate hospitals. Long enough to remember why I hate hospitals, other than that most injuries I get are from the sorts of things that you don't go to hospitals after you do them.

  If you get shot robbing a place, you don't go to a hospital. Cops are all over the place looking for that sort of shit.

  I don't know if they'll be in here, looking for me. I know that there's going to be trouble, sooner or later. I just don't know how bad yet, and I don't know where it's coming from.

  Part of me frustratedly wonders which will show up first—a real doctor, or someone planning to have me shot or arrested. Cops will only shoot you if you resist, after all. Very different.

  I haven't even seen Maguire in a little while. Then again, she was asleep in the lobby when the nurse came to take me away. Let her sleep. She looked like hell. Like she was only half-way in the living world.

  A nice long nap will do her a lot of good. Once she wakes up, things will hopefully turn around.

  I hope to hell she gave them a false name. I reach down to try to grab my own chart, read the name off of it. It's not there. The bin, where I'd expect a chart to be, it's just empty.

  How wonderfully typical. I have always hated hospitals, hated stayting in them, and this only proves that I was right not to like them. Well, nothing I can do now. I'm already inside, already too deep to do anything to change my situation.

  I'd like to have a gun. I know damn well that there's nobody in here checking for them. Maybe if you blocked really badly, and a security guard saw. You could get checked for them. Could even get ejected from the building.

  As far as metal detectors? Nah. So someone clever just carries something small, keeps it in someplace where it won't show too bad. Small of their back, maybe. Then they walk right in.

  The call with Scheck ended quite abruptly. I don't think he got the chance to hang up before the crash, which means she'll have heard it. I don't know how good she is at figuring things out from sound alone, but putting the pieces together won't be hard.

  She just has to turn on the damn television and see the news. Big old crash on the I-10. It'll have coverage across Arizona. Anywhere she goes, it'll be on the news, at least every few minutes.

  If I'm not there, and I'm not, then the questions start piling up, and the answers aren't hard to figure out. Not for anyone smart enough to run their own damned drug empire.

  Which means that it's a matter of time before someone figures out where I am. It's only a matter of time, and I'm going to have to hope to hell that I'm out of here before that time comes. It's feeling unlikely.

  I lay my head back against the starchy pillow and try to relax. One of three things has to happen. A man in a white coat walks in, Maguire walks in, or trouble starts. In a god damned hospital gown, I'm in poor condition to deal with any of them.

  But there's nothing I can do about that. My gun is still in the trunk of Donaldsen's car. Evidence transfer, in theory. I never used it for anything criminal, but it sure would be nice for them if I had.

  What that means is that I might as well rest until something happens, because no matter what it is, I'm not going to stop it now.

  I don't know how much later it is, when something finally does happen. It could have been a very long sixty seconds, or an hour, or more. I just don't know. But eventually, a doctor walks in, carrying a manilla folder and flipping through papers.

  "Good afternoon, Mr. Blake." I silently thank Maguire for having the forethought to bother with fake names. "It says here you were in a car accident. Can you tell me about it?"

  "Guy driving wasn't looking at the road. I hit my head, uh… I was holding on pretty tight to the, you know, the overhead handle? And we spun pretty bad, so… my shoulder hurts pretty bad."

  He nods. He's got a look on his face like he's pretty impressed with himself, but he's putting on a solemn expression purely for my benefit. As if, the son of a bitch.

  He drops the chart into the space at the foot of my bed, and then comes on over.

  "Tell me if this hurts." He rubs at my elbow. Nothing much. Then he moves up a little, a little more. The minute he hits the shoulder, though—


  "Okay, we'll have to get an X-ray on that. Could be a strained muscle, could be a fracture. Now, look into this light for me?"

  He pulls out a light. Hard to look right at it. I try my best, but…

  "How are you feeling?"

  "I dunno.
Tired, I guess. Long day." I hadn't really thought about it.

  "Can you stand up?"

  I haven't tried. I tell him so.

  "Alright, then. Give it a shot now. I'll be right here, I won't let you fall and hurt yourself."

  I don't need his assurances of that. I'm not going to hurt myself trying to stand up.

  I come up to my feet. It's a little hard to stay up. My legs still feel like jelly underneath me. As if I'm trying to stand on the deck of a ship, rather than a solid floor.

  The doctor frowns. "Okay, you can lay back down."

  I do as I'm told. I'm already in this mess, no reason to cause trouble now.

  "Yeah, possible concussion. Hm. Okay. Well, we'll get you into an X-ray as soon as we can."

  "Wait—doc, how's my brother? He came in at the same time as me, lost a lot of blood."

  He blinks. I don't like it. He's hiding something, but it might just be surprise, since the next words out of his mouth were, "I'm sorry? I don't have anyone like that on my rounds. Might be we have another doctor handling him."

  "Could you have a nurse check on it for me?"

  "Of course. Lay down, you need your rest. We'll get you into an X-ray as soon as we can for that shoulder, and then you can get some food."




  He stands off to the side of the entrance on the way out the door. Someone else is coming in, and he's going to let them. I'm more than a little relieved to see a breathless Sara Maguire at the door.

  "Are you alright?"

  I smile at her, and I hope to hell that I don't look half as bad as I feel. I wouldn't want to worry her.

  "The doctor just came in, told me I'm as healthy as a horse."

  He's not there to correct me, and that's about how I'd hoped for it to go.

  She settles into one of the chairs beside the bed. She looks more worried than I think she'll admit to me, or anyone else, for that matter.

  "Healthy as a horse, huh?"


  "Good, cause you look like you got kicked by one."

  "Now hey, that's not fair." I can't get the smile off my face, not even to look pouty. Something about her being there just forces the smile on. "That's got nothing to do with the way I look, I was born this way."

  "Do you need me to get you anything?"

  I lay my head back. "Don't you go babying me, Maguire. I don't need that kind of shit."

  "I talked to the nurse. Your brother's in surgery. I couldn't get anyone to give me anything more than that, but he's going to be fine. Okay?"

  "When you say it like that, makes me nervous."

  "Well," Maguire says, letting out a long breath. "Don't be."

  "You're right. How could I have been so foolish?"

  For a minute, joking with Sara, I almost forget that any time now someone looking to kill me is going to come through that door and make an attempt at it.

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  There's not a lot to talk about right now. Nothing changing. There's a lot I want to avoid talking about, and a lot that Ryan wants to avoid, I'd bet. He fades in and out. He smiles at me.

  I don't know how to feel about the way that it makes my stomach get all fluttery. I haven't ever been that kind of girl. The kind to get weird around a boy. Maybe I should have been. Maybe it would have saved me a lot of trouble.

  I feel like I just woke up, partly because I did. But it doesn't make me less tired. Just woke up, and I'm already more than ready to join Ryan in the world of sleep.

  Some time, we'll need to get back into town and deal with Scheck and her guys. But that's far away, now. We're near a two-hour drive out of town, and under false names.

  The odds of anyone looking for us are pretty slim. The odds of them finding us, slimmer. In all the rooms in all the hospitals in Tucson, I can't imagine that they'll find us easy.

  Ryan needs time, to recover. I need time. And his brother… well, I just have to hope that he gets out of surgery soon. For Ryan's sake, for mine.

  Part of me wants to figure out what happened to Logan. I haven't heard from him. Then again, I never have before, neither. I add that to the list of things I don't want to talk to Ryan about.

  If he was shot, I'd have heard about it, right? There'd be something on the police scanner about it. Probably on the regular radio about it.

  If I didn't hear about it, then he's probably alright. Probably. The word rolls around in my head and doesn't sit right wherever it falls. Probably fine, but not definitely. Not 'he's fine,' but 'he might be alright, depending.'

  I don't like it. Don't like it one bit. Especially if it turns out that Donaldsen shot him. Sure, trying to break out of your cuffs and escape is illegal. "Resisting arrest," I suppose.

  But on the other hand, so too is taking a suspect to a god damned private hotel room. He should've been in the holding cell, or the interrogation room, or perhaps the Sheriff's office.

  Which begs the real question; why was he in that room?

  The minute they got Ryan, they were heading to Tulsa International Airport. The very second.

  Yet, they get Logan, and he stays in the hotel room. I thought it was so that they could question him about something. Where Ryan was. Or perhaps they could hope to use him as bait, to bring Ryan in.

  Instead, they'd used him as bait for me, maybe, but there were no guarantees with that. They did little more than guess that I might come in and try to help him.

  That's not a sure thing, and sure as hell not enough to risk what it might look like if they got caught and I slipped the trap.

  As for bait for Beauchamp, they already had the Crazy Horses on top of it. So why was he in that room? If you're picking up crooks, why not arrest him and send him on to D.C.? If you're looking to bait Beauchamp, why split your forces?

  None of it makes any sense, and it's starting to sit wrong. There has to be some explanation. Why in that hotel room? Why didn't he have time to call his brother before Mitch caught him by surprise?

  The pieces didn't fit. None of them did. And the more that I looked at the picture, at the ways that they did fit, the less that I liked the way that it looked.

  Because the only answer I kept coming around to was that none of it made any sense. The only reason that they would put him in that room was so that they could bring me into the room with him.

  If they were doing that, then they were doing it to bait me into showing my hand too early. But the reasons for using Logan? There aren't any. I can't think of a single one.

  The more that I try to think of one, the less that I can. There's no reason that they would have picked him up. They wanted to see something, but I can't figure out what the hell it is.

  There's one thing that doesn't fit with the rest of the picture. The wedge that keeps coming in between me and a good idea. Pollack and Donaldsen had to have been gone from that room for a good thirty minutes. I was in the car with them for fifteen minutes alone. If they'd come straight there, picked me up, and driven straight back, fifteen minutes. No less.

  Thirty minutes is a god damned long time. Long enough to get into a lot of trouble, if you're trying to. Long enough to cause a lot of trouble.

  Logan was trapped in a position where it would take a while to get yourself out. A good, long while. But that's a while in terms of minutes. Anyone watching would be able to see you do it.

  If you had thirty minutes to yourself, it might hurt like hell, but you could be out the door inside of ten minutes, with twenty more to get real gone.

  So why the hell was Logan Beauchamp there when I showed up with Donaldsen?

  The answers seem to all lead in about the same direction, and it's a direction I don't even want to think about for a single second. Not until I can talk to Ryan about it, talk him through everything that's happened since we last met up.

  There's been a lot to discuss. Some of it, at least on my end, is going to be a little hard to believe. Scheck
just let me walk right the hell out of there? Never in a million years. But it happened.

  As I slowly wake up from my cat-nap, a lot of questions are starting to boil in my head. Questions I should have been asking at the time, but I was too God damned tired to think straight.

  Well, now I'm thinking straight, and a hell of a lot about the past couple of days has been fishy as all hell. I don't like it one bit, and I'm going to have to get to the bottom of it.

  Still, some of the things I'm thinking aren't going to be solved by just me alone. I need some kind of outside confirmation. Ryan's asleep, but he's restless. If I woke him now, he'd think he was awake the whole time.

  I start to reach for him, but a noise at the door stops me. My hand jerks for my weapon on reflex, purely from being startled alone.

  "How is he?" I turn. My hand goes back to the arm of the chair, real slow and real easy to see. I'm not causing any trouble, and I don't know anything. I try to look relieved.

  "He's alright."

  Logan Beauchamp pulls up a chair next to me and sits back in it. He looks good, considering that three hours ago he might have been dead man.

  "What about you? You hurt? I know on that escape, things coulda gotten pretty hairy."

  "I'm fine."

  I don't like it. I don't like any of it one God damn bit, and now I've got a real good reason not to.

  Chapter Fifty


  I don't know how long my eyes have been open for when I realize that I'm seeing the inside of the room, but it's been a little while.

  I push myself higher in the bed. Sara and Logan are both sitting there. Both silent, watching me get up.

  "How long have I been out?"

  "A little while," Maguire tells me. Her voice is soft.

  "You aren't careful, I'll think you were worried about me."

  "Watch yourself, Beauchamp. They let me keep the gun just in case any dangerous criminals come around."

  I can't help smiling at that.

  "Logan," I say. My head feels pretty heavy. My whole body does, really. Feels like rubber or lead or something in between them. "You're alright."


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