Bound Together: Gay Romance

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Bound Together: Gay Romance Page 41

by Tommy Twist

  Her eyes flicked up at his silhouette. He was only barely visible, thanks to the moonlight streaming in from one of the windows. Adeline could tell, though, that he was watching her.

  “I'm going to suck your cock, now,” she said, her voice breathy and low. She felt slutty, free, and completely sexual. It felt good. Her own hand played with her cunt as she swallowed his cock. It twitched as her tongue touched the sensitive head.

  Her hand moved up and down on his cock as she licked up his precum.

  “Ah,” he sighed. His fingers scratched against his bed, his thighs strained and flexed. Adeline took that as a sign that she was doing well. She went deeper, using her tongue to play with the shaft as the tip slid down her throat.

  She held herself as long as she could before she pulled away and gagged. He didn't let her breathe more than two breaths before he pushed her face back down onto his cock. The violence of it was unexpected, but hot. He held her down until the last second, letting her pull away and gag again.

  Joel's thighs quivered below her. She coughed again, trying to control her gags. Then she stood, slid a hand across her nipples, and straightened her shoulders. “I'm going to ride you, now. I'm going to ride you until you cum in me.”

  “Oh, fuck yes,” Joel groaned. When she climbed on top of him, he grabbed her hips. He wanted this as badly as she did. Dangerous sex. She could get knocked up. Neither of them cared. No, they both cared, and they loved it.

  But Joel stopped her. “Not yet.”

  “Please! Please fuck me!” Waiting for him was almost unbearable.

  His fingers scratched down her sides, leaving red streaks that claimed her as his. Beautiful, territorial, sexy. Joel's hands reached beneath her and pulled her chest towards him, so that he could suck on her breast.

  He kissed her collar bone before moving down, his hands pushing her thighs apart. He spread them wide, pushing aside her panties and exposing her pink flesh.

  “I can't wait to taste you,” Joel said. It was a little bit embarrassing for him to say that, and she blushed a deep red. When he nibbled at her pussy lips, though, she stopped caring and gave in. His fingers pushed aside her thin panties. Joel explored her pink pussy lips, pulling them wide and exposing her clitoris. It was a little bit swollen.

  Joel was seemingly driven wild with desire. He dipped his tongue into her folds. Tasting her. Savoring the experience. Dragging a finger up and down her folds, he teased around her clitoris, never fully touching it. She gasped, raising her ass to try and trick him into touching her. She needed some release!

  “Please!” she begged, feeling hot.

  Joel didn't give in. He seemed to be enjoying torturing her. A wicked smile crossed his face and he licked her folds again, lapping up her wetness but never once touching her most pleasurable spot.

  “I am begging you, Joel! Please touch me, stop teasing me!” She gripped the blankets underneath her.

  Joel watched her face contort with frustration before finally giving her what she wanted. His tongue slipped over the hood covering her clit, and she jolted upright with an “OH!”

  She gripped his hair, directing his mouth to apply pressure in certain spots. He understood her motions, and it felt good. It felt so damn good. His tongue darted all around, still teasing her, only sometimes pressing against her clitoris. She moaned and whined and grunted, trying to come close to orgasm, but Joel had complete control over that. It was maddening.

  “Take me, Joel. Cum in me. I want it,” She said. And those were the magic words. Joel stared up at her for a second, watching her to see if she was just pleading for release. But no.

  She wanted him to cum in her badly.

  He slid her down the bed. She sat up, running her hands from his pecs to his hips. His pubic hair was well trimmed. His cock... was huge. It was standing upright, thick with blood. He was virile. A bead of sweat fell down her neck.

  Joel wrapped his hand around his manhood, his fingers moving up and down his shaft. “Spread your legs,” he commanded. Her stomach leaped and did turns.

  Laying back, she spread her legs wide. She even pulled her pussy lips apart, unashamed. He came closer to her, and she wrapped her legs around him, locking him into position. He placed himself against her entrance, savoring her heat before entering her.

  She gripped the bed sheets and moaned. Her inner walls rippled and moved, gripping his cock within her. She pulled him in deeper.

  He pushed himself back in slowly, then pulled out again. And then he picked up speed. She screamed as his cock hit her in just the right place, and the pounding just came harder after that. His thumb rested on her clit and rubbed with each thrust.

  With her legs wrapped around him, and his hands holding her hips, he pulled her onto his cock and fucks her hard. He twitched, and she knew he would cum soon.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck! Don't stop!”

  He kept fucking her until he came hard within her, his hot sperm pounding against her cervix. She could almost feel his swimmers trying their best to impregnate her.

  He groaned and, once his balls were spent, he collapsed on top of her. He laughed as their foreheads bumped together. Rolling off of her and rubbing his forehead, he took her hand and held it tight.

  “I'm glad you'll be staying with me. And maybe it's selfish, but I hope it's for a long time.”

  She nodded, smiling. “I hope so, too, Joel.”

  She felt warm and content. She crawled up to the top of the bed while Joel went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and they laid next to each other, nude.

  “Joel?” She asked into the darkness. She hoped she didn't wake up.


  “Thank you for coming to save me. If it wasn't for you…”

  He sat up a bit, and in the darkness she could see his face, though only barely. “If you ever need my help, for anything, I will be there for you. Even if tonight was just a one time thing, I will be there for you. Do you understand?”

  She did. It was strange to her, knowing that she might love and be loved in return. She smiled, wrapping her arm over his chest and finally falling into a dreamless sleep.

  His War Bride

  World War Romance

  Marina Morrow


  Missing you every day. Loose lips sink ships, but we're supposed to be sailing someplace we'd talked about for the honeymoon before the war started. I don't have much time to write, but I have to go but I hope this letter finds you in good spirits.

  -E Jackson, February 2nd, 1944


  I've received word that the infantry's efforts in the north at [REDACTED] were successful and they're pressing into [REDACTED]. Really putting the screws to those Krauts! Thank you for the photograph you included with your last letter, I've kept it private like you asked. I've got some good news, too: We're supposed to be coming home for shore leave in a few weeks! I'll be pretty busy until then, but I'll write when I have the time and I'll ring you up when I get back to New London and we can go out for some drinks.

  -E Jackson, June 27, 1944

  I'd written Ellis the day after I received his last letter, and I'd tried to start a second letter a dozen times, and each of them had ended up in the trash bin. Not important enough, not loving enough, not cute enough or sexy enough.

  I worried that perhaps he would get back before I could send him another letter. In the end I sent a sheet of paper with some lipstick on it and my name and a message that I loved him and I hoped to see him soon.

  I thought back to the days before he'd shipped off and gone to do his duty over there in Europe. He'd been so attentive, not like the other boys I'd gone on dates with.

  We'd been together for nearly a week before he tried to hold my hand, and he always seemed to listen to me when I talked. I almost found it endearing the first time I caught him looking at my chest, because I'd begun to take it as a challenge to get him to look at me that way.

  I was almost worried he was one of those folks that f
ancy boys, but I was lucky he wasn't. We kissed in the picture show for the first time after a month, and a couple nights later I'd put his hand on my breast and he'd felt me up for a few minutes in his car before he said he should get home.

  We'd gotten engaged thirteen days later and I'd tried to take him into the back seat but he refused. Said it was the Christian thing to wait for marriage. I'd waited for the right guy, but with Ellis I was sure and I was ready to give myself to him. But he was always too good a man for that.

  I sat down in my wicker chair and thought of him. I smelled one of the letters, which still had a faint scent of his aftershave and I let one of my hands drift across my belly. I had to be careful not to let my thoughts drift too long, as I had to be at work in an hour, but I had a few minutes to spare and thinking about Ellis has me feeling tingly.

  I tried to think ahead to our wedding night, his face clean-shaven above me and kissing me and his arms so strong around me.

  I ease a button open in my shirt and feel my skin gently, trying to make the time last before I touched myself. I felt my breasts, heavy and full, and finally I pushed my bra aside and pinched a nipple ever so softly.

  I squirmed a bit and shivered, and closed my eyes while I hiked my skirt up and touched myself through my panties. I tried to imagine it was Ellis's hand touching me and I mewled softly.

  I thought about his soft kisses and his sweet blue eyes and his soft hands roaming all over my body and I wanted him in me right now, but he wasn't around to oblige. I pinched a bit harder and I felt my nipples start to stiffen and crinkle and I gently rubbed the tip of my nipple and the nerves screamed their approval in the back of my mind.

  I slipped my hand inside of my panties and softly grazed my outer lips, finally slipping a finger inside and touching my hard clit. A jolt went through me and I shivered again, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. I sighed and rubbed harder, trying to climb the summit to orgasm.

  I rubbed my clit harder still, and pushed my other hand up my skirt as well, rubbing my pussy while I touched my clitoris, finally slipping a finely manicured finger inside and gently pumping in and out of myself slowly, but speeding up.

  I mewled softly and hoped Ellis wouldn't be too upset I was doing this without him but I needed it so badly.

  "I need to come, please..." I muttered and rubbed harder, pinching my clitoris softly and rubbing my fingers on the spot that drives me wild inside my wet pussy. I felt a tightening in my loins and a release and I purred while I rubbed myself as quickly as I could. I relaxed then, and closed my eyes for a second time while I caught my breath.

  I could only hope that they wouldn't smell me on it at the dinner service tonight. But, I thought, perhaps the men would prefer to smell it, being stuck on military bases so often. I smiled to myself at the thought, tidied up my uniform, and walked to the car.

  I had plenty of time left so I drove leisurely to the base, signed myself in and reported to Terry, the nice man who ran the USO events. He gave told me I'd get my allowance in the mail as per the usual arrangement and I thanked him and asked if there was anything in particular I should take care of, and he told me that it was pretty clear tonight-just take care of the guys, be nice to them, and let them feel like they're not in the middle of getting shot at by Krauts on a daily basis.

  I smiled and walked into the whirling maelstrom of men in uniform talking to the other girls, grabbed a plate of doughnuts, and walked into the crowd.

  I saw a promising group of men standing in a round drinking Pepsi and talking about baseball. I leaned into the huddle and asked if anyone would like some doughnuts, and their eyes lit up and they all graciously took some of the sweets.

  One asked if I'd like one myself and I told him that I'd had one before I started my shift, and besides that it was about him and the other brave fighting men in the first place, not about some girl from New Jersey. He gave me a line about how I wasn't just some girl, and I was gorgeous and I deserved nice things, and I let it slide. I'd learned early on to hide the ring and let them talk because it didn't mean anything and they liked it.

  I giggled and said I'd heard them talking about baseball. They generally agreed they had been and I asked if any of them had been on-base to hear the all-star game last week, and they said they had. I said I'd been at an event listening and wasn't that double in the fifth exciting. One of them complained that his sister had gotten him a signed Frank McCormick card and they hadn't even played him.

  I acted interested and we talked for a while, offered to fill their cups and we all had some laughs. Then another girl came up and started chatting with them and I could tell that most of the men had become rather interested in her... assets, which were straining her uniform and made my chest feel a bit smaller than it actually was.

  I excused myself and left to find another group, when I was surprised to find Ellis talking with a few guys, sipping a beer and laughing about something. I touched his back when I walked up and introduced myself all around.

  He smiled at me and introduced a few of the guys in the circle, all from his sub. He told me he'd been bragging about his beautiful girl back home and they'd been dubious, when one of them piped in-"He's putting you up to this, isn't he miss. You want us to take him off your hands?" and he winked. I blushed and giggled and planted a kiss on Ellis's cheek.

  "I'm sorry my fiancee can be such a handful, I imagine being stuck in a tub with him must've been hard," I japed, and the men all laughed.

  We spent most of the evening chatting about pictures at the cinema and I told them how well they were being portrayed by the pre-picture commercials and one of them joked that it was all smoke and mirrors.

  I offered to grab them some doughnuts and they seemed to be pretty interested, so I rose to go fetch a plate and Ellis came with me.

  Kissed me on the neck when I bent over and told me he'd really missed me with all those men around, and he couldn't wait until his tour was over completely so we could get hitched. I touched his hand and smiled.

  He asked if I'd like to dance and I told him I'd love to but I needed to at least get back to the boys with their doughnuts. To him it was just entertainment but to me it was a job. Not just a job, even, it was important to our boys that us girls entertain them a bit to keep things going and I was proud of how hard I worked to keep them happy.

  I stepped back up with a plate stacked high and it seemed to disappear before my eyes as the men ate them and drank. Ellis walked up behind me a second later and asked if he could steal me away and one of the men gestured and said Ellis owed him for taking the best looking dame at the party all to himself and everyone laughed when I blushed again.

  I let Ellis guide me to the dance floor and I let myself listen to the band properly. It was nice jazzy stuff, the pianist singing out loud belting songs about how he missed his girl and how gorgeous she was back home.

  I'd met the singer a few times, a nice black fellow named Grant who had two kids at home who they used for the USO events here pretty regularly.

  I gave him a smile and he nodded curtly while Ellis led me onto the floor, and then we were wrapped up in the sound of the trumpets and the piano and my boy held me tight for a moment, then we started dancing good and proper and I almost felt like he had never left, and the whole war had been a bad dream.

  I laughed in spite of myself, giggles pouring out of me like fizz on a ginger-ale overfilled and flowing uncontrollably off the sides and no matter how much you try to catch the fizz with your tongue you can never seem to get it before it gets all over your favorite dress.

  That's how Ellis made me feel and I wished I could tell him somehow but he seemed to be so perfect that he probably never spilled his ginger-ale so I stopped dancing and when he noticed and made as if to ask me what was wrong I kissed him and gave him a playful smile and went back to dancing without explaining anything.

  He grinned like a kid with bubblegum and I was glad to see him enjoying himself and I danced like I hadn't danced in
a long time.

  I wished we didn't have to go back to the other men and I didn't have to keep putting on my mask and I could just have this moment go on forever but it couldn't. Eventually I got tired and Ellis offered to grab me a soda.

  "I'm supposed to serve you the drinks, mister!" I said in mock indignation, and he walked with me to the soda fountain, where I asked for two Pepsis. I sat and drank with him and when I'd finished my glass I got another and we went back to his shipmates.

  We all talked for about another hour until the party was winding down. We shared most of Ellis's embarrassing stories, which his friends seemed to take as fair payment for our round of dancing. He seemed a little frustrated with me when we left but I doubt he was very sore about it.

  He walked me through the parking lot to the auto, and I said my goodbyes and went to step into the car when he leaned in and told me he'd talked to his boss and he'd gotten leave from the base for the night.

  Apparently a lot of the guys like to go home during shore leave so it wasn't unusual, and would I like someone to keep me company. I smiled at him and told him I'd love the company and he could drive if he liked and stepped back out of the car.

  Just as I stood completely he pressed me against the car and kissed me full on the lips hard. I giggled and purred a bit and pressed myself against him. I felt his hands fumbling for my tits and he grabbed them roughly through the rough fabric of my uniform jacket. He bit my neck and I was almost surprised by his ferocity.

  "Ellis!" I moaned softly. "We're still in the parking lot," I purred in his ear.

  "Millie, I'm sorry, but right now I don't give a damn. Some of the guys, when we stopped in France, well... they got some female company and I sure didn't myself but I just..." he trailed off and he sucked on my neck and I let him.

  He was still rubbing my tits and he pressed me against the closed back door and shut the front door with his other hand. I played with his hair and wrapped my arms around his back and moaned. He started to reach up my jacket but got frustrated and popped the buttons off trying to get it open.


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