Bound Together: Gay Romance

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Bound Together: Gay Romance Page 42

by Tommy Twist

  I laughed a bit out of humor and a bit out of surprised and pressed him away and opened my shirt for him and he began to absolutely devour my tits. I honestly feared for the safety of my brassiere for a moment. I felt down for his cock and rubbed it through his slacks, hard and ready for some attention. I asked him if I could put it in my mouth and he just reached down and unzipped them.

  "Please, Millie, I'll do anything." I looked around hoping nobody had stumbled onto our romp and settled down onto my knees and pulled his pants open and his cock out. It stood at attention and I kissed it on the tip, tasting the salty pre-cum that was smeared across the top of his cock before taking it into my mouth.

  I was trying to take it as deeply as possible, like my girlfriends had told me men liked. He moaned and set a hand on top of my head and I bobbed my head ever so slightly.

  I'd hoped he would let it go in my mouth and I'd be able to swallow him and we could take care of the rest at home, but when that didn't happen I wasn't especially surprised. He pushed me off his cock gently and I mewled my displeasure until he stood me up and lifted my skirt.

  They give us pretty short skirts to begin with, and he bent me over the hood of the car with my panties hanging out. I hoped nobody was looking as he pulled them down and swatted me gently on the but, and I moaned.

  I could feel his hands on my pussy, feeling me and probing me and I told him to fuck me. I felt his cock rubbing on my pussy and when he entered me it split my hymen and I shouted, and by that point I knew that someone had to have heard me.

  "Please, Ellis, just fuck me please." I moaned, trying to feel the pleasure through the pain and it didn't take long until it happened all on its own. I saw one of the fellows I'd talked baseball with staring at me, my bare tits pressed against the hood of the old Plymouth and I moaned. My Ellis gave him a look and he walked off looking like he'd seen a ghost. I wanted it to go on forever, Ellis slamming into me, but all too soon, I felt him jerking against me and he told me he couldn't hold on.

  "Inside me, Ellis," I cried. He slowed a little bit.

  "Are you sure, Millie? Is it safe?"

  I pressed my ass into him and started fucking against him.

  "Does it matter, Ellis? Fill me up." He sped back up again and I felt his cum filling me up in ropes, warm and delicious, and I started coming on his cock thinking about how full I was. "Oh, Ellis, baby, thank you."

  He pulled himself out and helped me stand, walked me over to the passenger side of the car. We were halfway home when he turned the radio off and he spoke up.

  "I'm sorry, Millie. I know we agreed to wait, but..." I reached down and pulled his cock out and started rubbing it, and that shut him up. Shore leave was a long couple of days.

  Ellis finished serving his six years on February 24th, two years later. We were married three weeks later in the eyes of the court, and in the eyes of the church a month later when his family had come in from out of state to be there for the service.

  It was a beautiful Catholic wedding (sometimes a woman has to insist on these things, even if it's not all fair to her man!) held in the biggest church you ever saw, and I couldn't help but cry a little at the reception, it was all so wonderful.

  He took me home and we made love properly throughout the night, and I'm proud to say that in the winter I'll be the mother of a beautiful baby girl. Ellis has got his old job back and I don't want to be too open about my affairs as of now, but suffice to say that the baby fat hasn't made him any less amorous when he gets home from work, if you take my meaning.

  Her Desire For Brutality

  BDSM Erotica

  Dalia Daudelin

  The club was alive with drugs and violent music, the beat forcing its way through the bodies of those on the dance floor. A large mass of writhing people, unafraid of looking stupid though they surely did. It was fun to watch in the state I was in. Pissed off. Horny. Just drunk enough to be mesmerized by the rhythmic movement.

  A man walked in just as I was about to order another drink. He was tall, intelligent looking. I couldn't get a good look at his face but I knew he was handsome, and rich. As if it was effected by his energy, the mass writhed more slowly for a few minutes as he scanned the room, and it picked up speed when he sat down at the bar. His back was wide, strong.

  I watched him, amusing myself with thoughts that he might be my prey. Though I am capable of emotional brutality, my body is small and my ability to hunt undoubtedly pathetic. Still, I imagined myself pouncing on this man... and then letting him devour me.

  To be sure he hadn't arrived for a girlfriend, I kept my eyes on him for a few moments. No one joined him. Even as he looked around the club, no woman came near him. I wondered for a moment if the other women stayed away for a specific reason, or if perhaps they just didn't notice him. Maybe the darkness in his eyes and the deep frown on his face warned them off.

  Not me, though. No, I moved in, standing from my seat in the back and pressing through those dancing to the dubstep. For a moment I lost sight of him and worried he might have left, and I might have lost my chance at getting exactly what I need.

  When I finally found myself off the dance floor, I found him again. His hair was slicked back with gel, black and shiny. His nose was strong, his chin stronger. That's the kind of chin a girl could punch and only hurt her hand.

  I sat next to him. I knew he was watching me, drinking in the sight of my long legs and plump lips, and of course my breasts. They were, at this point, almost falling out of my black dress.

  Checking my phone, I avoided his eyes and the bartender's attention. Waiting for the right moment, for him to speak up and-

  “What are you drinking, beautiful?”

  Putting on my prettiest face, I noticed then that his watch was without a doubt made from platinum. The real stuff. I scanned the shelf, looking for the most expensive bottle, and point to that. “I think I'll order that.”

  He waved over the bartender, who brought me my drink. Oh, Moira, you hit the jackpot here. I cover my smile and shyly thank him.

  “No problem at all.”

  For a few moments, I simply sipped at my drink. I pulled my long hair from behind me to the side that he couldn't see, to show off my neck.

  “My name is Lorens, Lorens Kinsley. Have you heard of me?”

  I had. I widened my eyes, mostly to stroke his ego. “Goodness gracious, you're a billionaire!”

  He chuckled, the darkness of his eyes fading for a moment. “That I am, for now. Perhaps tomorrow I won't be.” He looked, then, around the room. Maybe to see if there wasn't someone better, maybe to be sure he wouldn't be heard. “I apologize for being so forward, but I've just had a terrible day at work. I've lost one of my most important clients, someone who could make or destroy my company in a second. I'm at my wits end. I need to get laid.”

  My smile then was genuine, and wide. “Well, isn't that a coincidence? I'm looking for exactly the same thing. My name's Moira.” I placed my hand on his thigh, stroking it softly. “If you can please me, I'm more than happy to help you with your issue.”

  He took my hand, bringing it up to his mouth for a surprisingly endearing kiss. And then he pulled me away from the bar, nearly too fast for me to grab my purse before we were out the door. He opened the passenger side of his car and helped me in, drinking in the sight of my cleavage from above for a moment before he would join me.

  In the car, his hand was up my skirt in an instant. I didn't mind. I let him play with me, mewling as his fingers pressed gently against my clitoris. It felt nice, but I knew it wouldn't get me off. No, I'd need something specific to pull that off. I wondered if this man could do that. He seemed the type- every other man who had managed to make me cum was rich, powerful, and perpetually angry. Lorens fits the type, but something about him seemed soft. I might have to push him a bit.

  His house, as expected, was large and beautiful. It was also dark and empty. No pets came to greet him, no maids or butlers bustled around the building. It was silent,
so silent that I could hear the crickets in the private garden that took up the center of the building.

  “Beautiful,” I said, pressing a hand against the glass. Lorens came up behind me, groping me and nuzzling his face in my neck. Giggling, I turned and wrapped my arms over his shoulders, raising one leg to wrap around his body.

  His soft lips caressed my skin, tickling me. I'd let him have a moment of this sweetness before I pushed him, teased him. Surely some teasing would bring out exactly the kind of man I need.

  When I pushed him away and moved on to another room, he followed, and pressed me against a wall there. Then, when I pushed him away again, I saw a flash of anger, and he came upon me more forcefully. The third time, though, he backed away with a snort of frustration.

  “Did you change your mind?” He asked, crossing his arms.

  “Perhaps,” I said. “I just need something specific.”

  “What do you need?”

  I thought, for a moment, of how to approach this. Pressing my hand against his manhood, swollen and upright against his pants, I pull him in for a kiss. “I don't need sweetness, or kindness. What I need is for you to take your anger out on me.”

  “What?” He asked, his lip curling up. “You want me to spank you or something?”

  I waved my hand. “No, no, that won't be enough. I need you to hurt me. I can't cum unless I'm crying, choking,” with that word, I bring his hand up and force him to wrap his fingers around my neck. “I want to be worried you'll go too far.” I watched for his reaction. He pulled his hand away.

  “You're nuts.”

  “Maybe. I haven't cum in months, maybe a year. I'm so desperate, desperate for your cock and the back of your hand against my face. Or for a slap of my cunt. Anything, I'll do anything for this! Please, I'm begging you to hit me, or something!” I fell, then, to my knees. One arm wrapped around his leg, the other hand massaging his cock. I was so wet, so lustfully in need of a good beating. I had to have it.

  “You want BDSM?” He asked. Looking into his eyes, I saw his lust building up again. Every man loves to have his cock worshiped, and I was damn good at it.

  “No. I want your brutality.”

  Quick as gunpowder, he reached down and grabbed my hair, pulling me up with it. It hurt, oh how it hurt! Glorious pain hit me in waves as I was pulled to my feet. “Get up those stairs, you stupid cunt. I'm going to fuck you however I want.”

  I whimpered, tears welling in my eyes, but I never stopped rubbing his cock until he let my hair go and forced me to turn around. Grabbing one arm and twisting it behind my back, he pushed me past the private garden and the kitchen and up a spiral staircase. At the top was a large room, a bedroom with a huge king-sized bed. He pushed me towards it and bent me over it, hiking my skirt up and pulling my panties down.

  I grunted as he kicked my legs apart. With his fingers, he spread my pussy lips wide.

  “So wet. I guess you do like being hurt. Well, no one's ever let me bring out my inner sadist, whore, so you better be ready for the full force of my hatred and abuse.”

  “Yes sir!” I cried. “I'm ready! I'm so ready!” My clit twitched at his words. I couldn't wait for what was to come.

  A swat to my pussy made me shut up quick. Another one brought even more tears to my eyes. A third made me gasp, and but then he followed it up by rubbing my clit. I was melting to his touch when he hit my clit one more time, hard enough to make me yelp.

  “Scream as loud as you want. It's only going to turn me on, bitch.” He spread my ass cheeks, gripping them hard. Then he spanked me, harder than I have ever been spanked. It must have hurt his hand, because he left for a moment. I wanted to nurse my aching pussy, but knew better than to move when I was being spanked. I waited for him to return, and when he did I had a surprise coming to me.

  The next hit to my ass came via a wooden spoon. I screamed again, surprised by the sharp pain. Then the spoon met my clitoris, and he alternated between hitting my ass or my pussy. Sometimes he hit my pussy lips, sometimes he spread them wide and made sure my clit got a nice hard swat.

  I was almost beginning to regret meeting this man, thinking this might be too much for me, when he bent down and my throbbing cunt was met with a hot, wet tongue. Oh, the bliss I felt then was indescribable! I moaned loud, grabbing the comforter on the bed and pulling it towards me. He lapped up my juices, nurses my poor clitty back to working condition. His tongue dipped into my hole, probing me.

  I was near cumming, but knew I wouldn't go over the edge without more. Maybe he knew, too, because he stood up and forced me to stand as well.

  “Get naked, slut. Let me see your tits.”

  I adore a man that can tell me what he wants. I pulled every bit of clothing off without even thinking about it, my pussy getting wetter by the second. He turned me around to see me, drinking in the sight of my body. The way his angry eyes assessed me alone could have made me cum, like I was a piece of fuck meat, good for nothing more than taking his spunk.

  “Get on your knees and service my cock.”

  I suddenly got the idea in my head to do something very stupid: rebel. I stood defiant, teasing him, with my arms crossed in just such a way to make my tits more prominent. “No.”

  Being bratty is dangerous once you bring out a man's inner sadist. I knew this. I didn't expect the explosive anger that Lorens might show, but with a roar he came at me and threw my down on the bed by my neck. I sputtered and choked, trying to regain my breath.

  “How dare you defy me! Stay there, I'm going to fuck your face! I'll show you that you're nothing, you're barely even a hole worthy of my cum!” His pants came off in a flash, and then he was on the bed with me. He straddled my face, his thick thighs around my head and his balls hovering over my face. He kneeled down and let them rub against my nose, and my mouth, moving and gyrating against my face.

  He then backed up, and pressed his cock down. I opened my mouth, willingly sucking the entirety of his length down my throat. And he wasn't short, let me tell you. His cock was wide and long, and it tickled my tonsils and then some. He pushed it deep into me, and then pulled out. I thought that might be the worst of it, but then he really did start to face fuck me. Lorens moved his hips fast, blasting his cock down my throat and back up, never letting up to let me get air.

  I was worried I might end up choking or passing out. Just as my sight started to fade, he let up and I choked for a few breaths of air before he pressed his cock down my throat again, for another rough fucking. Again and again, he did this to me, but he did not cum.

  When Lorens finally relented, and allowed me to breathe, he pulled me down the bed so that my legs would hang off of it. He spread them, and I did not fight him. I was ready for his cock to be inside me.

  “Are you on birth control?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “Good.” He pressed the head of his cock against my clitoris, making my back arch and a moan escape from my lips. “I'm going to cum in you. You said you'd do anything, and now that you've unleashed this beast, you're going to get the full extent of my abuse. I'm going to cum in you, or on you, whatever I choose.” He took my hands, holding them above my head and gripping my wrists so hard that I gasped.

  “I'm going to fuck you every way I know how, every day until my seed is spilling out of your cunt and your stomach swells with my child. And we're going to repeat this, over and over again.” He held my hands up with one hand and, with the other, grabbed my neck. He pressed hard. Electricity coursed from my stomach to my pussy.

  This was hot, though I never thought I was into impregnation. Exploring a new fetish was so much fun. I was glad, then, to not be on birth control and vowed to never take it again, so long as I was with Lorens.

  “Do you understand, you stupid whore? Or do I need to show you?”

  “Show me,” I rasped as he pressed even harder against my throat. This man was a good choice. Lorens gave me everything I wanted and more.

  He entered me, and it was ama
zing. My clitoris, still sore, throbbed then with pleasure. He let go of my hands and immediately I grabbed him, pulling him into me, my pussy gripping his cock.

  I could hear my own breathing, hard and ragged, and I could feel my pussy stretching to accommodate him, the sensation of fullness and being owned overwhelming me. But beyond that there was nothing--no future, no past, no present beyond the feelings in my pussy.

  I wasn't a virgin but I felt like it was the first time, like his cock was reaching places that had never been tantalized by any other man's cock. He pushed all the way in, to the base, and stayed there, as if he knew I had to accommodate his girth. I wiggled my hips, trying to get whatever sensation I could. The only thing that mattered was the pleasure, as if the pain of stretching and the stinging on the places he had hit me weren't there, as if they didn't hurt--in fact they added to the pleasurable feelings spreading through my body. I gasped out my pleasure.

  And then Lorens pulled out of me, pulled out so much that I thought he'd come right out of my pussy, but he didn't. He held it, with just the ridge of his cock-head barely inside, and then I almost forgot I had even felt so stretched, so full, only mourning the loss of some nameless satisfaction. He pushed back in, fast and hard and I cried out.

  He sighed in pleasure or frustration and pressed two fingers against my lips, and I let them in my mouth and sucked them, playing with my tongue between and around them, the feeling of raw sexuality permeating my entire body as he continued to pound his cock into me. I could feel him speeding up, filling me and satisfying my lust. I moaned out more than one orgasm as he fucked me like a stud, taking me in every sense of the word. Glorious release, after months of being pent up with no man to please me. I had found my man, the one who would brutalize me just right.

  He took his fingers out of my mouth, twirling my hair around his fingers and pulling it, raising alarm bells around the roots of my hair that only served to make the feelings in my pussy even better.


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