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Jake (Immortals of New Orleans Book 8)

Page 17

by Kym Grosso

  “I’m her mate.” Jake stood, his eyes locked on Quintus. “She hears me. Feels me as if she were wolf. She bears my mark. It’s there.”

  “This is very good news.” Sadness flashed in his eyes but he quickly recovered with a slight smile.

  “You said yourself. I’m her master. But I believe that is only for her beast. To keep her from destroying others. Because we know what she can do.”

  “I don’t really think we know the true implications of her shifting. I never saw Mao do it. There’re only rumors. What Kai did in the club is very likely a sliver of her capabilities.”

  “She’s my mate. And…” Jake lost his words, turning to reach for the plates. He quickly put them onto the table and began to search for utensils.

  “Over there. Second drawer to your left.”

  “Thanks. Wait. How’d you know I was looking for…?” The vampire’s ability to read the others was truly impressive. Jake slid the drawer open and laughed. “Forks. Good stuff.”

  “This may explain why she was less influenced by the vampires at Jonathon’s club.”

  “Kai said she didn’t feel them as much. They were staring at her but like Jonathon, they probably classed her as a witch. I think it all has to do with her being my mate. And it’s a weird feeling because hell, being her mate? I wasn’t expecting it. Not even fucking close. Wait until Jax hears about this one.”

  “Is she fully accepting of this news?” Quintus asked.

  “I don’t think she is, now that you mention it, but you have to look at this from her perspective. She’s been hiding for years. Been told she could never mate. Her sister goes missing. Kasdeya bites her. You grab her. She’s traumatized. Here I am marking her. She can’t trust anyone.”

  Jake went still, hearing a creak on the stairs and gestured to Quintus. He closed his eyes, reaching for his mate. Kai.

  My Alpha, her words returned and a smile bloomed on his face. “Be right back.”

  Jake went to the living room, and caught sight of his beautiful mate. Her hand clutched the ornate carved knob at the end of the stair rail. Her tiny figure was drowned in the robe, the terry cloth pooling at her feet.

  He strode towards her, embracing her in his arms. Like wax melting, she molded to him, giving a small moan.

  “Hey, sweetheart.”

  “I heard you say my name.” She smiled.

  “You like how that works? Kinda cool, huh?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Jake leaned back and smiled at her. His fingers slipped under the fabric, gently tugging it away to reveal his mark. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

  “Ah…” Kai sighed as his lips brushed her collarbone.

  Jake’s cock stiffened as her delicious clean scent filled his senses. He reached into her robe, his hand gliding over her smooth skin. As he palmed her ass and pulled her toward him, he peppered kisses up her neck. Her arousal called to his wolf.

  “Jake,” she breathed as his lips met hers.

  He sensed her fierce golden beast; it purred in submission. His mouth captured Kai’s, and the warmth of his mate saturated his very being. Losing himself in her kiss was the easiest thing he’d ever done.

  His hand slid between her legs. She shivered under his touch as his fingers brushed through her wetness.

  “Yes…please…” Kai’s plea faded as he circled her clit. “Ah…Jake.”

  He smiled into her kiss, rocking his rock hard cock into her hip. Jake speared a thick finger into her hot core, his thumb continuing to play her at her swollen bead. Jesus Christ, I’m going to fuck her here. His thoughts flashed to Quint, who he knew would scent her arousal.

  “Yes…fuck, yes,” she cried. Kai’s lips tore from his, her forehead falling onto his chest as she came. She struggled to stand but he held her firm around the waist, fucking her pussy.

  “Ah, that’s it, my sweet little pixiu.” Jake’s cock ached as she convulsed against his body. He fell back against the steps, bringing her with him. He sucked a breath as Kai pulled down his boxers.

  “That’s it…ah fuck,” Jake grunted as she slipped the broad head of his cock through her slick folds, and impaled herself on him.

  Jake heard Quint call his name, and he gave Kai a devious smile as she gripped his shoulders, riding him hard. As she increased her pace, he held tight to her waist. Jesus Christ almighty, she knew exactly what she was doing, that Quint was in the next room and enjoyed every fucking second of it.

  “Do you want him to see you?” Jake asked.

  “I want you,” she replied, her iridescent eyes locked on his.

  Jake plunged his dick into her tight pussy, his orgasm teetering on the edge. As his beautiful mate rode him, her robe fell open, exposing her breasts. Kai gave a cry, her core fisting him. She bucked, grinding her pelvis against his. Jake reached his fingers up to shush her, his thumb spearing into her mouth. She bit at his hand, writhing on his cock.

  The sweet slice of pain and the glorious sight of his mate drove him over the edge. He grunted, giving a hard thrust, exploding his seed deep inside her. She continued to fuck him, milking each spasm from his body.

  As she slowed her pace, Jake panted, attempting to catch his breath. He drank in the sight of his glorious mate, her heated gaze settled on his. Holy fuck, this woman will kill me. His whole life he’d been well controlled. Yet in the course of five minutes, he’d given little thought to Quintus, breakfast, or fucking her in the foyer.

  He heard laughter emanating from the kitchen and knew full well Quintus had heard their entire interaction. What the fuck am I doing? Jake gave an awkward laugh. Always confident in his actions, he considered his total lack of restraint, marking Kai without even a discussion. Fucking her on the steps had seemed like a good idea at the time, but as she fumbled to close her robe, he questioned his actions.

  “I’m…Jesus…sorry, Kai…” he struggled to articulate his thoughts, his body still humming with her intoxicating energy.

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m not.” She leaned into him, briefly pressing her lips to his. Before he had a chance to respond, Kai pressed to her feet, giving him a sexy smile. “Hmm…something smells delicious. I’m so hungry.”

  Jake chuckled in awe of his spectacular mate. “Still hungry, eh?”

  “A girl’s gotta eat,” she replied, brushing her long locks behind her ears.

  “Grillades and grits,” he said, shoving his dick into his shorts.

  “I don’t know what that is but if it’s half as good as it smells, I want to know how to make it.”

  “Ah, girl. This wolf will teach ya about the finer Cajun delicacies.”

  “I’ve already had one for breakfast.” She winked, walking ahead of him. “But now I need food.”

  Jake shook his head, amused by her humor. He’d had a taste of her lethal beast, and he loved her unbridled spirit. She’d given zero fucks Quintus had heard them just now. Last night he’d feasted on her while the vampire watched, and he considered how she’d enjoyed it. He looked forward to pushing her limits. While he’d shared other women, he never considered how he’d feel about doing so with his mate. Yet with her marked, he suspected he’d do it at least once to gift her with the experience, the sexual freedom he’d explored.

  As he walked into the kitchen, he observed her cheeks flush as Quintus raised his glass to her. She flashed him a playful smile, quickly turning away as if she knew he’d read her thoughts. His eyes went to Quintus who gave him a broad smile. Jake laughed inwardly at the thought of being with them both. Jake was confident Quintus wouldn’t dare lay a hand on her without his direction. Despite being a dangerous son of a bitch, the vamp rode with an old school honor.

  Jake’s phone buzzed and he reached for his phone. Logan’s text flashed across the screen. Get to San Diego. Stop fucking around with the girl. Need you there ASAP.

  Jake glanced up at the shotgun-style house; its bright pink siding made it look as innocuous as cotton candy. On the way over to Bourbon St., he’d called Lo
gan. His Alpha had told him that the Alpha of Anzober Wolves had been found slain in Big Sur, far away from their territory. The beta was missing and the pack was reportedly in disarray. Infighting and challenges had begun with no regard to Logan’s command to wait for their previous leader.

  The car door slammed, breaking Jake’s contemplation. Kai stood behind him as Quintus joined him at his side.

  “It’s hard to believe Dominique lived here,” Jake said.

  Dominique Moreau. She’d been sired by Kade Issacson, and had lived in New Orleans for over a hundred years. As far as he knew, she’d always lived in Faubourg Marigny off of Frenchman Street. The spirited vampire always had a flair for the eccentric. Chic and quick-witted, the ginger had been a formidable supernatural, one to be feared and respected. But a witch, under the influence of a demon, had kidnapped and attacked her, leaving her unresponsive. Kade and Sydney had taken her under their care, seeing to her needs, but she hadn’t yet recovered.

  “We probably should have talked with her ourselves,” Quintus said.

  “Dom’s in no condition after what happened in New York. I know you weren’t around for the party but she was…broken. Mick beat the hell out of her. Starved her. She was pretty messed up.” Jake recalled how he’d found Dominique lying motionless in the cave, her body black and blue.

  “It always amuses me when I hear a new vampire brag about their eternal life. We live forever all right, as long as the Goddess chooses to have the soles of our feet on the Earth. It’s likely the demon poisoned her. This will not be something she will easily overcome,” Quintus predicted.

  “Yeah, by the looks of her, it had her several months. It’s hard to tell. My guess is he was responsible for what happened to Ilsbeth as well, but no one knows for sure. Well, you saw her.”

  “The underworld is a dark, dark place, my friend. The power that emanates from above and below is beyond our comprehension. It’s why one must be careful playing with black magick.”

  “Yeah well, people are assholes too. Sometimes it’s as simple as that. This was all Ilsbeth’s fault anyway. She thought she could have Dimitri. Fucked around with his wolf.”

  “Love is a powerful force. No one is immune to the irrationality that follows in suit.”

  “There was a time Ilsbeth helped me,” Kai said. “She’s not all bad.”

  “She always helps people but she never does it for free. Dimitri gave her his fur.”

  “I gave her blood. But it was a fair price,” she told him.

  “Look, I’m not sayin’ that she doesn’t have the right to earn a stipend for her work. But when she uses these things to hurt people? That crosses a line. She wasn’t snooping on D. She tried to kill his wolf. Nope. That bitch has a dark side. And when I say dark, I’m talking close the curtains, pitch black, not a prick of light, call a priest, time for an exorcism kind of dark.”

  “Black magick can be seductive,” Quintus told them. He gave a tilt of his head, studying the wrought iron gate.

  “You trying to tell us something?” Jake asked, raising an eyebrow at the ancient vampire.

  “I don’t embrace it but I admit I edge the outskirts. Sometimes one must fight fire with fire. It can be used to protect, disarm your enemies. Ones like Kasdeya.”

  “Kasdeya is evil,” Kai stated, her voice cold.

  “Her demons, they will find you eventually.”

  “He’s right. We need to get inside, and hope to hell Dom has some kind of wards set up. Our energy…” Your mark. My mate. “Our connection. It’s possible I mask you, but let’s not test it.”

  “They filter the city searching for her,” Quintus told them. “I feel them as we speak. They come from the underworld but Kasdeya owns their souls. They’re part of her.”

  “We’re running out of time. Let’s do this,” Jake stepped toward the gate, and glanced back to Quintus. “Keep her between us.”

  “On it.” The vampire drew closer to Kai.

  “No offense, you two, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to be the one defending you all someday.” She gave a sly smile, ignoring their expressions of amusement.

  “It’s all good, golden girl. But just remember who’s got a rein on your lovely ass. I’m not letting you get hurt.” Jake reached between the railing and flipped open the security pad, punching at the keys. “I hope this code Kade gave us works.”

  A click sounded and a smile crinkled onto his face. Jake shoved the heavy door open as Kai and Quintus passed through it.

  “Careful,” he warned as he trekked down the narrow alleyway. It had been paved in uneven stones, potted plants lining its edges. Leaves speared out into their path, brushing their calves as they made their way back to the house.

  Jake walked into the courtyard and glanced to the banana tree reaching up toward the second floor of the nineteenth century home. The hidden gem appeared in its original state, but in good condition. Jake waved his hand over the door, sensing the hum of magick inside.

  “What is that?” Kai asked.

  “Wards,” Quintus answered.

  “It’s serious magick all right, which begs the question, ‘What the hell does Dominique need with this kind of wattage?’” Jake held his arm across the door, blocking Kai’s fingers from brushing the window pane. “Not yet, sweetheart. I don’t know what this is.”

  “Ilsbeth. The coven,” Quintus interjected.

  “Yes, but this is different,” Kai countered. “I don’t need to touch it. I can feel it. It’s feminine. Soft. There’s innocence to it.”

  “Let’s get our asses inside.” Quintus looked over his shoulder as a cold breeze blew across the patio and a dry leaf scraped across the stones.

  “Whatever it is, it’s probably some kind of protective ward for demons. I agree, if it’ll let us pass, let’s get inside. We don’t want to get caught up with Kasdeya’s flying bags of fun.” Jake again flipped open the security pad, and made quick work of typing in the code. It buzzed as the gears churned, and the lock box below clicked open, revealing a key.

  Panic painted across Kai’s face. “Do you feel it?”

  “Kasdeya. Her devils search,” Quintus whispered.

  Jake shoved the key into the slot, and turned it until the lock slid away. As he caught sight of the black wisps rushing toward them, he reached for Kai’s hand. With a shove, he opened the door, yanking her inside. Quintus rushed in behind her, slamming it shut.

  Jake’s expression went flat as he took in the sight of the small living room. He couldn’t say he’d ever discounted the ghost stories of the streets of New Orleans. Living in paranormal realms, it was accepted that all was possible, including hauntings. Regardless, he avoided the occult, those who invited spirits into their life.

  As he glanced to Kai and Quintus, whose eyes smiled in amusement, his chest tightened at the sight of the Victorian decor. His mind churned, unable to imagine that Dominque, Queen Bee fashionista, would live here. His instincts pricked in awareness as stepped further into her home. He wasn’t sure if they’d find the Kris, but like most vampires, Dominique had a long-forgotten history, and they were about to discover it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kai’s courage rose with her Alpha by her side, observing her surroundings. Portraits of young children from the 1800s leaning against the wall gave an eerie ambiance to the historic home. Kai wondered when Dominique had been turned, if she had given birth. Were these paintings of her daughters? Or had she simply purchased them at an antique dealer?

  “Why do you think Dominique had the Kris?” Kai asked, running her fingers over the robin’s-egg-blue painted hearth; the pilot light flickered inside the gas fireplace.

  “Excellent question.” Quintus rounded the corner into a breakfast nook. He pointed to a Voodoo doll that sat on a bookshelf. “Perhaps she had a personal interest in magick.”

  “Maybe,” Jake replied, studying the room. “I’m not saying that I know Dom all that well but I’ve met her a few times over the years, and she always struck
me as a straight shooter. I never got a witchy vibe. She was always on the prowl for sex. Aside from that act, she’s one of Luca’s henchmen.”

  “She works security with him at Issacson Industries,” Quintus stated.

  “Why would she have a Kris that Ilsbeth knew about? Do you think maybe it belonged to the coven?” Kai asked.

  “Not sure. We don’t know how she got tied up with the demon either,” Jake said.

  “Maybe it came after her,” Quintus guessed.

  “Maybe she needed it for protection,” Kai suggested, staring up a steep flight of stairs.

  “I don’t think she lived here,” Jake said. “This place looks more like a rental of some kind.”

  “Kade said she kept it as a guest house,” Quintus explained.

  “Look at all these antiques.” Kai spied a rusted iron bulldog on the hearth.

  “All I know is that if Jonathon fucking lied about the location of the Kris, I’m going to feed him to those damn fish myself. Anything in the kitchen?” Jake asked.

  “Nope. Just more of the same. Are either of you two feeling drawn to anything?” Quintus asked.

  “What’s upstairs?” Kai shivered as she asked the question; a faint echo of voices sounded from above. “I think there’s something up here.”

  “I don’t sense any humans,” Jake said, coming up behind her.

  “Me neither, but this magick…” Kai breathed slowly, concentrating on the energy around her. “It’s thick. I can feel it. I hear them.”

  “Hear what?” Jake asked.

  “Voices. They sound like children. I don’t know. They’re whispering.”

  Both Quintus and Jake exchanged a look of concern. Jake moved ahead of Kai onto the first wooden step.

  “Do you know if Dominique had any kids?” Jake asked Quintus.

  “I’m not sure. It’s possible she had them as a human. Sometimes…well, not in my case, but I know for many of us, we’re turned after we’ve had families. It’s not always convenient.”

  “So what happens then?” Kai asked. Tilting her head, she strained to listen. Silence filled the air and she continued. “Do their families live on without them? Die?”


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