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To Bedevil A Beauty (Southern Sanctuary - Book 5)

Page 12

by Jane Cousins

  “Chief Hughes is on line one Your Honour.”

  “Thanks Marion.” Berry picked up the phone, surprised to find herself smiling as she did so. “Well, you held out a lot longer that I gave you credit for. Well done.”

  There was silence on the other end for a moment, except for what Berry thought sounded like Ramsey’s teeth grinding together.

  “You can have the party at the new bar, Five Alarm. Spread the word and spread it fast.”

  Berry laughed. “You sound a little upset. Everything okay?”

  “You…” Ramsey sputtered to a halt. “Your family…” More silence.

  Berry couldn’t help but laugh again. “I did warn you. What did they do? Are you okay?”

  “Your family are diabolical.” Ramsey finally ground out.

  “What happened? Are you hurt?” Berry gripped the phone tight, tension suddenly coiled in her gut. Her family weren’t known for inflicting unnecessary damage but still, they could get a little… feisty.

  “No bloodshed, but I don’t think my shirt can be saved.”

  “What happened to your shirt?”

  “Lipstick stains… lots and lots of lipstick stains.” Ramsey groused.

  “Excuse me? Lipstick stains?” Berry was on the edge of her seat intrigued.

  “Everywhere I went this morning a female relative of yours would burst into tears and throw themselves at me, bewailing the news of your inability to attend Eli’s party because of your sudden relapse. Once I assured them you were safe, back at work even and that we were keeping a close eye on you… then the kissing would start… and the compliments.” Disgust dripped from every word Ramsey uttered.

  “Compliments?” Berry couldn’t keep the scepticism out of her voice.

  “That I’m such a good boy… dependable, big and so strong. That just having me here made them feel safer. I’m serious Berry, they were everywhere I went this morning. My office, at the coffee shop, the seniors’ walking group accosted me in the street, though I’m not sure if lapping the square waiting to ambush me on the way out of the police station can be deemed walking. Let’s see, where else, oh, the hairdressers…”

  “You got your hair cut?”

  “No, I did not. I was dragged in there by some woman claiming to be your third cousin twice removed and then set upon by a gang of ladies. It took me over ten minutes to extract myself from their clutches.”

  “A gang?” Berry enquired dubiously.

  “More than three ladies at a time constitutes a gang, trust me, I’m an expert on these matters after the day I’ve had. The last straw was the firehouse.”

  “My female relatives managed to ambush you at the fire station?” Berry was biting the inside of her cheek so she wouldn’t laugh again, Ramsey sounded so disgruntled.

  “I needed to speak to the arson expert about your car and who should be there selling raffle tickets? Five of your relatives! Don’t ask me their names, it’s all just a blur of tears, the smell of perfume, lipstick smears and a pocket full of lottery tickets to win a lawnmower.”

  “You don’t have a lawn.” Berry pointed out politely.

  “You think I don’t know that? There was just no way of saying no to those ladies, they were…”

  “Tenacious?” Berry asked, trying to be helpful.

  “The way a battering ram is tenacious? Sure. Anyway, you need to put the word out right now that I’ve caved. You get what you want.”

  “What we want, remember?” Berry couldn’t help but needle. “I get to go to the party and you get to pick the location.”

  “Berry! Just make the calls.”

  “No need. It was done the moment you picked up the phone. Don’t you know by now how scary fast the grapevine can be around here?”

  “Scary is right.”

  “Hmm, so the new place, Five Alarm, huh? I suppose the location is convenient, right next to your apartment building. Though I’m not sure the girls are going to be all that happy with your choice.”

  “You’re kidding.” Ramsey sounded exasperated. “It’s a nice place, great view of the beach, excellent food, it’s a damn good venue for a party.”

  “Still…” Berry ruminated on all the points Ramsey made, wondering if they would be enough to convince her female friends and relatives to lift the ban on Five Alarm.

  “Seriously? I‘m meeting you half-way here Berry.” Growled Ramsey.

  Oh well, anyone too much of a wuss to brave the new bar would just have to miss out. “You’re right. Though maybe next time you’ll cave with better grace. Thanks Hotshot.” She hung up quickly before he could make a comeback.

  Marion entered the office smiling broadly, a huge stack of folders in her arms. “All of a sudden you’re looking well enough to attend to a party.”

  “Funny. I assume the word has gone out?”

  Marion sent her a scornful look before setting the folders down with a loud thud on her desk.

  “Sorry, silly question. What’s all this then? I’ll be lucky if I get out here before midnight.”

  Marion reached over and grabbed the paperwork Berry had managed to finish so far. “What can I say? If you hadn’t spent most of the week lolly gagging around after being shot then it wouldn’t have had a chance to pile up like this.”

  “Very funny.” Berry gave a sigh as she glared at the pile. “You’d better send an order out for take away.” At least she could expense the cost of her meal.

  “Already done.” Marion assured her with her usual ruthless efficiency before striding out to deal with a ringing phone.

  With another sigh Berry ignored the new pile of paperwork demanding her attention and returned her focus to the manila folder already open before her. Who was she kidding… second job? She was drowning under the weight of her first job. Oh well, at least she had a party to look forward to tomorrow. Hmm, yes, she could drown her problems in pitcher after pitcher of tap water, because that’s all she’d be able to afford.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I’m not going.”

  “Well, I’m not going up there!”

  “There’s not enough money in the world. I’m not going.”

  Berry’s head was beginning to hurt. The squabble had been going on for ten minutes now. Ever since she’d sat down at the table with birthday girl, Eli, her sister Fraser, Darcy, Quinn, Gigi and Riya, who currently had her head down on the table, her spill of black hair covering her face.

  “Where are all the melds?” Fraser asked, looking around what they had all agreed was a very nice bar.

  “Probably still in bed with their mates.” Groused Darcy. “Inconsiderate bitches.”

  “They’re just running late.” Quinn mediated. “We could wait until one of them arrives.”

  “Need… drink… now.” Riya’s words were muffled but still audible.

  “What’s her problem?” Darcy looked down at her cousin, collapsed face first on the table.

  “Don’t…” Riya’s plea was ignored by Gigi.

  “It’s Gaia…”

  “Where?” Both Berry and Riya, who abruptly sat up straight, frantically looked around the room.

  Gigi laughed. “Goddess, chill you two.”

  “Yeah.” Eli broke in. “She’s not coming anyway. Something about refusing to sit in a bar where alcohol is being served because it might prove harmful to the baby.”

  “She’s pregnant?” Berry, felt a weight lift from her shoulders, several of the others expressed their surprise and relief.

  “No.” Eli shook her head regretfully. “She was talking about the pre-foetus.”

  “What the hell is a pre-foetus?” Quinn frowned, brushing the end of her long dark blonde pony-tail back over her shoulder.

  “It means she’s still not pregnant.” Eli supplied.

  Both Berry and Riya groaned audibly.

  “I get Berry’s problem.” Darcy frowned, tucking a lock of black bobbed hair behind one delicate ear. “But I don’t get why you’re freaked.” She directed her quest
ion at Riya.

  “She wants me to make her an outfit.” Riya shot a longing glance from hazel green eyes at the bar and the row upon row of bottles of alcohol displayed behind it, so near, yet so far.

  “An outfit for what?” Fraser enquired.

  “To get pregnant in.” Riya admitted with a wince.

  The whole table groaned in both disbelief and sympathy. Riya’s magic was particularly specialised. The intermingling of her psychic powers and her talented dressmaking skills meant that she was able to create the perfect outfit for life changing events; job interviews, first dates or dreaded meeting the parents’ dinners. In particular, her gift let her create fairy tale bridal gowns and decadent wedding night apparel.

  No order was ever placed. Riya’s magic didn’t work like that. Usually what happened was that the customer in question wandered passed Riya’s exclusive boutique and there in the window, on the mannequin, would be the exact outfit they had been dreaming of.

  Riya visibly shuddered. “She keeps bringing me sketches of what she wants me to make, take my word on it, there is a lot of cleavage involved. I really need a drink.” She admitted mournfully.

  “Well I can’t go up.” Darcy stated. “I’m just as likely to kill one of them. Eli will never get served. Berry’s been hurt. Quinn can’t afford to touch one of them. Riya’s a wreck. Fraser will probably incite a riot and Gigi can’t be trusted.”

  “Hey.” Gigi protested, purple eyes flashing.

  “Oh, get over yourself. One slip from you and all the alcohol will turn into something we’ll need to call a hazmat team in to dispose of. Or are you forgetting the Christmas Eve drinks disaster of two years ago?” Darcy’s icy blue eyes were full of amusement as she spoke.

  “Isn’t Riordan supposed to be working here?” Berry asked, looking around. “Maybe she’ll take our order?”

  “She helps serve food, not drinks.” Eli supplied with a shrug. Pushing back a lock of burnished golden blonde hair that had fallen across her eyes.

  “I’m surprised those brothers of hers let her work here.” Mused Fraser.

  “None of this chatter is getting the drinks here any time soon.” Riya muttered

  “We’ll have to wait for one of the melds. Nell should be here soon, or Hadleigh.” Eli looked towards the front door.

  “I’ll go.” Quinn stood up. Determination in her silvery blue eyes.

  “Are you sure?” Gigi looked horrified for a moment.

  “They’re just men… okay yes, I grant you, young, single, and gorgeous… potentially pawns in one of Great-Aunt Alma’s match making schemes…men. But I’m tired of living in fear. Aren’t you guys? We’re better than this. So who’s with me?” Quinn looked around the table, then rolled her eyes. “You guys are such wusses.”

  “Happily single wusses.” Darcy amended in a smug sing-song voice.

  “Fine, you scaredy cats stay here.” Quinn pushed her chair in.

  “Just water for me.” Berry held up a hand to get her cousin’s attention.

  “No, champagne all round. The whole day is my party, so my treat. Put this behind the bar.” Eli handed across her credit card. “And whatever you do, don’t touch either of them.” Eli warned as Quinn snapped up the card.

  “What? Suddenly I’m an amateur?” Quinn held up her hands, displaying the elbow length fingerless gloves she wore.

  The women watched Quinn saunter up to the bar.

  “So brave.” Gigi admired.

  “So stupid.” Darcy smirked. “Speaking of recklessly stupid.” Darcy transferred her attention to Berry. “Why don’t you tell us a little bit about this policeman you’re shacking up with?”

  “I’m not shacking up with him.” Berry protested. “As you well know I was shot and my car was torched. I’m just staying at Chief Hughes’ apartment because it’s a safe location and easily defendable.” Berry saw doubt lingering in her cousin’s eyes. “Seriously, there is nothing going on between us. He’s just here today to act as my guard.”

  “He’s here today?” Darcy looked surprised for a moment before following the direction of Berry’s gaze, a wicked smile instantly gracing her features. “So he is. Hmmm, I swear to the Goddess if I were to hand the man a spoon right now I think he’d eat you up in an instant.”

  Berry bit back a groan as the entire table made a show of looking out towards the outdoor patio, where Ramsey Hughes was currently seated, dressed in blue jeans, grey jumper and heavy boots.

  “Ah, don’t all look at once.” Griped Berry, beginning to wonder where the alcohol was.

  “Darcy’s right.” Gigi agreed. “The man can’t take his eyes off you Berry.”

  “That’s his job. He’s here to provide protection. Just like Zeke guarding the front door.”

  “But Zeke isn’t eyeing you like you’re the last steak in the fridge.”

  “Lovely.” Berry wondered what was keeping Quinn so long. “Look, you guys know me. I’ve done the marriage, I’ve done the divorce and I’m officially done with men.”

  Fraser issued a heartfelt sigh.

  “What was that for?” Berry eyed her suspiciously.

  “Well he is kind of ruggedly…” Fraser started the sentence.

  “…dreamy.” Eli stated.

  “…doable.” Darcy put forward her thoughts.

  “…hot.” Riya proposed.

  “…intriguing.” Gigi finished.

  “You lot are impossible. What happened to all of you swearing to stay away from single men? Case in point, the fact that we’ve never been to this bar before because the owners happen to be two single men, new to the Sanctuary?”

  “You’re forgetting the fact that when they first came here with the intention of renovating the old firehouse station into this bar and the apartment upstairs that it was the High Council that approved their application.” Eli reminded.

  “So?” Berry frowned.

  “Don’t be naïve Berry. Great-Aunt Alma sits on the High Council now. Can’t you just picture her rubbing her hands in glee at the prospect of those two hunks settling down locally?” Darcy scoffed. “That’s why this place has been a no-go zone since it opened.”

  “Is that so? From the way you were all admiring Chief Hughes I thought maybe the embargo on men might have been lifted.” Berry drily noted.

  “It’s easy to admire men when they are already taken.” Fraser answered for the group.

  “Taken?” Berry winced as her voice came out a little high pitched. “Taken… by whom?”

  Riya rolled her hazel green eyes heavenwards. “You, if you want him stupid.”

  “I don’t want him. I just got through reminding you all that I’ve sworn off men.”

  Darcy chuffed a laugh. “And a piss poor job you did of it too.”

  “I did not.” Berry fought hard not to stamp her foot. Why wouldn’t anyone believe her when she said she was sworn off men? “You…”

  “Thank Goddess, drinks.” Riya looked up at Quinn’s return. “Sweetie, you okay?”

  The entire table echoed concern. Quinn was as white as a sheet as she set down two ice buckets on to the table.

  “Did you touch one of them?”

  “Did you see a memory?”

  “Are you alright?”

  Quinn collapsed gracelessly into her chair. “I didn’t see any memories… I don’t want to talk about it. For Goddess sake, someone pour me a drink.”

  Berry hastened to obey.

  “What are we talking about?” Quinn enquired, hot colour now flooding her cheeks.

  “The new Chief of Police’s unrequited… or perhaps, not so unrequited love of Berry.” Darcy provided.

  Quinn forced a smile, the others at the table biting back their worried questions concerning her obviously distressed state. “Spill, I want to hear everything.”

  Berry met her cousin’s troubled eyes, she didn’t know what had happened up at the bar but it had scared Quinn badly. Her cousin’s hand visibly trembling as she lifted the champagne flute to
her lips and drank down almost half its contents in one go.

  Damn, she hated that Quinn was upset, her cousin’s magic could be overwhelming sometimes. Opening her mouth she found herself saying. “Well, it all started Friday week ago with the cats…”

  * * *

  Ramsey’s eyes roamed slowly over the nearby expanse of beach. No suspicious characters loitered. Feeling eyes upon him, he shifted his focus inside the bar, meeting Berry’s gaze instantly. Arousal curled in his gut and shifted lower. Damn, she looked nice in that navy silk dress and those ridiculous red shoes she’d insisted upon wearing. With her hair down, curling around her shoulders and those naturally red lips of hers, she looked both relaxed and flirty.

  Suddenly, every single one of Berry’s girlfriends turned to look directly at him. His instincts for potential danger kicked into high gear momentarily. Ten seconds that felt like a lifetime passed before they dismissed him as interesting and returned to chatting amongst themselves. Phew, they were a potent collection of women. With more arriving by the minute, as the women commandeered two more tables and shoved them together. He only recognised Nell, the doctor, who’d attended to Berry in the car park after she’d been shot and Charisse. Wow, what a family.

  The women might come in different sizes, shapes and colourings but each and every one of them was beautiful in their own unique way. Seriously, how was Haven Bay still a secret? Slap a picture of any one of these women on the front of a tourist brochure and you’d have people… well men, flocking to the town. But it wasn’t just their looks that drew the eye. There was something magnetic about each and every one of them. An allure, a mystery needing to be solved, a sense of… power. Power? Shit, maybe the sun was hotter out here than he thought. Ramsey took an absent sip from his lime and soda as he contemplated the beautiful blue sky autumn day. Out on the water sail boats skated across the relatively calm ocean, taking advantage of the slight breeze that was blowing today, their colourful sails decorating the horizon.

  It was stunningly picturesque and strangely relaxing to just sit here… watching over Berry, knowing she was safe and just… be. God, when was the last time he’d just kicked back and relaxed? Enjoyed a peaceful, quiet moment? Shit, he hoped this place wasn’t making him soft.


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