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Page 6

by Theodora Lane

  But she was a good friend, and Shae appreciated Maddie’s concern.

  “Because, I’m not looking for Mr. Nice.” She deepened her voice. “I’m looking for Mr. Bad. I want exciting, not boring, and he was definitely boring.” She yawned.

  “I hear you, but—”

  “But nothing. I’m young and have all the time in the world to check out all the fish in the sea, right?” Shae laughed, and then sobered. “Maddie, I need to tell you something.” Someone had to know what she had planned, just in case.

  “Do you need my legal advice?” Leave it to Maddie to jump into lawyer mode.

  “I don’t think so. It’s personal.”

  “Is it juicy?”

  “Sort of.”

  “Well then, don’t say another word. I’m on my way. I’ll pick up some donuts, and we can chat.”

  “Fine. I’ll see you in a while.”

  “Not if I see you first!” Maddie laughed and hung up.

  Shae sank back into the couch and frowned.

  Once Maddie heard what Shae had planned, she’d either hit the roof, give her legalities she didn’t want to hear, or insist on going with her. That idea was out, of course. No way would Shae involve her bestie in some sort of dangerous paramilitary, possibly illegal, action.

  Shae had to admit, if she were smart, she’d stay home also.

  But she was both smart and stubborn, and right now, the bull inside her had control of her mind. Not even Maddie’s legal powers of arguing would change her decision.

  She wouldn’t let anyone, not even Maddie, stand in the way of getting her dad back.


  Shae opened the door to the rapid, insistent knocking. Maddie entered like she lived there and headed straight to the kitchen with a box of donuts.

  “Hey, girlfriend.” Maddie had ear buds in and just nodded to Shae. After plopping the box on the counter, she danced over to the fridge and pulled out the orange juice, got a glass from the cabinet, and poured, all in the time it took Shae to say, “Come on in. Make yourself at home.”

  Done and done.

  Maddie yanked out the buds and grabbed a donut with a paper napkin. Shae picked one out and wrapped the napkin around it, poured her own juice, and followed Maddie into the living room.

  “So, spill it. What’s the big secret?” Maddie took a sip and sat on the sofa, gathering her legs under her. She balanced the donut on her knee and then licked the icing from her fingers.

  Shae sat in the other corner of the couch and crossed her legs to get comfortable. She set her glass on the end table, gathering her nerve to explain her situation to Maddie.

  “Okay. Promise me you’re not going to freak.”

  Maddie narrowed her eyes. “Promise.”

  “Seriously. I mean it.”

  Her best friend nodded, her chin-length, straight, strawberry blonde hair bobbing around her face. She crossed her heart and held up her fingers. “Promise.”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure my father has been kidnapped. In Brazil.”

  “What!” Maddie screeched. “Did you call the cops?”

  Shae shook her head. “It’s not like that. He’s in Brazil. I haven’t been able to reach him, and his company won’t talk to me anymore.”

  Maddie leaned back, her blue eyes as big as a harvest moon. “No shit?”

  “No shit.” Shae told her story. About the company cutting her out. About meeting Logan. About his plan to rescue her dad. As Maddie listened, her mouth open, she wrapped her arms around herself, the donut and juice forgotten. Once Shae came to the end, Maddie jumped into action.

  “What do you need from me? A registered letter? A subpoena for info?”

  “No. I’m not sure we have time for that. It’s been almost a week.” Shae reached out and took her friend’s hand. “I’m so afraid my dad’s dead, Maddie,” she whispered, barely able to keep herself from shaking.

  Maddie put her food on the coffee table and slid next to Shae to wrap her arms around her. Shae closed her eyes and hugged her best friend back. Maddie pushed her away to stare into her eyes and gave her a little shake.

  “Don’t say that, Shae. Don’t even think it. It doesn’t make sense. If he were…dead, why not tell you?”

  “I don’t know. But if he’s been taken, why not tell me that?”

  “Legally?” Maddie gave Shae’s hand a squeeze. “I can think of a dozen reasons their lawyers are scrambling right now. They must be crapping all over themselves. It’s a legal and public relations nightmare.”

  “You think?”

  “I think they’re so deep in trouble, they don’t know what to do. That’s why they stopped taking your calls. That was a stupid move.”

  “Maybe they thought I’d just go away.” Shae shrugged.

  Maddie snorted. “They don’t know you, do they?”

  Shae had to laugh. “No.”

  “And they don’t know me, either.” Maddie’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll make their lives a living hell, legally.”

  “No, wait. I want to give Logan and his friends a chance.”

  “So, this…group of Rambos? Do you know them? Forget that, do you trust them?”

  “Logan was Billy’s best friend from junior high school all the way through the military. I trust him.” She smiled. “I used to have the biggest crush on Logan when I was sixteen. We never met, but I would look at all the team photos of Billy, and Logan would be right next to him.”

  Maddie rolled her eyes. “Oh, no. The deadly ‘my brother’s best friend’ crush, huh? Sure you’re not letting that influence you?”

  “No. Logan has been in touch through the years since Billy died. He’s never done anything but ask about me or I about him. Strictly on the up and up.”

  Maddie gave her the side eye. “But what about the other men? Ex-military, right? They might be some badass guys, honey. You don’t know who they are or what they might do or not do. They might be all suffering from that traumatic stress thing. You can’t go there to meet them alone. I’m coming with.” She crossed her arms and gave a hard nod, as if that settled it.

  “Uh, no. My dad. My mission.” Shae shook her head. “These guys know how to do this sort of thing. Billy was in Special Forces, you know. Secret missions. Top secret stuff.”

  “Don’t care. I’m coming with you. You need protection, if not physical, legal.” Maddie could be just as serious and stubborn in her own way. It’s probably why they were such good friends.

  Shae had to figure out how to talk Maddie out of it.

  “Look, how about if I contact you every day?”

  “How do I know they aren’t forcing you to do stuff? Or that they’ll ransom you too?”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m paying them to do this.”

  Maddie stood and paced. “That’s just it. They know you have money. They know who your father is, how rich. They could be the ones doing this!” She stopped and threw her arms out.

  “Except I told Logan. Until then, he didn’t know anything about this matter.”

  “Oh.” Maddie twisted her lips. “Damn.”

  “You’re acting like you’re disappointed they aren’t trying to kidnap me.” Shae had to laugh. Maddie was such a good friend. “Look, how about this? What if you drive with me up to Hockley? We’ll meet the guys, hear what they have to say. Will that soothe your fears?”

  “If you’re bound and determined to do this, I guess the least I can do is represent you.”

  “Represent me?”

  “Well, you’re hiring these men, right? I’ll draw up the contract as your legal representative. Iron clad. All the I’s dotted and the T’s crossed.” She pointed to her chest. “It’s not like there’s a form for this sort of thing.”

  “All right. You’re right about the contract. I told Logan I wanted one, to lay the entire thing out, expectations, costs, all that stuff. I hadn’t really thought about who would draw it up. Thanks.”

  Maddie exhaled, wrapped an arm around Shae’s shoulder, and
gave it a squeeze. “I’d die if anything happened to you, you know that, right?”

  “I know. This way, you’ll be satisfied it’s not a trap.” And leave me alone.

  “Okay. But if I get a single spine chill or tummy flip, we’re outta there.” She let Shae go, hooked her thumb out, and pumped it toward the door.

  “Deal.” Shae stuck out her hand, and they shook on it.

  Maddie laughed. “When do we go?”

  “I’d planned on tomorrow. If you need more time, I can put it off another day, but I’d rather get going as soon as possible. If not for Logan, I’d be in Brazil already.”

  “I’ll clear my schedule. I didn’t really have anything big, mostly appointments for boring wills. Sure, I can do tomorrow.”

  “Great. I’m packing tonight. I want to leave here at nine a.m.”

  “Packing? Whoa. What are you talking about?”

  “Well, if I’m going to go to Brazil, I need to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. I figured I’d stay someplace in Hockley so I can be close.”

  Maddie stood. “Then I better go to my office, let my clients know I’ll be gone for a while, and then go home and get a bag put together. Just in case.”

  “You don’t have to stay with me.”

  “The hell I don’t. I go where you go, girlfriend. Besides, you said these guys were ex-Marines or something, right?”

  “Yeah. Special forces, I think.”

  “Well, I’ve always had a soft spot for a man in uniform.” Maddie winked as she snatched up her purse from the kitchen counter. “See you in the a.m. Nine, right?”

  “See you.” Shae rose and followed her to the door. “Maddie? Thanks.”

  Maddie leaned over and gave Shae a kiss on the cheek. “Anything for you, Shae.”

  Shae closed the door and leaned against it.

  Had she made a mistake by dragging Maddie into this mess?

  She prayed not.


  Maddie met Shae in the parking lot of her apartment the next morning. She pulled into a space next to Shae’s car and got out, her coffee travel mug in her hand, her purse slung over her shoulder.

  “Morning!” Maddie grinned as she popped the trunk open. She leaned in and pulled out a small carry-on bag.

  Shae opened her trunk. “Throw your bag next to mine.”

  Maddie did, frowned, and straightened. “Shae, I’ve been thinking. This could get hairy.” She opened her designer handbag and leaned it toward Shae. “I brought my Glock. Just in case.”

  Shae laughed and nodded toward the front of the car. “I’ve got my Sig, too. We’re Texas girls, through and through.” Both of them had concealed carry permits. Shae’s father had insisted, and Maddie carried because of her legal dealings. Even though she specialized in contracts and wills, not all her clients lived in the best parts of Houston.

  “Damn straight.” Maddie closed the trunk and walked around to the passenger side. They got in and buckled up.

  Shae punched the address Logan had given her for Maximus Garage into the navigation system, and they headed out.

  “Maximus Garage?” Maddie snickered. “What the hell kind of name is that? Sounds like a bunch of good ol’ boys hanging out, tuning up muscle cars so they can race them down the back roads on Friday nights.”

  “Hey, ex-military boys, don’t forget.” Shae winked. “Really, Maddie. I’m glad you’re coming along with me.”

  Maddie slid on a pair of black sunglasses and leaned back in the seat. “Nada, honey. You’d do the same for me.”

  Shae nodded. “Damn straight.” She put on her sunglasses. “Let’s go get my father back.”

  Chapter Eight

  Logan looked across the office to where Max sat, frowning at his computer, and cleared his throat.

  “Look, Shae will be here in an hour or so, so get over it. She has a right to be here, to talk to us, and make sure she’s one hundred percent comfortable with us taking this mission on. It’s her father, after all.”

  Max looked up, pinning Logan with a hard stare. “I’m not bothered by that, Speers.”

  When Max used Logan’s last name, he was pissed.

  “Of course you are, Captain,” Logan shot back.

  “No. I’m just not sure about why she had to come here. Out to the garage.”

  “To meet us. To exchange information about her father.” Logan shrugged. The last thing he wanted to do was tell Max that Shae had every intention of going with them to Brazil. Or at least, she wanted to go. Logan didn’t know what, but he would do something to keep her safe here on US soil.

  “Could have done that over the phone or email.” Max scratched his chin. “But that’s like a woman. Nosy as hell.” His lips twisted. “Always wanting her own way. Never listening to someone who knows better than she does.”

  “Shae’s concerned for her dad, that’s all.” Logan skipped commenting on Max’s harsh words. In all this time, he’d never known Max to date. Even for a one-night stand. And the man never spoke about his love life. Ever.

  Max growled and turned back to his work.

  The door opened. Travis came in and flung himself into his chair, spun around, and gave them both a big grin. “Howdy, men. How’s it hanging?”

  Max didn’t bother to glance up. “To the right.”

  Travis howled and faced Logan. “You looked like someone beat your dog. And not in a good way.”

  “Shae’s driving out today to meet with us.” Logan shrugged. “Max is pissed she won’t stay home.”

  Travis looked from one to another. “Okaaay. She’s coming out here, so what? We do the razzle dazzle, show her around, sweet talk her, and slam bam—she’s back out the door and safe at home.”

  Logan sighed. “Really?” He shook his head. “This is Billy’s sister, and let me assure you, the fruit didn’t fall far from the tree. She’s just as determined as Billy and just as hard-headed too. Don’t underestimate her.”

  “Oh. So that’s how it’s going to be.” Travis folded his arms over his chest. “Logan’s got it baaad,” he sing-songed.

  “Do not.” Logan shot Travis a glare. “She’s Billy’s sister. His little sister. She’s off limits. To me and to all of you horn dogs.” He gripped the arms of his chair so hard they almost came off. Just the idea of Travis trying to get into Shae’s panties made him nuts.

  Travis held up his hands in surrender. “Whoa. Got it. Don’t hit on the clients.”

  Logan growled. “You’re an ass, Travis R. Houston.”

  Travis grinned. “And you’re a sucker.”

  “Men!” Max barked, and both of them snapped their mouths shut. “Enough. It’s done. She’s going to be here shortly. I want everyone on his best behavior. And that means no smart mouth comments from you, Houston.” Hard stare, then a shift of his gaze to Logan. “And this is just business, Logan.”

  “Got it.” Travis gave him a loose salute.

  “Right, Captain.” Logan nodded. They had to be nuts if they thought he had any ideas about Shae. Despite the way her voice and that luscious body made his cock take notice, she was Billy’s kid sister. Off limits out of respect to her and to Billy.

  Besides, until he returned her father, Logan wasn’t good enough for her. If they failed, she’d never want to see Logan again, and he would have failed Billy.

  Gunnar Bergen was the last man due into the office. Rowdy and Jake were at work in the garage; Logan had seen them when he came in that morning. Those two would prefer to know only the details of the mission, not the sniping and ragging that went on in the office.

  Gunnar, on the other hand, loved the office chatter. Logan would have to remind the hound dog about Shae being off limits. She was a client. Gunnar tried to seduce every woman he came in contact with, no matter what she looked like or how old she was. He just loved working his lines, sweet-talking, and watching them blush and smile. But he never hung around too long, no matter how attractive they were. Having him play with Shae was unacceptable.
  “So, Gunnar, Billy’s sister is due in this morning. I’d appreciate it if you laid off.”

  Gunnar looked at Logan and smiled, baring white, even teeth and dimples in his cheeks. “Lay off what?”

  “Don’t play it innocent. Stay away from Shae.” Logan let go of the arms of his chair and tightened his hands into fists.

  “Whoa!” Gunnar leaned back, throwing his hands up to protect himself. “Don’t get your panties in a twist, Speers. I’ll behave. Not that you could win her if I wanted her.”

  Blood pounded in Logan’s ears. He grabbed the arms of his chair and rose.

  “Sit down, Logan. He’s just yanking your chain.” Max shook his head. “And you—Gunnar—cut it the hell out.”

  Both men nodded and returned to their chairs. Logan gave Gunnar a last look—the man had a shit-eating grin on his face that Logan wanted to knock clean off—and went back to his work.

  They worked in silence until Rowdy came in from the garage. “Car’s here.”

  Logan stood. “Thanks. Should be Shae.”

  “There’s two women in that car.” Rowdy jerked his head toward outside. “Want me to greet them?”

  “No. I’ll do it.”

  “Who else did Shae say she was bringing?” Max frowned.

  “She didn’t. As far as I knew, it was just her.”

  Travis got to his feet. “I’ll come too. Might need back up.” He shot Rowdy a wink.

  Max rose, scratching his chin. “If we all go out there, it might frighten them off. Logan, you and me. The rest of you, at ease.”

  Logan controlled his childish urge to shoot the others the middle finger and followed Max as he headed out the door to greet Shae. And whoever was with her.


  Shae drove the car along the row of trucks parked next to what had to be a metal Quonset hut. Painted on the two large open doors was MAXIMUS GARAGE—CUSTOM MOTORS. “This must be the place.”

  Maddie growled. “I don’t like this, Shae. It’s so isolated. You sure about these guys?”

  “Yes, this is it.” Excitement coursed through Shae’s body, eager to see Logan—no, to start the preparations to find her father.

  Next to her, Maddie had her purse on her lap as she checked her weapon, dropping the clip and then shoving it back home. “I’m not taking any chances.” She slid the gun back into her purse as Shae parked the car at the end of the row of trucks.


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