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Sky Scorcher 2

Page 11

by Harlan J Meade

  “Tell him that an old friend has come calling,” replied James as he watched the door close. James heard mumbled talking from behind the door that was too muffled to understand the words being said. After a minute, James heard the lock click and he stepped back as it opened.

  “Well! If it isn’t James Blackwin! Now, why would the hero of the Kingdom visit us little folk?” laughed Frank as he motioned James inside the tiny apartment.

  James stepped through the door to see a cleaner and more organized room than the last time he and Sky Marshal Plateman had visited. All of the rum bottles were gone and all the clothing had been moved; even the floors were clean.

  “I like what you have done to the place, Frank,” commented James as he looked over the neat and clean apartment.

  “Not me….Taby did it all. If you’d been an hour later, you would have missed me,” said Frank as he slid on a nice pair of boots.

  “Are you working now? Oh, and it’s nice to meet you, Taby,” James said as he waved to the woman.

  “Yes. I’m a full time clerk at a store not far from here. Now that that’s all out of the way, tell me what really brings you here. And where’s solider boy?” Frank asked trying to get straight to business.

  “Plateman is now the Sky Marshal,” answered James as Taby brought in a tray of tea and sat it down.

  “Hmmm…I suppose that he will do a good job. You still haven’t answered my question about why you are here,” Frank reminded James.

  “What do you know about the Sky Scorcher’s location? Until yesterday, pirates had free range in and around the border. Sky Marshal Plateman mobilized the fleet here at Sky Port to fortify the border once again,” explained James as he leaned forward in his seat.

  Frank removed a tobacco pipe and pouch from his coat pocket. “Mostly what I hear now is just talk from drunken pirates or the occasional pirate who knows me by my old reputation,” said Frank as he placed tobacco into his pipe and lit it.

  “Come on, Frank. You must know something,” pressed James as he took a small bag of coins from his pocket and shook it.

  “Okay! Alright! I’ve heard a lot of talk about a summons. Firebolt has called all the members of the Council to him,” replied Frank in almost a whisper.

  “A summons? Any idea where I can find Firebolt?” asked James as he laid the bag of coins down on the table next to the tea tray.

  “No, but I did hear that Hover Bay wasn’t completely destroyed. If I was a betting man, and I’m not, that’s the place I would look. No better place to have a meeting than in the eye of the Northern Storm Fields,” Frank said as he puffed on the tobacco pipe.

  “Thank you, Frank. As always, it has been a pleasure,” said James as he stood and walked to the door.

  “Before you go…the last time after you left, a couple of those Department boys came by asking all sorts of questions. Naturally I gave them the run around,” laughed Frank so deeply that he began to cough from the inhaled smoke from his pipe.

  “Very odd. Thank you, Frank. And please tell Taby thank her for the tea,” James said as he turned the door handle and pulled it open.

  “Always good to see you, but stay away for a while,” said Frank as James smiled and walked out the door.


  “Tell me, Drake…before Hover Bay was attacked, did you happen to see an unfamiliar woman in her mid-twenties?” asked Joshua as he ate breakfast in his new office.

  “Not sure. Anything specific about her to go on?” asked Mr. Mattus as he chomped on some fruit.

  “She would have been wearing formal clothing not from around here,” replied Joshua as he leaned forward in his chair to better hear Frank’s answer.

  “Different clothing, you say? I helped a young woman out hours before the attack. She fits the description you told. She said her name was Misty and she was traveling with her father,” Mr. Mattus lied to Joshua.

  “Traveling with her father! To Hover Bay? And you believed that?” said Joshua with a laugh.

  “She seemed legitimate. She even opened a line of credit in my store,” replied Mr. Mattus in attempt to sound more convincing.

  “My friend, I do believe that you will never see that credit paid,” said Joshua as he sliced an apple and handed a piece to Drake.

  “Perhaps you’re right, Firebolt. I’ll have to be stricter from now on,” said Mr. Mattus as he took a bite of the apple slice.

  “It doesn’t matter anyway. My guests will be arriving shortly. If you’ll excuse me, I need to check on the progress the men have made,” said Joshua as he wiped his mouth and stood up.

  “Those crewmen of yours have added cannons beneath the city next to the fans,” said Mr. Mattus as he watched Joshua place his feathered hat on his head.

  “Not credit to me…it’s all Jack. They should be starting on the placement of cannons around the top of the wall that surrounded the city now that artillery batteries have been positioned near the pumps and fans,” commented Joshua as he opened the door and looked out.

  Two decent sized ships could be seen sailing towards the rebuilt docks where the Sky Scorcher was the only ship docked.

  “That would be your guest now?” questioned Mr. Mattus as he looked at the flags raised high on the main masts of both ships.

  “Yes. Do you see the red and white flag with a bear on it?” Joshua asked as he pointed to the nearest ship.

  “Yes. It seems to be a well crafted ship,” answered Mr. Mattus as he watched the ship slow its speed to dock.

  “That’s the Beartrap! It is captained by the strangest man I know…Garland Bearclaw,” explained Joshua as he stepped out to the porch of the building.

  “And the other?” asked Mr. Mattus as he watched the second ship pass above them.

  “Heather McDowell. Her crew is made up strictly of women. A bit of advice…watch your throat and your gold around that lot,” said Joshua as he winked at Drake Mattus.

  “Thanks for the advice,” laughed Mr. Mattus as he walked to the edge of the porch.

  “You’re welcome. Now, I must go introduce them to my new fortress,” said Joshua as he shook Mr. Mattus’ hand goodbye.

  The walk to the docks allowed Joshua to take a quick peek at the progress of the fortifications. Cannons and weapon stashes were being placed everywhere along the wall in case the need to fight man to man arose. At the docks, Heather and Garland were greeting each other as Joshua approached them.

  “Welcome to my fortress!” shouted Joshua as he stretched his arms open wide and walked towards the two captains.

  “It’s about time someone polished up this old rust bucket of a town!” said Heather as she leaned forward and gave Joshua a kiss on the cheek.

  “What about me?” asked Garland with his deep voice. Joshua turned to shake his hand and extended his arm out. “That’s funny,” laughed Garland as he grabbed Joshua’s hand and pulled him into a bear hug.

  “Bearclaw! You’re killing Firebolt!” said Heather with a laugh as her crew brought luggage off of her ship, The Syrene.

  Garland loosened his grip on Joshua and dusted him off like a child who had just been scolded.

  “I’m glad you both have come. Follow me. I want to show you around and go over my plan,” said Joshua as he motioned them to come with him.

  Heather and Garland looked at one another and smiled.

  “Trying to win us over before the others arrive?” joked Heather as she followed Joshua.

  “Of course I am. Otherwise, showing your around would be pointless and a waste of my time,” laughed Joshua as he began to show them the fortifications that Jack and his crew of engineers had been working on.

  “This could work, although Hex will be harder to persuade. You’ve sold me on it. I’ll have my crew help in anyway possible,” said Heather after seeing all the potential of the fortress.

  “Wait! I will not be outdone. My crew is yours to command as well,” Garland said as he clapped his hands to draw attention to himself.

you both. And I’ll deal with Hex when that time arises,” replied Joshua with a smile as the three entered the new headquarters.

  Chapter Nine


  “How did it go at Frank’s?” asked Misty as she rushed to James when she spied him entering the Department Barracks.

  “Better than expected. I’ll tell you more once we’re in Plateman’s office,” replied James as he opened the gate to the lift.

  “Changing the subject…all crewmen are accounted for. Mr. Rewk is helping them collect their belongings from the King’s Crown Inn. It will still be a few hours before the ship is ready to sail,” said Misty as they rode the lift to the third floor.

  “Well done,” commented James as he thought about what Frank had said. The lift shuddered to a halt.

  “James, we’re here,” Misty said as she opened the gate of the lift and realized that James was still standing in deep thought.

  “Right. Let’s get to Plateman’s office,” said James as he brought his attention back to the task at hand.

  Inside Sky Marshal Plateman’s office, the Lieutenant Commander and several captains looked at a map. The map was marked with models of airships placed in locations to indicate the best layout of patrol lines to tighten the security for the King’s borders.

  “Thank you, gentlemen. That will be all for now,” said Sky Marshal Plateman to dismiss the men as James and Misty entered the room.

  “I hope that we didn’t interrupt anything. Oh, and Lieutenant Commander, please stay. You need to hear this as well,” said James as he approached the map and the captains left the room.

  “No interruption, James, I trust you with my life so if you have any advice on this matter, it would be greatly appreciated,” said Sky Marshal Plateman loud enough for Rachael and the Lieutenant Commander to hear.

  “I would have gladly provided it, but on to more pressing issues. Rachael, can you post guards at the door?” asked James. Rachael looked cautiously to the Sky Marshal for permission.

  “James, what’s going on?” asked Sky Marshal Plateman as he nodded to give Rachael the okay to do as James had asked.

  James waited until the guards were placed outside before he spoke. “Alright, Mr. Blackwin, the room is secure,” reported Rachael as she returned to the Sky Marshal’s side.

  “As you may know, my informant Frank Stobbs has been faithful with his information,” said James as he paced back and forth.

  “Frank Stobbs? The pirate living in Section R? That’s your informant?” asked Lieutenant Commander Shockly with confusion.

  “Ex-pirate. He is the man that helped James and I find Hover Bay,” said Sky Marshal Plateman trying to reassure the Lieutenant Commander.

  “Cutting straight to the point…Firebolt has summoned the Council. Frank said that Hover Bay is still in the eye of the Northern Storm Fields. That means that we can’t take a fleet of airships. And I must confess that I know nothing of this Pirate Council,” explained James as the room fell silent.

  “First the Empire threatens us with war and now a pirate council and Hover Bay again! James, I can’t go that far north with the threat of war looming over the Kingdom,” said Sky Marshal Plateman finally to break the silence of the room as he sat down in his chair and rubbed his face.

  “I know old friend. That’s why I’m going. Your duty is here. The Kingdom needs you. However, I do still need you to accompany me to the Forest of Mist. We will have a Department ship follow us and wait from a safe distance and then bring you back here,” said James as everyone listened.

  “Why would he need to go to the Forest of Mist? You just said that the Kingdom needs him here,” Rachael asked unable to understand why James would willingly place the Sky Marshal in danger.

  “If war comes, we’re going to need allies. The Cloudkin have never lost a war in all recorded history. That’s one reason that King Tideon pushed for peace with them. Also, the Sky Scorcher is the only ship ever made by Cloudkin hands. They will know more about it than even Firebolt,” James said confidently.

  “I have to admit, Sky Marshal, Mr. Blackwin makes a very good point. Cloudkin warriors could turn the tides of war in our favor,” commented Lieutenant Commander Shockly as he pointed to the Empire on the map.

  “Then it’s settled. We sail as soon as your ship is ready, James. I’ll send word to King Tideon when I return to notify him whether or not the Cloudkin will aid us,” replied Sky Marshal Plateman as he placed a dagger into the map of the Empire.

  “One last thing…Frank mentioned something strange. He said that after we left him the last time, someone from the Department came and visited him. Is there any record of that happening?” asked James as he looked to Lieutenant Commander Shockly.

  “I will get a team to pull the files for that week but I can say for certain that I didn’t give that order. The Department doesn’t bother civilians,” explained Lieutenant Commander Shockly feeling concerned about James’ statement.

  “My ship won’t be ready for a few hours. Can you find something out by then?” James asked as he checked the time on his pocket watch.

  “I’ll make it top priority. We will get to the bottom of this, Mr. Blackwin,” assured Lieutenant Commander Shockly.

  “Let’s keep this search quite. Pick out your most trustworthy people and get them on it. If there is a spy in Sky Port, I want them dealt with before we leave,” ordered Sky Marshal Plateman in an attempt to hurry the search along.

  “Yes, sir,” replied Lieutenant Commander Shockly as he saluted the Sky Marshal and rushed out of the office.

  “Misty, return to the ship and stay out of sight. Keep an eye out on the docks and report the happenings there to me,” said James as he turned to face his bodyguard.

  “Do I let Mr. Rewk in on this plan?” Misty asked as she gathered her travel pack.

  “Yes. He also needs to know about the recent development and changes in the original plan,” said James as he helped her place her pack over her shoulder.

  “Rachael, I want you to go with Misty and help her to watch the docks,” said Sky Marshal Plateman as he walked to the window and looked out over the city.

  “Yes, sir. The rest of the guards will stay on post outside your door,” replied Rachael as she saluted and walked to Misty.

  “We’re going to wait here until the Lieutenant Commander tells us what is in the reports from the night we visited Frank,” said James as he sat down in one of the large comfortable arm chairs in the Sky Marshal’s office.

  “See you soon. I’ll send for you when the ship is ready to sail,” Misty said as she and Rachael left the office.


  “How long have we been waiting now?” Rachael asked as she sat down on a wooden crate.

  “About an hour. Why? Is this mission too boring for your taste?” Misty said with a snicker.

  “Honestly…yes. When I was picked and assigned to the Sky Marshal, I had heard some of the older guards talk to my mentors about all the adventure and excitement they had witnessed during their time as guards for the previous Sky Marshals,” said Rachael as she stood to her feet again.

  “I don’t know much about the excitement of guarding a Sky Marshal, but I get plenty of adventure working for James,” explained Misty as she looked out of the port hole of the ship at the busy docks.

  “About that…is what they say true?” Rachael asked as she stepped closer to Misty causing her to lean back slightly.

  “I don’t know. What do they say?” Misty asked unsure of what rumor Rachael was talking about.

  “You know, that you dueled with Firebolt and escaped from his ship after sabotaging it?” Rachael asked with an excited smile.

  “Unfortunately, that is true,” Misty answered as her face turned red.

  “So, it is true then? And James and the Sky Marshal actually saved those hostages?” Rachael said as she shook her head in disbelief.

  “Yes. Hold that thought, Rachael. Look! Is that a messenger from the barracks going int
o the Sprocket’s office?” asked Misty as she moved over slightly so that Rachael could see.

  “Yes it is. But why would a Department messenger go there?” Rachael asked with confusion.

  “Come on. Let’s get a closer look,” Misty said as she stood up and hurried to the stairs that led to the deck.

  “What’s your plan?” Rachael asked as the two made their way across the docks to the building.

  “Wait for the messenger to come out and see what he has to say,” explained Misty as she patted her sword.

  Next to the guard’s building was a secluded alleyway so Misty and Rachael quietly hid there. “He’s been in there for a while. Maybe they are just friends?” whispered Rachael as she grew tired of waiting.


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