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Page 59

by Kristen Ashley

  Then, with Greta and the rest of the congregation, he twisted in his seat to watch the bridesmaids walk down the aisle.

  The wedding party was small.

  The attendance at the wedding wasn’t.

  So when the wedding march started, there was a lot of noise of shuffling feet when they all stood to watch the bride walk in.

  Her kids walked in front of her.

  Her father was at her side.

  And after she arrived at the front and they all sat down, Hix allowed his wife to cry for the third time since they got together.

  The first was when he asked her to marry him.

  The second was while she was getting married to him.

  And that was the third and he hoped the last.

  Then they sat in a church and watched Faith Calloway standing with her kids, her hair perfect, her dress pretty, the smile on her face luminous, as she married a man named Owen.

  ~ THE END ~

  Thank you for reading Complicated.

  Discover the Magdalene Series.

  It begins with The Will.

  Early in her life, Josephine Malone learned the hard way that there was only one person she could love and trust: her grandmother, Lydia Malone. Out of necessity, unconsciously and very successfully, Josephine donned a disguise to keep all others at bay. She led a globetrotting lifestyle on the fringes of the fashion and music elite, but she kept herself distant.

  While Josephine was trotting the globe, retired boxer Jake Spear was living in the same small town as Lydia. There was nothing disguised about Jake. Including the fact he made a habit of making very bad decisions about who to give his love.

  But for Josephine and Jake, there was one person who adored them. One person who knew how to lead them to happiness. And one person who was intent on doing it.

  Even if she had to do it as her final wish on this earth.

  Turn the page to read Chapter One now!


  The Safest Place I Could Be


  My mouth filled with saliva when I heard these words, my eyes—shaded by both sunglasses and a big black hat—moving from the shining casket covered in a massive spray of deep red roses to the preacher standing at its side.

  I wanted to rise up from my chair, snatch the words from the air and shove them down his throat.

  This was an unusual reaction for me. I wasn’t like that.

  But he was talking about Gran.

  Gran, my Gran, the Gran whose body was in that casket.

  She wasn’t exactly young, this was true. I knew it was coming, seeing as she was ninety-three.

  That didn’t mean I wanted her to be gone. I never wanted her to be gone.

  Outside of Henry, she was the only person I had. The only person in this whole world.

  Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

  Gran wasn’t dust.

  My Gran was everything.

  On this thought, I felt them coming and I couldn’t stop them. Fortunately, when they spilled over, they were silent. Then again, they always were. The last time I let loose that kind of emotion was decades ago.

  I never let it happen again.

  I felt the wet crawling down my cheeks from under my sunglasses as I moved my eyes back to the casket. I felt them drip off my jaw but I didn’t lift a hand. I wanted no one to notice the tears so I wouldn’t give them any reason to do so, not even movement.

  On that thought, I felt something else—a strange prickling sensation of awareness gliding over my skin. My eyes behind my sunglasses lifted and slid through the crowd standing around the casket.

  They stopped when my sunglasses hit his.

  And when they did, my breath also stopped.

  This was because in all my life, and I’d had a long one, and in all my wandering, and I’d wandered far, I’d never seen a man like him.

  Not once.

  He was wearing a dark blue suit, monochromatic shirt and monochromatic tie. His clothes fit him well and suited him even better. I knew this from experience not just liking clothes but also being on the fringe of the fashion world for the last twenty-two years.

  With a practiced eye, I saw his suit was Hugo Boss, which was a little surprising. The small town where Gran lived had some money in it and apparently that man was one of the people who had it.

  The surprising part was the rest of him didn’t look Hugo Boss. It definitely didn’t look moneyed.

  His black hair had a hint of silvery-gray in it. It was thick and clipped well but in a way that was not a nod to style, instead it was apparent he didn’t want to spend time on it so his style was wash and go.

  Even so, it looked good on him.

  He also had lines on his forehead and around his hard mouth, that even hard still had lips that were so full, they were almost puffy, especially the lower one. His sunglasses, I was certain, hid lines around his eyes.

  These told me he was not a stranger to sun.

  They also told me he wasn’t a stranger to emotion.

  He was tall, broad and very big. I’d been around a variety of men and women who had commanding presences, Henry being one of them, but this man’s wasn’t that. It wasn’t commanding.

  It was demanding.

  Strange, but true and also somewhat startling.

  This was because, not only was his frame big but his features on the whole were aggressive. I’d never seen the like. His brow broad and strong. His jaw hard and sculpted. His neck and throat muscled and corded. His cheekbones cut a line from his square chin to his dark sideburn. His nose had clearly once been straight but it had been broken and not set well, he’d gone with that and it was not a bad choice by any stretch of the imagination. And he had a scar across his left cheekbone that stood stark against his formidable features, taking rugged to extremes.

  He was not close to me, he was also not far, the day was sunny but from his distance with his sunglasses on, I couldn’t imagine he could see my tears.

  Yet I knew without doubt the way his shades were locked to me, he was watching me cry, his face impassive, his gaze unwavering.

  I found this strange, his attention and the fact that even if he couldn’t miss I was looking at him, he didn’t look away.

  Strange and again somewhat startling.

  In order to breathe, with some effort, I tore my eyes from him and saw at his side a young man, perhaps twenty years old, wearing a dark gray suit, a light blue shirt and a rather attractive tie. Although not the spitting image of the man next to him, with his thick black hair, his height, his frame and his features, he could not be anything but the man’s son.

  I pulled my eyes from the young man and looked the other direction only to see a young woman, maybe fifteen, sixteen, long red hair and delicate features set firmly at bored. She was standing slightly away from the man, arms crossed. I didn’t know why I knew, she looked not a thing like him, but I still knew she was also his.

  Down my gaze went and I saw standing in front of the man was a boy, maybe eight, nine years old. Again, the dark hair, the frame that would grow to be tall and strong, it was impossible not to see he was another offspring of that man. It helped that he was leaning against the man’s legs and the man had his fingers curled around the boy’s shoulder.

  The boy seemed uncomfortable and—I peered closer without giving away I was doing it—his face was red. Either he was crying or he had been.

  He knew Gran.

  Obviously, they all did, being at Gran’s funeral, but that boy, at least, knew her well.

  Gran and I talked regularly, several times a week, and she’d told me (in some detail) about a variety of people in her town. I’d also lived there for a time when I was young and visited her frequently over the years, so I knew many of them personally.

  She’d never told me about that family.

  I would remember that family.

  I looked no further, turning my eyes back to the casket. I didn’t want to see the woman that
was undoubtedly somewhere at that family’s side.

  I didn’t need to see her to know her.

  I knew she’d likely be a redhead. That was the only “likely” thing I knew. The rest of what she would be was certain.

  She’d be unnaturally slim or attractively curvy, depending on what that man’s preferences were. What she would not be was a woman who looked like she’d borne him three children over twenty years and had let her body or herself go in any way. Not that, never that. If she did, she’d lose him. For certain. His eye would wander and she’d be replaced. Therefore, she’d do all she could do to make certain that didn’t happen.

  She’d also look younger than her years. She’d go to pains to do this. Most definitely.

  And, considering his suit and how well their children were turned out, she’d be stylish, her clothes and shoes expensive, as would be her hairstyle (and she would have no gray), her manicure, pedicure, everything.

  He would accept nothing less, that man. He would have what he wanted and if he didn’t get it, he’d throw what he had away and he’d find it.

  I put him out of my mind as the preacher thanked people for coming, on behalf of himself and me.

  His speaking for me might annoy me if I didn’t know that Gran liked him so much, not to mention went to church regularly. And when that became hard for her, I knew that Reverend Fletcher had arranged for someone to pick her up, take her to services, take her out to breakfast and then take her home. Sometimes, when no one was to be found or just because she liked doing it, this someone was Reverend Fletcher’s wife.

  It was a nice thing to do. Gran needed to get out. She was social. But she was also independent, stubborn and didn’t like to ask for help. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t accept it if offered. And she accepted it from the Fletchers.

  Reverend Fletcher nodded to me and I stood, feeling the tears drying rough on my face, making the skin scratchy. I still didn’t touch it. I could do that later, when I was alone. Now, I had my hat and my sunglasses to hide behind. And I would use them.

  I felt people milling about as I made my way to Reverend Fletcher. When I got close, I offered my hand. Just my hand, I kept the rest of my body distant to make a point.

  I was not a hugger, not touchy, not affectionate.

  Not with anyone but Gran.

  He got my point. He took only my hand, closing his around mine firm and warm, and he murmured, “Lydia will be missed, Josephine.”

  He was correct.

  She would be.

  I swallowed and nodded once. “She will. It was a lovely service, Reverend. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, my dear.” His hand squeezed mine. “And please, if you’re staying in town a while, come over to Ruth and my house. We’d enjoy having you for dinner.”

  “That’s a lovely offer, Reverend. I’ll think about it and let you know,” I replied quietly as I put pressure on my hand for him to release it, knowing as I said it that I would most definitely not be having dinner with him and his wife.

  Gran was social.

  I was not.

  He let my hand go.

  I gave him a small smile and turned away. I wanted to get to my car and get back to Lavender House. Fortunately, Gran had instructed that she didn’t want a maudlin get-together after her funeral and this meant that I could get away from that place and these people and not have to endure munching on hors d’oeuvres and listening to people tell me what I already knew.

  How great Gran was and how sad it was she was gone.

  This desire of Gran’s was probably for me. She knew her two sons wouldn’t show. My dad and uncle had long since disappeared from her life and mine. And if they did show (which, thankfully, they didn’t), the idea of them socializing, even at a post-funeral get-together, would be alarming. Neither of them was young and I’d not seen them in decades but I knew without a doubt that if they were still alive, they had not changed.

  They never would.

  They were apples that fell right to the root of the tree. Not Gran’s tree. My grandfather’s. And he was mean as a snake, selfish, controlling and all of these to the point where it wasn’t in question he was mentally unstable.

  And luckily, he was also long since dead.

  So there was no reason to socialize, no one left of Gran’s blood to stand around hearing how wonderful she was and thus what a loss it was now that she’d been laid in the ground.

  As expected, it took some time for me to get to my car, what with the amount of people there, the amount of love Gran had built in this town, therefore the amount of people who wished to share with me they were sorry for my loss.

  I was glad Gran had that.

  This didn’t mean I enjoyed the journey to the car. As lovely as it felt to know she had this kind of esteem, I already knew it. I didn’t need to be reminded of it.

  I told myself it made them feel better to say the words, make the eye contact, think their sentiments in some small way made me feel better. And Gran would want me to give them that.

  So I did.

  I managed to negotiate this obstacle course to my car only having to endure two hugs and I didn’t trip or even falter. Not once. Henry would be proud. Gran would be disappointed.

  Gran thought my frequent stumbles were hilarious but whenever she threw her chuckle my way after she’d witnessed one, I knew she was laughing with me, not at me. She’d long since tried to teach me that we should embrace who we were, even, or maybe especially, what she called the “special things, buttercup, the things no one else has, but you.”

  For me, this was being awkward. There were times when I could forget, but if there was something to trip over or something to set crashing to the ground, I would find it.

  Gran thought it was cute.

  When I did these things, I’d more than once seen Henry’s lips twitch too.

  Try as I might to take Gran’s advice, I found it annoying.

  However, I didn’t manage this journey without the heels of my Manolos sinking into the turf, which I found irritating.

  Finally, I made it to my rental car. The lanes winding through the cemetery were packed with cars, many of them now purring, cars doors slamming, wheels pulling out.

  Amongst this, I heard a girl’s annoyed, whiny, “Dad!” piercing the solemn air of the graveyard.

  This tone was so inappropriate I stopped in the open door of my car and looked down the road.

  Some three or four cars up on the opposite side from where my vehicle was parked, there was a big burgundy truck. It seemed relatively new. It was one of those that had four doors in the cab making it a tall, long sedan with flatbed. It wasn’t flashy but somehow it was. Maybe because it sparkled in the sun like it had just been washed and waxed.

  All the doors were open and climbing in them was the man who’d been watching me earlier and his three offspring. His eldest son was pulling himself into the front passenger seat of the truck. His youngest was already in the back. And the man was standing in the open driver’s side door facing his girl, who was standing in the street, hands on her hips.

  No wife.


  I heard an indistinct rumble then the girl leaned slightly forward, her face screwing up in an unattractive way and she yelled, “I don’t care!”

  This was also surprising because, considering the place we were in and what had just happened in it, it was beyond rude.

  I glanced around and saw some of the other attendees were obviously, but studiously, avoiding this exchange.

  Since the man had his back to me and the girl had her attention on her father, I didn’t bother avoiding it. They were in the throes of a squabble. They wouldn’t notice me.

  I heard another rumble then the girl shouted, “I said, I don’t care!”

  To this, there was no rumble.

  There was a roar.

  “Jesus Christ! Get in the goddamned truck, Amber!”

  Her face twisted and I saw her body do a physical humph! S
he then moved and climbed into the backseat of the truck.

  The man slammed her door and turned to his.

  I instantly moved to get in mine thinking anyone who had the means and good taste to own a Hugo Boss suit should not be so ill-mannered as to shout obscenities at his daughter in a cemetery after a funeral service for a ninety-three year old dead woman.

  However, in saying that, Gran would probably laugh herself sick at what just happened. That and wander over to the quarrel and wade right in.

  As with my awkwardness, she found the foibles of others amusing and got away with this because she had the uncanny ability of pointing them out to people and guiding them into finding themselves amusing. Gran didn’t take anything too seriously and she was quite adept at helping others see the world her way.

  She’d had enough serious to last a lifetime with the man she married and the sons he gave her, and when she got out of that, she put it behind her.

  The only serious she let leak in was me. How I was raised. What it did to me. What it made me become.

  And Gran let me be me. The only one to do that, except Henry.

  By the time I’d started the car, got it in gear and checked my mirrors, the big burgundy truck was driving by. I didn’t get the chance to look into the cab. I also didn’t think much of the fact that the man, nor his kids, approached me to tell me they were sorry for my loss.

  That was probably good, seeing as I knew the kind of man he was and if his and his daughter’s behavior was anything to go by, I never wanted to meet them.

  And with them gone, I found myself strangely relieved that I knew I likely never would.

  “I should have come with you,” Henry muttered in my ear through the phone and I drew in a deep breath as I stared out the window at the sea.

  “I’m all right, Henry,” I assured him.

  “There’s no way you should be there alone.”

  “I’m all right, Henry,” I repeated. “You have to be there. You do this shoot for Tisimo every year.”

  “Yeah, which means I need a fucking break from it.”


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