Revenge #4
Page 7
In a heartbeat, he’s on top of me. His body presses down on me as his lips meet mine. His mouth tastes of the strawberries and chocolate. I can’t get enough of him.
My body responds to his touch, my back arching and my arms clasping him to me. I moan his name against his lips. He grabs me roughly, squeezing me. He rolls and pulls me on top of him.
Now that I’m on top, I slow the pace of our kissing. I pull away, teasing him with my lips. I kiss him softly.
He raises his head to get closer, and keeps moving until he’s sitting up and I’m straddling him. My black dress is pushed up, revealing my underwear.
We keep kissing. He reaches back and slowly unzips me. As my dress slips apart at the back, he runs his hands up and down my bare back. His fingers remind me of someone playing piano, only the keys are my spine.
He pulls away from the kiss and tugs my dress up, over my head. He gazes up into my eyes for a moment, then bows his head toward the center of my breasts. In a flash, he has my black lace bra off.
With his hands on my hips, he guides me up so I’m kneeling, straddling his lap. Now he can mouth my nipples easily.
He swirls the tip of his tongue around my hardening nipple. Sensation and desire shock through my body. I gasp and try to pull away, but he holds me tight, both hands on my hips.
It’s almost too much, this divine pleasure of him mouthing my breast and tasting my skin. His expression is soft and gentle, rapturous.
I give in to my desire and push my fingers into his hair, cradling the back of his head. He sucks on my nipple, the pressure sending fire between my legs. My hips rock rhythmically.
He grabs me under the armpits and tosses me onto my back. My legs clamp together. His eyes go to my black lace panties. He quickly pulls off his shirt. His tanned skin is flushed pink near his neck.
I’m as struck by his majestic body tonight as I was the first time. I can’t believe this perfection is mine for touching.
He catches me looking as he pulls down his jeans. “Hey.” He tosses his chin upward playfully. “What are you looking at?”
“A sexy rock star.”
He stretches and flexes, flirting with his eyes. “Am I your million dollar man?”
“I’d like you just as much if you were flat broke.”
His dark eyebrows twitch up, and he keeps posing.
“How’s this pose? Good for a promo photo?”
I hold my hands up to my face. I make a click sound, pretending to snap his picture.
He’s down to nothing but his boxers now, which are riding low on his hips. When he turns his back to me, there are two adorable dimples above his butt.
He breaks his pose and leaps onto the bed again. His shoulders are hunched up. He crawls on top of me, his head slung low like a wolf.
He kisses me on the lips, then pulls away. Now I’m the one who’s gasping and sitting up to catch him. He pushes me back with one hand, and lowers his mouth to my breast.
His lips and tongue are hot. He teases me, making me writhe on the bed as he touches me slowly. He pulls down my underwear and kisses every inch of skin on my body. Thanks to the spa, I’m bare and smooth.
“You’re on fire for me,” he whispers. His finger slips inside me, and I pant for more. With his fingers, he strokes me and brings me to the edge.
Then he gets up and walks away. I make agitated noises, which makes him glance back and smile.
He reaches for the light switch. All the lights go off.
I can hear him doing something, but I can’t see anything now. I hear crinkling, like a plastic bag. He mutters under his breath about locating the condoms before turning out the lights.
I fumble around in the dark and pull down the bed covers. I slip under, and over to the opposite side of the bed. Holding very still, I wait to surprise him by hiding. The dark is heightening my excitement.
Dylan must have better night vision than me, because he jumps right on me, yelling, “Gotcha!”
Fear shoots through me, and my instincts kick in.
The recent memory is fresh and real. Time collapses. I’m back in the boarded-up house again, in the dark. I’m being held down.
I don’t even realize I’m hitting Dylan. I’m just fighting.
He rolls away and flicks on a bedside lamp.
The light doesn’t bring me back to reality. My mind plays tricks on me. I see the gaunt man from the house, and his crazy eyes.
“Leave me alone,” I whimper.
Dylan wraps his arm over me and clutches me to his chest. “Shh. It’s okay, Jess. Did I hurt you? What’s wrong? Shh. You’re safe.”
My tears explode out of me. Pressing my face into his chest, garbled words come out of me.
I’m upset about everything that’s been happening. My words make no sense, but I mention the abandoned house.
“I understand,” he says. “You were in the dark. I should have known.” He rocks me in his arms until I go limp. He kisses the top of my head. “I’m so sorry I scared you. I hate myself for making you cry. Do you hear me?”
I murmur that it’s okay, not his fault.
“You’re so innocent,” he says, still rocking me. “And you met me during this incredible time in my life. I think even good change is hard. I’ve been working too much. I’ll call Morris and tell them I need time. They wanted me to do some appearances, but I’m taking the weekend to spend with you. You’re more important than this deal.”
I pull away to look into his eyes. His face is in shadow, with the lamp behind him. Rather than reach back for the light on my side, I kiss him. I roll on top of him, and then back down on the other side.
He gives me a quizzical look.
“Now I can see your beautiful eyes,” I say, stroking the side of his face.
He looks down the line of my naked body. I’m on my side, my hips rising in a curve.
“I’m okay now,” I say.
He brings his beautiful brown eyes back up to meet mine.
“Am I dreaming?” he asks. “If I am, I hope I never wake up.”
“Congratulations on your big contract.”
His eyebrows knit together. “Who cares about that? Not me. The best thing that happened to me today was when the most beautiful girl in the world said she liked my eyes.”
Giggling, I cuddle closer, nestling the front of my body against his. His neck is near my mouth. I kiss the bump of his Adam’s Apple. His skin is faintly salty. Once I start licking his skin and sucking with gentle kisses, I can’t stop.
He groans and rocks his body against me. I keep kissing his neck, my hunger rising. I tilt my hips, pressing against his hardening length.
“We’ll keep the light on,” he says.
I pull away, lean back, and flick the light off. We’re in the dark now, but I’m not scared.
“Are you sure?” he asks, his tone low and rough.
“Just keep talking to me.”
His hands run up and down my body. “Your voice is turning me on. You’ve got a sexy little voice, Jessica Rivera.”
He rolls me onto my back and moves my thighs apart with his leg. He kisses my neck, humming part of a song. I roll my head back, bathed in the vibration of his voice. He keeps humming and kissing me until I’m panting for him to take me.
He finds the condom packet in the dark and gets ready. When he slides into me, I’m so turned on, I start to come within three strokes. The fireworks start low and rattle my whole body. He pounds into me steadily, kissing me as I moan against his lips.
I come back down to earth, eager for more. I dig my fingertips into the muscles of his back and hang on.
After a bit, he holds me tight and rolls over so I’m on top. With some coaxing, I sit up and ride him at my own pace. The hunger rises up inside me. I drive myself down hard against him, until I’m coming again. This orgasm is so big, it swallows me whole.
When I’m finished, I fall against his chest. My arms are limply at my sides, and I’m not moving. He’s still thick and
hard inside me.
After a moment, he starts moving underneath me, angling his hips to slide in and out.
The room is still dark, but I can make out the faint outline of his face. His teeth glint. He’s smiling.
“What are you grinning about?” I ask.
He rolls me onto my back and keeps rocking against me. He’s deeper now that he’s on top again. I wrap my legs around him, aching to feel him deeper still.
“Am I grinning?” he asks. His gritty voice wraps around me in the dark like a blanket.
“I can see your teeth,” I whisper.
“I guess it’s because I’m having the best day of my life.”
“A million dollars doesn’t hurt, does it?”
He snorts. “I’ll just throw it on the pile with my other millions. I told you, Jess, I’m happy because of you.”
His rhythm falters, and his body tenses. He grunts about not being able to hold back. I hang on tight as he buries himself in me.
His whole body is hard, all tense muscle. He cries out, a primal sound that seizes me.
When he’s done, he rolls onto his back. He pulls me in to rest my cheek on his outstretched arm.
“You killed me,” he says, his voice relaxed yet scratchy. “I think I died for a minute.”
“Was that dirty talk? About having millions? I don’t get it.”
He keeps chuckling. “Do you want to play Truth or Dare?”
“Truth,” I say.
“Okay. Truth. Remember how I said I used to work for my family business, in construction?”
I remember the dinner he had at my house, with my roommates. He talked about his family being in construction. He wouldn’t go into the details, no matter how much Amanda tried to pry.
“I remember,” I answer.
“Well, the reason I was able to hide away in a cabin for a whole year is because we’ve done okay.” He chuckles some more.
“Stop laughing. This isn’t funny. I’ve been so stressed about you getting the contract with Morris. Are you telling me you didn’t even need it?”
“Of course I needed it, Jess. We all need a reason to keep living. We all need dreams, and not just the ones that come to you at night. We need our daytime dreams, those imagined futures to keep us looking forward instead of back.”
“So… it’s always been about the music? Not the money?”
He lifts his arm to bring me in for a kiss. “Music was my lifeline, until I met you. Now you’re my lifeline.”
The sweat on my skin is evaporating. I shiver as my skin contracts under his words.
After a moment, he says, “You’re sleeping over, right?”
“Of course.”
“Let’s have a shower and order more room service.”
I murmur in agreement. He says we should get up from the bed or risk falling asleep. I agree, and follow him into the elegant hotel suite’s bathroom.
We decide on a bath, in the big tub.
More room service arrives, and Dylan pours me more champagne while he cracks open a beer.
We sit in the bath together, talking about album titles.
I smile and have fun with him. We joke around about bad puns involving the word wolf.
I don’t say anything to him about the photos in my bag, or the questions on my mind.
If Dylan was already rich, why would he work with a sponsor? Is Q actually working for him, and not the other way around?
Is Q even a real person?
Dylan’s dark brown eyes dance with mischief. He blows sudsy bubbles at me across the tub.
I can’t ruin tonight by accusing him of lying to me.
But I do need to know a few more things. First thing in the morning, after I’ve sobered up, I’m going to ask.
Chapter 14
Dylan snores.
It’s not a mighty rumble, but definitely a snore.
I wake up early Saturday morning and watch him sleep.
After a while, I stick my fingers in his nostrils to see what will happen. He swats my hand away and rolls onto his side. In this position, the snoring stops.
Good to know.
I curl up in front of him, my back to his body.
We’re spooning now. I really like spooning. I’ve never had a boyfriend, so this is all new to me. It’s a wonderful feeling, with his hot skin at my back.
He moans in his sleep and nuzzles the nape of my neck. His chin is scratchy. His leg moves, pushing between my legs. His knee strokes up and down my inner thigh.
We’re both naked. His whole body shifts again, and my back arches. My butt presses against his hard length. I feel even more naked, if that’s possible.
He starts kissing the back of my shoulder, while cupping my breasts with his hands. I sigh and curve back even more. He nuzzles my shoulder and neck. My body responds to his touch, as quickly as a match being struck.
He squeezes my breasts, slipping his fingers around my hard nipples. With a little pinch, he coaxes them harder. I’m relaxed and excited, tensing and releasing with every breath.
“Good morning,” he growls.
“Same to you,” I whisper.
He pulls his top hand away from my breast, strokes down my body and over my hip. He grasps me between my legs.
My breath catches in my throat. He finds my nub and strokes me with skilled fingers. Now he’s playing me, the pleasure like the vibration of notes. As he gently strokes me, he presses himself against my lower back with more urgency.
“Hold still,” he commands. He gets a condom and returns to the same position, spooning me. I can feel the squeaky friction of the condom against my lower back. He returns his hand to between my legs, and in a few seconds I’m in bliss again.
Just as I’m about to go over the edge and climax, he moves his body down. He presses the tip inside me. I’m so wet from him touching me that he slides in easily. He restrains himself to just the tip. Most of his length is still between my thighs. I’m surprised by how good this amount feels.
He loops his arm over my side and finds the place for his fingers from that direction. I moan and steady my hips, unsure of how to move. He whispers for me to relax and let him do everything. I lower my eyelids halfway and settle into a comfortable state. The soft pillowcase feels good under my cheek. The sheets are luxurious. The hotel room in the early morning light is gorgeous.
My body is suspended in a state of aching anticipation.
He keeps rocking into me, each precious thrust allowing him deeper.
I can feel the tension in his entire body rising. He’s impossibly hard inside me.
My breath catches as I start to peak. One more swirl of his fingers and one more plunge inside, and I explode.
I reach back with one hand. I grab his hip as I bear down on him. I gasp and moan over how amazing he is, my voice trailing off into giggles.
He murmurs something that sounds like a question. I’m not sure what he’s asking, but I say yes.
He pulls out of me, and I hear the elastic snap of the condom being removed.
I’m on my side, and he rolls me onto my stomach, face down. I listen carefully, unsure what’s happening next.
“You’re so beautiful,” he growls. “The curve of your hips, and your back, and that ass, oh that ass.”
One of his hands sweeps down the center of my spine, and then squeezes one cheek and then the other. He strokes his palm back up my spine again to play in the space between my shoulder blades.
His breathing gets ragged, and I feel something land on my back. Hot and wet. I bury my face against my pillow and hold still.
After a moment, he says, “So beautiful.”
He grabs some tissues and cleans my back.
I roll back over and look at his face for the first time since he woke up.
He’s sitting cross-legged on the bed. I put my hand on his thigh and caress his skin. He has some dark hairs on his calves, but this part of his leg is almost smooth.
“That was really sexy,” I te
ll him. “Did you have your eyes closed, or were you looking at my body?”
“What do you think made me come so hard? I was looking at you, lying there like a fallen angel in rumpled sheets.”
I sit up and reach for his arm, running my fingertips lightly over the tattoos. I circle the face of the angel with my fingertip.
“Who’s this?” I ask.
He gazes steadily at me, his brown eyes as dark and deep as a mountain lake.
“She doesn’t have a name,” he says.
I feel my body relax at his answer. I’m so relieve he didn’t say the angel was Susan.
“So, she’s your guardian angel? She looks out for you?”
He grins. “Would you believe I just really liked the art? I met this kid who was hitchhiking. It was a few years ago. I gave him a lift on a rainy night, and he pulled a sheet of paper from his sketchpad and gave it to me as thanks.”
I look more closely at the tattoo. Some of the lines are faded, like it’s not as new as I first thought.
“This is original art?” I ask.
“And I didn’t even get his name. We were in my car together for hours and I didn’t get his name.” He chuckles.
“Once you’re a famous rock star, he’ll see your photos and find out about the tattoo.”
“I never thought of that.” He looks down at the tattoo and nods. “I’ll get him to sign his art, right here.”
“I want one.”
Dylan’s eyebrows rise. “No. Your body’s perfect just how it is.”
I move back on the bed, so my back’s against the upholstered headboard. I cross my arms and give Dylan a pouty look.
“Not just any old tattoo,” I say. “Something from the same artist. A nice tattoo, like a flower. Amanda has a nice one.”
Dylan scowls. He’s not playing around that he disapproves. He really doesn’t want me to get a tattoo.
“Amanda is not the most sophisticated girl,” he says.
“Oh. So Mr. Richie Rich is a snob? I didn’t know that about you. Now the truth comes out.”
He sighs and looks away from me. “Do what you want, but don’t start getting a bunch of tattoos to impress me. You’re a sweet, simple girl, and that’s all part of your charm.”
I give him a look of disbelief. “Simple?”