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Razor's Edge

Page 26

by Lisanne Norman

  “What was it?” T’Chebbi asked, taking the other vacant seat. “What caused all his memories and visions?”

  “Mainly those mental butchers from the past,” Noni said. “They were afraid he’d be so angry at what they’d done that he’d try to sabotage Vartra’s work. They blocked the memory, hoping he’d pair several times before it returned. It was done in such a way that it interfered with the memories of his meeting with Carrie that were trying to resurface.” She took a large mouthful of her drink and sat back in her chair, closing her eyes.

  “Would you do me a favor, child? Ask Father Lijou if he could find me somewhere to rest for an hour or two before I go home. Mental healings aren’t easy, and I’m getting old.”

  “Of course, Noni,” she said, putting her mug down and heading for the door.

  “And child,” she said, opening her eyes and pinning her with a look. “Keep the next cub.”

  Carrie had spent the morning with the female members of her family, helping to prepare for the evening’s feast. Root vegetables, specially set aside earlier in the autumn, had been scrubbed by the army of clansfolk working inside the feasting hall. Above the roasting pits, the meat that would form the main dish was already cooking. At midday, the plaintive sound of a horn caused everyone to stop.

  Rhyasha dried her hands on a towel and passed it to Carrie. “Time for Nylam’s Dance,” she said. “All our young males eligible to become adults will take their place in the dance for the first time.”

  “Does that include Kusac?” she asked, joining the throng of people filing outside.

  “Good gracious, no, he’s far too old for that! This ceremony is for those who’ve reached their eighteenth year. Although not fully adult, they’re considered legally old enough to ask a female for a bonding contract. There will be one or two of the older males dancing with them today, but you’ll not be able to recognize anyone as they all wear masks.”

  At one edge of the circle, the drummers were already settled at their instruments and had begun to beat out a low, steady rhythm. The drums were of all shapes and sizes, ranging from small ones held between the knees to large ones made from hollowed out logs. The range of sounds they were producing was unlike anything Carrie had heard before.

  “We’ll stand opposite,” said her bond-mother, drawing her to the edge of the circle painted on the ground. She pointed to a group of older males waiting on one side. “See, not everyone dances. For one thing, there wouldn’t be enough room.”

  “Will there be enough game?”

  “Oh, yes. I make sure there’s enough livestock to release for the festival. Each hunter is allowed to bring back only two kills, and only the senior clansmales are allowed to hunt the rhakla. The hunt is more symbolic than anything else these days.”

  As Carrie watched, the dancers began to gather. A group, shepherded by Ghyan, were first to enter, and she knew these were the younglings that by the end of a successful hunt would have entered early adulthood.

  “There’s quite a few with dark pelts like Kusac,” she said.

  “He has cousins who share the same coloring,” agreed Rhyasha. “Any one of them could be Kusac if he were dancing, but that’s part of the fun and the mystery of it! Those who’ve been successful will dance again tonight, approaching the females of their choice and inviting them to spend the night with them. Kitra was trying to persuade Dzaka to dance, but he was concerned that some other male would try to claim her and she’d not be able to tell the difference. It’s the first time she’s watched the hunt as an adult female, after all, and she wants to join in the fun.”

  “Surely no one would do that to her!”

  “It’s not unknown for the males to pretend to be someone else when after a popular female.” Rhyasha looked down at her with a twinkle in her eyes. “The music at the evening dance is very different from what they’ll play now. If Dzaka does decide to take part, I’ll stay with her till he comes to claim her.”

  Their conversation ended as the drummers began to beat a louder rhythm. Almost magically, the circle was filled with dancers. Dressed in costumes made from decorated animal pelts, their faces hidden behind masks, they began to move in time to the beat of the drums. Their movements, she realized, mimicked those of the animals depicted on the masks they wore.

  They’re playing the parts of the creatures they hope to catch, sent Rhyasha, linking her arm through Carrie’s. Dancing to please Nylam, Liege of the Hunt. It’s also one of the few chances the young males get to show off for us females! I’ll wager quite a few bonding contracts will be made in a few days’ time. Ghyan will find himself quite busy, as will the estate birthers in six months!

  The clouds began to part, allowing the sunlight to shine through for the first time that day. Now Carrie could see the light glinting off the ornaments worked into the costumes.

  Mirrors and bells to ward off Khuushoi’s demons, sent Rhyasha, tugging gently at Carrie’s arm to draw her attention to the ring of smaller fires that encircled them. Look, there’s Konis and Kusac. Over there by the fires, upwind of us. You’ll hear the music change in a minute, then they’ll throw a special incense on the flames. It heightens the dancers’ senses, making it easier for them to commune with the God and follow the trails of His creatures.

  Carrie watched as father and son waited till the tone of the drums became a deep, booming sound that seemed to echo through the very ground. Then the two males began throwing handfuls of powder into the fire. Sparks flew into the air and, gradually, wisps of scented smoke began to rise and drift across the circle toward them. Kusac and his father moved on to the next fire to repeat the process.

  As she returned to watching the dancers, she felt a pang of regret that Kusac wasn’t in the circle. She sensed her Leska’s gentle amusement.

  You’d have me play the hunter now, would you?

  They look so … she searched for an appropriate word … primitive and wild in their costumes. They remind me of you after the Challenge you fought on Keiss.

  In that case, I’ll not risk dancing tonight! Who knows whose invitation you might accept before I reached you! was his teasing reply.

  Dusk had fallen by the time the hunters returned. A stir at the entrance to the banqueting hall drew their attention. One of the runners burst through the doors into the warmly lit interior and stopped, looking around till he located their little group. At a hurried walking pace, he threaded his way between the tables till he reached the one where Carrie sat with her family and Myak.

  Crossing his forearms over his chest, the youth bowed his head to Rhyasha. “Clan Leader, the Liegen has returned. He asks that the Liegena meets him outside to accept his kill.”

  Startled, Carrie looked over to Rhyasha.

  With a smile, she held out her arms. “I’ll watch Kashini for you. He’s honoring you before our Clans. Hunters who make good kills may award them to the female of their choice, even if they’re bonded to another.”

  “There’s more, Clan Leader,” said the youngling hesitantly. “The Liegen asks that Liegenas Taizia and Kitra, and the Human Ruth, also come as there are those who’d award their kills to them.”

  “Now this I must see!” said Rhyasha, getting to her feet, Kashini now tucked firmly against her shoulder. “Give me Kashini’s blanket, cub, we’ll come with you.” She turned to her bond-mate. “Konis? Myak?”

  “Of course. All our daughters being honored this way is worth seeing.”

  On the way out, they stopped to collect Ruth.

  “Me?” she asked in frank amazement. “Who’d do that for me?”

  “I’ll give you one guess,” laughed Carrie.

  She groaned as she got up. “Rulla! What on Earth am I going to do about him?”

  “Whatever you want,” said Carrie. “Your life is your own. All I ask is that you don’t let it interfere with what we’re trying to achieve with Mara at the moment.”

  “Accept his kill,” said Taizia, drawing her cloak around herself as they neared t
he entrance. “To refuse it would be a public humiliation he doesn’t deserve. If you’re not interested in him, wait till he asks you to be with him, then tell him. He’ll ask you tonight, that’s for sure. This is his chance as an older male to show you what a good provider he could be.”

  Kitra pressed herself close between Carrie and her mother. “Tell me it’s Dzaka,” she said, a worried look on her young face. “I don’t want it to be anyone else.”

  “Haven’t you sent to him to find out?” teased Rhyasha.

  “I daren’t!”

  “Kusac wouldn’t allow it to be anyone else,” Carrie said comfortingly, taking her young bond-sister’s hand in hers.

  “Are you sure?”

  “We’re sure,” said her mother, caressing Kitra’s cheek with her free hand. “Hush, my kitling—it’s Dzaka. Just enjoy accepting your first kill offering.”

  Outside, in front of the huge cooking fire, a group of hunters stood waiting to be joined by the females the runners had been dispatched to fetch. Beyond them were the tables where the meat would be butchered before being put to roast at the fire. Ghyan, accompanied by a priest from the temple of Nylam, stood waiting to bless the kills. Farther off stood the runners who would take the animals’ heads out to place on the ceremonial posts in the fields of the two estates.

  Kusac was accompanied by Meral, Dzaka, and Rulla. They’d been hunting together and had each managed to catch one of the deerlike creatures that formed the main herd animal on the Aldatan lands.

  With due solemnity, their catches were shown to their respective mates—or in Rulla’s case, the object of his passion—and equally solemnly examined by the recipient.

  “It’s a little bigger than the last one,” said Kusac quietly, grinning at Carrie.

  She leaned forward, looking critically at the carcass. “The wild animals on Keiss hardly count as rhakla,” she said. “But it is as clean a kill. Won’t it affect the herds when so many bucks are being slaughtered?”

  “No. We use the festival to cull them. Only the ones we want to be hunted are released from their winter pens,” he said, hefting the carcass over his shoulder again and beginning to walk over to Ghyan and the visiting acolyte.

  Ghyan waited till all their little group were gathered before murmuring the ritual thanks and blessing. That done, they went to the tables where the heads were removed and given to the runners who then disappeared into the night with them.

  As they walked back to the hall, Carrie asked, “Are the heads used to frighten the demons again?”

  “Not this time. We put them on the stakes to ensure the herds and the land are fruitful in this new year.”

  Carrie gently nudged him, drawing his attention to Kitra and Dzaka who were walking in front of them. “He’s so serious, isn’t he? The last time he did this must have been for Nnya, his dead mate.”

  “This means a lot to him,” said Kusac. “Like most of the Brothers, he’s not publicly demonstrative, but he is genuinely fond of my sister, though.”

  “I get the feeling that it means more to him than just making her first hunt something special.”

  Kusac laughed gently. “Still building a life for them? We’ll see. I don’t know that either of them is ready for a deep commitment yet.”

  Later that night, Kashini safely abed with her nurse, Carrie was able to enjoy herself. After they’d all eaten, in the company of Taizia and Rhyasha, she wandered through the hall meeting and talking to the various community leaders on the main estate. They stopped to exchange greetings with the Human archaeologists, deciding to remain when they realized Pam Southgate, their leader, was absent, having gone to the Terran enclave at the Telepath Guild for the duration of the festival.

  Through the babble of chatter, gradually Carrie realized she could hear the sounds of the drums again. Looking round, she saw the hall was beginning to empty.

  Taizia leaned forward to pat her hand. “Come on, you must see this,” she said. “It’s the dance of thanks for a successful hunt. Now we’ll see all the newly promoted males falling over themselves to attract the females! It’s fun seeing who pairs off with whom.”

  “It’s cold outside, Taizia. I’d rather stay here,” Carrie said.

  “Come on,” said her bond-sister, getting to her feet. “You’re going to see this. You’ll enjoy it once you’re out there. It isn’t as cold as you think.”

  As she allowed herself to be dragged outside to the circle, Carrie reached mentally for Kusac. Finding him preoccupied, she turned her attention back to what Tazia was saying.

  “We’ll stand by the fire, so you’ll stay warm, never fear,” she said, drawing her close to one of the smaller fires.

  The night was illuminated by the glow not only from the main fire ahead of them, but from the dozen smaller fires that ringed the dancing circle.

  The music, as Rhyasha had said, was subtly different. So were the dancers. The tempo was deep and fast, making not only the ground but the very air seem to vibrate to its sound. Firelight flickered off the dancers, casting their bodies and costumes into an ever-changing swirling pattern of dark and light. Around them all, like a mantle of black velvet, the night seemed to enclose watchers and dancers alike in a world dominated by the rhythmic beat of the drums.

  Sparks from the fires flickering up into the night air were counterpointed by the flash of the mirrors in the costumes. Beneath the swirling beat could be heard the sharp, clear sound of the tiny decorative bells as the dancers leaped and twirled among each other, somehow managing to avoid collisions.

  Carrie could feel the night come alive with the sexual tension generated by the minds of the young males in the circle. Now was their time, their chance, to impress and attract the females. The beat changed, becoming softer, more seductive, drawing a response from the audience of females. She could feel it touch her, make her heart beat faster, and realized that like everyone present, she was beginning to sway in time with the music.

  Can you feel it? sent Taizia, holding onto her arm, face aglow with pleasure. You must be able to!

  What? asked Carrie, wrapping her arms around her body as she felt this new awareness slowly building in her mind. Then it began to spill throughout her body, awakening all her senses, leaving her tingling with anticipation.

  That! Our collective response to the males! Look how they show off!

  She was right. Those nearest the edge of the circle were leaping as high as they could, the fur on their bodies bushed out till they looked twice their normal size.

  They look terrifying, sent Carrie, a shiver of fear—and more—running through her. I’ve never seen them like this before, not even in a Challenge!

  Wonderful, isn’t it? From the feel of it, I’d say it’s going to be a fruitful year for the Clans, too!

  Suddenly, in response to some unspoken signal, the dancers broke out from the circle and began to pace toward the watchers as the drumbeat died down to a low throbbing sound. There was a collective sigh from the females as the males seemed to melt into the crowd.

  Look, one’s approaching Ruth! Taizia pointed to where the Human female was hastily trying to back away from a dancer. It’s Rulla, it has to be!

  Then the dancer removed his mask, catching hold of the woman by the arm.

  There you are! I knew he’d approach her! Do you think she’ll have him?

  It looks like he’s insisting too much, replied Carrie, concerned for her.

  Don’t worry, we have marshals. They’ll pick up anyone who’s genuinely distressed. The males know this and wouldn’t risk the dishonor they’d face.

  So engrossed was she in watching Ruth, who was now standing listening to Rulla pleading his cause, that when a hand touched her shoulder and she turned to face a dancer, she gave a gasp of fear. She began to back away but found Taizia standing behind her, holding her firmly.

  What are you doing? You must at least listen to him.

  The thought came into her mind that this male wanted only an embrace from her

  See? He isn’t compromising you, he only wants to hold you for a moment.

  I’m not interested! she sent, trying to twist her arm free from Taizia’s grip. Where’s Kusac?

  An embrace, Carrie! Let him have one, then he’ll go, Taizia sent persuasively. I’m here, no harm can come to you.

  Why’s he doing this? He must know who I am! Let me go, Taizia! I told you, I’m not interested!

  The dancer held out his hands and stepped forward, cocking his head questioningly on one side.

  Carrie looked into the mask of one of Shola’s feral felines. That isn’t a hunt mask.

  They wear different ones for this dance. Come on, Carrie, what’s an embrace going to cost you?

  She couldn’t look away now—she felt drawn to him. He had to be familiar to her, yet there was nothing she could actually recognize about him. No one who didn’t know her personally would dare to approach her, the new co-Leader of the En’Shalla Clan—especially with her life-mate’s sister beside her. She could hear his breathing begin to slow after his exertions, see his pelt begin to lie flat again, but his body lost none of its tension as he waited for her response.

  He was tall, and dark pelted, but in the flickering glow cast by the fires, that meant nothing. His scent was hidden beneath the smell of wood smoke, damp fur, and the animal skins he wore. Around his waist was a belt from which hung strips of soft leather decorated with beads and tiny mirrored circles. Interspersed between them were strips of fur into which tiny bells had been fixed. His wrists wore broad bands with similar decorations. Without realizing it, she found her hands were within his.

  Good for you! sent Taizia, her mental tone an amused purr as she stepped back from them.

  As if in a daze, she felt herself being drawn closer till she rested against his damp pelt, then her hands were released as his arms folded around her and he bent to rest his chin on her shoulder. She felt him lift one arm to remove his mask, then her head was cupped in his hand and his face was against hers as he began to gently nuzzle her cheek.

  At his touch, memories from the past began to rise, and she remembered the first time Kusac had held her back on Keiss. His fur had been damp then. Her body stirred, senses that had been asleep since she’d had her cub awakening again. A wave of desire swept through her as the male’s teeth gently closed on her cheek and his tonguetip touched her skin.


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