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Scarred Beginnings (Scarred Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Jackie Williams

  Colin grinned encouragingly at him.

  “There you go! Easy, don’t lean so far forwards. Now let’s just get you walking slowly again. Hold onto the bars until you’re confident. As I said, there’s no time limit on this. Some people take to it like a duck to water and others struggle. You have some of the best hydraulics in those legs but they’re not easy to get used to. Your thigh and buttock muscles are going to give you hell by tomorrow.”

  David rolled his eyes and then winced as he placed one leg carefully in front of the other.

  “Thanks, just what I needed to know. More pain.”

  “It’ll get better as your upper thighs strengthen again. This is just a beginning. Remember, you were lying flat on your back for weeks and then you had months in a wheelchair. I know that you have kept reasonably fit but this is something else entirely, a whole new ball game. Prosthetics are no joke, they’re damned heavy and your thighs, glutes and stomach muscles are going to take up all the strain of that weight with no help. You’re going to need intensive physiotherapy over the next few weeks but you’ll soon see and feel a difference. You’ll feel better in yourself too once you’re back up to man height. Being four foot two rather than well over six feet can’t feel good. Wheelchairs don’t do much for your self-esteem either. All that conversing with belly buttons and crotches can become dull I’m told.”

  David laughed aloud.

  “You’re not wrong there. Ellen always sits when she talks to me but most people don’t even think about it and carry on chatting right over my head. I could make up a book about the different type of fly buttons and zips there are. I could also tell you a lot about some people’s underwear. Not what you want to see all the time, I can tell you. It’s most off-putting when you discover that your dentist wears Batman pants. It gives whole new meaning to the expression, ‘flying.’”

  It was Colin’s turn to laugh.

  “He doesn’t! Nice. I suppose that wearing Batman is better than wearing Robin but from now on, just in case I ever go ‘flying’ anytime, I’ll remember to make sure I’m wearing Iron Man undies at the very least!”

  David nodded and waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Might as well give the ladies an idea of what to expect,” he grinned back at Colin and grunted as he reached the end of the bars. He steadied himself before he turned around to head back. Every step was an endurance test but he was not about to fail it.

  Steve had saved both his and James’s lives that day, putting his own on the line as he had cut David from the wreckage of their burning vehicle. On a several occasions in the last months David had been less than grateful to his friend for that small service and in his lowest moments had even contemplated taking enough pain killers to end it all but now that he was feeling better and able to stand, he was thankful.

  Seeing Ellen’s smiling face every time he came to the breakfast table was more than enough to tell him that she would have been devastated if he had died. He couldn’t bear the thought of how unhappy she might have been.

  He took a determined breath and let go of the bar as he took his next step. It took an agonizingly long time to reach the other end of the supports but he made it. Several people in the room cheered him as the perspiration ran from his brow. He gave a little bow of his head and felt better than he had done for weeks. He could walk. Such a small thing that he’d always taken for granted, but he would never do so again. He lifted his head and looked around the room at some of the other amputees who attempted to reach their own goals. Some wore grimaces of pain etched on their faces, others had smiles of triumph, all encouraged their fellow patients as they sweated alongside each other.

  He grinned at his own small achievement. It had been the hardest five-meter walk of his life but the world looked so much better from his normal height. He wasn’t scared any longer and he knew he wouldn’t give up. He could do this now. He would make it alongside so many others whose lives had been altered so irrevocably.

  Two things had to be done immediately. Foremost was to find Steve and grovel for forgiveness. He had to tell him that he was grateful that his life had been saved. A blush of shame covered his features as he remembered shouting at his friend when he’d come to visit him as he recovered from his injuries. David rolled his eyes as his thoughts weighed heavily on him.

  Christ! The man had risked his own life to save him, had suffered burns himself. It had been a bloody miracle that the guy was an expert with the vicious jungle knife he carried everywhere even though it wasn’t standard army issue.

  Steve had understood the bitterness as David had yelled furiously that he should have let him die rather than make him live with half a body and a savagely burned face. The guy had stood stoically and taken every foul word, every caustic lament probably knowing that David would live to regret his ire soon enough. How right the man was. David would track him down as soon as he left that afternoon to make things right.

  The second thing was to get back to work. Sitting about doing nothing wasn’t in his nature and the last months had just proved exactly how miserable it made him. He grinned again as he thought of what Ellen might say as he penned his job acceptance letter. He knew that she would be thrilled for him but he hoped that she would be thrilled for herself too. She could soon start on her business plan and he couldn’t wait to see exactly what she would come up with.

  Chapter Five

  “Ellen!” David bellowed into the dense forest while his friends unpacked the huge car and admired the majestic château at their backs. A few more minutes passed and he yelled out again. His voice echoed right back at him.

  He ignored his friends’ shouts of astonishment at the magnificence of the old stone building while he waited for a response, worried that she wasn’t there to greet them. Gemma fooled about with Joe and Adam on the wide terrace at the front of the building while James kept pointing a blind Paul in the wrong direction. James howled with laughter as Paul fell into a pile of sand then nearly fell over himself as he tucked his crutches under his arm and hauled his friend from the gritty heap. They brushed each other off as they looked about the place. They had been standing around for more than ten minutes already.

  The French château, nestled deep in the forest was beautiful, everything that Ellen had described and more. It was so atmospheric that he could almost smell the garlic in the air but he was distracted from taking any more notice of his fabulous surroundings by Ellen’s nonappearance. It was so unlike her to be late. She had been so keen for their visit that he was beginning to panic.

  Joe stopped mucking about and let Adam find his way up the ramp before he walked over beside David. He put his hand on his friends shoulder.

  “Stop worrying Dave. She’s just busy, probably gone to the market for fresh bread or something. Calm down, she’s sure to be back soon,” he reassured his friend quietly as he peered out from his pressure mask.

  David frowned. Joe was probably right but Ellen was nothing if not punctual. He looked down at his watch and shook his head.

  “She’d never be this late. I only spoke to her yesterday morning. She said that she would be right here. She was so excited about us coming and she was desperate to tell me some special news too but she didn’t want to reveal anything over the phone. Something’s happened to her, I know it. She said that she would be here waiting for us.” He was about to shout again when the bushes in front of them began to rustle violently. A few seconds later a red eyed Ellen blundered through the thick foliage.

  “Sorry, sorry. I should have been here…” she gulped then stopped as David came up to her. He didn’t look at all happy.

  “Ellen? What’s happened? You’ve been crying.” He accused as the others began to gather around.

  “It’s nothing.” Ellen cuffed away the tears from her cheeks and waved her hand in dismissal but there was no way David would let it go. If she was crying then there was probably an excellent reason for it and he had to know what had caused her tears. “Has anyone hur
t you?” His thoughts immediately jumped to Justin.

  Ellen shook her head as tears squeezed from between her eyelashes.

  “No, I’ve not seen him for months. It’s nothing, forget it David. I shouldn’t be greeting you like this. I’m so thrilled that you are all here at last.” She sniffed loudly.

  David’s frown grew deeper. He put his hand on her shoulder and drew her towards him.

  “Don’t give me that. Something bad has happened if you’re crying. You might as well tell me now as I’ll get it out of you eventually anyway.”

  Ellen took a shuddering breath. Her heart felt as though it had been torn apart. David’s concern melted her resolve as his warmth suddenly enveloped her and she fell sobbing into his arms. Somehow he managed to get her inside the château and sitting on a settee as they all clustered around, but it was some minutes before he could make any sense out of his sister’s words.

  “You what? You fell in love with a married man! Ellen, you should know better.” He didn’t mean to sound disappointed but he couldn’t help it. She’d only just managed to get out of Justin’s vicious clutches. He remembered the relief he’d felt when she called to tell him that she had left Justin and the last thing he wanted for her was another bad relationship.

  Ellen glared up at him through her tears.

  “I didn’t know he was still married. He said that she left him. He’s left me a letter but I don’t know what it means.” She went on to tell the whole story of the man who had clearly run out on her.

  David was beyond furious.

  “The bastard! I’ll kill him!” No one hurt his sister and got away with it. There were growls of approval from all his friends but Ellen shook her head miserably.

  “No, don’t say things like that David. There must be a better explanation. We’ve been together constantly for the last three months.” She dried her tears on one of the huge handkerchiefs thrust at her and sighed as she stood up. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. You’ve all come over to rip this place to shreds so let’s get going. I need to know everything that you think this place needs. I want it to be absolutely perfect, no expense spared.” She glanced over at Adam. The big man sat in his wheelchair and glanced around the huge hall. He gave a small grin as he saw the lift nestled to the side of the stone staircase.

  “Great, at least I don’t have to make one of these poor sods carry me up the stairs,” he laughed at the nods of agreement. He knew that they would carry him to the ends of the Earth if he needed them to.

  Ellen walked over to him. She stood by his side as she spoke.

  “You need to take the first room on the right at the head of the stairs. I’ve only bought one proper bed yet. I didn’t want to make the wrong choice and didn’t have anyone else to test it on. It looks to be a fabulous quality but I’ll let you decide. Take a look at it properly as it’s all on an electronic pressure relief system. I’ve also asked someone to be on hand in case you need any extra help. There’s a bell system. Just press it and Geraldine will come and give you a hand. She should be back from the market by now.” She smiled as a dark haired woman suddenly appeared at the door carrying armfuls of delicious smelling bread. She gave the group a quick wave of the baguettes before she disappeared through a small doorway into the depths of the château.

  Ellen turned back to the group of army friends.

  “I’m going help Geraldine cook breakfast, last one down does the washing up.” She laughed as there was a sudden stampede for the stairs.

  David stood still and hung back for a few seconds staring at the spot where the woman had sashayed away through the door under the stairs, her hips swaying elegantly, her hair wafting about her shoulders in the breeze still floating in from the half open front door. The air had suddenly disappeared from his lungs. He wasn’t sure that he could even move. He’d felt his heart drop to his stomach at his first sight of the dark haired beauty hired to help Adam and for just a single moment he almost wished that he still needed attention himself. His heart thudded hard in his chest but he gave himself a mental shake.

  What the hell was he even thinking! A woman that beautiful would never glance twice at a man like him. She had to have half the male population of France after her.

  He put her from his mind and hurried up the stairs after his friends, glancing in doors as he searched for his room. Ellen had only managed to find basic furniture at this point but that didn’t bother him or any of them. Adam was the only one who needed special arrangements due to his immobility and he’d probably moan about that. They were all accustomed to sleeping rough but the whole point of their week there was to discover the most suitable equipment and furniture for the future guests needs and Adam could help with that most. Ellen didn’t want to make any mistakes. The hotel for war wounded servicemen and women was taking shape but it was also costing a fortune. His and Ellen’s fortune.

  Her idea was a spectacular and ambitious one and he knew that with his sister’s determination and care it would all work out splendidly but they couldn’t afford to make any expensive mistakes. Even a simple pressure sensitive mattress cost thousands of euros and Ellen didn’t want to stop at simple. She wanted sumptuous, king sized, unadulterated four poster luxury. They had to get it right first time and this week would help them achieve that goal.

  He found a made up room with a fold out bed that exceeded his expectations. He had wondered if they would be sleeping on the floor, but the bed was a decent width with soft pillows and a thick, fluffy duvet.

  He dumped his holdall on the ottoman beneath the window and looked out over the still untidy forecourt. He could see where someone had begun to uncover what remained of a formal garden. Piles of newly raked weeds were dotted around between short clipped hedges. It looked as if it was the shaping of a maze.

  There was a gentle knock at his door and he lifted his head expecting to see Ellen or even Gemma wondering if he needed help but he pulled in a breath as his eyes met the beautiful French woman’s where she stood just outside his door. He lifted his chin and waited for her to avert her gaze from his ruined features but she didn’t turn a hair. She took a step forwards and smiled warmly as she gave a quick glance up and down his body with assessing dark green eyes. Surprisingly she didn’t appear remotely repulsed and her smile never faltered once as she spoke.

  “ ‘ello. I am Geraldine. Ellen said that you are ‘er brother, David. She ‘as told me so much about you. Enchanté.” Her eyes sparkled up at him. “I want you to know that if you need anything, anything at all you can call me. Monsieur Adam seems able to manage fine right now so I will ‘ave time on my ‘ands. I don’t want to be ‘ere being paid for doing nothing.” Her deep accent washed over him and he had to swallow hard before he could find his own voice.

  “Thank you, that’s most kind of you but we can mostly manage by ourselves.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her; she had to be the most gorgeous woman he had ever beheld. Her creamy complexion contrasted with her glossy dark hair as it rippled over one shoulder where she had tied it to the side. Her lips were the colour of a full bodied red wine and just for a moment he wondered if they tasted as delicious as they looked. He glanced further downwards and nearly groaned aloud at the perfection of her body. Slim in all the right places, fuller and more succulent in all the others. She was completely stunning.

  Something must have shown in his expression because her eyes suddenly sparkled at him again but then her gaze faltered and a rosy blush tinted her apple cheeks. She dipped her head and turned as though leaving without saying anything else but he took a step towards her. He couldn’t help himself. She made him feel good just by looking at her. He couldn’t let her go without saying something.

  His wicked sense of humour got the better of him. He cleared his throat then sighed deeply and looked down at himself.

  “Mind, I do sometimes have awful trouble with my legs. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to them. I may need help removing them later” He raised what was left of
an eyebrow and gave a small cough as he prayed she wouldn’t take his words the wrong way.

  She didn’t. She suddenly lifted her chin and grinned widely at him.

  “Ha! I think you may need ‘elp removing that loose tongue of yours too. Ellen was right. You are a very naughty man. I think I will ‘ave to keep my eye on you.” She fluttered her thick, black eyelashes as she gave him another swift appraisal that left his blood burning through his veins. Then she waved her slender fingers in farewell as she walked back out of the room, her hips swaying gently, temptingly, leaving the floral scent of her perfume stirring the air behind her.

  He gulped audibly as his heart thundered in his chest. Had she really just been flirting with him after he had dared be so outrageously cheeky? He wasn’t quite sure where his courage had come from but it felt good to lighten the atmosphere. It had been far too long since he’d let his tongue run away with him but it had been irresistible with Geraldine. Her name slipped over his tongue like ripe mango and he grinned at his own audacity.

  Lost in his own thoughts it was several moments before he heard a commotion going on in the hallway outside his room. He walked over to the door and stuck his head out only to have it nearly knocked off by a stampeding Gemma and Joe. James hobbled along behind them on his crutches yelling for the others to wait while Paul counted loudly, fingertips touching the wall as he paced the distance from his door to the top of the stairs. David joined them and laughed furiously as Adam punched the lift button repeatedly while they all pounded down the stairs.


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