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Seduce Me

Page 11

by Miranda Forbes

  “Ready?” He asked, knowing I was. My body pulsed with wanting him, and all I could do was part my legs further and offer my cunt to him in reply. At first he nudged and teased the entrance, releasing my juices, ensuring a smooth passage. The sensation was so sweet as his cock pushed into me, slowly but firmly. I opened up to him as he reached deeper and deeper into me. Then he began to thrust and I matched his rhythm as his fingers circled my clitoris again. The waves of no-going-back desire soon overcame me and I cried out with the pleasure of my release as I felt my cunt pulse around his cock, and, in turn, felt him reach his climax and thrust his juices deep into me. My pleasure seemed endless, as did his. When he finally pulled away, I reached down to my cunt, then brought my fingers to my mouth, savouring the sweet and salty taste of our inter-mingled juices. He pulled me towards him, and held me close for an age, kissing my hair, stroking his hands down my back. I showered his chest with tiny kisses, and I could feel his cock harden against my thigh. The joys of a younger man, I thought, as I dropped to my knees again, this time determined to satisfy him with my mouth. And this time he allowed me.

  Martin arrived home shortly after I’d pulled my dressing gown on and re-tied the bow, and Tom had tugged on his jeans and T-shirt.

  “Cup of tea, Martin?” I offered him, as we all sat around the table, my chair next to Tom’s. I pulled my eyes away from Tom, and glanced at my son. Martin’s eyes were shining and his lips looked bruised, somehow. Then I remembered he’d been to see Paul that morning, and the truth dawned on me.

  “Great, Mum. Hey it was good to catch up with Paul this morning. Mind if I go out with him tonight? Will you two be OK on your own?”

  I felt Tom’s hand run up my thigh and across my stomach, sending desire shoot through me.

  “We’ll be fine, Martin. Won’t we, Tom? Don’t worry about us.”

  “Yeah, Martin, you go out and have fun. Everything will be taken care of here.”

  When Penny Met Daniel

  by Judith Roycroft

  When Penny opened her eyes she was flat on her back, staring up at a man she’d only ever seen the likes of in her raunchiest dreams.

  Then he went and spoilt it all by sneering.

  “What are you doing in that archaic gear?”

  Penny glanced down at her lemony crop-top and muslin skirt that stuck to her thighs like clingwrap.

  “I beg your pardon? I had to fight my girlfriend for these in the Op shop only yesterday.”

  Eyeing the amazing hunk spread-eagled above, Penny decided it was a pity he wasn’t smiling. Most men did when their gaze lingered on her body, but this guy acted totally immune to her considerable charms.

  She stuck out her hand. “Give us a heave up, could you?”

  The man stayed planted where he was.

  “Charming, I’m sure,” Penny sniffed, jumping to her feet without his help.

  He stared coldly at her. “Women must not flaunt their breasts.”

  Tolerant of other people’s opinions, Penny, in this instance, decided he’d gone too far.

  So she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  So her breasts jiggled enticingly at the slightest movement.

  But flaunting them? Never! At least, not at this moment.

  “You must be from another planet, boyo, if you think I’m parading anything.”

  “I am from planet Earth.”

  Penny stared at him. He appeared normal, yet it was unreal, this wacky exchange.

  “That makes two of us,” she muttered, glancing round curiously. Moments ago her bare feet were dreamily caressing her parents’ dew-sprinkled lawn. Now rocks were jabbing the tender underflesh. So, what was he doing in this deserted place?

  What was going on here? Her young sister had been by her side and now she’d vanished. They’d been admiring a rainbow that arced its way gracefully across the silvery-grey sky. For a moment Penny had felt herself floating …

  “Oh, my God! I’m somewhere else!” There was a clear blue sky and not a rainbow in sight.

  The hunk still hovered and the manner in which his gaze continued to skip over her was more puzzling than assessing.

  The skyline was unfamiliar. “What city is this?” asked Penny.

  The guy frowned at her, as though she’d lost her marbles. “New York.”

  Relieved, Penny studied her companion. Dressed in a sexy black trench coat and respectable jeans – he could have done with a size or three smaller she noted – he didn’t look all that strange, but there was a formality to his speech, which sounded odd. And he’d disparaged her clothes. God, they weren’t that old! Besides, it was funky to wear vintage clothes.

  She took a big breath. Crisp, clean air; not the usual smell of exhaust and myriad odours with which she was familiar. New York he’d said. It wasn’t quite her New York.

  “What year is this?” she asked, suddenly suspicious. If he thought her question peculiar, he refrained from commenting.

  “The year 2097.”

  “Shite!” Penny yelped. “I’ve done a spot of time travel.” Still, not one to miss out, and considering the man was positively delectable, Penny took his hand, deciding to make the most of this stellar opportunity. “How about a tour of 2097 then, sweetie?”

  Immediately he shook free. “It is forbidden to connect with female flesh.”

  “Oh. What do you do for pleasure?” she asked slyly, sidling up to him.

  When he moved smartly away it didn’t faze Penny. She was expecting it.

  “It has been banned. It is counter-productive.”

  “Holy hell!” Penny nibbled her lower lip. She wouldn’t have chosen this period if she’d had any say in the matter. “Look. Do you have to sound like a bloody robot every time you speak?”

  “You must get off the streets. You will be arrested. Women must cover themselves.”

  Penny rolled her eyes. “This isn’t the Middle East, is it?”

  He gave a derisive snort. “Of course not. I have already told you this is New York.”

  “Oh, yeah. Well, relax, Max. Just trying to come to terms with all this.”

  “My name is Daniel.”

  “Thank God for that! I expected to hear you spout something like Zentor. Or Zaboo. Even Xeno-something.”

  “I’m not from outer space,” he rebuked.

  Penny wisely decided to let that ride.

  “Give us a tour, will you?”

  Looking none too happy, Daniel nevertheless turned, and she followed. “Can I walk beside you?”


  They rounded a corner and Penny gaped. “Holy hell!” The once familiar landmarks of old New York were rubble and, in their stead, giant chrome buildings saluted the skyline. As they approached an unshaded window at street level, Penny observed several men in pale robes scurrying about, mixing the contents of several containers.

  “What’re they doing?” She wanted to linger but Daniel urged her on with a maddening clucking sound made through pursed lips.

  “Conceiving.” Then he added, “Don’t you know anything?”

  Penny blinked, studying Daniel to see if he was kidding, but the handsome face stared down at her, as serious as ever. “Dare I ask what they might be conceiving?”

  Daniel snorted, showing what he thought of her ignorance. “Humans, of course.”

  This time Penny’s mouth fell open. “Boy, you lot have made some changes since 1997.”

  Finally Daniel showed some curiosity to match Penny’s. “Tell me about your life. You weren’t very advanced in the Twentieth Century.”

  Purposefully Penny moved towards him. Brushing her breasts teasingly across his chest, she placed her hands on his impressive shoulders to draw him close. Unsurprisingly, he jumped back as though scorched.

  “It is forbidden to touch a woman’s breasts.”

  This was way out! “Don’t men and women touch at all? Get together? You know?”


  You poor sods! “Surely a woman carries her child?
I mean, once it’s conceived in a petri dish? Or whatever you call them these days.” The idea was so ridiculous that Penny fought to stifle a giggle.

  “We have machines for that,” Daniel announced proudly.

  “Ah. Now, that development I can cheerfully go along with.”

  Daniel looked around nervously. “Come. I will take you to my home. The patrol will be out soon.”

  As they ambled along, Penny chatted. “Only one hundred years on, and you’ve made such drastic changes. It’s difficult to assimilate. Hey! Just had a daunting thought,” she joked, about to grab Daniel’s arm when she thought better of it. “When I’m one hundred and twenty-five, I’ll have to give up sex.”

  “Before you’re one hundred and twenty-five. All this did not happen overnight. Our society was created because too many human hours were being lost in the workforce. Absenteeism is nonexistent.”

  “You mean no one has a sickie? A day off,” Penny elaborated when Daniel stared blankly at her. “God, I couldn’t live without the odd sickie.”

  “There is no reason to remain at home. Men and women do not touch. Therefore there are no arguments. No –”

  “How perfectly dull!” Penny retorted.

  “On the contrary. We are allowed to read Twentieth Century history books. We will not make your mistakes by falling in love, allowing emotion to rule us. We do not have passion.”

  Wanna bet? Penny thought wickedly. Already Daniel was softening towards her. His vivid blue eyes were animated. And was that a sliver of excitement she could see?

  Daniel’s apartment was a revelation. In contrast to the sterile city, his private residence was bathed in bright colours and light. Heavily scented jonquils spilled from several vases placed around the room.

  “This is more like it.” Penny enthused, having expected the same dreariness that was outside. “I like a man who appreciates flowers.”

  Daniel, unable to feign disinterest a moment longer, bombarded her with questions. Penny, realising it was going to be a long night, flopped down into one of the sighing sofas and, tucking a leg beneath her, patted the spot next to her.

  Thirty minutes later, Daniel was a changed man. The once stern features were softened, his blue eyes shone with an unbelievable brilliance, lips curved into a shy smile.

  “I like the sound of your society. Tell me more.”

  Regaling him with tales of a sexy world, Penny snuggled closer. Daniel stroked her golden hair. “You smell beautiful.”

  “Would you like to kiss me, Daniel?”

  He gazed thoughtfully into her dancing eyes. “Teach me.”

  Penny leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. After his initial surprise, he relaxed. Penny’s lips began to caress the hard planes of his face, the softness of his eyes, the smooth yielding mouth. Momentarily, he tensed, then relaxed, his lips responding to hers. Her hand roved his chest, slipped down to his waist. Lower, to the slowly rising cock.

  “Do you ever pleasure yourself?” Penny whispered, between flicking her tongue in and out of his ear. Any other man would be rock hard by now. “You know. Wank?”

  “N-no,” he gasped as Penny licked along his jaw, down his throat. “We … ah … we get monthly injections.” Daniel squirmed, breathing harder at each dart of her tongue.

  How weird! “So, you don’t get erections? The urge?”

  “No!” Daniel grabbed her breasts, as roughly as plucking two oranges from a tree.

  Penny squealed. “Not like that! Gently. Like this.” And her fingers searched out his own nipples, rotating them tenderly. “Run your tongue along my throat.”

  Tentatively, Daniel did as instructed, hesitating on the fringe of her breast. “May I?”

  She watched his deep swallow as he awaited her reaction to his request.

  Penny giggled, crossing her fingers as, blatantly, she lied. “You may boldly go where no man has gone before.”

  With gentle wonder he squeezed and stroked. Penny groaned, pushed Daniel away to draw her yellow top up and over her head. The wonder in Daniel’s eyes took her breath away. When had a man last looked at her like that? As though she were God and Harry Potter rolled into one.

  He drew a nipple into his mouth, began to suck. Penny threaded her fingers through his hair, held him close to her chest, groaning as Daniel suckled hard on her nipple, a thumb pressing on the other. Sweet heaven! She was going to come already! But she fought the urge. Not yet.

  Then, pushing Daniel away, she ripped at his clothes, until he stood naked, his rod a fierce weapon pointing dangerously in the air.

  “Oh, Christ! Yes! Come here, baby.”

  She gripped his cock, let her fingers dance up and down its length. Down to his balls, grazing with her nails, until he gasped with pleasure. There was a tiny bead of moisture on the tip, and Penny sucked it into her mouth. Daniel shuddered. And this was only a foretaste of what was to come! She flattened one hand against his abdomen and felt taut, strong muscles beneath it. Her mouth encircled his cock.

  He jerked away. Then hastily pushed his rod back into her face, so she was sheathing him once more. “What! I don’t … don’t … yes! Please!” And Penny’s tongue swirled the head of his shaft.

  In response, her A-plus student slid his hand up under Penny’s muslin skirt, along her bare legs. His fingers burrowed beneath her panties. Sighing with pleasure when he touched the silky skin at her centre, Penny opened her legs. He played with the soft folds, discovered the small bead, caressed it lovingly.

  “Show me how to interlock with you.” Daniel’s voice was husky, and there were sweat beads on his forehead.

  Penny spluttered. “I’ve heard it called some crazy names before but …” She grinned. “Come here my little Lego-piece!”

  Her thighs fell open, giving a good view of what was to come. Then, touching his cock and drawing him near, Penny remembered she was his first woman. How utterly erotic was that? As the tip of him connected with her velvety place, she shivered in anticipation, and the shudder that went through Daniel delighted her.

  There was much more to show him; she would have loved more foreplay, but it was obvious that he couldn’t wait to experience the main course. After instructing her lover to pick her up she wrapped her legs round his waist. “Now, lower me down onto your cock. That’s right. All the way. Ah,” Penny sighed when he filled her. “Now push up into my cunt. Higher! Harder!” Catching the rhythm, thrusting his cock deep inside her, his pubic bone rubbing her clitoris, Penny squealed. “Ah. That … that’s right. Keep going. Grind … hard. Fuck me! Come on, fuck me!”

  She screamed.

  Daniel thought he was fucking her. Her words added to his excitement; sent little shivers along his spine. And his cock throbbed like he didn’t think was possible. It was both a part of him, yet an entity all its own. “Oh, my God! I … I feel like … erupting.”

  “No, no. Not yet!” But it was too late; he squirted into her. On and on, as if he had been saving it all for her. With his body giving a long, violent shudder, she held him close until he was spent.

  Shortly afterwards, Daniel wanted more, his hands roving over her. Fingers in her cunt, lips on her tits.

  “Greedy, aren’t you?” Penny smiled, and the naked lust in his eyes sprinkled warm tingles through her body. Already his shaft was engorged, pressing urgently into her flesh. She decided to show him what she liked most; then it would be Daniel’s turn and she knew already he was crazy for it.

  As Daniel watched, Penny got on the floor, reclining, opening her legs under his attentive fascination. “Come here, lover boy,” she coaxed.

  When he knelt between her thighs she instructed him to put his face right up to her pussy. “Now. Lick me.” He soon got the hang of it and Penny lost herself in the sensation, sighing with pleasure. Before long he was improvising. Using lots of saliva, lapping between her sex lips, while his hands caressed her inner thighs. With gentle teeth he took her clit into his mouth, sucking strongly while she groaned and squirmed in
his face. Soon his tongue was playing along her slit, pressing hard when he reached the bud, licking round it with expert manipulation. Making circles round her clit with the tip of his tongue.

  On the verge of climax, Penny held Daniel’s head so that the entire pressure was on her tiny shaft. “Aaaah. More! More!” Within seconds she came, long and loud and intense. The sweetest orgasm of her life! Finally, her body relaxed and through half-opened eyes she gazed at Daniel. Obviously very proud of his achievement, he was smiling.

  “That was nice. You taste … nice. I don’t know. It’s difficult to define. Oh, Penny! Since you walked into my century my existence is full of pleasure. My skin zings with anticipation. Do women lick men like that? You know. Until they come? I really want you to lick me like a … a lollipop!” He beamed, proud of his simile.

  “Oh, so you know what a lollipop is, then, do you?” Penny looked around for something to use as a blindfold. Her discarded top would do. With his puzzled gaze upon her Penny explained that this would heighten sensations, and tied the fabric over his eyes.

  Reaching out, she asked him to stand while she got to her knees, coming up close to the jutting penis. “This is what you are supposed to do before you begin licking a woman. Don’t go straight for the cunt. Play a little. Tease her.”

  If Daniel wondered why she was telling him this now, after the event, he forgot all about it as she stood, and began licking from his shoulder, to his chest, sucking his small tits into her mouth. Air sucked loudly through his teeth as his body shuddered. Ah, he liked that, did, he? When she was ready, she licked down his body, ever closer to the throbbing cock. Daniel was becoming agitated, grunting, groaning. Rocking back and forth so his rod was pressing into her.

  “Patience, my lovely.”

  Many times she took him to the brink of orgasm. Long slides up and down his rigid length, taking him in her mouth, coating him with saliva. He bucked like a bronco, until she cupped his balls and gently fingered them, rotating the hard marble she felt inside. His smell was musky, yet sweet, the aroma of sex swirling round her. Daniel was her love slave. She felt she could do anything, ask anything. She pressed her finger between the stem of his cock and his anus until he shuddered. Taking him to another level, she anointed one finger inside her slit, then slipped it gently, slowly, deep inside him. Almost immediately his cock began to jerk, spasm in her mouth and Daniel thrust harder, harder, as he came. She withdrew as he ejaculated, and with a shout of triumph observed the contortions on his face, the animal grunts he made as semen spouted upwards, then down.


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