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Love (The Allure Chronicles Book 4)

Page 14

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “This isn’t just an old bar.” Sol laughed. “I remember this place, Glen. I lost a fortune here in my youth. A fortune I plan to win back.”

  Hailey and I exchanged looks. She spoke first. “Am I missing something?”

  “Glendale chose an interesting location. It wasn’t random I’m sure.” Sol smiled slyly.

  “Just as him losing the fortune wasn’t random. He was never very good at cards.” Glendale purred loudly.

  “The glassy clearing as you called it was a completely new plane. Lovely, yes. I do great work in creating those.” He raised his head up. “But I needed to take you to one this time that could be linked to your own world. That takes a lot more work to create, so I went with an older one I built many years ago.”

  “How old are you?” I hadn’t thought to ask Glendale that. I’d been distracted by the whole talking cat thing.

  “Older than I look.” Glendale stretched. “I’ve been blessed with looks that never fade.”

  “I think you may actually be more conceited than Jared. I had no idea that was possible.” Hailey clenched and unclenched her hand. “Yes, you have nice fur. Can we move on? Where is Allie? And where is Andrew? We are wasting time.”

  “If you would only let me finish.” Glendale walked around the perimeter of the room.

  “Ok. Finish.” Hailey crossed her arms.

  “Patience is a virtue my young friend.” He stared her down. I was instantly glad his withering look wasn’t turned toward me.

  “Now I’m a young friend? Not a lady anymore?” Hailey walked over to the bar and looked down behind it.

  “You are still a lady, but as we were discussing my ripe old age I thought emphasizing your youth was appropriate.”

  “Great. Please finish.” Hailey effortlessly hopped up on the bar.

  Glendale laid down again. “This bar connects to your world. Harold should be able to bring his current master here easily.”

  “And Allie?” Hailey swung her legs.

  “She’ll be here soon.” Glendale walked over to Hailey.

  “Good.” Hailey crossed her arms.

  “Unfortunately I let this place go. Normally I’d offer you a beer.” He nodded toward the bar where Hailey was sitting.

  “This place actually served beer?” Hailey glanced behind the bar. “Those taps worked?”

  Glendale jumped what seemed to be an impossible height and landed on the bar beside Hailey. “Oh yes. This was a popular joint for a short while.”

  “What happened to it?” In the scheme of things, the fate of the bar wasn’t all that important, but it was the first thing Glendale showed any actual interest in, and that alone intrigued me.

  “Maybe Sol should tell you.” Glendale splayed out on the bar.

  “Don’t give us the whole ‘it will be better to hear from an attractive man’ thing.” Hailey rolled her eyes. “That implication is insulting, and it’s not going to work.”

  “I can tell them.” Harold offered. “At least the reason I think it was closed.”

  “Oh?” Glendale picked his head up. “Are there rumors out there?”

  “There are plenty of rumors out there, but I don’t believe this is a rumor. Glendale was deemed an enemy of the Elders and all of his businesses were shuttered.” Harold gave Glendale a long look. “Am I right?”

  “All of your businesses?” Hailey leaned her chin on her elbow. “You had others.”

  “Oh yes, Glen was quite the entrepreneur back in the day.” Sol put his hands behind his neck.

  “Entrepreneur? Done calling me a shark now?” Glendale stretched.

  “So your ill will toward the Elders has existed for a long time?” I asked as carefully as I could. Maybe the questions about the bar might lead to some actual helpful information. I definitely needed some of that.

  “For a very long time.” Glendale set his head down again. “They tend to dislike anyone with an above normal lifespan.”

  “Because they view them as a challenge to their authority.” It wasn’t a question. For as powerful as the Elders were, they were mighty insecure.

  “And because they know the longer you live the less easily you’ll fall for their tricks.” Harold righted a stool and sat down. “By the way, Andrew is on his way here as we speak.”

  “How is he getting here?” I asked. I was really wondering if there would be another Glendale equivalent showing up. Although I found it hard to believe there was anyone else quite like him.

  “Much the same way you did.” Glendale turned his head in my general direction.

  “Should we try to break his fall?” I asked more because it sounded like the right thing to do than because I worried. My emotions still weren’t what they should have been. I should have cared more. Instead I was focused on myself. I missed the way I used to be. Maybe I got walked all over, but I had a real and true heart. I needed to find that heart. It was the only way I would ever truly feel whole again.

  “We have no idea where he’ll land, so I do not see how that would be possible.” Glendale hopped down from the bar.

  “Your jumping ability is impressive.” I had to give him that much.

  He turned toward me. “Thank you. Your continued survival is impressive.”

  Any response I could have made to him was quashed by the loud thud as Andrew catapulted into the room. I looked at where he’d fallen from first, but there was nothing there. The ceiling appeared completely intact.

  I hurried over and offered him a hand.

  “Daisy!” He beamed. “My Grantor found you.”

  “She is not the only one I found.” Harold grinned.

  He gazed around until he found Hailey. His eyes lit up. “Hailey! There you are!”

  Hailey jumped down from the bar. “What did you think you were doing?”

  “What do you mean?” Andrew took a step back. His smile faded.

  “Capturing a Grantor? Are you crazy? You could have been killed.”

  “I’m glad you are worried about my well-being.” His smile slowly returned.

  “I’m not worried about you.” Hailey shook her head. “I’m worried about Allie’s family. Her mom is really happy with your dad.”

  “Oh well, it’s still worry related to me.” His glow only grew.

  “There are so many questions to ask you, but we don’t have time. I need to figure out where Allie is, so tell us. No games. How can you help us?” Hailey leaned in toward Andrew.

  “Allie is missing?” Andrew glanced around.

  “She is on her way as we speak.” Glendale walked over. “Hailey is exaggerating the urgency of that particular problem. Now the other issues at hand are urgent.”

  “That cat talked.” Andrew bent down to pet the cat. “How awesome.” He rubbed Glendale behind his ear for the whole of two seconds before Glendale swatted at him. Andrew pulled his hand back. “I take it you aren’t someone’s pet?”

  I laughed. Leave it to Andrew to be wowed rather than weirded out by a talking feline.

  Glendale’s eyes narrowed into tiny slits. “Do not use the P word around me.”

  “My apologies, sir.” Andrew straightened up.

  “Did you just call the cat sir?” Hailey’s face scrunched up.

  “Yes. I believe I did.” Andrew looked down at his hands. “I did do that, didn’t I?”

  “How can you help us?” This wasn’t the time for arguing, so I moved to stop that before it could get any worse. “Is there a reason you went through such effort to seek us out now?”

  “Of course. I was worried about you.” He turned to Hailey. “Both of you.”

  “Why exactly?” Hailey leaned her chin on her fist.

  Andrew said nothing for a moment. Then he opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened it again. Closed it.

  “Just say it already!” Hailey snapped.

  Andrew looked down. “Because there’s a huge price on both of your heads.”

  “A price?” I needed to make sure I’d heard him right. Was
he serious?”

  “Yes. I saw it all over the boards.” Andrew didn’t need to explain what boards he was talking about. Although spending my days on internet boards looking for evidence of Owen seemed like a lifetime ago.

  “People were offering a reward for us?” Hailey gestured to herself and me.

  “I know it seems crazy but it’s true. They have your name spelled wrong though Hailey. I kept seeing it with an ie.” He spelled the letters with his hands. “I obviously didn’t correct them.”

  “Yes, so there’s a price on my head, and I care that they spelled my name wrong.”

  “I’m just letting you know, in case you see it and don’t think I know how to spell your name.” Andrew’s face reddened.

  “Glad you know.” Hailey looked away, and I could have sworn I saw a little smile. Andrew amused her even if there wasn’t a chance she’d ever admit it.

  I held in a laugh.

  “So where’s Allie?” Hailey turned to Glendale. “I’m beginning to seriously doubt your understanding of the word soon. That means quickly. Ok. Not in an hour. Not in a day. It means nearly now.”

  “Time moves differently on different—”

  “Nope.” Hailey interrupted. “Not a chance. I don’t care how differently time moves, you’ve implied Allie would be here soon. I expect her here now. Otherwise we’re going to have a problem.”

  “We won’t have a problem.” Glendale swished his tail.

  We all looked up expecting Allie (and maybe Taylor) to suddenly appear from above.

  A sound from behind us had me turning as Allie and Taylor walked through a door behind the bar. “Why are you all staring at the ceiling?” Taylor asked.

  “Allie!” Hailey hopped up on the bar and jumped off the other side and hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re finally here.”

  “Finally? We followed right behind you. How long have you been waiting for us?”

  Glendale made his cat laugh again. “And you didn’t want to hear my temporal realities on different plane explanation.”

  Hailey glared at him.

  “I’m just saying.” He lay back down on the floor.

  “That cat is talking.” Allie pointed to where Glendale was now curled up in a ball on the concrete floor. “Should I be alarmed?”

  “No. He’s helping us.” I waved at her in greeting. “Glad you could join us.”

  “What about me?” Taylor jutted out her hip. “Aren’t you glad I’m here?”

  “Of course. But no plotting my demise.” My words were dry and humorless. I had enough to worry about without having to constantly look over my shoulder for her.

  “Why would she be plotting that?” Harold looked between us.

  “Because she wants her essence back. The one you helped give me.” There was no beating around the bush. The more open we could all be the better.

  “You were in on it?” Taylor crawled under the bar and headed for Harold.

  “I was, but not by choice.” He backed away.

  Taylor looked around the room for some kind of confirmation.

  “He’s a Grantor,” I explained mostly because I didn’t want to get slowed down again when she injured him. If she could that is. She was human again. Still, it wasn’t worth a fight. “Save your energy for when you find the person who captured him and had him do it.”

  “Where do we find them? Where is your master, Grantor?” Taylor stretched herself to her tallest height.

  “I am his current master, and I assure you I had nothing to do with the loss of your essence. And I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to give it to Daisy. She’s my friend. I didn’t even know what an Allure was until recently. And I didn’t meet Daisy until after she was given it,” Andrew rambled on.

  “Who is this kid?” Taylor pointed to Andrew and talked about him as if he wasn’t there.

  “My step-brother.” Allie ducked under the bar. “And I have no idea what he’s doing here.”

  “Hey, sis.” Andrew grinned.

  “Don’t sis me. What role do you have in all this?” Allie put a hand on her hip.

  “Did you think I didn’t know Levi was more than human?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “I figured you wouldn’t care.” She sighed. “Evidently you did.”

  “Of course I care. We’re family now.” He tilted his head to the side. “I’d have thought that would have mattered to you.”

  “Either way, what are you doing here right now?” Allie didn’t buy into his play for pity. I was seeing a new side to Andrew.

  “He says he can help us.” Hailey leaned back against the bar. “Isn’t that something? He hired a Grantor.” She gestured to Harold who nodded.

  “What’s a Grantor?” Allie took a step back.

  Harold bowed slightly. “Think of me as a relative of the genie. Andrew captured me, which means he’s my master. He used me to track you down.”

  Hailey nodded. “He claims there’s a hit out on Daisy and me.”

  “Not a hit. I guess I shouldn’t have said price on your head. They want you alive,” Andrew amended.

  “Who wants them alive?” Allie asked. “The people who want Daisy now want Hailey too?” Then she seemed to notice Sol. “Who’s the guy in the shades?”

  “Sol.” He walked over and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  She warily took his hand. “I assume you’re here for a reason too?”

  “We all want the same thing.” Glendale rubbed against her legs.

  “To help Daisy?” Allie looked down at Glendale with a careful expression.

  “To destroy the Elders, or at least give them a taste of their own medicine.” He did his cat laugh again, but this time it sounded kind of scarier. It had a hollow note to it. “They have far too much power. If we don’t stop them soon it will be too late. They’ll destroy us all.”

  “Aren’t the Elders like the strongest beings around?” Allie glanced around the room at everybody. “Or am I missing something? What happened to finding the herb to change Daisy back? Not that I’m not all in for getting rid of these jerks. They messed with Daisy and Owen.”

  “Destroying them completely would be difficult.” Glendale lifted his head. “Likely impossible. But we need to stop their domination. We’ve let things go on for far too long.”

  “And Andrew is involved in this how?” Allie watched him warily. “I’m sorry, I still don’t understand that part.”

  “I found that they were in trouble, and I did what I could to find them so I could help.” He puffed out his chest and stared longingly at Hailey.

  “Ok, we welcome any help we can get.” Who was I to turn down a willing helper who managed to find us?

  He smiled. “Okay, what can I do for you?”

  “Wait.” I froze. “Don’t you know what you can do? Your Grantor said you could help us.”

  “Yes, Andrew.” Hailey hurried toward him. “Please tell me you have some idea for how to help, and you didn’t waste everyone’s time, and risk your life just to find us.”

  Andrew looked down at his shoes.

  “Oh, boy. Things are getting mighty interesting.” Glendale cackled.

  “Interesting?” Hailey bent down to his eye level. “You mean horrible?”

  “Interesting, horrible? Depends on how you look at it.” Glendale went to rub his head against her forehead, but she jerked back. “The boy did offer to help still.”

  “Yes, he did.” Sol smiled. “He did offer to help.”

  “Uh oh. What idea did you come up with?” I didn’t like the excitement in Sol’s voice. They had a plan to use Andrew, and that most likely wasn’t in his interest. “You can’t hurt him.”

  “I’m not going to willingly hurt him.” Sol lowered his shades slightly. “But I can’t promise it won’t happen inadvertently.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to help.” Andrew exclaimed eagerly. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “Andrew, don’t be an idiot.” Allie groaned. “I still don’t rea
lly get why you’re here, but whatever reason,” She glanced at Hailey making it seem that she did know, “It isn’t worth getting yourself hurt. Thanks for telling us that there is a reward for Hailey and Daisy. That is important information. You can go now if you want.” She shooed with her hand to the door she’d walked through.

  “No he can’t.” Glendale stretched his front legs. “They’ll know he was with us and then pump him for information. Not only could that set us back, it could also get him killed. He’s with us till the end.”

  “Why do you sound happy about that?” Hailey gritted her teeth.

  “Because his presence annoys you.” Glendale’s eyes gleamed.

  “His presence annoys me because he’s one more person I need to worry about. I already need to protect these two.” She pointed to Allie and me.

  “You don’t have to protect me,” I argued. “I’ve already told you it’s not your job.”

  “I’ve said the same thing.” Allie jumped in. “Save your breath. If she decides you’re worthy of her protection it lasts for life.”

  “That means she’s going to care about my safety for life.” Andrew grinned from ear to ear.

  “Only because of your family.” Hailey looked up at the ceiling. “Don’t forget that detail.”

  “Who cares about the details? It’s the concept that counts.” Andrew was in heaven.

  “I like this young man’s spirit.” Glendale stretched his back legs this time.

  “We’re still doing the whole young thing, huh?” Watching Glendale got me tired. He wasn’t a normal cat, but he sure acted like one.

  “I hope you don’t like his spirit too much.” Sol wagged a finger at Glendale.

  “Oh, come off it. I haven’t indulged in years.” Glendale shut his eyes.

  “Indulged in what?” I stepped away from the cat.

  “Nothing you need to worry yourself about.” Glendale hissed in the direction of Sol.

  “They were going to find out eventually.”

  “Find out what?” I asked not sure I wanted to know the answer.

  “Fine, if we have to have this conversation, I’ll do it myself.” Glendale curled into a tight ball. “I’m not a normal cat.”


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