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Obsessions: A Monster Squad Novel 7

Page 6

by Heath Stallcup

  Jack rubbed at his jaw and thought hard. “Where’s your list of missing members?”

  Mark pulled another copy from a file folder and handed it to him. Jack ran a finger down the list and tapped it twice. “I can guarantee that this little cockbite is with him.” He looked up and smiled. “Well, was. If Sheridan is out of the game, Bigby here might still be playing, or he may have pulled up stakes and hauled ass for safer ground.”

  Mark looked at the list and circled the name. “Any others?”

  “Silverman and Winchester are both true blue Brits. They wouldn’t sell out for any price.”

  “They’re both dead. Confirmed dead. Their bodies were found.” Mark hovered over the list as Jack went down it again.

  “Sammons and Cowley I didn’t know that well.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. He slowly shook his head. “It’s truly anybody’s guess on those two.”

  “Cowley is confirmed KIA. Sammons…hold on.” Mark turned back to a report and fished it out. “Ah. That’s the pile of biological goo that could have been a human body, but…” He trailed off.

  “So they didn’t test it?”

  “Negative. They found shreds of his uniform mixed in with the Jell-O and just assumed it was him.”

  Jack stared at the list again and shook his head. “Bigby is affirmative. Sammons is a possible.”

  “So there may be two more out there.”

  “It would appear so, Major.” Jack handed the list back to him and stood. “I wouldn’t want to have to try to track them down. They’re both ex-SAS.”


  Laura played out different scenarios in her head. Rushing home with a ‘miracle cure’…oh, but there is this tiny little side effect. If you don’t take this other pill every day for the rest of your life, you’ll grow hair in funny places and start barking at the moon. She shook her head and sighed heavily.

  How do you explain to your no-nonsense father that monsters are real? How do you convince him to become one in order to save his life? True, it would add many, many…many years to his life. Healthy, strong, vibrant years. But how do you explain to a man who had already suffered the loss of his wife that he could live healthier and happier than ever if he accepted this? How do you explain to him that if you’d known in time, you might have been able to save your mother?

  She felt the hot sting of a tear running down her cheek and she swiped it away. She wouldn’t allow herself to do this. She had served well for far too long, asking little to nothing in return for all these years of service. This one thing was not asking too much.

  She looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw the accusatory stare that her image shot back. “What?” she shouted. “It’s not like you wouldn’t do it, too.”

  She turned her attention back to the road then realized she had just yelled at herself. Good lord, I’m losing it. If only Evan hadn’t made her promise to tell him first. She could have stepped in, saved his life, and then explained how. Far better to ask forgiveness than permission.

  She increased her grip on the steering wheel, her determination firmed as she increased the speed of her Jeep. She would save her father, whether he wanted her to or not. If he said no to the protocol, she would simply dose him in his sleep.

  She clenched her jaw, her will resolute as she drove. Slowly she loosened her grip, her determination waning as the many different reactions her father could have struck home.

  She glanced upward and muttered a silent prayer that whatever power above would give her the strength to see this through.


  Bigby pulled the Super Duty pickup up to the chain link gate of a rundown building that looked suspiciously like a school. He turned off the ignition and stepped out of the large truck. As he approached the chain link fence, he noted the various signs posted warning people to keep out, but it was obvious that that warning had gone unheeded.

  He glanced at the main building and nodded. “This will do in a pinch.” He pulled up his PDA and punched up the GPS location and stored it to memory as a possibility.

  He walked across the grounds and found the old gymnasium set apart from the rest of the school. It appeared as though it had been saved from the vast majority of vandalism. He wasn’t sure if it was because the doors had been chained or because the windows were mounted too high for trespassers to enter easily, but either way, the building was in far better condition.

  “I think we can stage here.”

  Stepping out of the back of the gym, he marched to the rear of the grounds and eyed an area where they could stage vehicles. “A dozen transports parked here would never be seen from the roads.” He tapped at his chin as he continued walking the grounds. “But how to get them here without being seen?” There were too many residences in the area and prying eyes and nosy neighbors could go a long way toward detection. How difficult would it be to remove a dozen or so neighbors?

  Bigby shook his head as he considered the ramifications. He glanced at his watch and decided it was time to gather the weapons. Perhaps he could find a suitable staging location in transit. He walked back to the truck and climbed into the cab. As the big engine roared to life, he backed out and began working his way across town to the storage unit that Sheridan had rented.

  The wheels in Big’s mind started spinning as he thought about the storage rental place. Remote location, little to no traffic. Plenty of storage bins. Security was practically nonexistent. He smiled to himself as he drove. Maybe he had the proper place the entire time without knowing it. He simply couldn’t see the forest for the trees.


  “And you didn’t have any trouble sleeping?” Kalen looked to the two sitting across from him.

  Azrael shook his mighty head. “None. I didn’t even achieve stone sleep and still I slept without issue.”

  Gnat lifted a bowl of oatmeal to his mouth and slurped loudly. “I never have issues sleeping.” He belched loudly and set the bowl down on the table, reaching for a handful of sausage links. “I could sleep through battlements if need be.”

  Kalen nodded, his brow furrowed. “I suppose it is just being in a new place.”

  “What troubles you, elf?” Azrael scooped a large slab of ham from his tray and bit off a chunk.

  Kalen shook his head. “Just dreams. Perhaps it is all of the unknowns we face. Perhaps if we knew what our quest was, who our enemies are…”

  “That has never prevented me from sleeping.” Azrael bit through the large ham bone and crunched it as he chewed. “Usually the stone sleep takes me too soon and I still crave battle, but being here, underground? It was of no issue.”

  Kalen waved off their comments. “It is of no concern. I was only curious.” He picked through the fruits and vegetables on his plate. Their lack of venison or fish had caught him off guard. The beef and pork they served had little flavor.

  Gnat shoved a handful of bacon into his mouth. “I tell you, the humans have discovered the greatest way to cure pork. This bake-in is one of the best foods I’ve ever eaten.” He grabbed a large handful and tossed it onto Kalen’s plate. “You must try it.”

  Kalen watched as the gnome licked the grease from his fingers then blanched. He flicked the pieces of meat from his plate and onto his platter. “Perhaps another time.”

  “There you are.” Lamb sat down at the table and smiled at the crew. “Looks like I get to be your weapons instructor.”

  “We know how to use our weapons, thank you.” Azrael turned from him and back to his two friends.

  “True enough, my large, winged friend.” Jacobs patted the gargoyle on the shoulder and settled in on the other side of him. “But we’re going to teach you fellas how to use human weapons.”

  Gnat’s face fell. “If I wanted to learn human weapons, I would have been born one.”

  “I thought Chief Jack would be teaching us these things.” Kalen leaned away from the pair and studied them carefully.

  “Normally, he might,” Lamb answered. “But he wanted y
ou boys to learn from the best.”

  “So he sent us.” Jacobs smiled at the trio. “As soon as you’re through eating, how about you muster at the training center.”

  Kalen gave them a curious stare and opened his mouth to question when Lamb stood up and hooked a thumb over his shoulder, “Big double doors one floor up and down the hall. Opens to a large two story room with mock buildings inside.”

  Kalen nodded. “I am familiar with it.”

  “Excellent.” Lamb turned to leave. “Don’t forget to grab your girlfriend before you show up.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend!” Kalen replied a little too enthusiastically.

  Lamb and Jacobs both paused and turned on him simultaneously. “It was just a figure of speech, pal.”

  Jacobs nodded. “No need to get worked up.”

  Kalen sat back and nodded. “Very well. We will be there shortly.” He watched the two humans leave then he turned back to his friends. Azrael stared at him and Gnat forgot to close his mouth.

  Azrael nodded knowingly. “I think I know what your ‘dreams’ were of now.”


  Little John fought the urge to put his fist through a wall. He turned to Spalding and pleaded with his eyes. Spalding threw his hands up. “It’s not up to me, John.”

  “Surely he must know that I need to talk with her.” John paced back and forth through the lounge, his jaw ticking as he walked. “Why would he ask those two frogmen to help train them? That makes no sense.”

  “Jack was a SEAL, both Jacobs and Lamb were SEALs. It makes perfect sense. He trusts them because he understands what they’ve been through.”

  “But she’s my sister!”

  “I understand that, but John, she’s his operator now.”

  “Yeah, how the hell does that even happen?” Little John stopped pacing long enough to stifle a scream. “We finally get her back and not only do I not get a chance to talk to her, this guy just waltzes in and says, ‘I need her, she’s mine’ and everybody’s okay with that? Really?”

  “Look, John, you don’t really know this guy, but I do. He was with the squads for a long, long time.”

  “Yeah, I know. You told me. He went native, got married, blah, blah, blah. But where does that give him the right to just step back into the scene and then pick my sister to be his new attack dog?”

  Spalding hung his head and exhaled hard. “Have a seat, John.”

  “No, I’ve taken a knee enough in this. All I want is a chance to talk with her. Find out what happened. Try to…I dunno, connect with her somehow.”

  Spalding nodded, his desire to be sympathetic diminished by the loss of Apollo. “I wish I knew what to tell you. Really, I do. All I can say is for you to be patient. She’ll come to you when she’s ready.”

  “That’s horse shit and you know it.” He began pacing again. “She’s wrapped up in this Jack guy now, and he’s got every moment of her time claimed.”

  “She hasn’t been here long enough for you to say that.”

  “Long enough.” John stopped and clenched his teeth. “All I’m saying is that it isn’t right that he monopolizes her time like this.”

  “And I’m trying to tell you that he isn’t. He just has a lot of work to do and little time to get it done.” Spalding stood and stepped in front of John’s pacing. “Are you listening?”

  “Of course I am. I just don’t accept it.”

  “Well you better.” Spalding pointed toward the door. “Because if you push too hard on this, you’re likely to push her away and never get her back.”

  John stared at Spalding, his mind racing, but the words sinking in. He fell onto the couch and held his head in his hands. “I feel responsible.”

  “Don’t.” Spalding clapped him on the back. “Dude, you were what, ten years old when she disappeared? Try to accept the fact that she’s back and she’s alive and well and you will get the chance to catch up, but not until she’s ready.”

  John looked up at him and smirked. “Alive and well? Bad choice of words there, boss man.”

  Spalding smirked. “You know what I mean. At least she’s back, bud. That’s a whole lot more than most of us get.”

  John had to agree. “So…patience?”


  “Can I get a double order of it? Yesterday?”

  Spalding shook his head. “Doesn’t work that way, buddy.”


  “So this is my room? Hmm.” Jenny looked around the small quarters and wrinkled her nose.

  “I’m sorry. It’s the best we can do on short notice. And trust me, it’s a lot nicer than most of the other quarters. This is officer quarters. You should see what the enlisted men get.” He offered a wan smile and shrugged.

  Jenny turned and gave him her best sultry smile. “And where is yours?”

  “Mine? Oh, you mean…uh, my quarters?” Mitchell suddenly felt as though the ventilation system had failed and the hallway had gotten hotter. “I, uh…I mostly stay in my office, but I do have a room similar to this. It’s just a bed and wardrobe where I keep spare uniforms.”

  Jenny withdrew and gave him a curious look. “Really? You’re like…the boss here…and you don’t live in the lap of luxury?”

  Mitchell snorted a laugh and shook his head. “No, no luxury.” He ushered her inside and pushed the door shut behind him. She sat on the bed and he pulled up a chair. “We live pretty basic here. Our quarters are really just places to sleep and keep clothes. We’re usually too busy to…well…I mean, there is married housing on the base, but…”

  He stumbled as he tried to find some redeeming quality to the life he led. He sighed heavily and leaned back in the chair. “Up until you, I never had a need for any of that. My job was my life and as long as I had a roof over my head, food on the table, and a clean uniform to put on, I had my needs met.”

  “That sounds like a bleak existence.” She reached a tentative hand out and rubbed at his arm. “It sounds lonely.”

  Mitchell shook his head. “No, not really. My men were my family. All of my people are. We’re a small enough outfit here that I know them all by name. All the way down to the cooks in the kitchen.”

  Jenny smiled. “You should definitely make a point of getting to know them.” She winked at him.

  “Yeah, well, to somebody on the outside looking in, it might seem lonely, but we stay pretty busy. And when I’m worried about my guys out in the field, it just didn’t leave time for…well…you know.”


  “Yeah. I mean, I guess I could have, but how do you tell a prospective date that once a month you turn into a wolf and bark at the moon?”

  “True.” She patted his arm. “But the thing is, you don’t have to do this alone anymore. Not if you don’t want to.”

  “What are you saying, Jenny?” Mitchell eyed her cautiously.

  “I’m saying, my wolf accepted you. The more time I spend with you, the less apprehension I feel…”

  “And that means…what?”

  “That means I don’t need to be on the outside looking in.” She met his eyes and he felt that familiar flutter in his guts again. “If you’d let me, I could be on the inside. With you. Making things less lonely.”

  Matt felt the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I think I’d like that very much.”

  Jenny leaned in and kissed him. Softly at first, then more deeply as she allowed herself to drop her guard. In the echoes of his mind, Matt could hear a wolf howling…he just didn’t know if it was his or hers.


  “What do we do?” Lilith paced as Samael considered their options. “You heard Azazel’s warning. If we continue on this path, we’re both doomed.”

  “Bah! Foolishness.” Samael crossed his arms and tapped at his chin as he continued to think. “Michael sent him here to throw us off. There is no way we could lose and they know it. They just want to try to save ‘innocent’ blood. I have no care for innocent blood.”

p; “Nor do I, my love, but I do care about saving my own skin. I just got it back and I’d really like to keep it a little longer.” She continued to pace, pausing only a moment to notice her demons had finally gathered into ranks and waited for her command. “And what do we do about them?”

  “Huh?” Samael turned and noted the demon legion standing at attention, their commanders standing at the front of each troop. “I am thinking. Give me a moment.”

  “But what do we do about them?”

  “They’ve waited this long, let them continue to wait.” Samael’s brow knitted as he continued to consider the possibilities. “If we had an inkling where Gabriel hid the weapons, we could send them after the cache. If we could gain control of the angelic weapons before the humans do…” His voice trailed. He turned to Lilith, “Tell me you know who this ‘non-human’ is that Azazel spoke of.”

  Lilith shook her head. “What makes you think I would know that?”

  “You cavorted with vampires. They’re non-human,” Samael snorted in derision. “It’s not too far of a stretch.”

  “If I didn’t love you dearly, I would tell you to kiss my ass.”

  “I already have. Numerous times. It was fun, but this is not the time for sex.” Samael continued to ponder the possibilities. “If not vampire, then who?”

  “Oh, it could still be a vampire. It’s not like I know them all personally. I just used them to my advantage.” She gave him a knowing smirk then went back to her pacing.

  “Who would the on high trust with angelic weapons?” He tapped a tooth nervously with an extended claw. “It would have to be one of pure heart. The temptation that the cache would bring would simply be too much for any less.”

  “What are you saying?” Lilith paused her pacing and studied him.

  “I am saying that a collection of angelic weapons would tempt even the purest of human hearts.”

  “So that’s why they revealed it to a non-human.” She pointed to him as though an idea had come to her. “And vampires were once human. Whatever traits they had in life, they’re amplified in death. If they are greedy in life, they are overwhelmed with greed as a vampire. If a glutton, then a glutton too shall they be. If a liar—”


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