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No Refunds No Exchanges: A Hudson Family Series- Book 4- Matt and Ali

Page 20

by Chontelle Brison

  “Yes! Yes! Oh God! Harder Matt, fuck me harder,” she demanded as she ground her pussy as hard as she could onto my thrusting cock. She seemed to forget about her fears of exposing her scars as she moved and I felt roughened patches of skin brush against my thighs. I didn’t care, she could have scars from her belly button to her toes, and they wouldn’t change how fucking amazing it felt to watch Alison come apart in my arms, her pussy milking my cock with every shudder, her body slick with sweat and her nipples swollen from my attention. Just a few sweaty moments later the room echoed with the sound of slapping skin and reeked with the sweet aroma of sex. Never in all my time as an escort and even the sex I’d had before that, had I felt some completely free and out of control with a woman. I couldn’t have cared less if I came at all, the sounds of Alison screaming my name was more satisfying than anything I had ever experienced.


  Four glorious orgasms later, my insatiable lover collapsed next to me, the sound of our exhausted panting was the only sound in the pitch-black room. I closed my eyes and pulled the rumpled sheet to cover my breasts, smiling when I felt a tender kiss brush my shoulder.

  “Jesus, now I know why you were so in demand as an escort, you are unbelievable Matthew,” I told him not even opening my eyes. I felt him stiffen next to me and realized that I may have just insulted the man who had given me the best sex of my life.

  Wide-awake and worried I had just ruined a fantastic, post-orgasmic moment, I rolled to my side and came face to face to with gorgeous, stormy green eyes. Geez, not matter how many times I looked at this man, I still couldn’t believe he was here…with me! Damn! This was totally worth a Facebook shout out, that was if I had a friend-filled Facebook account. However, that would require friends to add to said account and I could count those on one hand.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, Matt, I’m okay with what you do for a living,” I told him trying to wipe the scowl off his handsome face. While I was used to seeing Matt clean-shaven, the stubble on his face gave him a sexy, rugged look that was hard to ignore.

  I watched as he propped himself up one elbow and studied my face. I had to look awful. I was sure the mascara I had worn earlier was streaking down my cheeks. My hair was tangled, and wild around my face from Matt’s obsession with running his large hands through it and I could feel places on my body that were going to have love bites on them to rival the ones that Matt’s brother, Dalton, had left on Cami.

  “I’m done with the escorting, Alison.” He told me watching as if to gauge my reaction.

  Shocked I reared back and just stared at him. “What? Why? I thought you loved it? Didn’t you say it rounded out your profession as a boring accountant?” I blurted out. Matt definitely was talented in bed. In fact, if I could bottle up his sexual prowess or get him to teach a seminar on how to make a woman orgasm by just looking at her, I’d be a millionaire. Then, all my animals would have state of the art habitat enclosures, and I’d never have to give another tour or beg for grant money again.

  “You don’t mind me sleeping with other women?” he sounded shocked and for the life of me, I couldn’t imagine why.

  “I’m not a romantic Matt, I’m a realist, and I know that what you do with those women is provide a fantasy for them, not for you,” I explained. I sat up to lay back against the cherry wood headboard I had gripped just a short time ago as I had ridden Matthew to my last climax.

  Matt joined me a few moments later and I felt a tug of sadness as he pulled his side of the soft sheets above his hips.

  “Alison, we have to talk about us, where we stand.” He crooned.

  Damn, why was he ruining this happy moment with talking? I didn’t want to define us, I didn’t even know there was an us? Other than Matt’s little relationship bomb he had dropped the night before the wedding, there had been no discussions about ‘us’. To be honest, I liked it that way, I had successfully avoided any conversations with Matt the day of the wedding. However, once Synclair had given birth and I had given her the blanket I’d made for the baby before I’d left the Sanctuary, I knew I had to get away.

  I hadn’t intended to give Synclair the baby blanket when she was surrounded by her family, but I remembered that I brought it with me from home as a wedding present for her and Reece. Since I didn’t know the couples well enough to get them a personal gift, I had opted on the information I had gleaned off the internet and figured since both women were expecting, that baby blankets would suffice.

  Yes, I had spent hours trolling the internet, learning about Matt and the other Hudsons. It seemed they were very well off, all of them successful in their own right despite their large inheritances. The only one that wasn’t a professional was their youngest sister, Rachel, whom I had met the day we’d arrived in Dublin. However, even Rachel Hudson was on her way to a great career, she was only year away from getting her Bachelor’s degree in Veterinarian Science and would most likely follow in her old brother’s footsteps and become a successful Veterinarian.

  I had even read about how Sara, the sweet brunette woman that had become Lucas Hudson’s wife about twenty-four hours ago, had struggled through a rape and raising a child that she hadn’t even known, belonged to Lucas. Yes, the Hudsons had their share of adventure and drama, but it was hard to miss the easy camaraderie between them. They were a family that had each other’s back and I could tell by the way the women had checked me out the day of the bar brawl, that they were trying to decide if I was good enough for Matt.

  I could have saved them the trouble. Had they asked, I would’ve told them all, no, with no hesitation. Matt was part of a family that was so warm, and loud and caring that I wouldn’t know how to fit in. After being on my own for so long, I wasn’t sure I’d know how to function with people always in my business. Yet, on some level, I craved the way they all protected each other and found myself wondering if my holidays spent eating turkey sandwiches from Boston Market, with no Christmas tree and no presents; except the ones that I would buy for Pepper that I sent to wherever Lela was spending Christmas, were lacking.

  No. Matt and I were as different as oil and water. Besides, what would happen to Baloo, Lady, Nala, or the other animals? They needed me, depended on me and while they couldn’t answer me back, they were great listeners. I couldn’t picture Matt Hudson shoveling bear shit, or grinding up meat for Nala so that she could eat it with the few teeth she had left. Sheesh, the man’s five-hundred-dollar shoes, and fancy suits wouldn’t last a day at the sanctuary, and I could never last without my animals.

  I sighed, so lost in my thoughts I had almost forgotten the man next to me who was patiently waiting for me to acknowledge his glare.

  “Look, Matt, it’s a wedding. Your brothers are getting married and having kids so that stirs up emotions in you. I don’t expect our affair to go beyond this weekend Matthew,” I felt the heat from his anger but refused to budge my eyes from my clasped hands. “I’m just so grateful that I got to have this experience with you,” I finished still not looking in his direction. He had to know how amazing he was as a lover. He also had to be aware at how limiting it was to have sex with me, with my rules and such I couldn’t be scoring very high on the –Wow Factor- scale.

  Without warning, Matt let out of huff and all but jumped out of the bed. Before I knew what was happening, he was pushing back the large, heavy red drapes flooding the room with bright sunlight.

  Squinting my eyes against the painful intrusion, I tightened my grip on my sheet. As my eyes came into focus I saw Matt leaning against a large reclining chair, his arms crossed over his chest, and his legs crossed at the ankles. Somehow in my moment of blindness he had pulled on a pair of Calvin Klein sweats and was simply staring at me. To anyone else, he would have looked like he was just lounging against that ugly, green chair. However, I could see the tick in his jaw and the glittering fury of those green eyes as he regarded me behind those long dark lashes.

  “Grateful? You’re fucking grateful Alison? He p
ractically shouted. He sounded hurt but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why.

  “Y-yes,” I whispered while nodding my head. His face grew tight, and I could see his anger flush up his neck to his cheeks.

  I watched as Matt began pacing back and forth in front of the large, stone fireplace. He would stop, look at me, then return to his pacing while muttering. Feeling like I was having a conversation with Pepper during one of her tantrums, I got up from the bed and tried not to wince as my leg protested carrying its share of my weight.

  “Okay, I’m not a mind reader Matthew, just what is the problem here?” I asked in my no-nonsense tone. It usually got Pepper’s attention, and when I saw Matt pull up short on his pacing route, I congratulated myself for taking control of the situation.

  “The problem? The problem, Alison? The problem is you’re not supposed to want me to have sex with other women!” he shouted throwing his hands up in frustration.

  Confused, I replied, “Let me get this straight. You’re mad because I’m not jealous of the women you have sex with?” Was the man for real? Wasn’t I every guy’s dream in that respect? Wasn’t I the epitome of support for one’s own journey? Nope! Judging by the appalled look on Matt’s face you’d think I was skinning kittens in the garage with a dull butter knife. Besides, did he believe it was easy? The idea of Matt having his hands on and in another woman made me ill. Still, I was adult enough to know the difference between sex and what two people in a committed relationship did. Ugh, now the asshole had me putting us in the relationship box, that sooo was not how this was supposed to go down!

  “Yes, Alison! The woman I love should give a crap if I fuck every woman from here to New York! Yes, I find that very fucking frustrating!” he bellowed.

  Frozen I whispered, “love?”

  It only took a moment for Matt to realize the words he’d spoken during his rant. I felt the blood drain from my face and panic welled up inside my chest, making it hard to breathe. Okay, time to go Ali!

  For once, I took my own advice and bolted for the bathroom, bringing the sheet that I had tied around me like a Roman toga, with me. I got about one limping step past Matt when I was lifted into the air and placed back on the bed very gently on my back.

  “Seriously, you are such a damn caveman, Matt. You can’t just lift me up and cart me around because I won’t follow you around like a God damn groupie!” I hissed trying to keep him from grabbing my wrists. Failing miserably I found myself, once again, trapped underneath the hard, unyielding body of a man who would give a Greek God a run for his money.

  Matt grunted when my squirming knee made contact with his inner thigh and actually growled when I lifted my head in an attempt to head butt the stubborn ox.

  “Dammit Alison, cut it out and listen to me for a second before you run,” he insisted finally securing both of my wrists in one large palm. He grabbed my face with his free hand and turned me to face him. As soon as he saw the tears escaping my, soon to be puffy, eyes his expression softened, and he dipped his head to give me one sweet, gentle kiss on my lips.

  Caught off guard by the tenderness of the moment and the flood of feelings that swamped me, I quickly recovered my wits, felt my panic return and knocked my forehead into his nose.

  Letting out a pained roar, Matthew set back on my legs to cup his nose, still straddling me but letting loose my hands. I decided to capitalize on his distracted state and used both hands to shove him off the bed and me at the same time. Unfortunately, Matt was quick, and before I knew what was happening, we both ended up on the floor in a tangle of sheets with Matt cushioning my head with his hands.

  I watched his eyes grow wide as he seemed fixated on my chest. With a horrified gulp, I realized the sheet that had been shielding my scars was now twisted down around my ankles putting the scars from the accident front and center for Matt’s viewing.

  Shame, fear and something else welled up inside, and the tears came fast and hard. Engaged in full-fledged sobs, I lay there while Matt looked at the hideous, ocean of puckered skin that began about an inch below my breasts and wound its way down my right side, past my hip to my lower back.

  Months! I had spent months in that damn hospital. Unable to move, so burned that they had kept in a medically induced coma for so long that I had missed my own parent’s funeral. Had Trevor not taken pictures of the beautiful caskets and flowers that people all over the world had sent, I would’ve had no closure at all. As it was, they were buried, according to their wishes, side by side in the Animal Preserve in Africa where they had met. To this day I haven’t been there, I wasn’t sure I could make that journey, alone, without breaking down.

  Matt waited until my water filled eyes met his, I didn’t see pity, but I did see the concern of a man who cared. He lifted hand slowly to where my ravaged, puckered skin began. I grabbed his hand and pleaded with him with my eyes. The last man I had shown my scars to had been disgusted and my ex-husband used my pain as a way of making me feel like I should be grateful an asshat, like himself, would even want me.

  Still, if Matt turned away, if he winced or grimaced when he looked at me, I wasn’t sure what I would do.

  “P-please don’t” I squeaked out in a voice I barely recognized.

  Matt lifted the hand I had used to stop his exploration and raised it to his lips. He gave me a small, smile and put my hand on the floor next to my hip.

  But he didn’t just touch my scars. Matt Hudson kissed them. I began struggling again, the onslaught of emotion was too much, and I had to get away. His strength overcame mine, and I held my breath, my hands locked at my sides by Matt’s large palms. He trailed kisses down the path of scars, not leaving even one out. Still holding me immobile he turned me gently on my side and continued his kissing onslaught. I held my breath as he rained kisses across my lower back and down my hip to just above my buttocks. Flat on my stomach now, he moved my hands above my head, and when I went to move, he just repeated the action until I laid stock still with my hands reaching up way past my head.

  He took his large warm hands and kneaded the globes of my ass until I groaned in pleasure. It had been so long, so very long since anyone had touched me there. Even then, no one had touched me with such reverence, as if he was savoring every touch, feel, and taste. I felt beautiful, I felt loved and for the first in my life, I felt like a whole person.

  Matt’s ministrations didn’t stop with my ass. I felt his hands glide to the back of my thighs and instinctively I tensed, denying him when he tried to move my legs apart. I knew what he was doing, I knew there were scars on the inside of both thighs; where I had gotten burned so badly they had done skin grafts over six painful operations. Finally, having enough of the hospitals and the pain, I had stopped having them try to repair the damage. What was left was skin that looked like the waves of the ocean that were gently lapping at the shore.

  Not to be denied, Matt took his talented tongue and licked from the bottom of one butt cheek all the way up my back to the sensitive flesh behind my ear, and then repeated the action for the other cheek. As soon as my body relaxed into the heaven that his touch created, he slowly moved my legs apart and slid his hands over my thigh, grazing my wet folds just enough to make me squirm with wanting, then over to my thighs.

  He continued stroking my ass, my thighs and the back of my legs, making small detours to my pussy that was quivering with need. Just when I thought I was going to die from the sheer pleasure of it all, he slipped one finger inside me, and I gasped. No one had ever touched me up inside like that before, not even Richard. He had been all about getting the sex going, not about foreplay. For the longest time, I didn’t know what all the fuss was about. How could a simple finger bring ecstasy? I didn’t know how it was for other women, but under Matt’s talented hands I found my climax hit me so intensely that even as I came back down from the cosmos, I was still trembling.

  So overcome with emotions and not sure how to sort them all, I didn’t protest when Matt bundled me up, throwing
the bed sheet out of reach when I moved to grab it up out of habit. He sat in the large recliner with me seated on his lap. My head was on his shoulder, and his arms were wrapped tightly around me. I wondered if I had someone I could love forever. Could he really love me? Out of all the women in the world, could he want only me? I ignored the questions in my mind that pondered things like; if he asked you to give up your sanctuary and live with him in Carson City, would you? Would it be no more cruel than to ask him to give up his close proximity to his family and shovel bear shit?

  I didn’t know the answers, I didn’t have a clue how to make this work. I wasn’t even sure if Matt was in love with me or if he was merely bolstered by the chase and the weddings of his brothers. Was I in love with Matt? Trying to escape my own mind, I burrowed my head deeper into his chest, feeling like if I could just cocoon myself inside his skin that I’d be safe.

  “Alison, I’m going to talk, and you’re going to listen,” he said, his voice steady and sure.

  I raised my head to protest, not wanting to leave the protected bubble I was in, but one look at his determined face told me I wasn’t dodging this conversation.

  When I let out a defeated sigh, he stroked my hair and kissed my temple.

  “I know we didn’t start off on the right foot,” he smiled against my hair.

  “I'm not sure if it was the fact I have never had to chase a woman like I’ve had to chase you, that you weren’t tripping over yourself trying to impress me, that you are the first person in a long time that speaks to me like a person and not a dick for hire. Or if it was watching you get all pit bull on the guy that was mean to his dog in Vegas and again here in Dublin,” he kissed my temple, and I smacked one hard ab with my hand.

  “Okay, I can’t tell you when it happened Alison, but somehow you became the only person I want in my bed. You are the only woman who I actually want to have drama with. I want to get messy with you, I want to hold you when you’re hurting, I want to be the man who shows you that you will never be alone again.”


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