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No Refunds No Exchanges: A Hudson Family Series- Book 4- Matt and Ali

Page 31

by Chontelle Brison

  “I would say that answers that question.” Dalton chimed from somewhere to my right.

  I was still in a daze when I caught Synclair’s happy squeal, “Yea! Another sister. This is awesome!” Synclair clapped her hands and smiled at me.

  Amber stood up from her chair, and any remaining haze from Matt’s kiss vanished.

  “Stop! We have things to talk about Amber.” I told her pinning her with a hard stare.

  I watched her glance nervously toward Synclair who was just watching her with no expression. Honestly, it was unnerving to watch. I wasn’t sure if Synclair was measuring Amber for a body bag or trying to decide where to hide the body once the deed was done. Deadly as she was beautiful, I wouldn’t put it past Synclair Hudson to know exactly how and where to dispose of a body.

  “I don’t care who has a problem with you, I know you’ve done some shitty things,” I paused and looked at everyone. “You’re my friend, and I know you’re a good person, deep down,” I told the room. I wasn’t sure how my declaration was going to be received since I was in their house. Still, if they had issues with my talking to Amber then I would take Amber elsewhere, but we were going to talk!

  Synclair walked towards me, and I could almost feel Amber start to tremble. I watched those hazel eyes as they calculated and I tried not to take a step back towards Matthew.

  “Alison, you and Pepper are family now, you’re going to be marrying Matt,” Synclair stated as if she were discussing the weather.

  I was shocked my eyes hadn’t fallen out of my head and onto the floor. For a moment, the smile on Synclair’s face faltered as she stared past me at Matt.

  “You are marrying her,” she told him instead of asked.

  I tensed when I heard Matt’s quick reply, “Yep!”

  “And you are going to live here in Carson City with Pepper, right?”

  “Yep!” Matt replied again, ignoring the hard look I was throwing him over my shoulder.

  “What about her sanctuary?” Synclair asked Matt. I was about to answer when Matt beat me to it.

  “Actually Amber has built Alison a state of the art facility, with habitats for all of her animals and a house to go with it. She can move her Sanctuary here, I’m pretty sure Michael can get her permit approved.” Matt replied to a grinning Synclair. Seeing the confusion on my face, Matt got up and stood with his mouth near my ear. He was so close I could smell his musky aftershave.

  “Michael is the Mayor of Carson City, a family friend, and Amber’s brother,” he whispered softly.

  I felt my blood pressure start to rise, my leg throb and my shit-I-can-take meter, go through the roof!

  I looked at a smiling Matt to Synclair who was rubbing her hands together like a mad scientist, to Dalton who was chomping away on a carrot in a casual stance while watching Amber closely. Amber was trying to edge closer to the door to make her getaway, and I had finally had enough!

  Pushing away from my sexy but extremely irritating man, I walked over to grab something I had eyed the last few times I had been in this very room. Synclair must have guessed my frustration because she gave me a broad berth as I moved past her.

  As soon as I wrapped my trembling hand around the smooth handle of the baseball bat propped in the corner behind the front door, I realized why Synclair had such an affinity for them. It felt like raw, electric power in my hand and I made sure to smile sweetly at each person as I was walked back to the center of the room.

  “She who has the bat makes the rules and my first rule is…I. Make. The. Rules.” I announced to the stunned faces watching me.

  Amber-edged closer to the door again, and I took that opportunity to smack the bat on the coffee table in front of me. The loud thud of the bat hitting wood echoed through the room. Matt turned toward me with a concerned look on his face, and I shook my head to warn him to stay put. This was my show now, I was done letting people talk to me as if I wasn’t even in the room, I was through letting people try to run my life. Just because I walked with a limp didn’t mean I thought with one.

  “You!” I pointed to Amber with the bat. She was still standing where I had caught her moments before, her eyes wide. “You said your kidneys were having issues. How bad?” I demanded not caring one bit that we were in a room full of Hudsons. I watched her pointed chin lift in defiance, as she gave me a look that told me she didn’t want to discuss this in front these people. Normally, I would have been sensitive to her feelings. Once upon a time, good old Alison would have coddled her. Not anymore. I loved Amber, but this shit show was over.

  “I don’t think…” she started. I cut her off with a forced laugh.

  “No, you don’t think sometimes. I get it. Sometimes we get desperate and scared and just react. However, that time is over. How bad?” My voice was hard as steel, and if I didn’t think it would have weakened my position, I would have patted myself on the back for it.

  You could have heard a pin drop in the room as everyone waited for Amber’s reply. I have to admit, she dragged it out a good five minutes before her shoulders slumped and her bottom lip began to tremble.

  “The Chemo weakened my kidneys so they are only functioning at sixty percent. They want me to have a kidney transplant so that I have at least one full functioning kidney. That’s why I’m on Dialysis. That’s why my veins look so bad, and my arms look bruised,” she explained giving a look to Dalton.

  Dalton walked over, grabbed one arm, and pushed her large sweatshirt up so he could finger the bruises. “Didn’t they give you anything for the bruising, the weight loss, something to get your immune system stronger?” Dalton asked in a voice that could have belonged to a doctor.

  “Dalton was a medic in the SEALS,” Matt whispered from behind me.

  Amber shook her head. “I knew something was wrong, I had been feeling sick for months, couldn’t eat, no energy. By the time I went in to see Doc Williams, I was in pretty bad shape,” she whispered.

  Dalton gently pulled her sweater down past her wrist again and gave her a small smile. He reached into his pocket and handed her a small can. It looked like a can of juice. I wasn’t sure until Dalton pulled the top off the can and I finally got a look at it.

  “Pediasure?” Amber asked as Dalton put the can in her hand. “This stuff is for babies.” She protested as she read the label.

  “This stuff is for anyone who needs to get vitamins, minerals, and other stuff your body needs but can’t keep a lot down,” Dalton explained as he lifted the hand that Amber was holding the can in and waited expectantly.

  “You had that in your pocket, bro?” Matt asked chuckling as Amber made a sour face while downing the thick liquid.

  Dalton turned and smiled. “Yeah, we keep them for Sara. Since she’s had such bad morning sickness, Doc Williams told her to try to get one of these little shakes down in the morning instead. I grabbed one when we went into the kitchen.” He shrugged and then tipped the can up so that Amber had to swallow fast or risk dripping chocolate kid nutrition all over her.

  “That’s disgusting.” Amber sputtered wiping her mouth and glaring at Dalton.

  “Well, you have chocolate, strawberry or vanilla. I’ll make sure to have cases of all three delivered to your house tomorrow.”

  “What is it with you, Dalton? Why are you doing this?” Amber put her hands on her hips.

  Dalton grinned and then gave me a kiss on the cheek as he moved past me. When he got to the kitchen door, he turned, “You’re Michael’s sister, Amber. Michael’s a good friend. While I’m not crazy about the things you’ve done, if it were my little sister, in your situation, I would hope someone would take a moment to make sure she was okay. Especially, if I had no idea she was in trouble.” With that, he turned and began whistling as he left the room.

  That little moment finished, I turned back to Amber who was watching the door where Dalton had just exited.

  “Okay, you put together this massive compound, a house, and all these fixtures, for me? I asked needing to wave my
hands to get her attention back.

  She nodded. “I don’t know if I can take something like that from you Amber, it’s too much. I wouldn’t feel right.” I confessed feeling slightly embarrassed. I had heard Matt, Amber and Dalton discussing the land and the all of the state of the art equipment she’d had installed, it was my dream, but I also knew how much that would have cost her.

  “I wanted to, I wanted to do something good in my life, and you deserve it, Alison. You, Baloo, Nala, Lady, and the others, they can’t live without you or you without them. I wanted to help. If you don’t take it, the land, house and sanctuary grounds will just sit empty.” Amber insisted crossing her arms over her chest.

  Letting out a sigh, I risked a glance at Matt. While his expression was unreadable, his eyes were stormy with worry. If I didn’t take Amber’s offer and my shitty ex-husband managed to get my permit revoked, I was risking Baloo and the others. However, taking Amber’s offer was as good as declaring to the world that I was making a commitment to Carson City, Matthew and by extension his wacky family. Was I ready for that? Was I willing to trust in my feelings for Matt and the love he said he felt? Heart beating against my chest so hard it physically hurt, I turned back to Amber and smiled.

  “Thank you. Words cannot even explain what it means to me be able to keep Baloo and the others with me. Not to mention the added bonus of being near my boyfriend,” I winked at Matt.

  “Husband,” he corrected gruffly.

  “We’ll talk about it,” I retorted. I had just made a huge concession, and the man was still pushing.

  “Sure, as long as you know it’s going to happen!” his mouth smirked, and I pointed at him with the bat.

  “You are bossy, arrogant and entirely too confident in yourself, Matt Hudson. Don’t make me use this bat on you.” I warned trying not to laugh as he placed a hand over his heart in mock fear. Then his smile turned feral.

  “As long as you kiss it better, sweetheart.”

  This time, I couldn’t help but laugh. There was no doubt I loved this man.

  “Feels good doesn’t it,” Synclair chirped from her lazy stance against the edge of the sofa.

  “What? My love? Of course, it does, she’s swimming in good feelings about me.” Matt answered.

  I rolled my eyes, and Synclair snorted a laugh. “She means the bat, my love. The answer is yes, I can see why you like.” I told her honestly feeling like I could get used to walking around with one in my hand at all times.

  “Yep, another happy customer. I swear I should start a cult.” Synclair said as she walked toward the hall. Before she took two steps, she came to a sudden halt and turned her suddenly, serious gaze toward Amber.

  “I still don’t like you, Amber, the crap you pulled goes beyond fucked up,” she paused, and we all waited. Amber tensed up and for a moment, I felt like I may have to defend her physically from Synclair. “I was alone a lot, no one should be alone. Especially when they have Cancer or kidney problems. I trust Alison. If she says you’re worth redeeming I’m going to cautiously agree.” She turned to go, and we all let out a breath.

  We thought she had gone and then she spoke again, “Reece told me you never slept with him. That means a lot.” Synclair told her. I could tell Synclair was still struggling with the fact that Amber and Reece had been married.

  “I’m not saying we’re friends or even acquaintances. But if you come to the restaurant I won’t spit in your food.” Synclair finished with a shrug.

  Amber seemed overwhelmed with emotion and gave Synclair a hopeful smile. “Thank you so much and I…” she paused when Synclair raised her palm.

  “I said I wouldn’t spit in your food, but I still may burn it. We’ll have to see.” She gave Amber a tight smile and disappeared down the hall.

  “All things considered I’d say you just got your second chance,” Matt said. Amber nodded her head.

  “What? Are you talking about?” I asked, shocked that both Amber and Matt looked relieved by Synclair’s vague threat. “The woman just told her she would incinerate her food!” I looked at both of them in astonishment. Amber had a huge smile on her pale face, and even Matt was grinning like a lunatic. I must have missed something in the translation here because I saw nothing to smile about.

  Amber put her hand on my shoulder and sighed. “You have no idea how bad that could have gone,” she explained, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “Coming from Synclair, it was as good as a blessing from a priest.”

  Amber walked over to the counter, grabbed her Michael Kors purse, and pulled out a document. She tried to hand it to me, but I was still stupefied by the sudden change in her demeanor. Smirking, she gave the papers to Matt and then turned toward the door.

  “Hey wait,” I called out, snapping out of my weirded out haze. Amber turned and for the first time that day I saw a sparkle in her blue eyes, very much like the Amber I had met back in Vegas. The woman who laughed, and joked and sat by the fire with me at night and listened to me ramble about my dream of having a secure place for Baloo and the others.

  “Yes?” she asked, her tone sounding more confident and steady.

  I shook my head to clear it and then filled Amber in on a little gift of my own. “As generous as your gift is, I can’t take it unless you agree to the following conditions.” I tried to grin when I saw Amber’s smile drop from her face and ignored Matt’s growl of displeasure from behind me.

  “What conditions? Everything is like you always talked about, I even included things to make it easier for you. I installed a mineral spa in the yard, the cupboards are all custom in the house so you don’t have to bend to reach things, and the master suite is downstairs instead of up!” She would have continued rambling if I hadn’t stopped her.

  “I have no doubt that the house is fantastic, and while I’ll miss the house my parents and I lived in together, I know this is the right move for all of us. However, I can’t do it with a clear conscience if you don’t let me help you with your kidney issue.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, Amber immediately began sputtering her protests.

  “No, no, you hate hospitals! Ali I would never ask you to do that, ever. I haven’t asked anyone because I can’t think of one person that would feel I deserve their kidney.” I could tell by her pain stricken face that she meant it. She hadn’t asked anyone, not even her brother to be tested. I deduced that she had decided to let herself waste away or her kidneys to fail completely because she felt so undeserving.

  “I would,” Matt said from behind me. Amber and I shared a startled look, and I slowly turned to see if he was joking. My heart leapt, and I swear I fell in love with the man all over again when I saw the sincerity on his face. I mouthed the words; I love you, and couldn’t resist stepping up and raising myself up on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on the lips. His smile was stunning as I pulled back from him and turned back to Amber who was still standing there shaking her head. She had done that a lot today.

  What...But...You can’t…I mean…why?” She managed to spit out between gulps of air.

  Matt grabbed my hand, and I happily gave him a squeeze to show my appreciation.

  “Listen, you got a toe in the door Amber, a toe. That means that you need to be around if you want to get the whole foot in. With Synclair giving you a chance, then maybe you can get a new start. If Synclair’s willing to give you a shot, then so can I. You weren’t always a bitch Amber. There were times after my parents died when I would forget my lunch but didn’t want to call home because I knew my brothers had their hands full. You were the teaching assistant at my Middle School, and you always made sure I had lunch.” I turned my head from Matt to see Amber’s face blush.

  “I didn’t think you knew.” She murmured still blushing from the neck up.

  Matt moved from behind me, let go of my hand and walked over to Amber and put his hands on her shoulders. He waited until her skittish gaze met his. “I asked the lunch lady who was paying for my meals. After about the fifth time, I
knew I didn’t still have money on my account because I didn’t usually buy my lunch. She told me that Amber Donaldson had put enough money on my account that I could eat two meals every day, and there would still be some money left. I never forgot that. I may have been angry with the things you’ve done, and maybe someday we’ll get to a place where you can explain yourself. But this, I want to do for Ali.” Matt turned and gave me a loving look.

  “Alison will want to get tested, and I know she hates hospitals. So, I am going to get tested, and I’m going to find out who else is willing, including your brother. We’re not friends yet Amber, but if Alison thinks you’re worth it, then maybe someday we will be. For now, I want you to live because you’re important to Ali, you’re important to Michael, and you can’t fix anything if you’re dead.”

  Matt released her shoulders and went back to the sofa. Amber nodded and wiped the tears that had escaped down her flushed cheeks.

  “Okay, that’s the first thing. No more of this going off to die alone crap! It’s melodramatic, it’s defeatist, and it’s kind of boring,” I told her with a smile. “My next two conditions should be a walk in the park after the day you’ve had.” I took a deep breath knowing that would I said next would either move her in the right direction or have her running for the hills.

  “You need to call John and let him know who you really are, what happened when you left, and what's going on now, and the last condition is that you run the sanctuary with me,” I spoke so fast I was surprised she could even make out what I was saying. However, looking at her panic-stricken face, I realized she had heard every word.

  “But John will hate me…and...and…I don’t know anything about taking care of animals, especially huge grizzly bears, and one-eyed Hawks that manage to poop on whatever they target,” she insisted.

  I gave her my most stern look while she continued to babble about all the reasons John would hate her and why she’d make a terrible partner.


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