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Forced Bet (Poker Loser Book 1)

Page 4

by Golden Angel

  Pulling her mouth off of his dick she got to her feet, pushing her boobs back into her bra and pulling down her shirt as he watched, a look of blissful contentment on his face.

  “Are we done here?” she asked haughtily as she stepped away from him. The air in her lungs seemed constricted and she could taste him on her tongue.

  “No. Come back over here.”

  Her legs felt wobbly as she stepped closer, within touching distance.

  Casually, as if it was no importance to him, he reached his hand into the front of her pants and slid one finger across her slit. Allison closed her eyes in humiliation, knowing what he would find.

  “Ah…”His voice was full of smug satisfaction, enough to make her want to slap the smile off of his face. Just because she was turned on didn’t mean that he could mock her. Except that, of course, she had no way to stop him. “You are wet. Open up.”

  Uncomprehending for a moment she just stared at him as he held the finger in front of her face. Then, slowly, she opened her mouth. Just a little. And he stuck pushed his finger between her lips.

  “Clean it.”

  The sweet musky taste of her own pussy filled her mouth, mixing with the salty flavor of his cum, as she sucked his finger clean.

  He leaned in to speak directly in her ear. “That’s what it will taste like when we have sex.” Pulling his finger from her mouth, he smiled down at her, stepping away far enough that he was no longer invading her space. Her heart pounded. “I’ll send you an email about our first date. It’ll tell you everything you need to know. You can go now.”

  Allison fled.


  “Hi honey, how was your study session?”

  Of course her mother would just have to catch her as soon as she came home, even though it was already later than Patrice was usually walking around the house. “It was fine Mom, I think I’m going to be able to write a really great paper.”

  Mrs. Patrice Bradford smiled, so proud of her daughter and the way she tried so hard to be everything that her parents thought she should be. College wasn’t necessary of course, but it was a good place for Allison to meet her future husband, and so many men wanted educated wives these days that it didn’t hurt to send her, even if it was a waste of money.

  Allison and her mother looked quite a bit alike with their curly brown hair and curvy bodies. Her mother always looked so put together and in control; that was how Allison aspired to be. Lying to her mother while her pussy was soaked and her mouth still tasted of her and Todd’s combined juices made Allison feel ashamed.

  “That’s great dear,” her mom said. Then she frowned as she took in Allison’s outfit. “Just remember that you always need to dress your best, even at this time of night. That’s not a very attractive outfit. And aren’t you warm?”

  “It’s cold in the library,” Allison said, thankful that she could be truthful about that. “There’s almost no one there this late at night, Mom. And those of us that are there are focusing on our work, not looking for a date.”

  “Appearances are always important,” said her mother primly. She waved her hand, dismissing her daughter. “You’d better get to bed so that you don’t get backs under your eyes. You don’t want to look overtired tomorrow.”

  “Good night Mom.”

  Allison trotted up the stairs, her slick pussy lips rubbing together and creating a pleasant friction against her clit. As soon as she got to her room she locked the door, pulled off her clothes and threw herself onto her bed, legs splayed as she shoved her fingers into her pussy. She was so wet. Pinching the nipple that had received less attention from Todd, Allison twisted it between her fingers as she pushed two fingers inside of her, humping her hips up and down to rub her clit against her hand.

  Biting her lips against the moans that wanted to erupt from her, saliva built up in her mouth and she could practically taste Todd’s cock again, feel it pushing into her mouth while he looked at her with that dark and mocking gaze. The flavor of his cum lingered.

  Her orgasm was explosive.

  Chapter 4

  Hey Princess,

  Our date this week is going to be on Friday. I’ll pick you up after I get off of work at 5pm. Wear your hair down, I like the curls, and wear a button up shirt and a skirt. The skirt shouldn’t be a tight one but it should be short. And heels. I want to see those legs. No underwear at all. Don’t worry about anything else, I’ll have it all arranged.

  Your Prince Charming.

  P.S. Make sure you keep yourself nice and smooth. I was very disappointed in the library to find that you hadn’t kept up with the grooming I gave you.

  Allison snorted when she read the email. Prince Charming. That asshole. And she was getting tired of being called Princess. It sounded mocking from him, not endearing. She emailed him back that she’d meet him at his apartment complex – after all, she couldn’t risk her parents seeing a guy coming to pick her up. They’d ask too many questions.

  Idly she wondered where he worked. He hadn’t mentioned a job before. It didn’t surprise her that he was working exactly, but she did wonder where he found the time. Between a full time schedule of classes, hanging out with his frat brothers, the fundraiser he was promoting for them and working, how on earth did he have the time to blackmail her?

  She had to admit the fact that he hadn’t been interested in the money she’d offered was even more confusing now. Was she really that great a catch? Or was he getting off on the blackmailing thing as much as she was?


  It was becoming easier to focus on her classes again. Fortunately. Waiting for Friday, wondering what was going to happen, was torturous but concentrating on the things she was supposed to be learning helped pass the time. Sure, her mind would still drift back to Todd. A lot. Sometimes she’d take a break from her homework to look at the pictures he’d emailed her or re-read his instructions for their ‘date.’ Once she’d even watched the video.

  But the important thing was that her life was back on track.

  There was no need to go out of her way to pass by the gym anymore. In fact there was every reason not to. Before, like when they went to the bar, Allison hadn’t cared if anyone had seen her talking to Todd. Mostly anyway. At least she had felt more confident in her ability to reassure her father, he’d have been mad but nothing had really been going on. Now that wasn’t true anymore and she felt as compelled to stay away from Todd in public as she used to be pulled to him. It was like they were magnets and now their same poles were facing each other.

  As a result, she didn’t see Todd all week.


  When Allison arrived at Todd’s apartment complex on Friday she took a moment to remove her bra and panties and leave them in the car. After all, it’s not like she could have left her parents’ house without them. Especially since they thought she was going out with some girls from classes. Ever since Chrissy had left for school, Alison hadn’t really had any close friends, so her parents seemed happy that she was being social again.

  She’d followed Todd’s instructions about her clothing exactly and was wearing a loose, white button-up shirt (which was buttoned all the way to the top) with a grey, short pleated skirt and black 2” heels. It gave her a little bit of a Catholic school girl look, which she liked.

  When she knocked on his door he opened it almost immediately and perused her outfit, a slow smile spreading across his face.

  “Unbutton the top two buttons.”

  Allison stared at him defiantly for a moment and then shrugged and undid them. The shirt didn’t open to expose much, even with the two buttons undone. With a bra there might’ve been some cleavage showing, but without one no one’s tits were that naturally perky. She blushed anyway and glanced around, worried that someone might appear at the end of the hall or leave their apartment and see her standing outside of his door, dressed like a schoolgirl and slowly unbuttoning her shirt.

  Insolently Todd leaned forward and used a finger to pull her sh
irt away from her chest, making sure that she had on no bra (and, not so incidentally, enjoying the sight of her bare breasts). She gritted her teeth as he smiled and nodded his approval. Couldn’t he have let her into his apartment before doing this? And yet the wetness swelling between her legs said that some part of her was enjoying the attention even though anyone could step out and see them at any time.

  “Now lift the skirt.” Turning her head away she lifted the hem of the skirt so that he could see her bare and shaved pussy. No underwear. Finally he let her put her skirt down.

  Walking to his car he chatted amiably at her while she remained in stony silence, cheeks still flushed with embarrassment at having to expose herself to him in the hallway. Deciding to get a reaction out of her, he slid one hand up the back of her thigh and under her skirt, cupping her bare ass and almost exposing it to the neighborhood. Getting the hint, Allison began responding to his small talk.

  It turned out that he was working part time as a paid intern at a marketing firm, which was also his focus for his major. That made sense, considering that he did a lot of the promoting and marketing for his frat and their events. He hoped the internship would lead to a real job after he graduated. Allison thought that over. She was going to graduate next year and she had no idea what she wanted to do after she left school. In fact she’d hadn’t even thought about it.

  She’d never had to. Daddy would still take care of her until she got a job or someone else to support her – and she knew that her mother preferred the latter. Todd didn’t have that luxury. His ambition and determination was impressive to her and she told him so. The look he gave her was somewhat mocking but mostly appreciative; she knew that he saw her as a spoiled little rich girl and she was. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t recognize the virtues of hard work.

  The restaurant he took her to was 45 minutes away, across the state line.

  “Don’t want anyone Daddy knows to see you with a low class guy like me,” he said winking at her in the car. “He might ask uncomfortable questions.

  She blushed and turned away. A couple of times on the car ride he’d reached over into her shirt, toying with her breasts while they’d talked. It’d been an effort for her to keep up the conversation. Her breasts were almost abnormally sensitive and it hadn’t helped that several cars had passed by each time, their occupants staring at the activities going on. Grimacing, she realized she’d left a slight wet spot on the seat when she got out of the car, from the time he’d spent playing with her tits.

  Todd obviously knew the employees at the restaurant, including the owner, and quickly secured them a table in the back corner of the restaurant – a half-circle booth where he pulled her in close next to him. The waiter was also obviously an old friend and was just as obviously enjoying eying the gorgeous girl sitting next to Todd. Allison looked around the restaurant as Todd and the waiter chatted, noticing that their booth was invisible to the rest of the patrons who were there as no one else was seated anywhere near them. She winced internally, her excitement level rising as she realized that Todd had probably planned this too.

  Eventually the waiter left after Todd ordered for both of them, and she was alone and vulnerable with him again.

  Trying to head off any possible public sex acts, she immediately began questioning him on every topic she could think of - his life, his childhood, his interests. Anything and everything she could think of. To her surprise it turned out to be more interesting than she’d thought it would and she managed to keep him occupied until their food arrived, even telling him some things about herself in return. The realization that they could almost be out on a real date made her feel very strange.

  Everything was pretty normal until they’d ordered dessert and were sitting without food to occupy them again. Todd observed her with one of those burning looks that said he wanted her. She’d used to like to taunt men who looked at her like that, flaunting what they couldn’t have. Seeing it in Todd’s eyes was completely different. There wasn’t anything he couldn’t have at this point and he’d already had far more than any other man.

  The deal she’d made with him had really sunk into her over the past week. She hadn’t really established any limits before making it, other than denying him overnights. It had been a stupid thing to do and now there wasn’t really any going back. There was no way he’d be willing to re-negotiate now. All she could do was deal with whatever came.

  And of course that just made it even more exciting.

  He let his arm casually drop around her, pulling her in for a kiss. Hoping that it wouldn’t get more graphic than this in the restaurant, she let her mouth open under his lips. The kiss deepened, his tongue probing her mouth aggressively. Then his other hand unbuttoned the third and fourth button on her shirt and slid in, cupping her breast and squeezing it. She struggled for a moment against him, but his firm hold on her breast and mouth convinced her that he wasn’t going to be denied this. At least he wasn’t exposing her breast to the restaurant, so she stopped fighting him.

  After a few moments of him squeezing and kneading her flesh, he began using his thumb against her nipple, gently rotating the little nub and rubbing it enticingly. Little shudders of pleasure raced up and down her body. The hand on her breast became more forceful and his kiss changed, claiming her, pulling at her. He moved his fingers over her nipple, pinching it firmly and twisting it back and forth. She moaned into his mouth and as she did so she realized that he was halfway onto his lap. Not only that but some instinct alerted her to the incoming presence of their waiter.

  Horrified she pulled back, pulling her body out of his grasp just as the waiter stopped in front of their table with their desserts. Her shirt gaped open, her curves clearly visible although she wasn’t completely exposed but before she could move to cover herself the voice of doom toned.

  “Leave it.” Todd was looking at her, no relenting in his expression and the waiter’s eyebrows shot up as she slowly lowered her hands at his order. Both men’s eyes roamed over the visible curve of her breast and she was aware that her chest was heaving as she breathed deeply, trying to calm herself. Pressing her legs together to try and relieve the burning ache centered there, she closed her eyes to the waiter’s surprised and speculative look. Not wanting to admit that Todd’s control over her, especially with an audience, turned her on even more. Finally she heard him walk away.

  “Very good, Princess.”

  Opening her eyes she glared at Todd. “Stop calling me that.”

  “I’ll call you whatever I want, Princess.” His smiled hadn’t diminished in the slightest. “Now come here and enjoy dessert.”

  It was a brownie fudge sundae but with a strawberry rather than cherry on top. Todd removed the strawberry and held it while she got a couple of mouthfuls of the admittedly very good dessert. Watching her expression, he smiled as she either forgot or became used to the increased airflow through her opened shirt as he sucked all the chocolate syrup and whipped cream off of the strawberry.

  “Spread your legs, Princess.”

  Caught with a mouth full of ice cream and brownie she stared at him as she grinned wickedly at her. Composing herself she swallowed and held her chin high as she obediently spread her legs. Todd chuckled at her snobbish expression as he slid the strawberry under her skirt and along her slit, wetting the fat nubby berry with her juices. The cold fruit made Allison shiver as its rough edges pushed along her lips and she prayed that he wouldn’t actually push it into her.

  He didn’t. He did much worse.

  “Eat it, Princess,” he ordered, holding it to her lips. Hazel eyes pleaded with him but when he continued to hold the sopping fruit in front of her she reluctantly opened her mouth and let him put the strawberry into it. Biting down, the sweetness of her favorite fruit intermingled with the musky sweetness of her pussy juices. The taste wasn’t really that bad, it just disgusted her to know that her own juice were in her mouth. She couldn’t even really say why except that there was something ver
y wrong about it in her head. Todd seemed to get a lot of pleasure out of seeing her a strawberry covered in her pussy though, he watched avidly as she ate the entire thing and then he had her clean his fingers of the wet residue.

  After they finished their dessert the waiter came back with the check. Todd paid with a credit card and when the waiter returned with the receipt for his signature, he hesitated a moment before leaving their table completely.

  “Would you mind…” The waiter’s voice trailed off but his eyes were riveted to the almost exposed curves of Allison’s chest. She glared at him, wishing she could shoot daggers from her eyes.

  “Sure, she really enjoyed you looking at them the last time.” Of course he’d noticed that, Todd noticed everything. Before she could even being to form a protest he was pulling the sides of her shirt back. Cool air brushed her nipples, combined with the men’s appreciative gazes, making them pucker with arousal as her face slowly heated to a fiery red. “Aren’t they pretty?”

  “Very nice,” the waiter said, his eyes roaming over her.”

  Todd’s hand pressed between her legs as the waiter stared at her breasts, and she automatically spread her thighs, allowing his fingers to wiggle in between her pussy lips and touch her wetness. Her breasts heaved, nipples puckering, and she knew that the waiter was getting aroused by looking at her. She was aroused by knowing that he was.


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