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Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2)

Page 17

by A. D. Justice

  “That was all planned, Sophia. I had to make Harrison believe I had nothing to do with you so the cartel wouldn’t hurt you. But when Shawn called you, he told you that,” Manuel counters.

  “No, he didn’t tell me that at all. He told me basically the same thing you said to me that day. That I was an embarrassment to him and he didn’t want anything to do with me again,” I calmly explain, but I feel anything but calm inside. “He thought I was weak for choosing my lifestyle.”

  If this is even a fraction of how betrayed Dom felt by me, I still have a lot of making up to do with him. My eyes drift to Dom and he already knows what I’m thinking. I can see it in his eyes, feel it in his energy, and sense it in his presence. His love for me is a physical being that reaches out to comfort me. His eyes tell me to let him take my burdens.

  My love for him is so overwhelming, I think it will bubble up and burst forth from me spontaneously. He is so strong and demanding, yet loving and giving. He commands me, owns me, and dominates me. But he cares for me, caresses me, and pampers me. Giving me more than I could ever ask for and taking so little in return, this man deserves every bit of submission I can give him. I can only say that because through his every action, he’s shown that he’s worthy of my trust.

  “I can assure you, sir, Sophia is far from weak,” Dominic says to my father but holds me captive with the adoration in his eyes. “She’s weathered storms that would make some men crumble. She keeps me on my toes and she never ceases to amaze me.”

  My vision blurs from the happy tears in my eyes. The pregnancy hormones aside, this visit would be very emotional anyway, but my Dom knows what I need. He jerks his head to the side, indicating for me to move to the seat beside him and I quickly comply. Not because he ordered it, but because by his side is exactly where I want to be.

  “You two look happy together,” Manuel acknowledges.

  “We are very happy together,” I reply.


  It’s obvious to me now how people have underestimated Sophia far too much in her life. She’s far from weak–many people wouldn’t have the guts to walk in her shoes. Watching her interact with her father has been hard for me with my need to protect and shelter her. But I know it’s best for both of them to be able to say what’s on their mind.

  “So, you thought Shawn would help bring Sophia home and get her away from Harrison. What happened after that backfired?” I ask Manuel.

  “Harrison called me one day and said he’d let her go, but he didn’t want to just turn her out on the street again. Sophia had been accepted into college and needed help paying for it. So I paid all of her tuition, dorm room, books, and anything else she needed. That worked while she was in school but then she went back to him when she graduated.”

  “What?” Sophia exclaims, leaning forward in shock. “You paid for my college? Harrison told me he paid for my college and that I had to go back to him after I graduated.”

  “Sophia has already figured out that Harrison was grooming her in order to get to me. He blames me for his sister’s death since I was seeing her at the time. We’ve never gotten along, but it’s more than a coincidence that everything escalated when I started seeing your daughter. You and Harrison both have ties to the drug cartel, and the Boston Brake Job on my car is one of their tactics,” I say and carefully watch his reaction.

  “It’s not a tactic of this group of cartel members. There are a couple of men in the area who know how to do it, and would have access to the equipment to do it. If you know for sure that’s what it was, it wouldn’t be either of those guys. They wouldn’t leave any evidence,” Manuel declares. “No, if there was proof of it, it’s a newbie with access to some high-tech gadgets,” he says distractedly, as if he’s considering a preposterous idea.

  “Any thoughts of who that may be?” I ask pointedly.

  He closes his eyes and shakes his head, “Probably the same person who ‘misplaced’ the evidence against Shawn to use against Sophia. He has a few aliases that he uses interchangeably, depending on what job he’s handling at the time. The only person it could be–Detective Ramon Cortez.”

  My blood just turned to ice in my veins.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “What did you just say?” I ask through clenched teeth.

  I feel Shadow move to stand directly behind me when he heard my tone. Manuel looks at me then his eyes dart up to Shadow before he answers. “The boss’s son is Ramon Cortez. He’s a detective here in Austin and he’s Harrison’s best friend. Do you know him?”

  “You could say that,” I snarl in disgust. “I had no clue he was Harrison’s best friend, though.” Unable to remain seated with the amount of energy I have coursing through me right now, I launch myself off the loveseat and begin pacing. The scenarios are flying at me so fast I can barely keep up with them.

  “Dominic,” Tucker interrupts my thoughts, “where do you know him from?”

  “He was the detective in charge of investigating Carol Ann’s death.”

  Sophia gasps audibly and Tucker’s face becomes hard, his eyes knowing, and his posture rigid. He’s having the same thoughts and ideas that I am. My pacing resumes and the room is full of nervous energy, questioning eyes, and uncertainty as to how to proceed from here.

  “That name isn’t on the list of officers with the Austin Sheriff’s Department,” Shadow calmly interjects.

  “You have the whole department memorized?” Manuel asks disbelievingly.

  “Yes,” comes Shadow’s serious reply.

  “That’s because he doesn’t use that name here. It’s too easily recognized and associated with the boss, but most everyone knows who he is anyway,” Manuel explains. “Besides, have you ever heard of a cop going straight from the academy to being a detective? He has friends and family in low places.”

  “That’s how Harrison got the second page of Carol Ann’s letter, isn’t it?” Sophia asks, turning to me.

  “That would be my guess,” I reply. “This Cortez guy seems to have a penchant for making evidence disappear.”

  “What name does he use here?” Tucker asks.

  “As a detective, he goes by his mother’s family name-Nunez. But he also goes by Sebastian Montoya,” Manuel says.

  I freeze mid-step and my head jerks to look at Shadow. He’s already looking at me with a knowing look. The pieces of this insane puzzle are finally coming together. Now we need to come up with a plan to put an end to it all.

  “What is it?” Sophia glances between Shadow and me. “Who is that?” she asks.

  Her innocence shines through her eyes. The concern for me that is prolific in her every action has just been verified and I have no doubts about my choice to give us another chance now. The odds were stacked against us, and I know there were plenty of people who thought I was a fool for letting her back into my life. But I listened to my gut and I’m so thankful for that now.

  Before I can answer her, I hear the change in Shadow’s tone toward Sophia as he answers her question. He’s had the same internal struggle with trusting her. To be fair, I don’t think the man really trusts anyone, but Sophia even less so. The warmth in his tone is unmistakable, almost apologetic, even.

  “Sebastian Montoya is your lawyer, Sophia. For your sexual harassment lawsuit against Dominic and DPS,” Shadow says with a smile.

  Sophia swallows hard and nods in response. But she doesn’t smile and that concerns me. She looks sad but she quickly tries to hide it. Standing, she addresses her father. “Can I use your restroom?”

  “Of course, Sophia,” Manuel says as he rises from his chair. “No matter what’s happened, our home is your home.”

  I can’t take my eyes off her as Manuel shows her to the hall bath. Her hand is covering her stomach again, shielding our baby and sending love through the warmth in her touch. But I know my girl, and I know something isn’t quite right with her. I also know that she won’t tell me until we’re alone and she feels safe.

  Shadow approaches me wh
ile Manuel is out of the room. “I think he’s telling the truth. He’s not involved in your wreck or the fire.”

  “Why was Sarah calling Sophia then?” I counter. I also believe Manuel is telling us the truth, but her mother’s sudden calls during that exact time is concerning.

  “We need to ask her that,” Shadow replies. “Too bad she’s not home.”

  Manuel steps back into the room and I think it may be time to let Sophia have a reprieve from all this drama. “Manuel, we’ve taken up enough of your time. Thank you for answering our questions and being honest with us. You’ve helped us tremendously.”

  “No need to rush off. Sarah will be home soon and she would love to see Sophia,” he half pleads with us.

  “Let me see how Sophia is feeling when she comes out. She’s pregnant, just past the end of her first trimester, so I have to do what’s best for her and our baby,” I explain.

  Manuel’s shocked face tells me he didn’t realize Sophia is sporting a baby bump. “I’m going to be a grandfather?” he asks incredulously.

  “I imagine today has been a bit of a shock for you, Manuel,” I reply with an understanding smile.

  “Short time to wait, Dominic,” Tucker says from the front window. “Looks like her mother is home now.”

  “She went to buy groceries. Let me help her get them in. We’d love for all of you to stay and eat with us,” Manuel offers. “I’m not quite ready to let my baby girl leave yet.”

  She’s my baby girl, but I won’t correct him on that just yet. “Let me talk to Sophia and see how she’s holding up.”

  Manuel walks out to the car and approaches Sarah, Sophia’s mother. His animated gestures clearly explain that he’s telling her what has transpired in her absence. The color drains from her face and she drops the bag in her hand as she runs to the door.

  “Sophia!” she calls out as she bounds into the room. “Sophia!”

  The bathroom door opens and Sophia cautiously walks back into the room. Stopping in the doorway, she and her mother stare at each other for several ticks of the clock before Sarah breaks the silence.

  “Sophia,” she sobs as the tears start flowing. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “Why wouldn’t she be okay, Mrs. Vasco?” I ask, getting to the point.

  “Who are you?” she asks in return and we all introduce ourselves.

  “Shawn called me,” she glances around nervously, now answering my question. “He told me that Harrison was obsessed with you, Mr. Powers, and that he would stop at nothing until he ruined you.”

  “Did he say why? Why is he so fixated on Mr. Powers?” Shadow asks.

  “Shawn just said that Harrison is so jealous of everything Mr. Powers has. Harrison says he could’ve had it all, too, if Mr. Powers had just given him a job.”

  “Jealousy and greed are one of the most common motives of all crime,” Manuel sighs.

  “He kept saying that Harrison would send him to prison for a long time if Sophia didn’t give back what was his. Shawn wouldn’t ever tell me what it was the she supposedly took, so I called her to see if she could help Shawn,” Sarah explained.

  “She didn’t take anything from him, Mrs. Vasco. She left him and he wanted her back. That’s what he meant,” I reply.

  Realizing Sophia hasn’t said a word yet, my concern for her wellbeing grows. She’s leaning against the doorframe, all the color is drained from her face, and her hand is across her stomach. Crossing the room in two giant strides, I lean into her and wrap my arms around her.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” I ask quietly to avoid drawing attention as the others continue to talk.

  “I don’t feel well, Dominic,” she whispers back.

  “Too much stress on you?” I ask.

  “No, I don’t think that’s it. I think I need to lie down.”

  Sarah notices something isn’t right and hesitantly walks over to us. “Is everything alright? Can I get you anything?”

  “We really should be going. Sophia’s pregnant and she isn’t feeling well. She needs to rest,” I tell her.

  “You can rest in here, Sophia,” she says, pointing down the hallway. “The spare bedroom is quiet and comfortable. Manuel said he invited all of you to stay and eat with us, so you can take a nap while I cook. We’ll take turns checking on you.”

  “I agree with her, Sophia. I don’t want to put more stress on you by traveling if we don’t have to.”

  “Okay,” she says weakly, “I’ll go rest now.”

  We get Sophia settled in the bed and Sarah asks if she can get her anything. “I remember saltine crackers and Sprite helped her morning sickness,” I reply and sit on the bed.

  She chuckles lightly, “I was the same way. I’ll be right back.”

  “Should I be concerned that you so readily agreed to rest here? Are you feeling that badly?” I ask as I lovingly stroke Sophia’s hand.

  “I do feel pretty badly, Dominic. I hope a nap will help.”

  “You didn’t eat enough at breakfast this morning,” I gently chide her. “You have to eat more to keep your strength up.”

  Sarah returns with Sophia’s crackers and Sprite. “Thank you,” Sophia says as she sits up to take a drink.

  Sarah watches her with concerned, motherly eyes before turning to leave the room. “I’ll check on you in a little while.”

  “Do you need me to stay in here with you?” I ask.

  “You don’t have to, Dom. I’ll be okay.”

  I lean over and kiss her softly on the forehead. My fingers skim across her skin as I push her hair away from her face. “I’ll stay until you fall asleep. I love you, baby girl.”

  “I love you, Dominic,” she replies in her sleepy voice before she yawns.

  In a matter of minutes, Sophia is fast asleep and I silently leave the room to let her rest. Shadow and Tucker helped bring the groceries in and Sarah has set everything out to start cooking. “You don’t have to rush on our account. I’d rather let Sophia get as much rest as she can before we wake her up,” I say.

  “Why don’t we spend some time getting to know one another then?” Sarah asks and I heartily agree.

  She makes drinks and snacks for everyone and we sit on the back porch and talk for about an hour. The minutes fly by but I learn a lot about them in our short chat. I believe they do love Sophia and want to be part of her life, and now their grandchild’s life. Manuel wants to be rid of his association with the cartel but he knows he can’t get away from them as long as he’s in the area.

  Sarah goes inside to start cooking and I walk off to check on Sophia. As I’m walking down the hall, Manuel softly calls my name.


  Turning, I see him watching me like he’s sizing me up and making his mind up about me. “You really do love her, don’t you? She isn’t just a plaything to you.”

  “She’s my everything and the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love her more than anything and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make her happy.” My answer seems to satisfy him as he gives me an understanding nod before he walks back into the kitchen.

  Slowly turning the doorknob to open it as quietly as possible to keep from waking her. Sleeping soundly, she looks like an angel with her reddish-brown hair fanned out on the pillow behind her. Her eyebrows furrow, her eyes move behind her closed eyelids, and I wonder what she’s dreaming about. She turns over and her eyes flutter open.

  “Hey, baby,” I call to her, “did you sleep well?”

  She smiles her sleepy smile and stretches, “Mmmhmm, just what the doctor ordered.”

  Moving to the bed, I sit beside her and place my hand on her stomach. Pulling her shirt up to expose her stomach, I lean over and place kisses all along the small bump. “Are you hungry?”

  “Oh, yes, I’m starving.”

  When my eyes meet hers, they are dark with desire and I don’t think her answer has anything to do with food. I smirk at her, “I may have corrupted you, love.”

me is more like it,” she purrs. “But I’ll let you spoil me some more.”

  “You have no idea how much I’d love to spoil you right now. But since I just met your parents, and you’ve just talked to them again for the first time in years, today may not be the best day to christen their spare bedroom.”

  “If you say so,” she giggles. “Let’s go eat if you’re just going to be a killjoy. Your baby is hungry.”

  As we walk into the kitchen, Sarah and Manuel stop and just stare at us in awe. Sophia smiles shyly and addresses them.

  “Thanks for letting me sleep. I feel so much better now,” she smiles, but she still feels uncomfortable here. I can’t imagine feeling uncomfortable in my parents’ home, so I wrack my brain to think of a way to stop the awkwardness.

  “Something smells good! Sophia was just telling me that she’s hungry,” I try to pick up the conversation. It seems to work, as Sarah takes Sophia’s hand and says she’s cooking all of Sophia’s favorite foods.

  Manuel tilts his head to the side, knowing I’m trying to help, and smiles at me in appreciation. Approaching me, he asks me to step outside alone with him. I know what talk is about to occur and I’m fine with it. Sophia is My Angel and that means she comes first in all things. But she is mine to have, to hold, to tie up, tie down, punish and reward.

  “Dominic, it’s obvious that you love Sophia and that she loves you. I don’t really have a right to ask this after all these years, but she’s still my daughter. Time apart doesn’t make me love her any less,” Manuel says.

  “Of course. Ask away.”

  “Are you one of those Doms, too?”

  Withholding my mirth at how he phrased it, I answer the real, underlying question that he didn’t ask. “I am a Dom, yes, and Sophia is my submissive. But, you probably got the wrong impression from Harrison.

  “We have a loving, committed and monogamous relationship. There is no physical abuse involved and whatever happens is only with her consent. She holds all the power to stop anything she’s uncomfortable with doing. It’s my job to protect her, love her, and continually earn her trust.”


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