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Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2)

Page 23

by A. D. Justice

  Dominic drops the gun and pulls me into his lap, his arms wrapped protectively and possessively around me. “Are my girls okay? Do we need to go to the hospital and have you checked out?” he asks with one hand on my stomach and deep concern in his every syllable.

  Unable to speak, I just shake my head from side to side and bury my face in his neck. He pulls me close and lets me cry until I have no more tears or energy to cry anymore. I hear others moving around in my office, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I absently wonder if I’m going into shock. I don’t care who else is here, I don’t care what they’re doing, and I don’t care what they want.

  No one else matters except the three of us– my Dom, our baby, and me –in our very own cocooned world right here in the floor of my office.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Vengeance is an odd thing. In the first few days after the clusterfuck at my office, I felt nothing but relief that the nightmare was finally all over. Cortez, also known as Montoya, and Dick-man were both out of our lives forever. The black cloud that hung over us had dissipated and we only had blue skies and silver linings to look forward to.

  My immediate thoughts after leaving the office building that day was to get Sophia to the hospital, have her thoroughly checked out, and make sure our baby was safe. She shut down completely while she clung to me like I was her only lifeline in the turbulent seas. Tucker, Shadow, and the FBI agents rushed back to the top floor after I called Tucker when Sophia didn’t answer my text. They fitted me with a recording device before I opened her office door, so everything Harrison said and did corroborated my version of what happened.

  When they tried to question Sophia, she didn’t even hear them. When one agent touched her, the daggers thrown from my eyes made him retract his hand before he lost it permanently. She only responded when I asked her questions, but only with a nod or a shake of her head. As I carried her in my arms the twenty stories to the lobby, I whispered reassuring words to her, promising her that it was over and we’re all healthy.

  We spent the night in the hospital that night and I slept in the small, uncomfortable bed with her. The next morning, I awoke to find her staring at me. Her small hand caressed my scruffy five o’clock shadow as her eyes darted back and forth while she studied my eyes. When I started to speak, she put her finger over my lips to gently silence me.

  “I never dreamed I’d be lucky enough to find a man like you. You give all of yourself– your love, your thoughts, and your loyalty –without expecting anything in return. You’re the only one who really knows me, understands me, and has stood by me. You’ve saved me so many times and in so many ways. I don’t deserve you, Dominic, but I will never let you go.”

  Cradling her face in my hand, I assured her, “You’re couldn’t be more wrong, my love. You deserve every bit of love I can give you and more. I promise you’ll never be without me again, because I can never be without you again.”

  The fetal monitor and ultrasound showed the baby was fine and not in any kind of distress. Sophia was well hydrated and the doctor discharged her with orders to take it easy for a few days. Taking care of her over the next two weeks gave me something to focus on, an important duty I had to perform, and a sense of accomplishment from helping her. It gave my mind something else to think about other than the faces of the two men I was forced to kill.

  As of this morning, Sophia lovingly informed me that the doctor said to take it easy for a few days, not a few weeks, so my continued hovering over her is unnecessary. Neither of us has been back to the office yet and this former workaholic is in no hurry to return. Sitting in my study at home, I’ve reread the same paragraph of this request for proposal four times and I still have no idea what it says.

  “Dominic?” Sophia calls from the doorway. My welcome reprieve, she looks stunning in her new silky nightgown. It hugs her pregnancy curves beautifully. My temperature rises just from raking my eyes up and down her delectable body.

  “Yes, my love?” I answer, holding out my hand for her to come to me.

  When she takes it, I pull her into my lap. Caressing her bare leg with my hand, I lean into her neck and lick it from the hollow spot above her collarbone straight up to her earlobe. “What can I do for you?” I murmur suggestively against her ear and enjoy watching the cold chills instantly roll across her skin.

  “I’ve been thinking,” she says breathlessly as I continue licking her neck.

  “Mmmhmm,” I hum against her skin, “go on.”

  “I’ve decided you’re right,” her declaration stuns me.

  Pulling back, I can’t help the half-smile I give her, “Can we just leave it at that for the rest of our lives? No further explanation is needed.”

  “Dominic!” she laughs. “I’m serious!”

  “I’m listening,” I stroke her cheek with my fingertips.

  “I don’t want to go back to work,” she rushes to say. “I want stay home to take care of you and our baby.”

  “Did I force this on you? Am I turning you into a recluse?” The old accusations that I was responsible for Carol Ann’s agoraphobia flood my mind. Sophia’s revelation makes me question if there’s something I’m unintentionally doing wrong.

  “No! Not at all! I won’t stay in the house all the time. There’s plenty of shopping, parks, and other things to do outside. I just don’t want my time divided between my family and my career,” her explanation soothes my thoughts. Then her face falls, “Unless you’ve changed your mind? Do you want me to keep working?”

  Pulling her face to mine, I claim her mouth as my territory. My tongue stakes its claim and she willingly submits. Rearranging her so that she’s straddling me, I deepen the kiss as I thread my hands through her hair. Taking a breath, I give her my word.

  “You never have to work again if that’s what you want, My Angel. I’ll just work at home more often so I can sexually harass you whenever I want.”

  “I’ll take you up on that,” she says with a wicked smile on her face as she quickly frees my cock from my pants. “Right now.”

  Lifting her hips, she positions me at the entrance of her pussy. She moves her hips back and forth, teasing us both before she lowers herself onto me. When she’s taken all of me inside her, she moans and throws her head back. Pushing her flimsy gown up and over her head, I expose the fullness of her breasts. Her nipples are pebbled and ready for some attention, so I take one into my mouth while rolling the other between my thumb and finger.

  She begins rocking on me, riding me, and her face displays her pure bliss. Standing with my cock still inside her, I lay her on her back on the top of my desk. Hooking my arms behind her knees, my hips surge in and out of her as I watch her breasts bounce from the intense pounding. She reaches her first orgasm and I have to bite my lip to hold back when the rush of her warmth flows over me.

  “That’s my girl,” I say as I pull out and help her stand. She looks at me curiously until I turn her around to face the desk and bend her over. Her sexy, welcoming smile thrown over her shoulder is the sexiest fucking thing. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” she pants and presents herself even more by spreading her legs farther. Pushing into her, she gasps as my girth stretches her to accept my size. Moving slowly to let her acclimate, she becomes frustrated and reaches her hand around to grab my ass cheek. Chuckling to myself, I gladly comply with her wishes and bury myself balls deep in her over and over.

  When we’re both panting and barely able to hold onto our control, I lean over close to her. “Come for me now, my girl,” I command and she obeys. Grunting, I follow her into our consummated pleasure, allowing her inner muscles to squeeze every last drop out of me.

  “On second thought, I may not get any work done with you sexually harassing me like this,” I tease her as I pull her gown back over her head.

  “Why don’t we both quit work and hire a CEO to run the company then?” she laughs, but I inwardly wonder if she’s onto something.

; “Sophia Vasco,” the nurse calls from the doorway.

  Over the past month since “the incident,” I’ve worked in the office a grand total of three days. We’re here today for Sophia’s five month checkup and the ultrasound that’ll hopefully tell us whether we’re having a boy or a girl. We have a little wager on which one it’ll be. I say it’s a girl, and if I’m right, I get to name her. Sophia says it’s a boy, and if she’s right, she gets to name him.

  “Ugh, let’s go. I have to pee so badly I’m sure my bladder will burst any second now!” Sophia complains as she rises.

  The baby seems to have grown overnight and her stomach is expanding. I love it. I love how beautiful she looks while she’s pregnant with my baby. Following her and the nurse, her vitals are recorded and we’re escorted into the ultrasound room. After Sophia changes into the hospital gown, she lies back in the chaise lounge chair and gets comfortable.

  The ultrasound technician comes in and prepares to begin with the warmed gel. “Hi, Sophia. I’m Mandy. So, do you want to find out the sex of your baby?”

  “Yes, we both anxious to know what we’re having!” Sophia says excitedly.

  “Let’s see if the baby wants to cooperate today,” Mandy says with a warm smile.

  She places the wand on Sophia’s abdomen and we’re both anxiously watching the monitor. When Mandy presses down harder to get a better image, Sophia whimpers. “Oh my god, I have to pee!”

  We all laugh at her candor. “That’s the bad thing about this. We really need your bladder full to get the best picture. It’s not that way with a 3D ultrasound if you decide to have one later,” Mandy says. “Just drink plenty of water for at least the two weeks before your appointment.”

  “I definitely want to have one later on when we can see the face better,” I reply.

  Once Mandy has the baby on the screen, she points out all the features to us and we stare at the black and white grainy images like it’s the Holy Grail. When she gets the image that we’re looking for in the middle of the screen, she stops moving the wand and smiles brightly.

  “You’re sure you to know the sex, right?” she clarifies.

  We both reply with an excited, “Yes!”

  “Congratulations, Mom and Dad. You’re having a baby boy! And he’s proud–he’s showing off really well for us!”

  I squeeze Sophia’s hand, conveying my love and excitement in a simple touch, and she squeezes back. Tears of joy glisten in her eyes and I feel like my heart may explode inside my chest. Every step of this pregnancy has been a new experience and a new feeling for me, but seeing my baby today has been a monumental occasion. I can’t wait to hold my son for the first time and that’s all it takes for any lingering guilt to disappear over the choices I had to make. It was them or my family–and there’s no question who I would choose every time.

  On the ride home, Sophia animatedly talks about everything she has planned for the nursery, the playground, and the activities. The crews have finished building the main house and we’re moving in this weekend. Sophia wanted to wait until we knew for sure what we were having before she picked out a paint color for the nursery. Now that we know, our family home will be a reality.

  “I’m taking you home and then I have to go into the office for a little while. I have some work that has to be done there. I’ll be home this evening,” I say before I kiss her hand.

  “Don’t be too long. I’m picking out names tonight. Without you, there’s no telling what I’ll choose!” she cautions.

  “Don’t you even start without me!”

  “Then you’d better hurry home!” she beams at me.

  Over the past month, I’ve hired a headhunter to conduct a private search for someone to replace me on a daily basis so I can step back from the frequent traveling and long days. During that time, I also hired an external auditor to comb through our financial data to make sure we’re positioned to hire the best.

  Cheryl left me an urgent voicemail to double check the data she highlighted from the completed audit. My expected “few hours” in the office has turned into another late night here as I check and recheck every fact and figure. I had only planned to pack up my personal belongings and the files I need over the next week or so, but so much for the best-laid plans.

  The setting sun draws my attention to the scenic view outside and it reminds me of Sophia’s comment about just enjoying spending time outside. Mentally chastising myself to reign my thoughts back into the task at hand so I can get home, I don’t hear anyone in the hallway until he’s already in my office.

  “Dominic, my boy, what are you doing here so late?” Darren asks jovially.

  “Hey Darren, I thought everyone was already gone. I’m just finishing up some things here before going home. What are you doing here so late?” I answer absently.

  Darren walks to the other side of my office and pours two tumblers of bourbon. He places mine on my desk and takes a seat across from me. “You look like you could use a drink,” Darren says.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right,” I say as I pick up my glass.

  “It’s funny how things happen, isn’t it? One day, you have everything figured out, then life throws a monkey wrench in all your plans and you think you’re fucked again. But then, it just seems to all come together again in the end,” he says cryptically.

  Furrowing my brow and narrowing my eyes in confusion, I ask, “What do you mean, Darren? I’m not following you.”

  “Let me tell you a story. Humor an old man,” Darren says as he gets up and closes my office door. I lean back in my chair, sensing I’m not going to like where this story ends.

  “My youngest sister, Lex, was one of those ‘oops’ babies. She was born the year I graduated from high school. She was a complete surprise to my parents, you see, but she quickly became our favorite. As my only sibling, I was more than protective of her–she was more like my own child rather than my sister.

  “She got married young and had a baby. My niece, Hope, was more like one of my granddaughters. I doted on her all the time. She was so much like her mom. Full of life, big heart, beautiful soul, and she was gorgeous. She graduated high school at the top of her class and had a bright future ahead of her,” he pauses, overcome with emotion.

  Was? Had? I can’t voice the question stuck in my head. Why is everything in the past tense?

  “When I first met Sophia, I felt like the breath had been knocked out of me. She reminds me so much of my Hope that it hurts to even be around her. Honestly, that’s the main reason why I sent her back to work with you. It was just more than I could bear.

  “Anyway, I digress. Hope went off to college and got mixed up with the wrong boy. You know teenagers, they think they know everything and anyone older than them is just ‘out of touch,’ so of course she wouldn’t listen to reason when I tried to tell her. He was all hyped up on drugs and into things he shouldn’t be into, but she was in love and defended him.

  “She got in the car with him one night and he was too drunk and high to drive. When he wrecked the car that night, he killed our Hope,” he pauses as he reflects on what he just said. “You know, saying that out loud, it resonates even more with me. He killed our hope in more ways than one.”

  “Darren, I had no idea. I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you tell me when this happened? If I’d known that it was so hard on you, I would’ve never agreed to have Sophia report to you. I feel like I added to your grief.” I never knew any of this and now I feel like an ass for not realizing he wasn’t acting the same sooner.

  “Don’t blame yourself for that, Dominic,” he replies. “I’ve helped support Lex financially for the last seven years since her husband passed, but she always worked and contributed. But, she just hasn’t been able to go back to work after losing Hope going on two years ago. Money has been tight for my own family, and in some rash decisions, I made a few bad investments that has really cost me. My wife, my sister, and I are all about to lose everything we have.

  “I came a
cross something interesting while I was researching ways to make my money back. You authorized a life insurance policy on yourself, payable to DPS, upon your death to ensure the company keeps going. Having that money would solve all of my problems at once.”

  No, surely not.

  “When I realized exactly who Sophia was, the stars just seemed to magically align right over my head. Her brother was involved with the drug cartel in Austin and his best friend was the cartel boss’s son. Her crazy ex-boyfriend had started all kinds of trouble for both of you. Those connections were perfect to take any suspicion off of me,” he says ominously, but his eyes have glassed over and I’m not sure if he’s talking to me or to himself now.

  “Suspicions of what, Darren?”

  “Your death, Dominic,” he replies, his tone holds a hint of astonishment that I haven’t already figured this out. “Shawn and Ramon tried more than once to make it look like a tragic accident, but you just wouldn’t cooperate. When you survived the car wreck, I wasn’t too surprised. Those two idiots couldn’t pull off something that sophisticated.

  “But, when you got out of the burning house after being drugged, I just couldn’t believe it. I thought I’d lose everything I’ve worked my whole life to obtain. Shawn outlived his usefulness when he figured out who I was. He wasn’t going to live anyway. His fate was sealed the day he killed my Hope, he just didn’t know it.

  “Imagine my surprise when I found out that Harrison was also part of that same group, but he was a hit man for the cartel. I thought I’d been given another chance at redemption! Harrison and Ramon together would surely be able to take you and Sophia out, right? There was already a clearly documented case between you, Sophia, Shawn, Harrison, and Ramon.


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