Island on Fire
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Journey to the Centre of the Earth, A (Verne) 35
Kaldbakur, Mount 33
Kalfafell 93–5
Katla 53–5, 57–8
1755 eruption 18, 21, 115
1918 eruption 55, 190
glacial outburst floods 54, 54
and Ragnarök 51
Katmai 80, 139
Kauai 46
Keflavik 188, 189
Kenya 190
Kilauea 38, 46, 171–4, 199
Kirkjubær, Heimaey 7, 8, 10
Kirkjugólf 151
Kivu, Lake 166
Klaustur 30–1, 86–7, 151, 156
cemetery 153–4
convent 154
Fire Mass 87–90, 152, 153, 154
Grímsvötn eruption 156–9, 157
Laki eruption 86–90
Steingrímsson memorial chapel 151–3, 152
Kom people 166–7
Krafft, Maurice and Katia 168
Krafla 16
Krakatau 22, 80–5, 82, 196
climatic effect 142
ice core record 135
tsunamis 83, 170
Kratzenstein, Christian Gottlieb 128–9
lahars 169
Lakagígar 17, 21
see also Laki
Laki 17, 22, 23
chlorine 22
climatic effects 112–14, 138–45
crater row 146–51, 147, 150
deaths 24, 119–20, 145, 174, 178–9
earthquakes 16, 17, 21, 31, 33, 94, 95, 115
eruption 16–17, 21–2, 24–5, 31, 33–4, 63, 86–106
Europe’s year of wonders 107–24
famine 24–5, 99–101, 104–6
Fire Mass 87–90, 152, 153, 154
fluorine 22, 24, 96–9, 174–5, 177–8
and French Revolution 24, 145
future eruption risks 190–4, 202
global fallout 125–45
haze 22, 24, 107–12, 108, 118–20, 123, 125–8, 129, 132, 182
ice core record 135–8
lava flow 22, 31, 33–4, 86–90, 92–5, 101, 155
meteors 115–18, 117
Pele’s hair 31
Schmidt study 182–4
Stephensen’s account 101–3
sulphur dioxide 22, 24, 132, 133–4, 139
Lalande, Joseph-Jérôme 118–19
landslides 195
lava flows 9–10, 38, 167
Heimaey 9–13, 9, 203–4
Laki 22, 31, 33–4, 86–90, 92–5, 101, 155
Little Ice Age 143–4
epidemics 120
Great Smog 180–2, 181
and Laki eruption 114
mass grave 198
Longo, Bernadette 174, 179
Louis XVI 122
Madison, James 124
magma 37–8
magnetic field reversal 42–3
malaria 178–9
mantle 36, 37
mantle plumes 45–7
Marie Antoinette 122
Martinique 22, 168, 171
Maskelyne, Nevil 117
mega-colossal eruptions 64–8
meltwater 202
Mentawai 66
meteors 115–18, 117, 127–8
El Chichón 132, 198
Popocatépetl 194–5, 196, 197
Mexico City 194
Mid-Atlantic Rift 46–7, 48
mid-ocean ridges 40–1, 42, 44, 45, 46–7
Midway Island 46
Miller, Gifford 144
Minoans 68
Móduhardindin 25
Monoun 164
Mount St. Helens see St. Helens, Mount Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 121
Muhlenberg, Henry 123–4
Munch, Edvard 84
Namaka-o-kahai 172
Naples 194
National and University Library of Iceland 161
National Ice Core Laboratory 135–6, 137
Nea Kameni 70
Netherlands 111–12, 121, 182
Nevado del Ruiz 169
New Zealand 199
Nicaragua, Cosiguina 142
Niger River 140
Nile 140, 140
Nkwain, Joseph 163–4
North Atlantic Oscillation 143
Norway 107, 188
Nyey 128
Nyiragongo 167
Nyos, Lake 163–6, 165, 167
Oddur 155–6
Oku people 167
Óladóttir, Bergrún 158–9
Oman, Luke 139–40
Oppenheimer, Clive 178
Ortelius, Abraham 52
Paget’s disease 176–7
Paijkull, Carl Wilhelm 99
Pálsson, Bjarni 29
Palaea Kameni 70
Pangaea 44
Paris 122
paroxysmal eruptions 63–4
Payne, Richard 128, 129
Pele 172, 173
Pele’s hair 31
Pelée, Mount 22
Percival, Thomas 125
Peucer, Caspar 50
Philippines, Pinatubo 60, 64, 131, 132, 139, 142
Phlegraean Fields 70
Pinatubo, Mount 60, 64, 131, 132, 139, 142
plate tectonics 38–46
Plato 69–70
Pliny the Elder 71, 72
Pliny the Younger 71, 72–3
Plutarch 71, 131
Poetic Edda 51
Poland 114
pollution see atmospheric pollution
Pompeii 71, 73–4
Popocatépetl 194–5, 196, 197
Pozzuoli 70
Prague 122, 122
Prestbakki church 88, 154
pyroclastic flows 167–8, 170, 170
Krakatau 81–2
Saint-Pierre 168
Vesuvius 71, 168
Quilotoa 198
Raffles, Thomas Stamford 75, 76
Ragnarök 51
Rainier, Mount 195–6
Rinjani 198
Robock, Alan 138–40
St. Helens, Mount 45
1980 eruption 22, 63–4, 131–2, 195
climatic effect 138
deaths 168, 169
‘St. Telemachus’ (Tennyson) 84
St. Vincent 171
Saint-Pierre 168, 171
Sanches Dorta, Bento 133
Sandby, Paul 117
Santorini 68–70, 69
Scheving, Jón 30
Schmidt, Anja 143, 182–4
‘Scream, The’ (Munch) 84
Seattle 195
Sebesi 83
seismology 199–201
Self, Steve 183
Seneca 36
Shanklin, Eugenie 166–7
Shelley, Mary 78
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 78
Sicily, Etna 10, 35, 49, 70, 131
Sigurdsson, Haraldur 25
Sigurgeirsson, Thorbjörn 10–12
Silius Italicus 71
Simeon, Charles 120
Skaftá River 21, 31, 60, 151
lava flow 89, 90, 92
Skaftáreldar (Skaftár fires) 21
Donora 179–80
Laki 22, 24, 107–12, 108, 118–20, 123, 125–8, 129, 132, 182
London 180–2, 181
Sneffels (Snæfellsjökull) 35
Soufrière, La 171
stars 110
Steingrímsson, Jón
ash layers 21
ash toxins 96, 98
childhood and education 25–6
death 106
diary 25
Eldrit 159–62, 160
famine 99–100, 106
as farmer 28
Fire Mass 87–90, 152, 153, 154, 204
gravestone 153
insomnia and depression 105
Kalfafell 93–4
Laki eruption 15–17, 31, 33–4, 86, 92,
93, 94, 95–6, 106
memorial chapel 151–3, 152
moneybox 103–5
as physician 29
portents and dreams 18–20, 21, 26
as priest at Fell 28–9
as priest at Klaustur 30
Scheving lawsuit 30
and Thórunn 27–8
and Vigfússon 27
Stephensen, Magnús 101–3, 177
Stephensen, Ólafur 102
Stockholm 121
Strabo 71
stratosphere 130, 131
Stromboli 63, 70
sulphur dioxide 131–2, 139, 174
Laki 22, 24, 132, 133–4, 139, 182
London 180
Sumatra 74–80, 81–3
Sumbawa 75–80
super-colossal eruptions 64
supervolcanoes 63, 198–201
Krakatau 80–5
Santorini 68–70
Tambora 74–80
Toba 64–8
Vesuvius 70–4
Yellowstone 61–3, 64
Surtsey 8–9
and Laki eruption 108–9, 112
and Tambora eruption 79
Sydenham, Thomas 178–9
Systrafoss 151
Tambora 64, 74–80, 77, 142, 170, 196
Tennyson, Alfred 84
tephra 168–9
Thera 68–70
Thingvellir 47–9
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur 53
Thordarson, Thor 102–3, 134, 145, 183
Thórunn – see Hannesdóttir, Thórunn Toba 64–8, 65, 198–9
tourist eruptions 55, 186
tropopause 130
troposphere 129–30
tsunamis 169–70
Krakatau 81, 82, 84, 170
Tambora 76, 170
Turner, J.M.W. 79
United Kingdom
climate patterns 142–3
Eyjafjallajökull ash plume 56, 188
and Laki eruption 24, 107, 109, 110, 112–14, 118, 120–1, 178–9
National Risk Register 184
and Tambora eruption 79
see also London United States
climate patterns 142–3
Donora smog 179–80
Heimaey eruption 11
Katmai 80
and Krakatau eruption 84
and Laki eruption 123–4, 133
Mount Rainier 195–6
National Ice Core Laboratory 135–6, 137
and Tambora eruption 78
Yellowstone 61–3, 64
see also Alaska; Hawaii; St. Helens, Mount
Unzen, Japan 168, 170, 170
Valdason, Vigfús 100
van Swinden, S.P. 111–12
Vanuatu 175
Vatnajökull icecap 47, 58, 59, 148
Vatnajökull National Park 148
Verne, Jules 35
Vestmannaeyjar see Westman Islands
Vesuvius 70–4, 73, 168, 194, 199
Vienna 113, 121
Vigfússon, Jón 27, 30
Villumsen, Rasmus 39
vog 173–4
Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAACs) 188–9
Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 63–4
volcanic winter
Laki eruption 120–1, 123–4
Tambora eruption 78–80
Toba eruption 66–7
and climate modelling 138–9
deaths 163–84
eruption frequency 196–7
eruptions 36–8
future eruption risks 190–201
Iceland 35–6, 46–60
mantle plumes 45–6
monitoring 199–201
plate tectonics 38–45
supervolcanoes 61–85
Volcanic Explosivity Index 63–4
see also individual volcanoes
Walpole, Horace 112–13
Washington, George 124
Wegener, Alfred 38–40, 39, 41
Weinstein, Philip 176–7
Westman Islands 8
see also Heimaey; Surtsey
White, Gilbert 109, 112, 114–15, 179
Winchester, Simon 84–5
Witham, Claire 178
Yellowstone 61–3, 62, 64
monitoring 200, 201
Zaire 167
Zanzibar 83
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