Sentinels of the Cosmos Trilogy

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Sentinels of the Cosmos Trilogy Page 23

by John Anderson

  He telepathically implanted the final programming into Chase and Ally. Then Beneizen felt the door between them close and now he could no longer control their actions. They had truly been reborn, they were on their own. He thought to himself, “What have I done? Almighty father give them strength.” He was no longer father, he was colleague.

  Chapter 58 Juan and Ruth sat in the back of the FBI helicopter flying up the East River next to Manhattan. Juan gets a phone call and after listening for a moment he completely explodes, saying, "Why didn't you let me know this earlier, why didn't you call me, and why didn't you detain the guy; you didn't question him, you did nothing? Can you at least describe him? Short, what do you mean short, how short, and he’s mean looking? Well that helps a lot. He left chicken flavored envelopes on my desk saying they were poisoned and killed his partner and you didn't call me? You are a piece of work," Juan ends the call, thinks for a moment and makes another call, finally reaching his family. He told Esperanza, “Do not touch the electrical or cable or water bills and tell everyone you know not to touch theirs either.” He told her he was on his way back to the city with his new partner. “Do you have any idea where to start?” Ruth asked. "Shut up, don't talk to me, another damn machine for a partner," Juan complains.

  "You need to trust me," Ruth explains.

  "Trust, yeah, right… that's going to happen. You could get an order at any moment to put a bullet in my head. You know this new world order is screwed up," Juan says.

  "I can't do that," Ruth comments.

  "And why did they make you so cute, you are absolutely adorable, how did they do that?" Juan asks. "You know I have feelings and you’re making me feel bad about myself" Ruth complains.

  "Boo hoo," Juan returns. He sits back and realizes he has to deal with her no matter how he feels so, with a deep sigh he says, “OK, Chase told me that a Russian agent is in charge of the project. Ivan Kolinsky who is now part of EOJ; another of Charles’ great ideas, he is also a real piece of work! I looked up his profile and he’s very dangerous. Get this; he’s a General and a Russian virologist. I wonder what he worked on in Russia. He was in the Ukraine war. Even though his family was killed by Stalin, he still admires him. I suspect that he was responsible for germ warfare. We know he’s also an assassin with over 50 kills. He can shoot the wings off a fly a mile away. In fact I got his file from your office,” says Juan.

  "The fly part was in the file?" Ruth asks.

  "No that was an exaggeration," Juan responds. "How big a one, I mean could he hit just the fly?" Ruth asks.

  "What's the matter with you? It doesn't matter, maybe he was first in his class, I don’t know," Juan responds. "Well, it matters and helps me gauge your behavior," Ruth says.

  "It doesn't matter," Juan yells.

  Ruth pauses and sits back in her seat, saying, "It does matter. How can you evaluate that way? You're lying you know."

  "Give it a rest," Juan says. "You're worse than my wife."

  "You’re unhappily married?" Ruth asks.

  "No!" Juan screams in exasperation.

  “OK, but do you have any idea where we should start looking?” Ruth asked again.

  “No, but Chase said that the directive from EOJ said that this was a test. They were going to use the Bronx and Brooklyn as the test for a very lethal virus,” Juan says.

  “Why such a large group of people for a test, I thought a test was to be small? And what are the parameters for the test - are they putting the virus in water, in the food, how?” Ruth asked.

  “Envelopes,” Juan said.

  “Interesting, maybe we should check the morgue, maybe someone already died from this virus?” Ruth said.

  “Not a bad idea,” Juan says surprised and continues, “They said there were samples of the envelopes on my desk, and so we should check that out too!" “Right” Ruth said, “I’ll tell you what I know.” “The CIA is actually going to share? I’m going to get down on my knees and kiss your ring in thanks,” Juan says sarcastically.

  “Why do you want to get on your knees? That seems very stupid and even silly. Are you trying to be provocative?” Ruth asks.

  “Never mind, go on,” Juan says disgusted with himself.

  “We know that EOJ was originally the creation of Doris Dean, the wife of Congressman Charles Dean. She was an advocate of ‘one country, one planet.’ She preached reducing the world population to bring it into balance with itself and with nature. However, since Doris died, Charles has been carrying out her work as he sees it, but from a pretty disturbed viewpoint, I don’t get it, EOJ is a bunch of assassins, and they carry out jobs that are perceived as justice that could not be obtained through other means,” recited Ruth.

  “How did world population reduction get into that equation?” Juan asked.

  “I don’t know. The CIA is trying to pick up Dean

  now; they say he has lost a lot of weight.” Ruth says. "That's your intelligence on Charles Dean; he's been on a diet?" Juan responds.

  "He lost it very quickly," Ruth says.

  “Can we concentrate on the problem at hand? This is really scary; I don’t know where to start. This is beyond a needle in a haystack, this is an investigation that normally should take months and we have maybe a few days or even a few hours,” Juan says.

  “It sounds like a challenge. I agree, let's start with the envelopes on your desk at the precinct,” Ruth says. "How did you know that? I didn't tell you they were on my desk." Juan asks angrily.

  Ruth says sheepishly, "I listened to your phone call and you said it before out loud, would you like to see the tape?" she projects the tape in front of her. "You can do that, and you wonder why I don't trust you? You lied," Juan says and continues: “who programmed you?”

  “I didn't lie and I programmed myself,” Ruth says. Juan laughs, “I guess we all have that illusion, you have a long way to go to be a good partner to a human”

  "You have a long way to go to being a sincere and honest human being who understands synthetic humans… you’re prejudiced," she says quietly. The phone rings; its Esperanza and Juan answers, "What's up?"

  Esperanza sounds desperate, "It's Maria - she passed out and we're on the way to the hospital, Where are you?"

  "Is she breathing?" Juan asks.

  "Yes, she just blacked out, where are you? You're never around when I need you- I'm terrified!" Ruth pipes in, "We're on our way to Manhattan." "Who's that?" Esperanza asks.

  "I'm Ruth, Juan's new partner," she pipes in again. "I'll be there soon honey. I have to go to the precinct first!" Juan says.

  "NO, NO, NO, you come and be with us; you hear, we're first this time!" she says.

  Juan thinks for a moment, and responds, "I'll be there as soon as I can."

  "That's not good enough," she says and hangs up. Juan turns to Ruth, "If you ever interrupt a conversation with my wife again. I'm going to reach my hand into your chest and pull out your motherboard and then stomp on it."

  "It's not in my chest. I'm synthetic DNA I have no processor, well maybe one, but I'll never tell you where it is!" Ruth says excitedly.

  "You seem a little excited Ruth, are you having your period?" Juan snickers.

  "I can have children you know. I have sex organs and everything, but I'm not sure what would happen if I had one of yours," Ruth says matter-of-factly. Juan stares at Ruth almost in shock. He then shakes his head and stares straight ahead.

  "What!?" what was that look?" Ruth says accusingly. The helicopter landed and they proceeded to the Central Park precinct. It seemed like a long time since Juan had been in Manhattan. It fact it had only been a few days, but to him it seemed like years. He was exhausted, he wanted to hold his wife and children in his arms and he was scared for both them and his beloved city.

  Charles sits quietly in his tomb-like vault in his new Klacknel body but the vault had a different meaning now. He didn't wish to hide anymore. He looked at all the screens in front of him. He used to be obsessed with controlling everything but
now as he sat he thought, “If I'm not in control what will happen? What am I supposed to do?” Part of Charles was the same but now he questioned his previous actions, thinking, “What were my motivations for doing anything?” The deep emptiness he was experiencing haunted him. He loved what he was now, he was no longer physically miserable and he didn't hate anyone. He was playing along with all the life agendas that he had set up, but it was a mediocre performance at best, nothing registered as being important.

  Suddenly one of the screens lit up and Ivan appeared in the middle of the screen saying, "You're looking different. What kind pill did you take?"

  "A big one," Charles snaps, "what's happening with the mailing?"

  "I lost the truck; unfortunate accident," Ivan replies. "Are you kidding me?" Charles complains.

  "The cops have some of envelopes," Ivan mawkishly explains.

  "You’re a moron!" Charles exclaims one octave higher.

  "I have under control; I take care of," Ivan pleads. "It doesn't sound like it, Ivan, what’s the big picture?" exclaims Charles.

  "What, what you talking about?" Ivan appears confused.

  "Ivan you're not seeing the big picture. You're screwing up and I'm trying to enjoy it, how about that? Now fix it, before it gets out of control," Charles shouts.

  "I will, I'm on way to precinct - get envelopes find truck and kill stupid truck driver, which I'm very much looking forward to." Ivan boasts.

  "Good, because I'm looking forward to having one of those big mean Guards kill you if you fail. Fix it all now!! I have to meet with EOJ in five minutes," Charles says in a droning, menacing tone.

  Charles thinks for a moment to himself, “I remember my purpose. I'm still basically in charge. I feel good. I'm trim, handsome and smart, I’m still rich and powerful and the Speaker of the House of the United States of America and I still have the same twisted corrupt and savage personality. I guess I'm just fine, why am I not enjoying it?”

  Hank walked out of the precinct a very unhappy man. He knew somehow those envelopes had killed his partner and he wasn’t going to let that Russian bastard get away with it. He was also very curious as to why anyone would make poison envelopes. He had all the envelopes in the back of his truck but he was not going to deliver the envelopes to the Electric Company. He had Ivan’s phone number and he was going to meet that evil Russian and kill him himself. He was going to take the law into his own hands. He sat awkwardly in the truck behind the steering wheel. It was hard for him to get behind the wheel. Hank was small and round and almost bald. He was often referred to as the Penguin. But Hank also had the personality of a pit-bull. He had placed a large pillow behind his back and strapped wooden blocks to his shoes so he could reach the pedals. Placing Ed's old, greasy Yankee’s cap on his head, he opened the glove compartment and took out a Smith and Wesson snub-nose 38. Carefully he checked to see it was loaded and set it gently in the open lunch pail next to him on the seat. He adjusted the mirrors and then picked up his cell phone and made a call, saying, "Hello is this Ivan?"

  "Da," Ivan responded.

  "This is Hank the partner of the truck driver you killed and I have your envelopes."

  "You should have delivered them by now, not very professional of you," Ivan complained.

  "I will meet you in one hour at the warehouse where we picked up the envelopes and I want one million bucks in cash," Hank demands.

  "I can't have million dollars in one hour. Need six hours, and then have money, agreed?" Ivan asks. "Agreed, you show at the warehouse in six hours with the money or I deliver all the envelopes to the cops," Hank demands.

  "Aren't you interested what envelopes for?" Ivan asks. "I don't give a shit. I just want my money you Russian piece of crap." Hank screams.

  "OK," Ivan replies and hangs up. He smiles and thinks to himself, "He thinks he's going to kill me. I love that.”

  Hank waited almost six hours before he saw Ivan pull up in front of the warehouse in a white truck with ‘Better Business Co.’ in big black letters on the side. Hank carefully peered out of the huge window of his truck and saw that Ivan was dressed in a delivery uniform. Hank had not quite decided what he was going to do. He took the gun out of his lunch pail; he knew how to use it, but just barely. He wasn’t scared; he was angry, very angry. He also knew the dopey police didn’t believe him at all, and that really ticked him off. Hank tucked the gun in the back of his belt and slowly slid out of the cab to the ground far below. Ivan stood in front of his truck with an aluminum case.

  "I have money," Ivan proclaims.

  Hank is eager to finish Ivan off. He takes out the gun and points it at Ivan. Ivan puts down the aluminum attaché case and folds his arms in front of him and says, "You know how shoot gun?"

  "I'm going to kill you for killing big Ed. I know you're up to no good with these envelopes?" Hank yells.

  "No good, how you know I'm up to no good? I could be greatest savior in history. I out to save world," Ivan professes with a sneer.

  "You're a killer," and at that moment Hank pulls the trigger but the bullet misses Ivan who does’nt even flinch; he wasn’t surprised when he saw Hank run for the crates, boxes and moving equipment littered around the outside of the warehouse. Hank was a really a bad shot. Hank ran from crate to crate and then behind a piece of equipment.

  Ivan just watched and waited for him to get closer and closer. He took out a very large silver gun and pointed it right in Hank’s direction, shouting, “Bullet’s go right through boxes, come out where I can see you,”

  Hank slowly comes out from behind the boxes with his hands in the air and pleads, “Don’t shoot,”

  “You're a really bad shot, but I don’t like killing people with guns,” Ivan said.

  “You killed my partner Ed,” Hank said.

  “I did?” Ivan looked amazed.

  “Yeah, those envelopes are poison!” Hank says. “No, not poison is virus, your friend must have licked one of envelopes,” Ivan said.

  “Yes he did, he said it tasted like fried chicken,” Hank says.

  “Did he like?” Ivan asks.

  "Of course he liked it. He liked anything, he'd eat cardboard if it tasted like chicken," Hank says. “What are you doing you sick bastard, what are you planning?” Hank asks.

  “Kill many people as possible, I have small personality flaw. I like kill people,” Ivan says. Hank was scared now. The level of malevolence he felt from Ivan was new to him. He had never met such a completely evil man before.

  “You’re going to kill me aren’t you?” Hank asks. “Yes, of course,” and with one small motion Ivan throws an ice pick right into Hank's chest and he slumps slowly to the ground. Ivan goes over to Hank who is still alive and pulls out his ice pick. Hank looks up at Ivan with a blank stare.

  “I just graze heart. Did you tell or show anyone the envelopes?” Ivan asks.

  Hank is dying but manages to squeak out with a slight smile, “Yes!”

  “No matter, it too late; I let you suffer, it take you around hour to die," Ivan says and then gets up into Hank's truck and starts it up. Ivan cranks down the window and looks down at Hank lying on the ground and says, "I have delivery to make, have fun dying," as he laughs and drives off towards the Electric Company.

  Hank lies in the middle of the lot and yells, "I'm not going to die, I'm not going to die; I'm still going to kill you!" He then sits up opens his shirt and takes out the piece of foam over his chest. Hank had given himself a muscular looking chest by using a fake foam chest piece. Today it saved his life. He was going after Ivan because he knew where he was going.

  Chapter 61 A warm tropical breeze gently caresses Beneizen, Ally and Chase as they stand in front of a clear wall screen in Beneizen’s long house in their natural forms. The islanders have accepted them in both their forms, to them they are simply Gods, and Gods aren't that special. These Gods keep them healthy. It’s early in the morning and the sun is just rising. On the screen they see New York City laid out in front of them in 3D.<
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  Beneizen asks quietly, "Are you beginning to understand your transitions and capabilities?" "Yes," Ally answers.

  Chase adds, "The screen in front of us is simply the projection of our minds and we can either observe or actually place ourselves in the projection. We can manipulate the projection. We could even change the weather, give people ideas and lead them to new discoveries.

  "Yes,” says Beneizen, “that's correct. For example, I wanted Washington to know all about the EOJ so I simply placed in the mind of an employee at the FBI a suspicion and the key to breaking the code. He will pass it on to his boss and everyone will think how brilliant they are. Think of what you’re doing as objective fate. But this is part of how you and Chase will nudge humanity in the direction you wish. But it’s up to the two of you now. “

  After a long pause Chase adds, "We're thinking of moving humanity to Mars and leaving the earth to the Klacknels to restore it back to health."

  "Interesting," Beneizen thinks for a moment and says, "I do see humanity as ill-fated for earth, but how do you know Mars will be any better?"

  "We don't, but we have a question for you," Ally says.

  "And what is your question?" Beneizen asks. Chase looks at Beneizen and then the screen and asks, "Is one of the purposes of humanity to destroy worlds, or more accurately to transform them in some specific manner? For example, volcanic lava is slowly transformed to a rich soil over time by the insects, plants and weather."


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