Beneizen again thinks for a moment and replies, "Stay in front of the question. The universe is always seeking balance as are all of its parts. It’s an interesting question; humanity having the purpose of transforming worlds. I don't know. Maybe the human race has many purposes. It must be part of your pondering. I'm going to be leaving soon.
"No, please don't leave us" they both proclaim. "Yes, they have a new mate for me. I'm going to a different universe where there is another problem. There is a wrinkle in that universe and I must travel to inspect it and if possible to repair it. If this sort of ‘wrinkle’ impinges upon a neighboring universe it could be catastrophic because the ‘laws’ of one universe can be completely different than those of another. In one universe, for example, the gravity to mass relationship may be different than its neighbor but when there is a wrinkle or a tear and the two universes connect suddenly it's almost unthinkable" That seems to be the problem and the inhabitants are beginning to understand and preparing to travel to the other universe and that can be a problem. It could allow them to make another universe very sick and it can’t be allowed unless they are truly balanced to the conditions of both universes. Always remember balance and its importance," Beneizen says softly. "How are you leaving, by space ship?" Ally asks. "No, much too slow, I gave that up eons ago. No I travel as you will by disintegrational magnetism, another ‘ism’ for your vocabulary. Think of space as blood, the blood of the Cosmos. If you drop a particle into the blood it will move through the blood and body according to its density. What if you have no density then you travel much faster, maybe infinitely faster" Beneizen says with a smile.
"Will we ever see you again? Chase asks.
"Maybe, but it's a big cosmos," Beneizen continues, "Good luck with these creatures, we need their balanced vibrations and I’ll be there if you need me."
Chapter 62 Trip Wagner and Ian Fustic preside over a meeting in the main conference room at the FBI Manhattan office. They are on a high floor with a large span of windows and the only noise is the rain beating against the windows. Trip opens the discussion: "Good morning to you all. There is now proof of something quite extraordinary going on - and it's been going on for a very long time. There is a technology that has gone haywire. This is Ian Fustic from the CIA and he's going to walk you through what we know and what is needed."
Ian stands up, looks around the room and in a deep voice asks, "Do all of you think everyone in this room is human? I want you to look carefully to the right and to the left. Which of you are human?” Fustic pauses for a moment and then says, “Agent Smith please stand up." At the middle of the table a very pretty young blonde woman stands up and he asks, "Are you human?"
"Absolutely not agent Fustic," she replies.
"Agent Bond, please stand up," Fustic says.
A tall, thin, blond haired man stands up and Ian asks him, "Are you human agent Bond?"
"No agent Fustic," Bond responds.
"Prove it!"
"That is very difficult sir," both of them reply simultaneously.
Fustic sighs and says, "That is the point. You two sit down! Several years ago we began hearing a totally new code from our intercepts. At first we suspected it was an alien life form and then one of our code breakers found the ‘Rosetta stone’ a key to the code and that changed everything. We discovered the communications were coming from a previously unknown agency which seemed to be within our own government. They called themselves EOJ and were operating worldwide. It seemed that the President knew about it and that there were both federal legislators and high ranking scientists who were members. It described itself as an agency dedicated to maintaining world order. Each time we got even close to actionable proof that they were breaking the law our attempts would be mysteriously dismantled. They had infiltrated our offices and yours by placing synthetic humanoids as spies some even a decade or more ago; they were so well conceived and disguised that they were almost impossible to detect, but slowly, piece by piece, we were able to detect and obtain their technology without them knowing. The head of this illegal organization is Congressman Charles Dean, Speaker of the House of Representatives. That's right, believe it or not! The androids that he created are known as Guards and we know now for a fact the President of the United States is actually one of these… whatever they are!
“Shocking? Yes,” and then Ian went on to explain how EOJ worked in much greater detail, about Doris, about the other senators and key scientists and told them the headquarters of EOJ was below the armory in Leesburg, VA. He also told them that finally the rest of the key government agencies were all on board for a takeover of EOJ and the arrest of Charles Dean and his entire crew for treason. It was going to be one of the largest joint law enforcement operations in American history. The fact that the American government had been hijacked was unthinkable. That an army of robots were ruling the country was also unthinkable and unacceptable.
As that conversation at the FBI was heating up, Robert Lee and Kathryn Bennett stood with Sam on the steps of the Senate. At that moment Charles came up the stairs, stopped right in front of them interrupting their conversation and screams, “You’re all traitors! Why did you go to the FBI?”
"Charles you tried to kill us and you wonder why we spoke with the FBI?" Kathryn yells back.
"Now Kathryn can you blame me, you and Robert were not very supportive now were you?" Charles returns.
"I have a family you piece of crap! Charles you need help!" Robert shouts.
"Calm down both of you despite our differences and my rude behavior," Charles rationalizes.
"Rude! Rude is sneezing without covering your mouth at the table, "Kathryn says with a hint of anger. "Kathryn, calm down, look you’re fine, a few broken ribs, and Robert has a few scrapes and a simple broken arm. Can't we get past this?" Charles tries to temporize.
"No, we can't get past this!" Robert says.
"Well, whether you like it or not we’re in this together unless you like prison - prison for the rest of all of our lives! Think about prison for two US senators! Now you two have to listen to me." Charles says and continues, "My sources tell me that the FBI and the CIA both know about the Guards and the work of EOJ - and how do they know? Well one of you told them; Kathryn, you traitor you have been feeding them information for years.”
Kathryn, changing the subject asks, "By the way, Charles how have you lost so much weight in such a short amount of time? You look simply unreal." "By eating less, but here we are, facing Armageddon and you're commenting on my diet, what’s that about? Oh, and the little tumble you took out of the car – that’s nothing compared to what’s going to happen to you both if you all don’t keep your mouths shut! Charles glibly replied.
Kathryn ignores him and says again, "Charles you look thirty years younger, I insist you tell me how did you did it!"
"The three p's; persistence, patience, and practice," Charles explains, irritated, “You’re straining the patience part though.”
Sam jumps in, adding," Charles had some help from a special tonic and a brand new drug I developed myself called Selfium."
"Wow good name for you Charles, Selfium! You do look like a new man, too bad we’re all going to be in prison," Senator Lee jumps in.
"We're not going to prison. We're still in control," Charles replies confidently.
“C harles, most of the senate knows, it's the talk of Capitol Hill. It’s become common knowledge here that the President is a Guard under your control. How long did you think you could keep this a secret? The codes we use to communicate planet-wide are just codes and someone was going to crack them eventually. They don't know the full extent of our influence or exactly where or who we all are but they know it's got something to do with the armory," Kathryn says hurriedly.
"And how do they know your involvement?" Charles asks bitingly.
"They don't, yet, but they're asking me to explain what I do know," Kathryn replies.
"This whole project is going to hell in a hand basket," Sen
ator Lee exclaims.
"Shut up Lee, you crooked little creep; you probably gave them the code?" Charles explodes.
"None of us gave them anything. If anyone screwed this up it was you Charles," Kathryn snaps.
Sam adds, “They've been siphoning off our technology for years, they’re no better than we are. But when they figured out the President was a Guard they felt things had gone too far. They also somehow got wind of the new world population reduction plan. Charles this wasn't some plan from a world committee or the President, this is all on you. You made the President a Guard; you came up with this world reduction plan. I suspect that because your wife died that you wanted to punish the world, or you might have even wanted to punish Doris. That somehow in heaven or wherever she is she will see the unthinkable things that you have conjured up because she wouldn’t stay with you. You're trying to punish a dead person."
"Oh shut up Sam and stop trying to analyze me. You not smart enough to understand my role in history and by the way Sam, how did you know that?" Charles asks.
"How did I know what? Sam asks.
"The FBI and CIA have been watching us for years?" Charles asks.
"Because Beneizen told me," Sam replies.
"And how did Beneizen know that?" Charles asks. "Because Beneizen gave them the Rosetta stone years ago," Sam says.
"Why and when did you learn that and why didn’t you tell me immediately back then?" Charles is exasperated.
"I didn’t know before, he told me just before he left. He isn't coming back Charles," Sam says.
"And you made me a Klacknel to spend eternity in a mechanical prison?" Charles screams.
"What's a Klacknel?" Kathryn asks.
"Shut up Kathryn, shut your pie hole, bitch," Charles screams. "And Sam, you knew about this?
"I did and you can't blame him. Look at yourself Charles, look at your behavior," Sam says.
"Why did Beneizen do it?" Charles asks stunned. "It's obvious to everyone but you. It's you Charles. You're nuts! You're a sick sociopath. I'm accepting my fate," Sam says softly.
"Why is it that I'm the only one to have the vision necessary to save the world from itself? Even in this mechanical contraption in which you've imprisoned me I can still comprehend my greatness. What none of you can comprehend is that I'm totally in charge of the situation. You stupid morons, making me a machine gave me more power not less! I can control everything now, right from my head! Beneizen has no idea what he has done. For an alien he sure is stupid. You're all stupid and weak. You're dead Sam, you hear me - dead?" Charles shouts as he storms off up the steps.
"You keep telling me that, but here I stand," Sam says defiantly and turns to Lee and Kathryn saying, "He still walks like a fat man."
"What does he mean, making him a mechanical man?" Kathryn asks.
"Just a figure of speech, we're all in a prison of mechanicality," Sam says.
Chapter 63 Juan and Ruth walk into the Central Park precinct - he feels great hesitation in just entering. The last time he had been here his boss had been killed, Susan, supposedly a friend of his, had turned out to be a homicidal Guard and Chase, his ex-partner another Guard had tried to kill him. There was something forbidding about the place. Surprisingly he was greeted like some kind of celebrity.
O’Brien, the massive Irish desk sergeant greets him with, “Well, would you look at what the dogs of war have dropped on our doorstep.”
Mr. O’Brien it’s good to be home,” Juan says in a fake accented 'Irish brogue.’
“And it’s good to see you alive, and well,” says the sergeant.
There was a small shrine to Lieutenant Bryan near his office door; people had been placing flowers on it for the past week. It looked like an Indian wedding. He walked up the stairs and made his way slowly to his own desk. It was piled high with mail, boxes and a pile of folders.
The clerk, Jane, appears before him, saying, “Hi Juan, good to have you back.”
Juan looks at his desk, falls into his chair and stares at the pile.
Ruth looks at the pile, smiling and says, "You haven't been keeping up with your work have you?"
"Really, oh by the way this is Agent Ruth Knowing from the FBI," Juan says.
"Nice to meet you," Jane says while giving Juan the look that says, ‘Why is she here?’
Juan continues to look at the piles of paper and files and asks, “This is a welcome back joke, right?” “No, this is all work for you,” she says dryly. “I hate this job!” Juan says.
“It gets better, the new squad lieutenant wants to see you, but prepare yourself, its Bill Black,” Jane says. “Really? You’re just full of good news,” Juan retorts. “No, I’m not kidding you, and he’s waiting for you to kiss his ring,” Jane says with a smile.
“I hate that guy’s guts,” Juan says.
"That's a waste of energy," Ruth inserts into the conversation.
“He loves you too Juan,” Jane replies sarcastically looking at Ruth and wondering who she is.
Juan drags himself out of his chair, pushes Ruth forward and the two of them go into Black’s office. Bryans’ name is being scraped off the office door. Bill stands up to greet Juan and Ruth, saying, “Good to have you back Juan, and who is this young lady?” looking at Ruth as if she was dinner.
"This is Ruth Knowing with the FBI," Juan says. "Really, how about that," Bill responds.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Black," says Ruth.
They all shake hands. Bill is a very tall black man who could have played basketball for the NBA. He has sharp features and very keen eyes. His mouth curled into a kind of sneer that often was read the wrong way by others.
“Thanks Bill, congratulations on your promotion. Isn’t it too soon to take the letters off the door, they haven’t even had Bryan’s funeral yet?” Juan says. Ignoring the comment Black responds, saying, “Sit down Juan. I hope for both our sakes you and I are going to get along. I know we‘ve not always seen eye to eye but I have always thought you were a good cop, and why is an FBI agent here with you?" Juan sits back and looks at Bill, remembers why he is there and takes out his FBI badge and sets it in front of Bill saying, “Bill this may come as a big shock to you, but I’m not a cop and Ruth is my partner. We both work for the FBI and I was assigned here about a year ago to investigate Detective Chase Stern. Now I have been reassigned back here to track down an exRussian intelligence officer named Ivan Kolinski who seems to be trying to poison a portion of New York City with a lethal virus,” Juan says.
“I never liked you or your sense of humor, you're kidding me and this is your new squeeze,” Bill says. Juan looks at Bill as if he wants to tackle him right here. "I’m married Bill and I have kids. This is my FBI partner."
"It's true," Ruth says taking her badge out and placing it on the desk.
"No one gets a partner that cute," Bill picks up the badges and inspects them closely.
“Oh, it’s the truth, and I have been given the authority to mobilize the entire city’s police force to carry out my directives,” Juan says.
“If this is how our relationship is going to start, you and your squeeze can get out of here right now,” Bill responds.
“I’m not kidding Bill, and I must ask you to call my boss, Special Agent Trip Wagner in Washington, his boss, Special Agent Trip Wagner in Washington, his 8888 extension 246,” Juan says. Bill picks up the phone, dials the number and hears the familiar good morning and FBI greeting, enters the extension and Trip answers the phone.
“Good morning this is Supervising Special Agent Wagner.”
“Good morning, this is Bill Black, I’m a Lieutenant at the Central Park Precinct in New York City and I have a Juan Martinez and a Ruth Knowing here who claim to be your agents on assignment here.” “Yes, Lieutenant Black, that’s right, I’m glad they got there so quickly. You’re to give them your full departmental cooperation, we have very little time and it could affect thousands of lives in your city. This is a potential national emergency. Let me talk to Juan, ple
ase,” Trip says.
“Yes sir,” Bill hands the phone to Juan.
"Yes Trip, OK I will, I will, yes, no problem," Juan says as he hands the phone back to Bill who hangs it up.
“How do I know that’s a real phone number?” Bill asks in amazement.
Juan sits forward in his chair and puts his hands on the desk. “Bill this is a potential national disaster and I need your help, not your enormous ego. Look at me, and listen carefully. The reason that we have not called out the National Guard is because we have no idea where the threat is coming from. We only know we have very little time to stop it. Do you understand me?” Juan asks.
“Yes, I’m still processing that you’re really an FBI agent, you're too short man,” Bill says.
"He is but they want Juan back in DC as soon as possible, Trip just told him that too," Ruth pipes up. "How do you know that?" Bill asks.
"Good hearing," says Ruth sheepishly knowing she has not helped as Juan gives her a nasty look. “Bill, look at me and pull it together,” Juan says,” there is someone out there with something that could kill thousands of our citizens at any moment. I really need your help to do the following things.”
“Sure Juan, I’m still processing that you’re an FBI agent, what do you need for me to do?”
“Good, We need any reports of unusual deaths within the last 48 hours, especially by unknown causes; you know diseases, poisons and such,“ Juan said and then continued for several minutes with a long list of requests while Bill took notes like a lost school boy. At that moment Jane knocks on the door and enters. “Sorry Bill!” Jane says, “Juan, I just want to remind you about our conversation when you were in the helicopter…”
“Shoot!” Juan says, before Bill can get a word out. Jane says, “We had what we thought was a whack job in here yesterday. A truck driver, a tiny guy to be driving a big truck, anyway he said his partner was killed or died, and he brought in a box of envelopes that he says are poison. They're supposedly destined for the Electric Company, He said his partner licked one of the envelopes and the guy died a few minutes later. He brought you a whole case of these supposedly lethal envelopes. Anyway I wouldn’t have really bothered you with this, but the same guy just now called 911 from a warehouse in the Bronx; saying he was stabbed in the chest with an ice pick by a crazy Russian.”
Sentinels of the Cosmos Trilogy Page 24