Dangerous Games

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Dangerous Games Page 16

by Nikki Rose

  He was right. Sex with Drew was unlike anything I'd ever experienced with anyone else but I wasn't going to let him know that. “I'm not some inexperienced little girl anymore. I have higher standards now.”

  “Is that a challenge? Because I accept.” He ground his hips against me and pulled my back tighter against him.

  “Why are you so intent on torturing me?”

  “Because baby, you just make it too damn easy. I love the way you tremble when I kiss you like this. The way your breath shudders when I run my hand over your body.” His hand moved up my stomach underneath my shirt until he reached my breast.

  He took my nipple between his finger and thumb and lightly tweaked it, sending a jolt of pleasure between my thighs.

  “It's not fair,” I moaned.

  “What's not fair, honey?” His sensual tone caressed my ear as he teased the now hardened nipple in his fingers.

  “The way you know my body,” I whimpered and pressed back against him.

  “I never said it would be fair — this little arrangement of ours — it's always going to be unbalanced. The thing you've failed to realize is that it's you that holds all the cards.” He pressed his hips against me, emphasizing his obviously growing arousal.

  I’d let down my guard enough to sleep with him before but if I slept with him again, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep my heart out of the equation this time.

  “Drew, we can’t.” I slipped out of his grasp and started down the hall. “We have to get ready for tonight.”

  I rounded the doorway into the bedroom to try to keep busy preparing for the meeting tonight.

  “Tell me you didn’t miss me,” Drew growled as he pinned me to the wall just inside the bedroom.

  “I did miss you,” I admitted.

  “Tell me you don’t want me.”

  “I do,” I let the words slip out on a breath.

  “I missed you too, you know? And I want you so damn much.” He whispered as he ran the tip of his nose along the shell of my ear and I knew I’d lost.

  I rolled my hips against his pelvis and felt a growing hardness that told me just how much he wanted me.

  He thrust his hips pressing the hard bulge in his pants against my softness. My head tilted back on its own accord, a moan pouring from my parted lips. Drew’s lips found that sensitive place just behind my ear and a thrill shot through my body.

  I squeezed my hands between us, lightly pressing on his chest. “Shouldn’t we be focusing on tonight? On Mikhail?”

  “I don’t know about you...” He kissed down my neck and across my collarbone as he spoke against my skin. “But Mikhail isn’t exactly my go-to fantasy for moments like this.”

  “Then who is?” I dropped my hands to my sides. I was helpless with his mouth on me. I couldn’t think clearly.

  Drew pushed down my shirt and bra, releasing my breast and teasing my nipple between his teeth, making it harden into a tight little nub. My back arched and I let out a loud, needy moan. His lips were still on my skin as he whispered, “you.”

  At that declaration, I let myself go. Drew and I became a frenzied blur of hands tearing at each other’s clothes until there was nothing between us. My body was scorching. Drew lifted my ass and I wrapped my legs around him. He pushed my back hard against the cool wall and with a quick adjustment, sunk into my wet folds with one smooth thrust.

  “Oh Hailey, you’re always so ready for me.” Drew’s chest rumbled with each word.

  He began to thrust, wild, desperate, pounding thrusts that took my breath as he hit something deep inside. My nails dragged down his arms, clinging to him as he pushed me up the wall.

  My body wound tighter and tighter, like a rubber band ready to snap. Drew’s hand lightly grasped my throat. Not enough to restrict my breathing, just enough that I could feel his hand. His power was there, restrained, never hurting me, but always there. It made me feel vulnerable in the most wonderful way. All through my life, I’d hated to feel vulnerable. Vulnerability meant you could get hurt. But Drew was letting me know, though he had the power to hurt me, he wouldn’t.

  My insides quivered around him. Contracting and releasing in pulses. I didn’t realize he could get any bigger until he did. His shaft swelled inside me. His thrusts came faster, harder, wilder.

  “Come for me,” he growled against my ear lightly biting at that tender place on my neck that shot jolts through me. And, I did.

  That rubber band didn’t just snap, it set off a billion tiny bundles of dynamite connected to every nerve in my body. White lights exploded and swirled behind my eyes. A cry of pleasure I didn’t recognize, ripped from my throat, catching until I couldn’t even scream.

  Drew followed after me. Thrusting until he was seated as deep as my body would allow. He shuddered against me, burying his face in the crook of my neck as a deep muffled cry filled the air.

  We rode out the aftershocks until both of our bodies had nothing left to give. Drew held me as we slowly collapsed onto the floor in each other’s arms.

  He held me, cradled in his lap, for several moments as our panting began to quiet. My ears rang — or — beeped? That wasn’t right. I looked up at Drew, who had apparently also heard the noise because his face was alert now. He held up a finger to his lips and gently slid me off his lap.

  Drew stood up and picked up the jeans he’d been wearing. He pulled out his cellphone, the beeping gradually getting louder.

  “Sorry. Just a message from my dad.” Drew’s voice was normal, but his expression was anything but.


  He held up a finger to his lips again. “Let’s go take a shower. I want to make you a little dirtier before we get cleaned up for tonight.” That didn’t sound like him.

  He took my hand and helped me off the floor. I found it odd that he took his phone with us until he closed the bathroom door and the phone finally quit beeping.

  “What the hell is going on?” I demanded when he started punching in seemingly random numbers on his phone.

  Drew placed his phone on the counter and started the shower. “The bedroom’s bugged.”

  “What?” I gaped at him.

  “Shh. The bedroom’s been bugged. My phone has a bug detector on it. Shit. I can’t believe I let myself get so distracted I didn’t think to check. I just never thought they’d actually get through here.”

  “So, you mean they saw —.”

  “Maybe not. We could have been out of view, or they could just have audio — damn it, did we say anything to blow our cover?”

  “I don’t think so. We weren’t doing a lot of talking after we got inside.” I smirked at him and even under the stress of the situation, I could see the corners of his sexy mouth being tugged upward.

  “Let’s get cleaned up and get ready for tonight. It’s safe here but anytime we’re in the other parts of the apartment, be careful. Speak as though they can hear everything.”

  “What are we going to do about the bugs?”

  “While we’re with Mikhail tonight, a maintenance team will come in and sweep for bugs.”

  “How did they get in?”

  “That’s the bigger question.”

  “Mikhail.” Drew gave a cheerful greeting.

  “Hello my friend. I trust your mother is doing better?”

  “Yes. Gave us quite a scare, though. It was pneumonia. Once the doctors got her on the right I.V. antibiotics, she started responding fast.”

  “I’m glad to hear that she is well. And how are you, beautiful girl?” Mikhail patted the place beside him on the couch.

  I hesitated for only a moment. I couldn’t risk anything when Drew and his team were so close. I put on my best smile and sat beside him with Drew on my other side. “I’m well, Mikhail. Thank you.”

  “I must say, I know things started off as simply a means to an end for you to get your debts repaid, but this lifestyle seems to suit you much better than a life scraping by in that horrible apartment you were staying in before.

  I leaned in close as if telling him a secret while knowing full well Drew could still hear me. “To be honest, I prefer this lifestyle to my old one.”

  “People say money can’t buy happiness and maybe that’s true. But I say it can make it much easier.” He laughed and I forced my own laugh.

  “I’m anxious to hear about this upcoming business opportunity you were telling me about.” Drew interrupted.

  “Ah yes.” Mikhail gave my thigh a sensual squeeze that made my deep green dress shift higher. “Why don't you go enjoy the club while us men talk business.”

  “I don’t know about having her wandering freely around the club. I like to keep her close. She says she’s happier in this lifestyle but, what assurance do I really have she won’t slip away the moment I turn my back?”

  “Lacy is working in my VIP rooms entertaining our guests with dances. I can have her pulled out to keep Hailey company if you’d like. Lacy knows better than to attempt to defy me.”

  “That would be great. Thank you.” Drew cast me a warning glance for Mikhail’s benefit. “Behave yourself.”

  “Of course.” I smiled and rose from my seat to find Lacy. I was happy to get to see her again. I’d be even happier to see her once she was free from Mikhail’s control.

  One of Mikhail’s goons led me to the VIP rooms and had me wait outside while he went to find Lacy. I’d quit even attempting to remember all the guys that worked for Mikhail. The only ones I knew by name were Mikhail, Dmitri, and one other named Boris which I remembered because when I first heard it, I had to bite my cheek not to laugh as I fought the urge to ask him about Natasha.

  I watched the people out on the dance floor and wondered if any of them had a clue what was really going on in the club.

  “Hailey.” My attention was brought back by Lacy’s happily surprised voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here with Drew but he and Mikhail had some business to discuss so they sent me off to find you. Said you’d keep me out of trouble.” I smiled and linked arms with her. “So, what kind of non-trouble can we get into?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t usually have free time when I’m at the club. Mikhail keeps me pretty busy... entertaining.” She frowned and my heart ached for her. I wanted to tell her that it would all be over soon, that Drew was going to put these horrible men away for a long time, and she and her brother would be safe.

  I wanted to. But, I didn’t. Because I knew it could put her in danger. Even if she didn’t slip up and tell Mikhail, just a spark of hope in her eyes could give us away.

  Usually, when someone tells me to not get in trouble, that’s exactly what I want to do and if it had just been me at risk of punishment I wouldn’t have minded it from Drew, but I knew Lacy would have it much worse if Mikhail was displeased by our antics. So, I decided that dancing would be some good harmless fun.

  “Come on.” I grabbed Lacy’s arm and dragged her out onto the dance floor. I’d remembered how free she looked when she was dancing instead of having to be around Mikhail or the other men.

  “Where are we going?” Her laugh was warm and almost musical. It was the first real one I’d heard from her.

  “We’re going to dance.” I pushed our way through the crowd.

  There was a large riser in the middle of the dance floor. While the smaller ones around the perimeter were available to guests, this one was too high for anyone to get onto easily on their own. I spotted one of Mikhail’s men and waved him over.

  “Hey, big guy. You mind giving us a lift?”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be working in the VIP rooms tonight?” He eyed Lacy suspiciously and she cowered down under his thousand-pound gaze.

  “Mikhail said she’s supposed to hang out with me instead to keep me out of trouble,” I smirked at him and his expression lightened slightly as he turned his attention toward me.

  “And who do you belong to, pretty one?” He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me against him but I kept calm.

  “Drew,” I kept my voice matter-of-fact and hoped the guys had a big mouth about how Drew did not like his girl touched.

  Apparently, that worked because the guy’s hand shot off of me as if I’d just burned him. I couldn’t hold back a chuckle.

  “So, you think you can give us girls a little boost? It’s less crowded up there than on the dance floor.”

  He looked unsure but finally caved. “Sure, why not? But if anyone asks, you little monkeys found a way up yourselves.”

  “Sure thing.” I smiled. There was something a little different about him. Even when he’d pulled me close, he’d missed that dangerous vibe the other’s put off. I couldn’t put my finger on it but something was definitely different about him.

  He gave us a boost and within minutes, Lacy and I were both safely atop the center stage of the club. The lights pulsed with the music around us and I could feel the beat starting to take over my body. Lacy looked around timidly toward the balcony where I knew Mikhail and Drew were having their meeting.

  “He’s busy with Drew. It’s fine. Plus, he said for us to have fun.”

  “He said that?” She looked skeptically.

  “Well, he said you’d keep me entertained. So, come on. Let’s have some fun. Loosen up.”

  I grabbed a hold of her hand and spun around. We started to dance and before long, Lacy was indeed loosening up. She was smiling, a true, real smile that made her even more beautiful than she already was.

  It wasn’t long before we had begun to attract the attention of the other people on the dance floor.

  “People are starting to watch,” Lacy whispered to me.

  “So they are,” I smirked. “Let’s give them a good show then.”

  I took Lacy’s hand and spun her out before pulling her back so that she was wrapped in my arms. We both faced the crowd and I could see it was more people watching than we’d realized. Mikhail and Drew were standing at the rail of the balcony watching us.

  Drew’s eyes met mine with a heated glint. I smirked at him. It was time to have a little fun. I ran my hands down Lacy’s sides and pulled out the sexiest moves I could, just for him.

  Mikhail said something to Drew and his expression switched, hard and cold. He shook his head but his gaze never left me. Once the dance was done, I thought it was best to head back up to Drew and make sure everything was okay.

  I didn’t make it up the stairs before Drew was coming down to meet me.

  “Hey, is the meeting over?”

  “Yeah. It’s time to go,” he said coolly and took my hand, leading me out.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes.” we passed security and out into the street.

  “Then why are you in such a hurry?”

  “Because,” Drew said as he pulled me into a dark alley beside the club, “I didn’t want anyone to see me do this.”

  He pushed me against the rough brick wall and within moments, his mouth was on mine. His fingers tangled hard into my hair, directing my movements as his tongue invaded my mouth.

  Drew hooked his hand under my leg and hitched it up around his waist. I barely had time for my mind to catch up before his hand was between us was moving my drenched panties to the side and guiding the tip of his shaft to my entrance.

  He thrust into me, hard and smooth until he completely filled me. I cried out into his mouth. His hips thrust harder, viciously taking me. Pleasure took over my whole body and I barely noticed the brick scratching at my back.

  “This isn’t going to take long,” he ground out through clenched teeth, “not with the way you were driving me wild in there.”

  His hand reached between us again, his fingers finding that sensitive bundle of nerves between my legs, making my back arch and a cry of pleasure escape my lips.

  He swelled inside me, filling me even more than he had, hitting every spot that threatened to send me over the edge. My insides clenched and Drew let out a loud growl that rumbled from his chest as h
e exploded inside me. He rutted his hips harder, pushing me over the precipice.

  I buried my face in his shoulder as I cried out and clawed at his shirt. My body exploded into a million tiny pieces that swirled and burned like floating embers caught in the wind.

  I barely had time to recover before he pulled out of me and lowered my leg back to the ground.

  “Wow.” I breathed out, leaning against the wall for support on my shaky legs.

  “You okay?”

  “Better than okay,” I smirked at him.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  I bit my lip and shook my head.

  “Good.” He leaned in and kissed my lips gently before pulling me from the wall to his arms. “Let’s get home.”

  “Okay.” Drew guided me into the car and climbed in beside me. He pulled me to his side and I curled up in the crook of his arm. After taking a few minutes to recover, I peeked up at Drew who was gazing down at me. “Did the meeting go well?”

  “It did.” Drew smiled.

  “Well, are you going to tell me about it?”

  “It was mostly just locations and which of his guys will be involved in the shipment. He won’t tell me when it will be until the night it’s happening.”

  “Doesn’t give you a good advantage to plan ahead.”

  “No, but at least he’s letting me in. That’s huge. It won’t be as secure this way but we can still do it. They won’t be keeping the girls. The auction will be the same night they arrive. It keeps the risk of discovery lower because there’s not as much time that Mikhail will have them.”

  “He’s a smart man.” I mused and Drew raised a brow at me.

  “Psychotic and evil, but smart,” I clarified and Drew chuckled. “So, what did Mikhail say when Lacy and I were dancing? You looked upset.”

  “He said I should put you to work at the club. That with moves like that you’d be a popular girl in the VIP rooms.”

  Drew’s mood shifted and I wished I hadn’t brought it up. I wanted to do something to fix it. I leaned my head over on his shoulder and intertwined my fingers with his. “Maybe if you’re the only one in there.”

  He let out a soft chuckle and pulled me tighter to him.


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