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The Best Thing Yet

Page 3

by McKenna Jeffries

  “Hungry?” she questioned.

  He nodded, at a loss for words. Her question had brought his eyes from her lips and allowed him another opportunity to stare at her dress. It was cream, with a V-neck that gave him a tantalising hint of her breasts. The gauzy material flowed about her as she moved, the hem halting just above her knees exposing her shapely calves. She wore strappy sandals the same colour as the dress.

  It was a very nice article of clothing. A fun one. It flirted and teased as well as made him randy as any man had a right to be.

  “Let’s go eat,” he said on a low growl.

  Arissa kissed him and sent him into another tailspin. He wanted her all to himself, didn’t want to share her. They walked towards one of the elevators to where they were dining. Arissa leaned against him as the car headed down.

  “Remind me to stop by the gift shop. I have to pick up a shot glass.”

  Tilting his head, he glanced down at her, her gaze was straight ahead. “Shot glass?”

  A small chuckle left her. “Yes, for my friend who was supposed to be with me on this trip. She’s an avid collector. There is a wall in one room of her house dedicated to the numerous glasses she’s collected over the years.”

  The elevator stopped and they exited.

  “Wow, that’s interesting. My mom is into collecting the spoons.” Deiter paused. “What about you?”

  “I don’t like clutter so the only thing I have is a lot of plants. Easy to care for and they don’t argue about my hours of work. And a few of them flower.”

  “No pets even?” They halted at the opening of the restaurant before continuing inside.

  “Oh God, no. My hours at the hospital wouldn’t allow for it. Not and be fair to the animal. By animal I mean a dog, I am so not a cat person.”


  They were seated and had given their order to the waiter when he noticed her staring off a bit to her left. Following her line of sight, he frowned as his gaze landed upon a decent looking man in a nice grey suit with green accents. As he stared, the man continually ran his hand over his chest and along his collar as if it had grown too tight. Shaking his head, Deiter looked back at Arissa. Her attention was still on the man at the other table. A low rumble of anger and possessiveness began to rise within him.

  “See something you like?” he bit off.

  Her head snapped back to him briefly before she turned again. From her profile, he could see the furrow of her brow. Did she recognise him? Was he an ex? Would she rather be with him? All kinds of ugly thoughts tore through his head and anger was short on its heels.

  “That’s not right,” Arissa muttered.


  “Find a crew member and have them call for their medical staff.”

  Her order was issued in such a business-like tone he did a double-take. “Come again?”

  Arissa stared at him. “Get some medical personnel in here. Now.”

  Deiter watched her push to her feet. A noise and a gasp from other patrons reached him. He stared at the man who’d fallen from his seat to the floor.

  “Do it now!” she hollered over her shoulder as she shoved her way through the crowd that had gathered around the fallen man.

  Deiter did as she’d commanded then turning back to her, he stared as she performed CPR on the man. Moving closer, her muttered words reached him.

  “Come on, man. Don’t do this. Stay with us.”

  She was beside him, pumping on his chest when members of the medical team ran in with a gurney. Arissa barely stopped compressions as they rolled the comatose man onto the stretcher.

  “Get moving, he’s not breathing!” she yelled as she straddled his waist without a break in her administrations, an act which exposed the firmness of her thighs. And he knew he wasn’t the only man in the room who noticed.

  Deiter observed as they looked at another uniformed person, as if for permission, before moving quickly to the door and presumably to medical. Craning his neck, he stared after the retreating forms for as long as he could.

  After going back to the table, he picked up her purse only to slow when a man in a lieutenant uniform came up to him.

  “Was that your wife?”

  Not yet. “No. Her name is Arissa Wright.”

  Calm began to settle over the room although the hum of noise told him they were still talking about what had happened. “Can I go wait for her down there?”

  “Of course. I’ll take you.” He held out his hand. “Lieutenant Donalds.”

  “Deiter Schneider.”

  Soon he was standing in an elevator on his way to medical.

  Chapter Three

  The doors closed behind her and Arissa kept up the count in her head as she continued with CPR. “Bag him,” she commanded, assuming she would be obeyed. And she was. The opening of the elevator doors didn’t distract her.

  “Who’s this?” A man’s deep masculine voice questioned from behind her.

  “She was with him when we got there, and hasn’t stopped CPR the entire time.” A man pushing the gurney spoke.

  “Ma’am, you need to get off him so we can help him.” A distinguished elderly man pointed to the floor beside him.

  This would be the doctor. Arissa opened her mouth to respond when the man on the gurney heaved up, throwing off the bag over his face. Then he puked. All over her.

  Really? Are you fucking serious? She climbed off him and the ship’s medical staff closed around him. Arissa waved away a nurse.

  “I think he has anaphylaxis,” she said reaching for a towel and dabbing at the rancid liquid dripping down her chest.

  The older man glanced back at her before looking back at his patient. “Why?”

  “Tubes in,” someone said.

  “Before he collapsed, he was tugging at his collar like it was hard to breathe and rubbing his stomach. He also has what looks like hives.” Arissa winced as she smelt herself. “I didn’t find a pen in his pockets.”

  “Give him an epi,” the man ordered before glancing back at her. “There’s a shower over there, some scrubs you can put on.”

  One final look and Arissa headed to the shower. Once she was cleaned up, she dressed in green scrubs. As she refastened her shoes she chuckled and shook her head.

  “Scrubs and heels. I’m gonna start a new trend.”

  She stood up straight and pumped some lotion in her hand before rubbing it in. Her dress sat soaking wet and tied in a garbage bag. With a groan, she stepped out of the bathroom then moved through the office. She opened the door to find the salt-and-pepper haired man with his hip resting on a clean countertop watching the door, despite having a folder in his hands.

  “You saved his life,” he said without preamble as he dropped the file on the countertop. “He’s resting comfortably at the moment.”

  “No, I just got him here. You and your people saved his life. Sorry about giving them orders.” Arissa shrugged. “It was inexcusable.” She walked to a counter then jumped up on it, hooking her ankles.

  “So tell me how you knew that. I’m Doctor Eric Hayden by the way.” He reached out his hand.

  “I’m an ER doctor. He showed anaphylactic shock to me.” Arissa took his hand. “Doctor Arissa Wright.”

  “Looking for a career change?”

  She laughed. “No. I love my job, but thanks. And thanks for not being pissed off.”

  “Didn’t say I wasn’t. But I know good talent when I see it.”

  The door opened and in walked Deiter, who was still oh-so-handsome in his dark blue suit, with a man she didn’t recognise. She fought a smile as her gaze picked up on her purse in Deiter’s large hand.

  “Hey,” she said to him. “Sorry about dinner. We can try again after I get changed.”

  Deiter moved across the room to her side and handed her the purse.

  “You okay?” he asked. “Is that man okay?”

  She patted his arm. “I was just talking to Dr Hayden about him, he’ll be fine.” Arissa he
ld up the purse. “Thanks for this.”

  Doctor Hayden hung up the phone and stared at her. “The captain would like to see you in his office.” He crossed his arms and looked at the other uniform in the room. “Can you escort her, Lieutenant Donalds?”

  “Of course, Dr. This way please.”

  Sliding off the counter, Arissa looked up at Deiter, whose face held a mixture of concern and uncertainty. “Guess supper will be a bit later. I’ll find you when I’m done and I’ve changed.” Picking up her tied bag, she moved to where Donalds waited. “Nice to meet you, Dr Hayden. Thanks again.”

  “Thank you for everything,” he said with a wave.

  Arissa smiled at him before wiggling her fingers in Deiter’s direction. Then she followed the lieutenant. The walk to where the captain waited was done in complete silence. Although once they’d been told to enter, the lieutenant offered her a smile. One she assumed was to reassure her.

  As the door shut behind her, a man stood from where he’d been sat behind the desk. Wow, not how I pictured the captain. She’d imagined a tall, powerful man, not the one she was faced with. The Pillsbury Doughboy was a better description in her mind. He was adorable. The urge to reach out and poke him in the belly filled her.

  “Miss Wright,” he began. “Or should I say Dr Wright, thank you for coming. I’m Captain Finch. Please, have a seat.”

  She left her bag by the door, then moved across the floor, sank into one of the upholstered chairs, and crossed her legs. He arched an eyebrow as her strappy platform sandal showed. Arissa smiled and shrugged. “Trying something new.”

  “Interesting.” He sat down in the chair next to her and ran his stubby fingers over his balding head. “I don’t have to tell you that what you did could have been potentially dangerous for this ship.”

  “Let me just say something,” Arissa jumped in. “I know there are rules and all of that but I am a doctor, have been for a while now and I will never apologise for doing my job. And a dying man is my job.” She released a sigh. “Go ahead and yell now, I’m sure I’ve heard it all before.”

  Captain Finch looked at her and laughed. “I like you, Dr. A lot.”

  * * * *

  Deiter rose from his seat when Arissa walked into the dining area on the arm of the captain. She had changed from the scrubs she’d been wearing into another dress. This one was full length and hugged her curves like a lover. A beautiful muted green colour with a sweetheart neckline that perfectly accentuated the mocha hue of her smooth skin. As the two of them turned down the stairs, Deiter could see the criss-crossed straps in the back. His gaze travelled down to where her hem gathered to a bit of a train, and he paused to watch the hypnotic sway of her ass.

  He swallowed hard, grateful he’d changed into a charcoal two button, side vented, flat front suit that was a bit more formal from his previous one. Along with it he wore a three-button black merino polo as well as a matching belt and ostrich square toe dress shoes. Deiter noticed the way other men’s eyes followed her progress down the final few steps and as they made their way to the table. Honestly, he hadn’t expected the invitation to dine with the captain at all but he wasn’t about to turn it down. His heart skipped a beat when Arissa smiled at him.

  Holding her chair for her, Deiter brushed a small kiss against her bare shoulder as she sat down. Retaking his seat next to her, he smiled as she closed her hand around his and squeezed. The late supper was enjoyable and engaging. After dessert, he escorted Arissa around an upper deck.

  “Everything go okay with Captain Finch?”

  She rested her head against his suit coat. “Yes. He had to talk to me about rules, regulations, et cetera, nothing I’ve not heard before.”

  “Okay, you just said you worked in an emergency room but not much more than that. From your quick reaction I’m guessing you’re not a janitor.”

  “No. I’m a doctor.”

  He stutter-stepped slightly. “A doctor? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Does it matter?”

  Did it? “Yes.” Arissa tensed and he added, “But not for the reason you may be thinking.”

  “So explain it to me.”

  Deiter stopped walking and leaned against a rail, pulling her in-between his spread legs. He placed his hands on the bare skin of her shoulders, trailing his fingers idly along her skin.

  “It matters because you didn’t think enough of what we have to tell me. The fact you’re a doctor as opposed to any other position in emergency medicine doesn’t matter. I think it’s awesome you are one, but I’m not going to like you more or less because of your job. I fell for you when I saw you stretched out on that lounge wearing that tank top and sarong.”

  Her head dropped. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologise. I’m sure you have known people who show interest because of your profession. I’m not like that. You could scrub latrines for all I care. It’s you I’m after, Arissa Wright, not your job or perks that may come with it.”

  She sighed and looped her arms around his neck. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you. I guess I’m just private about some things. I don’t tell a lot about myself.”

  Deiter nodded. He’d noticed that about her. She hesitated to talk about herself or family. Arissa was quick, witty and a lot of fun, but forthcoming on personal things she wasn’t.

  Leaning down so they were nose to nose, he asked, “Got some time before midnight, care to join an old man in his room?”

  “An old man? Hmmm, don’t know about that. I kinda need one who can keep up with me.” Her lips brushed his. “Do you know of anyone?”

  “I’m sure I can think of someone,” he retorted as he smacked her lightly on the ass.

  Arissa rubbed against him. “Wonderful. Then allow me to escort you.”

  He slid his arm around her and together they headed for his room. Deiter gasped as she sank to the floor before him the second the door closed.

  “Arissa,” he began, only to hesitate when her fingers left the buttons of his suit coat and reached for the belt on his slacks. “What are you—?”

  Deiter fell silent as she slid her fingers into his boxers and wrapped them around his growing erection. She didn’t say a word as she freed him. A shudder rocked through him as her hot breath flowed across the sensitive skin of his cock. Ah hell!

  With a loud thunk, his head hit the door as it dropped back. His eyes closed and his belly tightened as her warm mouth settled over him. Her tongue danced along the rim of the head before she took more and more of him in her mouth. Lights flickered in his mind as she worked his cock. Up and down. Where her mouth didn’t touch, her strong hands applied the perfect amount of pressure. When she released one hand, a groan of longing welled up within him. Shortly after, her short nails skimmed across his balls.

  “Arissa,” he uttered in a gravelled tone.

  Her other hand dropped to touch his thigh and her mouth slid all the way over his full length. The tightness of her mouth combined with her teasing touch on his balls nearly drove him out of his mind. Deiter gripped the sides of her head and thrust his hips towards her, driving his cock deeper into her mouth. Glancing down, he almost came at the sight of her kneeling there. Her eyes were closed, her long lashes settled against her skin.

  Licking his lips, he tried to slow the speed of his hips and savour the experience a bit longer. Her increased suction and caressing told him that wasn’t about to happen. He shivered as her teeth skimmed along his length. Tighter and tighter her hold on him became, and he began to move faster. She gave his balls one final squeeze then put that hand on the back of his thigh. A low roar of pleasure rumbled up from his chest as he continued to drive deep into her willing wetness. He could feel her nails digging through his slacks as he moved.

  “Shit!” he shouted as he unloaded deep into her mouth.

  Arissa never relented or lessened until he had nothing left to give. With a pop, she released him from her mouth and stood slowly. Her eyes swirled with passion as she held his gaz
e. Arissa gently put his softening cock back into his boxers and pants. She trailed her fingers up his chest to touch his cheek.

  “I need a drink,” she murmured before stepping away from him and going towards his refrigerator.

  Legs still a bit shaky, Deiter remained against the door for a moment until he felt he could walk without embarrassing himself. He pushed away and headed to where she leaned against the counter drinking a bottle of water. He trapped her there, placing his arms on either side of her. He nuzzled into the side of her neck before he pressed tender kisses there.

  “Thank you,” he muttered.

  Arissa turned in his arms. “I need to go get changed before the buffet.” She slipped a hand through his hair. “Meet you down there?”

  He turned his head and looked at the blue digital readout on the clock. About an hour until the buffet began. Deiter wanted to be selfish, wanted to keep her to himself. He nodded.

  “Okay, sounds like a plan.”

  She ducked under his arm and walked towards the door. When she began to open it he reached out and wrapped his fingers around her wrist. Her eyes opened wide with surprise.

  Deiter stared at her. “Arissa…I…I…”

  Her gaze softened but he could read the retreat on her face. “I’ll meet you later.” After kissing her fingertips, she pressed them to his lips. “Bye.” Then she slipped out and closed the door in his face.

  “Fuck,” he expelled as his head fell forward to rest against the wood.

  Every time he closed his eyes, even at night, it was Arissa he saw. He wanted more than a vacation fling with her. Arissa Wright was a woman you married, took home to meet the parents and raised children with. And that’s what he wanted. He just didn’t know how to broach it with her. The way she’d reacted during that incident in the restaurant, he knew she was damn good at what she did. And was passionate about it.

  Shoving his hand through his hair, he went to grab some different clothes and a shower. As he dried off, he chuckled. Who knew I’d wear so many different outfits in a day?


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