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The Best Thing Yet

Page 11

by McKenna Jeffries

  She blinked, slow and languidly. “I will.”

  He moved slowly, giving her a chance to back off. She didn’t. Her lips met his halfway and he groaned at their kiss. Electricity spiked through him and just like that, he forgot everything but her.

  “Have a good day, Deiter,” she whispered against his mouth.

  “You too, Arissa.”

  He stared after her until he could no longer see her. Then he hurried off to class so he wouldn’t be late. He couldn’t wait to hear from her. And couldn’t wait to see what came of her possibly being pregnant. If she was, wonderful. If not, well, there was always next time.

  Chapter Nine

  Arissa groaned and shed her gloves before tossing them to land inside the trash bin. That was it. The final patient of hers today. She strolled from the exam room and readjusted the stethoscope around her neck.

  For the time being, there was a lull in the hustle and bustle of the ER. And being the pragmatic woman she was, she was going to take advantage of it and get her ass out. It didn’t take her long to change and grab her things.

  “Night!” she called out as she passed the desk.

  “Bye, Arissa. Have a great one!”

  She waved over her shoulder and stepped out into the twilight that bathed McKingley in a gentle glow. Placing a hand on the back of her neck, she tried to rub out the kink. She’d been working here for two months now and had settled into her rotations and routines well.

  She was still dating Deiter and things were going well there, if she thought about it. She wasn’t pregnant. When she had told him, she could have sworn there’d been disappointment in his gaze.

  They didn’t get to spend tons of time together but what they did was cherished. But today was her Friday and it was his as well, so they were heading out of town to spend their weekend in Santa Fe.

  The sound of sirens made her pause before she shook her head and continued on to her car. Deiter was going to come by and pick her up, she just had to call him and let him know she had finished work.

  Activating her hands free she called him and waited for him to pick up.


  What the fuck? This wasn’t his voice. It belonged to a woman.

  “Hello?” the woman asked again.

  “May I speak to Deiter, please?” Arissa questioned in a cool tone.

  “He’s in the shower right now, can I take a message?”

  Shower. Her eyes burned and she blinked a few times before she could formulate a sentence. “Just tell him Arissa called.”

  “You’re Arissa?” the woman sounded pleased, which only pissed her off more. “I’ve heard about you.”

  “Lovely for you.” She disconnected the call.

  Damn it! And damn him for constantly reminding her she had no right to be jealous. True to his word, he never said a thing anymore when men touched her. She could see how it upset him but he never said a thing. But…this…her being the one who had to watch as other women rubbed up against her man. Damn well pissed her off! But all Deiter did was shrug and say, “It’s the same as you and your male friends.” Then that was the end of it as far as he was concerned.

  “Not as far as I’m concerned,” she seethed.

  She drummed her fingers impatiently as she waited for the gate to open at Deyon’s. I really need to get a place of my own. Once she’d parked, she stomped inside and slammed the front door behind her.

  Thankfully, she knew she wouldn’t have to face anyone. Jackson was still at the hospital for his shift. Deyon would be at her store—she had been working late. Grumpy and cranky, she went up the steps to her apartment and headed directly to the shower and took a short yet refreshing one. Delivering a half-kick to her packed suitcase, she made her way to the kitchen and looked for something to eat.

  When the doorbell rang, she jumped. Her hand was on the knob just about to open it—she had been heading out to her car to get her cell she had forgotten. Since no one could get in without someone letting them in, she opened it figuring it was Deyon or Jackson. Deiter stood there with a sexy half-grin on his handsome face.

  “What do you want?” she snapped.

  “A hello would be a good place to start.” He arched an eyebrow. “Are you okay?”

  “Me? I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  He leaned in for a kiss and she pulled back, retreating up the stairs. The sound of him following her came to her. In her living room, she faced him.

  Deiter frowned and sighed heavily. “What the hell is going on, Arissa?”

  “Not a damn thing.”

  “Are you ready to go or are you going to act like a baby?”

  “Baby? I’m not acting like a baby.”

  “Okay then. I’ll go and cancel the trip to Santa Fe, since you don’t seem like you want to go.”

  “Why bother cancelling it, why don’t you just take the bimbo who answered your phone while you were in the shower?”

  He muttered in German before he reached out and caught her up in one arm. “I’ve had just about enough of this,” he growled.

  She struggled to get free. “Put me down damn you!”

  He did. Dropped her on the couch like a rag. “You are something else, Arissa Wright,” he said, his words clipped, accent prevalent highlighting his anger.

  “You’re one to talk.”

  “I’ve told you repeatedly you don’t have to worry about anyone else. I want you. However, you seem so keen to believe the worst of me. And I don’t know why. I’ve never given you any reason to do so. Hell, I even stand there and let those fucking friends of yours put their hands all over you when what I really want to do is smash them into bits of bloody pulp. But I don’t. Because you told me you don’t ‘do’ possessiveness. So how come it works for you but not me?”

  She stared at him, lost in the fury of his eyes. “I don’t have men answering my phone while I’m in the shower.”

  “How do I know that? I’ve called you and had Jackson pick up the phone.”

  “You know because I said so!”

  “I’m supposed to believe you but you don’t have to believe me?” He shook his head. “Not fair, Arissa.”

  She got to her feet and stood toe to toe with him. “Yes!” she screamed. She was being irrational and she knew it. But when that woman had answered his phone, all she could see was red.

  Deiter shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “I don’t know how else to prove myself to you, Arissa. I love you but it’s not good enough for you. You want me to be okay with other men touching you, my woman, and not question it. But the rules are different for me? I just don’t know. I’m leaving now. I’ll be at Kell’s if you feel like talking. I’d love for you to come, there’s someone I want you to meet. Otherwise, I’ll…see you later.” He pivoted around and went down the stairs rapidly. The shutting of the door below echoed in his wake.

  She couldn’t move. He’d said he loved her. Then left. No, surely it was a ploy to get her to come after him. She hurried to the window and peered out. No sign of his vehicle. He had left.

  Arissa screamed in frustration. What the hell is going on with me? Hell, if she’d not got the news she wasn’t pregnant, she may just begin wondering if she was, given her extreme mood swings as of late.

  What’s it going to be? Let the best thing yet in your life get away? Or swallow some of your damn pride and go after him?

  Moments later, her engine started as she turned the key. Her bag for Santa Fe was in the trunk just in case. She didn’t want to lose him and she really had to be much more considerate of his feelings when it came to her male friends.

  She drove as fast as she could to Kell’s. Her mood didn’t improve any when it took a while for her to find a parking spot. Even after she had secured one, she debated going in or remaining out.

  “Why am I chasing after him? He’s the one who left me.”

  Because you’re the one who acted like an utter ass, her brain informed her, a bit too gleefully, she thought.r />
  “I’m not the one who has women answering my phone.”

  Get over yourself Arissa Wright or you’re going to end up alone.

  With a mutter at her subconscious, she climbed out of the car, locked it then walked towards the entrance. She enjoyed Kell’s but hadn’t been there in a while.

  As she entered, she saw Martin the owner standing behind the greeter’s podium. “Hi, Martin,” she said.

  “Miss Arissa,” he replied with a grin. “Lovely to see you tonight.”

  “Thank you.” She glanced over the crowd but didn’t see Deiter. “I’m looking for someone—”

  “Deiter Schneider,” he interrupted. “We were told to expect you. I’ll take you to the table.”

  She was expected? With a deep breath, she followed the still-handsome older man through the tables to one by the window, offering a lovely view of the place across the street.

  “Here you go,” Martin said.

  Arissa looked down and found a petite woman with shoulder-length blonde hair sitting at the table. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course,” Martin claimed with a smile. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “Tea please,” Arissa replied.

  Left alone, she put her attention back on the woman who watched her with a cool gaze. There was no invitation to sit down. She sat anyway. “Where’s Deiter?” she asked.

  “He’ll be back,” the woman’s response fell like ice. “I had pictured something more when he told me about you. But I guess I was wrong.”

  She bristled. Who the hell did this woman think she was? The voice was identical to the one who’d answered his phone. “Excuse me?”

  “All he talked about was how much he wanted us to meet and how much I’d like you. Well, he was wrong. I don’t like you at all. You’ve hurt my brother for the last time. Do it again and I promise you, they’ll never find your body.”

  The words were delivered with deadly promise.

  “Arissa.” Deiter spoke softly beside her. She turned her head and drank him in. Was it possible for a man to get even more handsome in less than an hour?

  “Hi, Deiter. You said you wanted me to come, so here I am.”

  “I see you two have met.” He sat beside her, close but not touching, and she missed his touch. “Arissa Wright, meet Marlis Schneider, my sister she works for the German military. Sis, this is Arissa Wright, a doctor.”

  Sister. The woman who’d answered his phone was his sister. She swallowed and gave the woman a small smile. “Nice to meet you.” And military so…yeah crap, that threat was most likely a promise.

  Marlis’ smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Likewise.” She’d officially made an enemy of the sister of the man she loved more than anything.

  She loved him. That’s why she’d been acting like this. Because she’d fallen in love with him. Duh! Her subconscious added. Or at least just realised it. One glance to the man beside her made her sudden joy falter. He may not want her anymore, not after her behaviour.

  Deiter sneaked peeks between his sister and Arissa. Something had happened while he’d been in the restroom. Honestly, he’d not believed she would have even arrived here. Not after the tantrum she’d thrown at her place. Nevertheless, here she sat.

  While their food was delivered along with Arissa’s drink, he asked Marlis in German, “What’s going on between you two?”

  “Nothing,” she replied.

  “So,” Arissa began, “How long are you in town for, Marlis?”

  “I’m leaving tonight, which is why Deiter wanted us to meet.”

  He glared at his sister for being so harsh with her response. Arissa stiffened a bit, as if embarrassed. He realised then she knew it had been his sister who had answered the phone.

  “Oh, I see.”

  Arissa turned to him and licked her lips. Damn but he wanted to nibble on that plump lower one. He could feast on her mouth and never get bored.

  “I’m sorry, Deiter,” she said.

  “What for, Arissa?”

  “How I acted. You were right. I wasn’t being fair. It’s not right I expect you to not react when a man touches me and you not let any woman touch you. I guess…well, I don’t know what I was thinking, but I know it wasn’t right or fair.”

  “And?” he asked.

  “And I love you.”

  His heart thudded loudly in his chest. She’d actually said the words. He wanted to pull her close and ravish her but he had to know she trusted him and believed him.

  “Do you trust me?” he questioned.


  He stayed silent for a moment until a sharp kick under the table snapped him from his thoughts. His sister glared at him. Hmm, maybe she doesn’t dislike Arissa after all.

  “Do you believe my words when I say there is no one else for me but you?”

  She licked those delectable lips again and got up from the seat only to climb up on it.

  “Get down from there, Arissa,” he said, reaching for her.

  She batted his hand away. “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” she called out.

  “Oh no, you don’t have to do this.” He captured her hand but all she did was squeeze it.

  The room fell silent and every pair of eyes focused on their table. “I’m sorry to interrupt everyone’s dinner but I wanted to say something. I’m Arissa Wright.”

  A few people called out greetings to her which she replied in kind.

  “This man here,” she said, tugging him to his feet, “is Deiter Schneider. He teaches at the university. We were supposed to go away to Santa Fe this weekend but I acted like…well, to be blunt, an idiot so I came down here to ask for his forgiveness.” Arissa held up her hand to silence the cheers of ‘forgive her’ and waited until they complied. “I met him on a cruise and my life changed that very day. I don’t know why I’ve fought my feelings for him, but we’ll just put it back to that I was an idiot. Bottom line, I love him.” She tilted her head down and met his gaze. “I love you, Deiter. With everything inside me.”

  He lifted her from the chair, thrilled when her arms closed about his neck, and kissed her. He poured every ounce of feeling he had into that one kiss. The room around them erupted into cheers and when he ended the kiss, he stared into her eyes, eyes that were a little shiny.

  “I love you, too, Arissa Wright.”

  “Does this mean we still get to go to Santa Fe?”

  He laughed and kissed her again. “Yes, crazy woman. We’re still going to Santa Fe.”

  The rest of the meal, he fed them both from his plate and always touched her. Part of him felt like dropping to his knees and asking her to marry him but he didn’t. She deserved a special and romantic proposal. They took his sister to the airport. He wasn’t quite sure what Marlis said to her when she said goodbye—Arissa wouldn’t tell him. They left her car at Tarak’s and headed in his Durango for their weekend.

  * * * *

  Santa Fe

  Arissa walked with Deiter as they explored the art exhibits. They had to head back to McKingley today, but for now, she was just happy to be with him. The calls had come after they’d departed for Santa Fe—her family asking her if she was engaged after the display at Kell’s. She’d laughed and told them all no. But deep down, she wanted the ring. She wanted to be engaged to this man.

  His arm was around her and she felt cherished, there was no other word for it. They’d barely left the hotel room on Saturday, instead spending time reacquainting themselves with one another’s body. Truth be told, that’s how they spent this morning as well. Breakfast in bed took on a whole new meaning. But she’d wanted to see this exhibit so he’d put on some clothes and come with her.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked in her ear.

  “A bit, yes.”

  “There was a place outside that I think would be fun. Or we could go to the cafeteria here.”

  “Outside,” she said with a grin. “Cafeteria food isn’t ever a good thing to me.”

  “Right behi
nd you,” he replied.

  They found a place that sold funnel cakes and so she promptly forgot about good nutrition and had him get her one. He came back with two, one for each of them. Hers had powdered sugar on it and his had cinnamon sugar. They ate leisurely, sharing with one another.

  Finished with that, they walked along and took in the rest of the art show. It was a huge event and there was just so much to see. They held hands as they meandered along. Eventually he guided her back to the hotel room where they packed up their bags.

  “Are you sure we can’t say for one more night?” she groused, not even remotely ready to get back.

  “We could, but I think a few people may come looking for us. Like your patients and my students.”

  She groaned and latched her suitcase. “Fine, then.” Grabbing the handle, she said, “I’m ready.”


  She dropped the luggage and spun around to see what he needed. “Yes?”

  Deiter stood right there.

  “What?” she asked.

  “We can stay another night if you want.”

  She slid her arms around him and kissed him. Lord, she loved kissing this man. He tasted so damn good. And intoxicating.

  “We have jobs waiting.”

  His dejected sigh made her laugh. “If you insist, woman.”

  “No, you’re the one who pointed that out first. I was content to forget it but now that you’ve reminded me…”

  “Oh, blame me.”

  She grinned. “I just did.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “One more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  Deiter removed her arms from around his neck then sank to one knee before her. He licked his lips and stared at her. “Arissa, I know you deserve something romantic and I should be doing this on the deck of a ship during a sunset or something, but I can’t go another day without knowing if you’ll be my wife. You know I love you, I have I think since the day I met you.”

  She couldn’t move. Her limbs had frozen. All she could do was stare and blink at the man who was reaching into his pocket for a box. He withdrew it, opened it then offered it to her.


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