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Sex, Cyborgs, and Champagne

Page 3

by Tl Reeve

  Flora yelped as she tripped over her own two feet, missing the step up. Conner and Lincoln were at her side in an instant. She hadn’t hurt herself, nor had she fallen. Entranced by the man in front of her, she hadn’t paid attention to where she was going.

  “Are you okay?” Conner held her tight as he gave her a once-over.

  “I’m fine.” Only her ego had been bruised.

  “An internal scan shows nothing out of the ordinary,” Lincoln added. “I should have mentioned the step up. My apologies.”

  Confused, she quirked a brow. “Internal scan?”

  He bowed his head. “Why don’t we step out of the way, and I can explain better?”

  How about we don’t and say we did? “Fine.” Her clipped tone had her cringing. She didn’t mean to sound irritated. She didn’t even know why she was mad. It wasn’t like they’d asked him any questions. She’d invited him to join them. “Sorry. I shouldn’t be so…pissy.”

  Conner chuckled. “You’re adorable when you are.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “My real name is L-2187,” he said, passing her a water pouch. “But my friends call me Lincoln.”

  “Cyborg?” She couldn’t believe it. He looked so real…so human. “How is this possible?”

  “I was made in an Earth lab to fight in the great war. When the Planetary Alliance saw how well we performed, we were thrust into many more wars, until finally we were given our freedom.”

  Oh. But she remembered it differently. She’d seen the stories about the cyborgs who’d been kept in another facility and used for “research.” “You’re him. You’re the one we saw on the news streams. You’re the one that freed all of your friends.”

  “You saw?” Surprise filled his features.


  If the sun hadn’t been in her eyes when she looked up at him before, she would have recognized him. Unit L-2187 had been all over the news. He’d been hailed a hero to most and condemned by others as just a machine. Supposedly, he didn’t have feelings, nor did he have a conscience. However, staring up at him right now, she realized neither was true.

  “Do you have any questions?”

  Well, if it wasn’t awkward before… She shook her head. “Do I have to ask any?”

  “No. I have one, though, Flora.”

  “Oh?” Trepidation filled her. Why, she didn’t know. Perhaps she worried he’d reject her, which didn’t make any sense at all, unless she felt something for this man—this cyborg—standing in front of her. Do I want to feel anything for him?

  “Would you like me to continue the afternoon with you and your husband?”

  Conner had been suspiciously quiet through the whole exchange. This, she realized, would be her decision and hers alone. “Yes.” A strange conviction filled her.

  Her husband grinned. “Perfect. Let’s catch up with everyone. Wouldn’t want to miss a soak in one of those mineral pools.”

  There were so many questions she wanted to ask him. Did he eat? Could he drink? Would going into the water hurt him? How did sex work—were they able to? There was a drug used on them or something, she couldn’t remember exactly. Did he need it? Her inquires continued to swirl in her mind as they crept through the thick foliage.

  The sounds surrounding them became a song of life. Birds, a monkey or two, laughter from those with them. It brought her back to why they were there and what might happen between the three of them. An excited nervousness crawled through her, knotting her stomach. She drank some of the water Lincoln offered her, hoping to still some of the butterflies. The cool wash of the beverage traveled through her, then settled like a lead weight.

  “Remember, darling, nothing will happen unless you want it to.” Conner kissed her temple. “Call it instinct, but I believe we can trust Lincoln.”

  “You’re right. I think so, too.” She reached for the other man’s hand.

  He paused, causing her to stumble again. This time she laughed.

  “Sorry,” he muttered “Your touch…I wasn’t expecting it.”

  “It’s okay.”

  His grip tightened. “Where would you like to go first?”

  “Freshwater pool. I need to cool off.” It seemed the farther they went, the more oppressive the air became. Sweat trickled down the back of her neck and into the hem of her sarong.

  “Then we will start there and see where the afternoon takes us.” Lincoln lifted their joined hands and kissed her knuckles before pressing on.

  Chapter Four

  Whatever they’d been expecting, none of it came close to what they witnessed when they arrived at the pool. Couples lounged naked, while others swam through the crystal-clear waters. Conner glanced at his wife. Her expression remained neutral as she gazed out over the hedonistic sight.

  When she let out a shuddered breath, he worried she might change her mind. The shower they’d shared only added to his need for her. Watching the sway of her ass as they hiked made the bulge in his shorts impossible to hide. The little vixen still had an innocent way about her. No matter how depraved or debauched their sexual adventures had been, she always held onto a small bit of her timidness.

  Conner adjusted himself with a soft groan. Just touching himself sent sparks of pleasure dancing along his spine. At least he wasn’t alone. When he glanced at the cyborg, he noticed Lincoln hadn’t been unaffected.

  “Ready, darling?”

  “Yes. No.” She pressed her fingers against her forehead. “There’s so much to take in.”

  “So much to indulge in,” Lincoln said, giving her a nudge.

  “Why don’t we start with a dip, then see where it takes us,” he added, drawing her toward the wooden steps that led to the pool below.

  Some of their surroundings were naturally made while others were man-made, but it all flowed seamlessly together, with the Tipi-Tipi volcano as the background. They descended the steps quickly and stepped onto the white sandy beach. The sunlight caught the water perfectly, causing it to sparkle.

  Beside him, Flora removed her wrap and toed off her shoes. Her pale flesh had turned a soft pink during their walk into the jungle. Thankfully, she’d packed some sunblock in her bag. Her fair skin would burn, if she wasn’t careful. She dipped her toes into the water first, then sighed before entering the pool.

  “Come on,” she called. “The water is amazing.”

  She didn’t have to tell them twice. Conner took off his shoes and pulled off his shirt, then ran for the crystal clear pool. The heavy footfalls of their companion joined his, and they both entered the water with a splash. The cool, refreshing blast stole his breath momentarily. Perhaps he had gotten overheated as well. When he surfaced, Flora was in front of him, while Lincoln was behind her.

  An idea took root then and there. “Darling, we haven’t given much thought to voyeurism yet, have we?”

  Lincoln cocked a brow, then followed his gaze to the couple on the beach. He gave Conner a wicked grin, filled with understanding and anticipation. “You’ve never taken the time to watch before?” He came up behind Flora. “It’s erotic. Entertaining.” He leaned down and nuzzled the top of her ear. “Educational.”

  The pulse at her throat throbbed, while her breath came in short pants. Her cheeks were flushed, just from Lincoln’s words. Conner ached for her. But, much more to the point, he ached for all three of them. He couldn’t wait to share his wife with Lincoln. On the trip to the pool, he waited for a pang of jealousy to take root and ruin their time together. It never came. Only a sense of rightness. He doubted, if it had been anyone else, that he’d feel such a fast connection forming between them. Caution be damned.

  “She’s sweet, Lincoln. Soft, and pure.” He glanced up at the man. “I was her first. The first to make her come. The first to taste her. The first to hear her cries of pleasure. You will be her second.”

  The man grimaced as he groaned. “What a thing to say to a man.” He brought his hand up to cup her bre
ast. “Is what Conner says true?” He palmed the mound, massaging it as he spoke.

  “Yes,” she whispered. A soft sob of bliss fell from her as Lincoln continued to play with her hard nipple.

  “Would you like a cyborg to be the one taking you, hard and rough, while your husband watches us?”

  She swallowed hard. “Please.”

  “Then be a good girl, and pay attention to the couple on the beach.” Lincoln directed her gaze to the people Conner spied a few minutes ago.

  “Oh, my.”

  “Indeed, darling.” The woman straddled the man’s lap, taking him in one thrust. Another woman got onto all fours in front of them, while another man joined her.

  The couple found their pace together. The women kissed each other, then their partners. The scene grew more frantic by the second. Each one trying to find what the other needed. Treading water had been the worst decision Conner had made, but all he cared about was watching his wife become so aroused she’d come apart in his arms with a single touch.

  “Fuck,” Lincoln snarled. “Your wife’s pussy is already fluttering around the tip of my finger.

  Conner grinned. “She sensitive. What’s he doing to you, Flora?”

  She whimpered, arching between both men. “He put his fingers inside my pussy, and he’s teasing me.”

  Lincoln chuckled. “I don’t want to pull out yet. She’s heaven, Conner.”

  “Wait till she comes for you.” He kissed her temple. “Go on, darling. I know you need to.” He pushed her bikini bottom out of the way then found her clit, hard and throbbing. He circled the nub, adding pressure as he went.

  She climaxed with a cry and shook in their arms. He loved seeing his wife take her pleasure. His cock pulsed with need. His heart raced.

  “Jerk me, babe.” Lincoln grabbed her hand and placed it below the water. The moment her hand came into contact with him, he hissed.

  Why hadn’t I thought of that? Conner took her other hand and brought it below the water. “Both of us, darling.” He ripped open his shorts, and wrapped her hand around his straining length. “Fuck.”

  She stroked them in tandem. His balls were already tight spheres, drawn up close to his body. No matter how many times she’d done this, it always felt like the first time for him. His hips flexed of their own volition. His ass clenched. The bliss zinging down his spine let him know he wouldn’t last long—as if he cared.

  The muscles of his stomach tightened. His breath came in harsh pants. When he glanced up, Lincoln wasn’t faring any better. The cyborg’s jaw was clenched. His eyes were closed. A slight pink tinge covered his chest. Yes, the man was right there with him. Flora rubbed his glans with her thumb, and his breath hitched.

  “Wench.” She giggled and continued to manipulate the soft, spongy flesh of his tip.

  “Damn, she’s too good at this,” Lincoln grunted as his head fell back on his shoulders. “As much as I want to hold back, I can’t.”

  Conner leaned in and whispered in her ear. “See what you do to us? You make us come unhinged.” He moaned, grabbing onto her waist. “Do it, darling. Make us come for you.”

  “Ah, fuck.” A low groan passed Lincoln’s lips as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “Don’t stop stroking me, babe. Feels so good.”

  Conner followed him. His jaw locked. He sucked in a breath through clenched teeth as a rush of pure adrenaline rolled through him. His orgasm hit him hard as jet after jet shot from him. The idea of getting caught, of being watched, only served to turn him on more. What started out as showing her a new activity for them to share turned into mutual gratification. Conner panted at her side as she let him go. His dick didn’t lose its hardness; if anything, it only seemed to make it worse.

  * * *

  Taking things slow had gone sideways the minute they entered the water. Flora, the gentle dove she was, burned bright and flew higher than Lincoln could imagine. The rest of the afternoon they spent lounging on the beach, content to observe the others and drink the champagne he’d ordered for them. Flora even napped. And, at some point, he’d gained a place at their side. Maybe not wholly, yet.

  As they gathered up their things and made their way back to the ship, he relaxed. They’d made plans to meet for dinner—in their room, this time—and tonight they would finish what they began on the beach in the water. The idea of leaving their side had tension crawling into his neck, stiffening the muscles.

  “Would you like to join rooms?” Flora’s question surprised him. “So you can be closer, if you want?”

  “Yeah, join us, Lincoln.” Conner grinned. “We’ve had fun today, so why should sharing a room be weird now?”

  “Sure. I’ll grab my things and meet you at your room.” He didn’t hesitate with his answer.

  Once they arrived back at the cruise liner, he headed for his room to gather his belongings. The idea of staying with them was different. He’d only spent time with his own kind, never thinking of sharing shelter with humans. Not that he wouldn’t, but still he was left with a certain curiosity.

  He opened the small safe in his room and retrieved the nutrient packets from the secured spot, then packed them. After a day in the sun, he’d need them to repair the damage to his skin. With a few other things thrown into his bag, he zipped it up then left. His destination lay four floors above the deck in one of the expensive units.

  Curiosity had drawn him to check his extensive database to find out who Flora and Conner were. After a few quick searches, he found both. Flora designed propulsion engines, and Conner was a retired Commander. Decorated.

  Impressive. They’d been married for ten years, which surprised him. Her gentle qualities spoke more to a newlywed than a seasoned wife. Not that he’d complain. He enjoyed her shy flare and bashfulness. Her soft exhales and the way her cries were almost inaudible still sent a shudder through him.

  He loved everything about her. An emotion they’d been told, during their manufacturing, couldn’t be experienced. Yet, here he stood, his heart pounding as this weird fluttery sensation flowed through him every time he thought about her.

  Yes, he told himself, cyborgs could love.

  Chapter Five

  Flora started at the knock on the door. She’d been preparing for Lincoln’s arrival since they minute they stepped onto the ship. Bringing him to their bed could possibly change Conner’s and her relationship. Was she ready for that? Would she ever be? As the knock came again, she stood and crossed the room. She put aside her wonderings. They’d figure it out later. If they had to.

  She opened the door. There stood every delicious inch of Lincoln on full display. He wore fitted jeans and a tight shirt, which accentuated his muscular form. The one she’d ogled while in the water. The one she’d touched and teased. The one she’d brought to climax while out in the open. Power coursed through her. She’d been the one to make this man weak in the knees. Her gaze traveled south and settled on the bulge in his pants. She’d touched him there, too. Her heart skipped a beat. Her mouth went dry. As much power as she might have over him, he held the same over her.

  “Lincoln,” she murmured. “Come in.”

  “Do you think Conner would mind if I placed a kiss on your lips?” He stepped into her personal space, crowding her to the wall behind her.

  “Depends, which lips are you hoping to kiss?” The snick of the lock engaging yanked her attention toward her husband.

  Lincoln smirked. “These.” He ran the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip. “We’ll get to the others later.” He dropped his bag next to her before bracing his arm above her head. “Or sooner.”

  Flora gasped, allowing him to take advantage. The kiss knocked her off balance. He didn’t give her a quick peck. No, he made love to her mouth. His tongue tangled with hers, while his thigh fit between her legs. He placed his hands on her hips. Then, he rocked her against him. The delicious friction turned her inside out. She moaned, and it only seemed to fuel him.

/>   “Fuck, the both of you are so hot.” Conner cupped her breast and manipulated the flesh. “I think dinner can wait, don’t you?”

  Lincoln broke the kiss. “We can feed her together later.” He reached for the hem of her dress.

  “Yes,” she said with a nod. “Later.”

  He slid his hands from her hips to her ass and lifted her with ease. “I hope you don’t mind. I’m fucking your wife first.” The hunger in his words tilted her world on its axis.

  She felt completely out of control. One minute her skin was flushed, and the next, gooseflesh broke out. What the hell kind of cyborg spell did he wind around her? She couldn’t get enough of him. As she landed on the bed, she fumbled with his shirt before gripping the hem to pull it off him.

  Naked from the waist up, she took in every ridge and dimple of his washboard abs and trim hips. His nipples were hard dusky disks, and the bit of sun they got darkened his skin. His biceps bulged as he flexed his arms to balance himself above her. However, what stopped her heart was his intense grey gaze.

  Her arousal coated her panties as her clit throbbed. Lincoln’s features were pulled tight as if he held himself back from her. “You won’t break me.” She drew the skirt of her dress over her stomach, exposing her small silky panties. The bold gesture hadn’t been missed by her husband. He joined them, his shirt already off, as were his jeans.

  “No, you won’t,” Conner encouraged him. “She loves it rough.”

  She bit her lip and nodded. “I do.”

  “You’re both too much.” He yanked the dress over her head, then made short order of her bra. When he settled between her thighs, she sighed. The weight of his body against hers, along with the way his hips fit to hers, felt right. “I’m liable to burn my processors around you.”

  Flora giggled, then yelped when his mouth covered her nipple. He didn’t just suck, he licked and nibbled. He mouthed the supple flesh and devoured her with his mouth. She could barely catch her breath. She writhed below him. Lincoln switched to the other breast and administered the same treatment. The whole time he feasted on her, he stared at her. She ran her fingers through his hair. He moaned and flexed his hips, grinding against her.


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