The Hot Gamer (A Romance Love Story) (Hargrave Brothers - Book #3)

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The Hot Gamer (A Romance Love Story) (Hargrave Brothers - Book #3) Page 31

by Alexa Davis

  “Karli!” her voice was pressured, and she sounded like she had been crying.

  “Michaela, what’s wrong?”

  “Trent and I got in a big fight. He said I was flirting with this guy, Jay, but I wasn’t. Jay keeps putting is hands on me and I keep telling him to stop. He pushed me against the counter in the kitchen and kissed me, and Trent walked in. Even though I was pushing the asshole away when Trent came in, he didn’t believe me. Karli, he left me here. I’m alone in a frat house with eighteen drunk, horny college guys, and at least one of them thinks he has a right to touch me.”

  “Oh my God! Text me the address. I’m on my way. Wait outside.”

  “Hurry please. Maybe I should start walking.”

  “No, Michaela, just wait outside. Remember the assaults on campus just last month? Do not go anywhere alone, okay?”

  “Okay, but please hurry.”

  “I will. I promise.” I ended the call, and Nick was already on his feet. “You heard?”

  “Yeah. Come on, I’ll drive.” I didn’t argue with him. I took the hand he held out to me and as we went out the door, he yelled, “Daniel, we have an emergency; we’ll get back to you!”

  He was walking fast and practically dragging me along behind him. I struggled to keep up. As soon as we got to Treasure Island, he yelled out, “Mickey! I need the truck fast.”

  It was only minutes later when Mickey was there with Nick’s huge truck. Nick pulled open the passenger door to help me in, and he was behind the wheel and we were pulling out on Las Vegas Boulevard in a matter of seconds. My phone dinged and I looked at it and said, “The house is right on Maryland Parkway across from the main buildings.”

  “Okay.” Nick broke every speed law in the state getting us there, but somehow I didn’t feel nervous at all. I was anxious about Michaela and pissed at Trent. I wanted to kick his ass, and I might the next time I see him.

  “It’s that big, yellow one,” I told him as we approached the house. There were cars everywhere. Nick drove up into the driveway behind two cars and then up onto the lawn where a bunch of guys were standing. They scattered. As soon as he stopped, I jumped out of the truck. I didn’t see Michaela anywhere.

  I looked at the closest guy and said, “I’m looking for my friend Michaela Taylor. She’s blonde, about my height…”

  The guy was checking me out. He didn’t look like he was even paying attention. Before I could react, Nick grabbed the guy by his shirt. His friends took a step back instead of trying to help him. Nick pulled the guy, who wasn’t small, off his feet.

  “Where is Jay?”

  “In the house,” the scared frat boy stammered. I wouldn’t doubt that as Nick tossed him onto the lawn, he peed his pants. I hurried into the house and Nick was right behind me. As soon as we walked in, I heard Michaela’s voice. She sounded scared and was saying,

  “Stop it!”

  Nick ran toward the sound, and I followed him. He pushed a door open and there was Michaela in only her bra with two guys playing keep-away with her blouse. The next few minutes, everything happened so quickly that I missed a lot of it.

  Michaela cried out my name, and I pulled her into me. Meanwhile, Nick snatched the shirt out of midair and tossed it to me. Then he hit one of the guys square in the face with his big fist. The guy flew back and hit the wall. He might have been unconscious, but I didn’t care. The other guy tried to run. Nick caught him and used one hand to throw him against the wall.

  He looked over his shoulder at me and said, “Take her out to the truck.”

  I didn’t argue. I helped Michaela put on her shirt and as we were leaving the room, I heard Nick say, “We’re going to have a talk, boys.”

  I smiled to myself. He’d never know how much I appreciated his help tonight. I only hoped he didn’t do anything to get himself into trouble.

  Michaela was shaking all over, and I had to help her into the truck. The guys that had been out front had disappeared. I guessed they all decided they didn’t still want to be there when Nick came back out. By the time I helped Michaela buckle into the passenger side and climbed up into the driver’s side, Nick was coming out of the house. I scooted over to the middle and let him climb in.

  His presence alone was comforting. I had my arm around Michaela as she sobbed quietly into me, but I couldn’t help but feel the thrilling sensations that touching Nick’s thigh to mine on the other side was sending through my body. “Will you just take us to my car? She can stay with me tonight.”

  He nodded, but then he said, “How about I just take you to your house. I’ll go back and get Mickey to deliver the car to your house. She’s pretty upset.”

  I didn’t even think about it. I touched his leg with my hand and I could almost feel the heat from his thigh on my palm. He actually groaned when I touched him. I moved my hand quickly but I said, “Thank you, Nick.”

  He gave me a small smile and told me, “It’s what friends do.” I only wished that the feelings coursing through my veins at the moment felt more “friend-like.”


  I walked into the gym the day after our “date” and Nick was the first person I saw. Maybe it was because I was looking for him. He was working on the speed ball and for a few minutes, I just stood near the office door and watched him. I didn’t realize Dad was in the office until I heard him say,


  “Oh, hey, Dad. I didn’t know you were in there.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I think your attention was elsewhere.”

  “Don’t start, please, Daddy. I told you what he did for Michaela.”

  “I’m glad he was there, but confused about why you were out with him when you’d just assured me the two of you weren’t dating.”

  “We’re not dating. We’re just friends, and Michaela and I were both damned lucky he was there. I wish you’d give him a break.”

  “I haven’t said a word to him.”

  “That’s my point. Maybe you should at least thank him for protecting me.”

  Dad got up from behind the desk and said, “I pulled up the billing sheets that need to go out. If you can just print them off and send them out for me, I would appreciate it.”


  “I’m going to thank him, okay? Then, I’m going to kick his ass into shape. He has a Halloween exhibition match at MGM on Sunday he needs to get ready for. Don’t distract him.”

  I shook my head at him as he left the office. Men were so funny. I’ve seen my dad when he didn’t know I was looking ogle the card girls and the scantily-clad, adoring fans. But let one man show interest in his daughter and he declares war.

  With a heavy sigh, I dropped my purse and sat down behind the desk. I worked until lunchtime, and by the time I left the office again, Nick was lying on his back on the weight bench, lifting three-hundred-plus pounds over his head while Dad spotted him. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and no shirt, and his body was covered in sweat.

  My hormones went absolutely crazy. This man was killing me. There were at least six other guys working out in the big room, but as far as my eyes were concerned, there was only Nick. With a shaky breath, I walked over to where they were. I saw Nick look at me out of the corner of his eye and try to smile just as he let out a grunt and Dad took the weights out of his hand and sat them down in the bar. “I was going to run out and get some lunch; you guys want anything?”

  Nick sat up and Dad tossed him a towel. I tried not to be obvious as I watched him rub the towel over his chiseled chest and abs. My mouth was practically watering. I was not sure when I turned into a gigantic pervert. “Yeah, will you get me one of the turkey sandwiches from the deli?” Dad asked. “You know how I like it.”

  “Sure. Nick?”

  Now I could see Dad looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I ignored him and kept my eyes on Nick’s face. He smiled again, this time all the way down to his dimples. “Yes, please. I’ll have the same as Charlie. Could you grab me a Red Bull, too?” He
got up and reached for his bag.

  “It’s okay; I got it. I’ll be back.” The fresh air cleared my head and by the time I got back, I was sure that I had Nick’s hot, sweaty body out of my system…but I was only half right. He’d showered by that time and now his body was only hot. He was wearing a crisp, white t-shirt and a clean pair of red basketball shorts. I handed him his lunch bag.

  “Thank you. Are you sure you don’t want money?”

  “I’m sure. You paid the other night. Besides, Michaela and I still owe you big time.”

  He waved his palm at me. “You don’t owe me anything. Your dad said to tell you that Lenny called and he had to run out for a while. He’ll be back in about an hour.”

  “Oh…okay. Lenny’s my uncle. Did he say what he needed?”

  “No, sorry.”

  “It’s okay. His health isn’t good, but I’m sure if it was anything important, Dad would have called me. I’m going to eat my lunch in the break room. Do you want to join me?”


  As we walked toward the break room, we passed Kevin and two of the other young guys Dad was training. They stopped what they were doing and watched us. I knew from experience that these guys gossiped more than any women alive. By the end of the day, rumors about Nick and me would be flying. I’d never tell Nick, or Dad, but I almost wished there would be at least a little bit of truth to whatever they were saying. He was killing me.



  Charlie was kicking my ass today. He hadn’t said anything, but I got the feeling it was about Karli and I going out to dinner the other night. I wasn’t too worried about it, though. In the long run, it would get me into better shape and help me win and Karli was treating me great, which was what really mattered.

  I followed her into the break room as everyone’s heads turned and watched us. I didn’t doubt Charlie would hear whatever rumors these guys would start, but at the moment, I didn’t care about that, either. I was going to have lunch with Karli – alone.

  She opened the door and I followed her in, letting it close behind me. She took a seat at the table. She was wearing a pair of jeans that fit her like they were made for her sexy body and an off-white tank top. Her arms were fit and muscular, but in a feminine way. I’d been with women that took good care of their bodies and women that surgically enhanced theirs, but never with one that had the kind of muscle tone Karli had. My fingers itched to touch her. I sat down with her at the table and while we were eating, I asked how Michaela was doing.

  “She’s doing okay. She’s so grateful to you. She wants to come down and thank you herself when she has a day off. She went into work yesterday, even though I tried to get her to stay home.”

  “What does she do?”

  “She works for her dad. He owns the Pink Dragon Resort.”

  “Oh wow, nice.”

  “Her dad’s not nice. That’s one reason why she insisted on going to work. She didn’t want him to know anything about what happened that night. He’d just give her a hard time and make her feel like it was her fault those creeps tormented her. He ignored her most of her life and now, he wants her to be a perfect lady.”

  It was obvious Karli had strong feelings about that. I didn’t blame her. It reminded me of my relationship with my father…who had texted me earlier to remind me about Saturday. I really didn’t want to go now that I knew Karli would be out with her attorney date.

  I was going to be grouchy just because I had to be there. Add the jealousy about Karli being out with someone else on top of that, and I knew I was going to be a son of a bitch. I’d have to warn Ethan to run interference for me with my dad. No one could piss me off like he did.

  “Where’s her mom?”

  “She worked as a showgirl at Bally’s for years. When she stopped dancing, she took a job as a choreographer at the Tropicana. She still works there and she’s still married to Michaela’s dad, but poor Michaela sees her even less than she does her father. She has had her own place for two years now and her mother has yet to visit once.”

  “Wow, that sucks. Where’s your mother, Karli? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t mind. I don’t have any feelings about her the way I did when I was young. She was a dancer and Dad knocked her up when she was at the height of her career. He had to pay her not to have an abortion and then he was saddled with me for life.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t think of it that way,” I told her. “He seems crazy about you.”

  She smiled. Charlie must have a much softer side than any I’d ever seen, judging from the look of love in her pretty eyes.

  “He’s been an awesome dad. Even when he was fighting, we traveled together and he hired a tutor for me. Once we moved out here, he only fought for about a year before he retired and started training. But no matter what he was doing, he was always there for me. It’s one of the reasons why I don’t get too upset with him about poking his nose into my business and still treating me like I’m sixteen. He means well.”

  I finished the last bite of my sandwich and washed it down with my Red Bull. “I can see why he’d worry about you,” I told her. I let my eyes roam across the top half of her body. I was not sure, but I thought she shivered.

  “Thanks,” she said. “But I’m a big girl and I have good sense. I just have to keep reminding him of that. Hopefully, one day, he’ll get it.” She had only eaten a couple bites of her sandwich and she was picking at her chips.

  “Are you not hungry?”

  She looked up at me with a serious look on her face then and said, “Butterflies.” I waited for her to go on and explain what that meant. When she didn’t I said,


  “Damn it, Nick, you give me butterflies. I’m trying to do this friends thing with you because I really do like you. But it’s hard.”

  She stood up and I watched her throw away her trash. I was trying to decide what the best way to respond to that was. When she turned back around to face me she said, “I didn’t mean to tell you that, but it’s even hard to hide.”

  I stood up too. Her back was against the sink, so she couldn’t back away from me when I stepped in close. “Then why fight it, Karli? You know how badly I want you. You have to know.”

  “Because I can’t get involved with you, Nick. I just can’t. I made a promise to myself.”

  “To unload the sins of your past lovers onto every other man that tries to come into your life?”

  “No. I’m not punishing you for his sins. I’m just protecting my heart.”

  I reached out and brushed her hair back. It was so soft. I loved touching it. I wanted to wrap it up in my fists and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe. But, I made a promise to her and I wasn’t going to break it…unless she asked me to. “I don’t want to hurt you, Karli.”

  She nodded. “I know. But, I don’t want a boyfriend who has to fight off groupies. I’ve been there and done that on a much smaller scale than you. I don’t want to do it again.”

  I didn’t have any idea what to do to fix that situation. Since I won my first title bout and picked up sponsors, I’ve had groupies. Las Vegas was not a big place. I couldn’t go anywhere without being recognized and accosted. “What if we tried things on a smaller scale?”

  She smiled. “I thought that was what we were doing, with the friends thing.”

  “Smaller than dating and bigger than friends.” I leaned down so that my lips were so close I could feel her breath on them, but I still wasn’t touching them. “How about friends with occasional benefits?”

  “How occasional?” she whispered.

  “As occasional as you want it,” I told her.

  I felt her lips touch mine. For a second, I didn’t move. I wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or if she was trying to move around me. When I felt her arms go up around my neck, I had my answer.

  We kissed hard and passionately, like we were both starving for it. I picked her up an
d without breaking the kiss, I carried her over to the vinyl couch up against the wall. I sat down with her in my lap. Her round butt was pressing down into my rock-hard cock, and it was beginning to ache as I slid my lips from her mouth down to her neck. I licked my way across it and kissed it and sucked on it until suddenly, she pulled away from me and stood up.

  I thought that I might die right there if she walked out the door and left me here like this. But she didn’t leave. Instead, she went over and locked the door before she came back over and straddled my lap.

  I pulled her chest against mine and we began to kiss again. While I held onto her with one hand, I slid the other one up underneath the back of her tank top. Her skin was warm and soft. When I felt the clasp of her bra, I unhooked it. I felt the release of her breasts against my chest and slid my hand around and let it play across her belly for a minute.

  I felt her shudder into me as I finished lifting her shirt and bra up until they were nestled underneath her armpits and her amazing breasts were free. They were as beautiful as I had imagined them almost every day since I met her. I had to have a taste. I dipped my head down and took one of the hard nipples between my lips.

  She moaned, and it was the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard. I ran my tongue around the outside of her nipple and then licked across it, pressing down on it as I did. Her moan changed to a whimper as my free hand now dipped down between her legs and lightly rubbed her through her jeans. She had her head thrown back as I sucked and licked and nibbled and rubbed.

  I’d never been able to get off on just getting a woman off before…but I had the feeling it would be easy with Karli. The way she was moving around on top of my cock, the sounds she was making, the way she smelled, and the sheer, beautiful sight of the ecstasy on her face all went straight to my head.

  I pulled my mouth back reluctantly and pushed the tank top up over her head and tossed it aside. Then, I pulled off her bra and my shirt. I pulled her in tight so I could feel those sexy tits up against my chest as I kissed her again. She moaned into my mouth and I felt my cock jump in my shorts. I felt like it was going to explode as I continued to touch and taste her. Her jeans were wet through and I was dying to feel her soft, wet flesh.


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