The Hot Gamer (A Romance Love Story) (Hargrave Brothers - Book #3)

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The Hot Gamer (A Romance Love Story) (Hargrave Brothers - Book #3) Page 32

by Alexa Davis

  “Karli?” I said, not completely taking my mouth off of hers.

  “Yeah?” She was out of breath, and her voice was deep, husky, and sexy.

  I pulled at her jeans. “Will you take these off, please?”

  She looked unsure, but then stood up, and I felt my heart speed up to what felt like a dangerous pace. It was a new feeling for me with a woman. The only other time I ever feel my heart race was right before and after a fight.

  My eyes took in her luscious body as she stripped off her jeans and panties. I put my hands on her hips as she stood naked in front of me and pulled her in so that my tongue could reach her slit. I ran it up and down, and she whimpered, whined, and moved her hips. It was so fucking sexy.

  She arched her back to give me better access, and I let my tongue drive up into her. She was so wet, hot, and fucking sweet. I moved my tongue around inside of her before I pulled it out and pressed it into her clit, hard. She tried to pull back, but I held her tightly and sucked that swollen nub into my mouth.

  She wrapped her hands up in my hair and when I slipped a finger up inside of her, she pulled on it. I slid in another one and moved them in and out, up and down, until I found her G-spot. I rubbed against it while she gasped and writhed in my hands. This was better than any fucking fantasy I’d ever had.

  She breathed out my name every so often, and I fucking loved that, too. The way she was riding my face with her hips was hot and the faster I licked, the harder she pressed into me. Her breaths were becoming ragged and short, and I could tell that she was about to come. I moved my fingers faster in and out of her and clamped down hard on her clit with my lips until her entire body went rigid and she threw her whole body forward into me and clutched onto my shoulders.

  She was making muffled sounds like she was biting her lip, trying not to cry out. I felt her cum, just as there was a fucking knock on the door. Shit.

  “Karli? Are you in there?”

  “Oh shit!” she whispered. It was Charlie. She looked terrified. I felt it all the way to my core. I pointed at the bathroom as I scooped up her clothes. As soon as I pressed them into her arms I started pulling on my shirt. I was breathing hard as I pulled on my shorts and ran my fingers through my hair. I wiped the moisture from my face, breathing her in one last time.

  “Karli!” Charlie knocked louder. I tried to control my breathing as I grabbed the Red Bull off the table and pulled open the door.

  “Where’s Karli?”

  “She’s in the bathroom.” He looked around the room like he thought I was hiding her or lying. Then he looked me over suspiciously and said,

  “Why was the door locked?”

  I tried to look surprised. “I don’t know, was it?”

  Karli came out of the bathroom then, fully dressed and looking pulled together. Charlie turned his attention to her and I slipped out behind him. Chicken-shit, I knew. But I figured she could handle him better without me in the way. At least, that’s what I told myself.



  “I can’t believe you had sex in the break room with Nick Storelli!” Michaela was sitting on the edge of my bed, watching me do my make-up. It was the first time we’d had a chance to talk all week. I hadn’t even been sure I was going to tell her about me and Nick until the moment I saw her and then it just came out.

  “It wasn’t technically sex…”

  “Oral sex! Dude, he made you come with his mouth!”

  “Shh! Dad is going to hear you!”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re both legal.”

  “Can you imagine how Dad would react if he found out I’d let Nick go down on me in the break room at the gym? He’d have a heart attack, or kill me. Or kill me and then have a heart attack.”

  “I think he’d kill Nick first. So, have you talked to Nick since then?” I closed my left eye to line it and then opened it and looked at her reflection in the mirror behind me.

  “I haven’t seen him, but he called last night.”

  “Why haven’t you seen him? Who is avoiding who?”

  “No one is avoiding. He has an exhibition match on Sunday that he’s been working hard getting ready for, and I’ve had classes. I went in super early this morning to clean, and I guess I just missed him.”

  “You’re avoiding him. What did he say when he called?”

  I rolled my eyes. “The same thing you did.”

  “He’s right. I know you. You’re feeling guilty. Honey, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Then why do I feel like one of those cage whores who fuck the fighters at the after parties in the bathrooms?”

  “You shouldn’t feel like that. You’re not his groupie – you’re his friend, and he really likes you.”

  “I don’t know how he would possibly have any respect for me after that.”

  “Oh, give me a break! This is not 1959, babe!”

  “I’m embarrassed, Michaela, and on top of that, here I am going out with a different guy tonight.”

  “You said that you and Nick talked about being friends with benefits, right?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “That means you are both free to see whoever you want. He knows about your date tonight, too, right?”

  I nodded. It was part of what I was feeling so badly about. I didn’t think I could admit it to Michaela. I’m sure out loud it would sound even more pathetic than it did in my head. When he called last night, he had asked me if I was still going. When I said yes, he hadn’t even seemed upset. That told me it had really been about sex for him, although the poor guy didn’t get any release.

  I just couldn’t believe I was bothered by that. What did I expect? For him to be jealous? “He knows. You know me, Mich. I’m just not used to fucking one guy and dating another.”

  “Well, it wouldn’t hurt you to loosen up a little – not as much as me…”

  “Stop that.” Her father was so verbally abusive to her it made me furious. Trent had talked to him and told him she was kissing another guy at the frat party. When she told him what really happened, he did just what she was afraid he would: he blamed her.

  It reminded me how lucky I am. I know Dad suspected that Nick and I had been messing around and he still hasn’t said anything about it. “What happened the other night was not your fault. It was Trent’s fault for not trusting you and leaving you there alone. Please tell me you’re still not taking his calls.” I had tried to get her to block him altogether, but she wasn’t there yet. I just prayed she wouldn’t take him back.

  “I’m not taking his calls,” she said. “But you should hear his messages. They’re so nasty and mean.”

  “Then block him, honey.” I stood up and turned around.

  “Your hair looks great.” I smiled at her.

  “Thank you.” I’d spent over an hour carefully curling it strand by strand before running my fingers through it and giving it a slightly wild look. I’d also spent an hour on my make-up, which I never do. It was silly, since most of the night I’d be wearing a mask.

  But I was nervous about being surrounded by the elite society of Vegas. I didn’t want to embarrass Ethan in case I ever wanted to go out with him again. I hated that I was thinking that way. I was so excited about this date and now, all I could think of was how I wished it were with Nick.

  I went over to the closet and pulled out the gown I’d bought. I was still excited about wearing it, at least. It was navy blue and the skirt was made of chiffon. The top was strapless and beaded with delicate sequins. The back laced up and left a great deal of my back showing. I pulled it on and instantly felt like a princess.

  “Tie me up,” I requested of Michaela as I turned around. She took hold of the delicate laces and began to pull on them lightly. Once she got it all laced up, I looked into the full-length mirror on my closet door and she rested her chin on my shoulder.

  “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you.” I turned around and gave her a hug. “Please stop getti
ng down on yourself because of what your dad and Trent say. They have no idea what they’re talking about. You are amazing, and you deserve so much better.” I felt her nod into me. She held onto me for a few more moments before she pulled up her head and said,

  “You stop beating yourself up for doing things that all other normal, healthy, twenty-two-year-old women do, okay? Keep telling yourself that you didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I will.” I took a deep breath and picked up my clutch just as I heard the doorbell ring. Michaela handed me my mask and said,

  “Go knock ‘em dead, gorgeous.”


  Ethan looked amazing, and as we rode to the event inside the back of a limousine, I mentally kicked myself for not feeling a thing. He was handsome, and he was smart and polite. He worked for a successful law firm and he taught. He was the whole package in a black tuxedo with perfectly styled, dark hair and sexy, deep-blue eyes, and dimples.

  All of that reminded me of Nick, although I hardly needed a reminder. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I never thought of myself as one of those women that would pass up the good guy for the bad boy…but maybe I was wrong.

  “Are you okay, Karli?” Ethan was holding a champagne flute out in my direction. I smiled and took it.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I’m sorry. I guess I’m just a little nervous.” I looked down at the lovely orchid on the seat next to me lying next to the Mardi Gras mask I’d bought. Ethan had brought me an entire bouquet. I’d put them in water before I left, but I had to take one with me. He’d also knocked on the door and shook my dad’s hand, making polite conversation with him until I said goodbye to Michaela and announced that I was ready. I didn’t believe that had happened since I went to the junior prom in high school. Dad looked impressed.

  “Don’t be nervous. God, Karli, you look so incredibly beautiful tonight. You’re going to knock their socks off.”

  “Thank you. You look so handsome in your tux. You look so comfortable in it.” I tried to picture Nick in a tuxedo. I couldn’t do it.

  “I’ve spent some time in them,” he said. “So, Karli, are you from Las Vegas?”

  “Originally from Minnesota,” I said. “We came out here when I was ten. My dad was a fighter back then.”

  “A fighter? Really? My little brother is an MMA fighter.”

  “Really? Are you guys from Las Vegas?”

  “Yeah, born and bred,” he said. I was about to ask him who his brother was when he went on to say, “Well born, I guess. My brother and I spent most of our lives in boarding schools. My dad was way too busy working to raise two boys.” I could see by the look on his face that it was a subject that caused him at least some anxiety, if not pain, so I changed the subject as much as I could.

  “Where did you go to school?”


  “Wow, nice.”

  “From what I saw of your work in Mr. Bartlett’s criminal law class, you probably could have gotten a scholarship to go anywhere you liked. So, why did you stay in Vegas?”

  I smiled. He was right. I’d been offered more than one scholarship, but I’d turned them all down. I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Dad all alone. I just wasn’t sure he could make it without me. We’d been a team for so many years that it would have been weird for me, as well.

  “My Dad, I guess. He’s always been there for me. I didn’t like the idea of abandoning him. My mother abandoned us when I was born. He didn’t deserve to go through that again.”

  “That’s a lot of pressure for you.”

  “I put it on myself. He actually encouraged me to go back then, but I refused.”

  He nodded. “It must be nice to have that kind of relationship,” Ethan said with a faraway look in his eyes. Almost as quickly, he was back with a smile. “We’re almost there. I’m going to warn you that my father is not the warm and fuzzy type. I apologize in advance.”

  I smiled. “No need to apologize for other people. I’m looking forward to meeting him.” Ethan looked like he was going to say something else, but he stopped just as the car came to a stop. I drained my champagne flute and took a deep breath just as the driver pulled open the door.

  Ethan got out first and held his hand out to me. I had to suck in another breath when I stepped out and looked up at the home we were standing in front of. I’d seen homes like this, of course, but I’d never been inside of one. This was one of those mansions that looked like it had grown right up out of the hills. It was made of tan bricks and a lot of glass.

  A stairway led up to a set of huge double doors that stood open now, receiving guests. Everyone looked so elegant and soft music piped out of invisible speakers as their heels tapped across the marble entryway. I let Ethan lead me up those stairs and through the big, open doors. An older man, very distinguished looking with the same, sky-blue eyes as his son, stood in the front of the line at the door greeting guests. He gave me the once over and then looked questioningly at his son.

  “Dad, this is Karli Henderson. Karli, my father Gregory Grant.”

  “Mr. Grant, it’s a pleasure.”

  “Karli, welcome. You look very lovely. I hope you enjoy your evening.”

  “I’m sure I will,” I told him. “Your home is beautiful.”

  “Thank you, dear.”

  Ethan introduced me to the other four people in the receiving line. They were all older patrons of the arts in town, one a city councilman. I got the same compliments from them all that I had Ethan’s dad. It was nice, but I was still a nervous wreck. We passed through the foyer and Ethan led me up a flight of stairs to a huge room…a ball room. Who has a ballroom in their house?

  I put my mask up to my eyes and happily took the champagne flute Ethan took off of one of the server’s trays and handed to me. I drank about half of it down and then took in the room.

  The large windows were twinkling with hundreds of soft, white fairy lights. Beautiful artwork sat on easels around the outside of the room and each one had a table next to it with paperwork for the silent auction. There was a bandstand on the other side of the room and tables were set up and elegantly decorated with flowers and candles. A small dance floor was right in the center of it all and I hoped that if Ethan liked to dance, I could remember how. It had been a long time since anyone had taken me out dancing.

  “This is beautiful,” I told him. “Did you grow up in this house?” As soon as I asked him that, it dawned on me what a stupid question it was considering what he’d told me earlier. “I’m sorry, I meant…”

  He smiled and squeezed the hand he was still holding. “It’s okay, Karli. You don’t have to tiptoe around my feelings about my family. And…speaking of family, there is the prodigal son now.”

  I smiled at him and turned in the direction he was looking. I gasped out loud and dropped my mask on the floor. I looked down at it just as the big man coming toward us bent over and scooped it up off the floor.

  “Hello, Karli,” Nick said as he handed it to me. “Ethan.” My mouth was open, but no sounds were coming out of it. I looked at Ethan, if only to keep myself from salivating over the sight of Nick in his tux. Fuck was the only word that came to mind. I thought he was hot in a t-shirt and shorts, but he wore that tuxedo like he was born in it. My mouth was completely dry, and I was actually sweating.

  “Hi, Nick. You two know each other?” Ethan looked from his brother to me curiously. I finally managed to squeak out,

  “Hi, Nick. Yeah, my father is Nick’s new trainer.”

  “Yeah, that’s how we know each other,” he said. His eyes held a look of hurt. Ethan’s eyes. Jesus, how did I not put it together? If Nick was smaller or Ethan bigger, they might be mistaken for twins.

  “I didn’t realize Ethan was your brother. You have different last names.”

  “Nick uses our mother’s maiden name,” Ethan said.

  “Oh.” That was profound. I was shaking so hard it was a wonder my teeth weren’t chattering. I finished what was in my champagne
glass as the two men both looked at me with their beautiful, identical eyes. How in God’s name do I get myself into these things?



  I knew Karli was beautiful. I’d noticed it the second I saw her, and I hadn’t stopped noticing it, but tonight she looked like a fucking movie star.

  Not one of the tall, willowy ones, but like an action star in one of those martial arts movies. Her dress was gorgeous and the shoulders and arms that came out of it had perfect muscle definition. I’d never found a woman’s bone structure sexy before, but hers made me crazy, and that was before I even mentioned her flawless skin, like glass over silk.

  I was pissed that she was here with my brother, but even more pissed that my cock was already aching in my shorts. Thank God the tailor had left ample room in the front of my slacks. Maybe he recognized me as the pervert that I am.

  I grabbed a glass of champagne off of a passing tray and to my brother and Karli, I said, “You two kids be good. I’m going to check out some art.”

  I felt Karli’s eyes on me as I walked away. I was having a hard time dissecting my emotions. I’d never been jealous over a woman – ever. I’d usually been the one women were leaving their dates to be with, for one thing, and I’d always looked at women as a dime a dozen. If one did walk away for whatever reason, there would be five more waiting in line to take her place.

  Karli would tell me that attitude was arrogant or narcissistic, but in my mind, it was simply a fact, or it had been until tonight. Karli was here with my brother and from what she’s told me so far about what she’s looking for in a man, Ethan was the embodiment of her fantasies – and I was exactly the opposite. I bypassed the art and went to the bar.

  “Hey, give me a Scotch and water,” I told the girl behind the bar. She was young and attractive, but when she sat her boobs up on the bar next to my drink, I didn’t even feel the slightest bit of interest. I turned my back to her and sipped the Scotch while looking across the room at Karli and my brother. He was holding her hand and introducing her to people.


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