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Love's Deception

Page 6

by DC Renee

  So I didn’t bring up meeting my family, and neither did Nolan. I wondered, though, when he looked at me, whether he thought that my not taking that step meant I didn’t love him as much. Did he think I loved him less, and still, he wanted to be with me? Taking whatever affection I was willing to give?

  That made me love him more and made me want to give him that extra step.

  Stephanie knew my dilemma, but she thought I was overreacting. Having been my best friend since elementary school, she knew my parents as if they were practically her own.

  “They’re going to love him.”

  “And where will he sleep? Are we sharing a bedroom, or do I put him in the guest room?”

  “Dude …” she trailed off as she rolled her eyes. “You offer the guest room, but your parents aren’t stupid. They’ll say ‘nonsense’ and put you guys together.”

  That was the other thing about meeting my parents. They weren’t exactly a ten-minute car ride away. Stephanie and I were from a smaller city, and it was roughly a three-hour drive from college. We made the trek back home a lot more often in our first year of college, but as time went on, our parents understood it was hard for us to go back and forth, especially with exams, homework, and work. So going home to meet them wasn’t a quick dinner trip; it was at the very least overnight, but more than likely over a weekend.

  I think I was also a little afraid of how Nolan would take that. It was one thing to meet your significant other’s parents for a few hours, but it was another thing to spend an entire weekend with them right away. Maybe it wouldn’t even be my parents telling me they didn’t like Nolan; maybe it would be Nolan telling me “no way, no how.”

  “Suck it up, Buttercup,” Stephanie told me. “Just tell them you’re bringing a guy home and tell Nolan he has plans all weekend. They’ll figure out the rest.”

  “So … uh … what are you doing next weekend?” I asked Nolan as we sat watching a movie a few days after my conversation with Stephanie.

  “Spending the weekend with you,” he answered a bit suspiciously.

  “In my hometown?” I asked, my voice raising an octave or two as my eyebrows rose as well. “Specifically, with my parents? In my childhood home?” Again, my voice was much higher than usual.

  When Nolan laughed at me, I lightly punched him in the chest.

  “Why do I get the distinct impression that you were nervous about asking me this?”

  “That obvious?”

  “Lise, I didn’t want to pressure you, so I didn’t say anything, but I’d love nothing more than to meet the people responsible for raising the amazing woman you are. I’d love to meet them. Hell, I’ll spend the whole week with them,” he added with a chuckle.

  “What if you don’t like them?”

  “Impossible. They made you.”

  “But what if?”

  “Even if they insult me and beat me, and are vile human beings, I’ll still like them simply because they made you. Don’t worry about me liking them.”

  “Then what if they don’t like you?”

  “I can be very charming,” he said with a smirk.

  “Nolan, seriously.”

  “I won’t give them a reason not to like me, but if for some reason, they don’t, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. But we’ll never know unless we try.”

  God, I loved that man. I grabbed him and kissed him, and I told him I’d talk to my parents the next day.

  “Hey, Mom,” I said after she picked up.

  We said our hellos, and she asked how I was doing, how school was, how work was, and how Stephanie was.

  “Just spit it out, Anna,” she said after I’d answered all her questions.

  “How did you know I wanted to tell you something?” I asked.

  “Because you were literally a part of me before you were born. I know you as well as I know myself.”

  “So you know the guy I’m dating?” I asked.

  “Yes, the mystery man you won’t divulge any information on,” she teased back.

  “Yeah, him. How about you get all your information firsthand, maybe next weekend?”

  “Annalise May Donaldson, are you bringing a young man home to meet your parents?” she asked in a semi-shocked voice, but I could hear the smirk.

  “Mom,” I said as I rolled my eyes even though she couldn’t see me.

  “You really like this one, huh?”

  “I do,” I admitted. “A lot. I love him,” I whispered.

  “Is that why you’ve been so secretive?” she asked. “Honey, we know we raised a good girl with a good head on her shoulders. We trust you. I don’t understand why you’re so scared.” It was like she had a sixth sense.

  “What if you don’t like him?” I asked her outright.

  “Is he a good guy?”

  “The best,” I answered without hesitation.

  “Does he have a job? Or at least a future?”

  “He works for his family’s business, and they’re very well off.”

  “Is he handsome?”

  “That’s one way to put it,” I said with a smirk. My mom laughed.

  “Does he treat you well?”


  “What’s there not to like?”


  “Good,” she responded. “Then we’ll see you both next weekend. Don’t be nervous, Anna. We don’t bite. Well … maybe your dad does, but that’s only with me and only in the privacy of our bedroom.”

  “Eww, Mom,” I whined. “La, la, la, la, la. I’m not listening to you talk about your sex life,” I told her, but I laughed. I loved how free my parents were. I hoped one day I’d have a relationship just like theirs.

  “And just how do you think you came about?” she tossed back.

  “Immaculate conception,” I joked.

  “Yeah, we’ll go with that one,” she responded wryly.

  “Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you too, Anna.”

  “Tell Dad I said hi, and I love him too.”

  “I will.”

  We said our goodbyes, and I felt like a weight had lifted off my chest. I texted Nolan that it was a go, to which he responded, Can’t wait to meet my future in-laws ;)

  I almost choked on air.

  Then he added, Joking … or not. Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Love you. See you tonight.

  For the first time in my life, I was taking that step. And honestly, I wasn’t worried, but Nolan wasn’t right. It wouldn’t be “fine.” It would be more than fine.

  I HONESTLY WASN’T sure how I made it through the week. Despite telling myself—and actually believing—that Nolan meeting my parents would be all right, my anxiety was still through the roof.

  Nolan must have sensed it because he was extra reassuring that entire week. He was so tuned into me that I knew I’d found my “one.”

  “Here we are,” I said as we pulled up to my childhood home. I’d taken the day off from work so we could leave right after my morning class on Friday.

  My parents had taken the day off from work as well so they could be home to greet us. It was sweet how much they cared about me and enjoyed having me home. It was also the first time I was introducing them to “someone special” as my mom put it. They were a bit anxious to meet Nolan too.

  I swear my parents were standing by the window waiting for me to come home because as soon as we exited the car, the front door opened. We didn’t even have a chance to grab our bags before my mom called out, “Annalise, you better get your butt over here and give me a hug right this instant!” I laughed and grabbed Nolan’s hand, dragging him with me.

  I launched myself into her arms. “Why didn’t we just homeschool you?” she asked as she pulled back to look at me.

  “Uh, maybe because it was time for me to leave the nest and go to college.”

  “Always so sensible,” she said with mock disdain.

  My dad playfully pushed her away. “That’s my little girl too,” he said as he wrappe
d his arms around me.

  When he let go, I stepped back so I could be right next to Nolan, who’d been patiently waiting while this exchange occurred.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Nolan. Nolan, these are my parents, Emily and Michael Donaldson.”

  Nolan held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you both.”

  “None of that,” my mom said as she bypassed his hand and pulled him into a hug. “He’s really cute and has strong arms,” she whispered to me as she pulled away, but she absolutely wasn’t trying to hide it because she was still right next to Nolan when she said it. I smiled, and Nolan sputter-laughed in surprise.

  “Em, don’t embarrass the poor guy before he’s even set foot in the house,” my dad said, the semi voice of reason. “Pleasure to meet you too,” he said as he held out his hand to shake.

  “Firm handshake,” he whispered to me, but just like my mom, he clearly wasn’t trying to hide it either.

  “Ugh,” I said. “You guys are lucky I love you so much.”

  “I’ll just go get our bags,” Nolan said and turned around, but not before I caught the large smile on his face. I think he finally understood where I got my personality from. I knew right then the weekend would be fine.

  We waited for him as he grabbed my overnight bag and his, and then he followed us into the house.

  “Your mom made up the guest room for you,” my dad said as soon as we were inside, talking to Nolan. “Hope that’s not a problem.”

  “No, sir,” Nolan answered immediately.

  “I did no such thing,” my mom chimed in. “Don’t tease the poor guy. Michael and I were shacking up long before we were married. Don’t let him fool you into thinking he’s a prude, dear. That boy couldn’t keep his hands off me.”

  “Mom,” I chided.

  “None of this immaculate conception crap again,” she muttered.

  “Just please … no sex talk in front of my boyfriend. Or better yet, no sex talk period.”

  “Prude,” she teased.

  “My parents, Nolan,” I said with an eye roll as I held my hand up to them. “Here’s your chance to run,” I joked.

  Nolan laughed in response.

  “All right, all right, I’ll stop,” my mom said with a smug smirk. It was like she was trying to see if Nolan could handle her special brand of humor. He could.

  “Why don’t you guys drop your bags off in the room. Anna, give Nolan a tour, and then we’ll all go out to lunch where we can interrogate you, er, I mean get to know you,” my dad said with a wink, letting us both know that it wasn’t a little slip of the tongue, and he had the same humor my mom did.

  “So this is where all the magic happens, huh?” Nolan asked as we walked into my room.

  “This is where it’ll happen tonight,” I responded with a cheeky grin.

  “How thin are your walls?”

  “Thick, thank God,” I groaned. “Or I don’t think I would have made it through high school. My parents’ humor about sex? Not just humor.”

  “I like your parents,” he said. “In fact, I hope you and I are still as active as they are at their age.”

  I melted a little inside at his words, at the way he saw us together twenty-some years from now, talking about our sex life with our future daughter’s boyfriend. Well, maybe not that last part.

  “I love you,” I told him as I pulled him into a kiss.

  “I love you too,” he whispered against my lips after. “But we should get out of this room or I’m going to get to that whole magic part a bit early, and I don’t think that’ll be a good impression on your parents.”

  “So logical,” I said with a laugh. I gave him a quick tour before we joined my parents, who declared we were going to eat lunch at Cheesecake Factory.

  “They have a little of everything, so it’s guaranteed to be safe,” my mom said with a shrug. “But we can go somewhere else if you’d like,” she addressed Nolan.

  “Cheesecake is perfect,” he said.

  We drove together, and the questions started right away. As much as my parents joked about interrogating Nolan, they did the opposite. They did ask him a ton of questions, but they weren’t invasive, and they interjected with stories of their own, and even more stories about me. This lasted all through lunch, the drive home, and even an entire hour after we got home.

  I would have rolled my eyes at the number of embarrassing stories they told about me, but I had to remember turnabout was fair play, and Nolan’s dad and Lily had done the same just a month and a half before.

  “Okay, we’ll leave you guys for a bit, but I plan to have dinner ready at six thirty, so whatever you do, be back by then,” my mom said with a little wiggle of her eyebrows.

  “Mom!” I exclaimed. “I’m going to show Nolan around, not take him for a quickie in the backyard.”

  “Prude,” she teased again as I dragged him away all while he laughed at our antics.

  “I really love your parents,” he said as I led him out of the house. “If I had any doubts about where you came from, I absolutely have none now.”

  I just rolled my eyes and shrugged because he was right.

  “Where to?” he asked after we walked through the front door.

  “I’m giving you a mini tour of my old stomping grounds, but I’ll give you the grand tour tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good,” he said. I took him for a drive around town, pointing out some of the places I used to hang out, including where I broke my arm, where I had my first kiss, and the playground I frequented.

  “You’ll get the tourist version tomorrow when we have more time,” I told him as we made our way back home.

  “I quite liked this tour,” he said. “Especially the part where I got to see where you punched a boy for pulling your hair,” he said with a laugh.

  “I figured you would,” I responded with my own laughter.

  “Time for more questions,” I said as we made it inside.

  “Bring it.”

  Day one was almost done, and it was already great. My nerves were gone, and I was actually happy. Things were looking up.

  THE REST OF the weekend went just as smoothly. Nolan and my parents seemed to get along well. Not that he wasn’t always a gentleman, but it was like he was on his extra best behavior that weekend. He’d assured me my parents would like him, and apparently, he was a man of his word.

  My mom even told me as much while I helped her in the kitchen on Saturday after Nolan and I had come back from the “Tourist Tour.” I’d shown him all the sites and tourist attractions. There weren’t all that many, but we enjoyed it. When we came back, he went to go jump in the shower, and I went to help my mom.

  “So?” I asked immediately.

  “He loves you,” she stated.

  “That’s not exactly a window into your feelings on him,” I answered.

  She put down the spoon she had in her hands and turned to face me, wearing a serious expression. I’d be lying if I said my nerves weren’t back with full force. “He’s very good looking, but I suspect you know that. And he’s polite, and sweet, a true gentleman. He’s funny and seems easygoing. It looks like he’s got a good head on his shoulders. All these things are wonderful traits, and I’m not disputing them. But he could be the best and most beautiful person on this planet, and I wouldn’t give a damn if he didn’t love you. But he does. It’s so obvious that I can’t help but smile every time I look at you two. The way his eyes light up automatically when you speak. He doesn’t even have to look at you because just hearing you is enough. The way the corners of his mouth turn up in just the slightest as though he’s trying so hard not to smile when he looks at you. The way he figures out a way to touch you, even if it’s just brushing your arm. Like he can’t go longer than a few minutes without needing to feel you. Those things, Anna, those are the things that make me like him. He could be poor and homeless. He could be ugly. He could even have absolutely no sense of humor, but as long as he loves you like that, then I love him for y

  “I … I didn’t …”

  “You didn’t even notice these things yourself.” She finished my thoughts for me with a nod. “I know, but as your mom, it’s my job to notice these things, and notice I did. And therefore, I approve. But of course, it doesn’t hurt that even I’m appreciating the eye candy,” she added with a wink. “Thanks for that, Anna.”

  “Mom,” I groaned. “Way to kill a special moment.”

  “Oh, hush. I did no such thing. Now stop standing around and help me with this cake.”

  We went out to dinner that night all together but came back for my mom’s cake and some coffee and tea. When Nolan excused himself to use the restroom, I didn’t even have to ask my dad his opinion. He knew I was waiting for it. He turned to me, and said, “He’s a good guy who looks at my daughter as though she’s the key to his very own happiness. I like him, Anna. I really do.”

  I let go of the sigh I’d been holding in, and relief coursed through my veins.

  And I knew Nolan liked my parents. He told me over and over how nice they were, how fun they were, and how funny they were.

  “You wouldn’t think it was funny if it was your dad talking about his sex life,” I threw back at him.

  “True, but it’s not my dad; it’s your parents. And it’s absolutely hilarious. It’s also a bit cute.”

  I threw a pillow at him.

  Everything couldn’t have been better, yet …

  Sunday morning, Nolan was still asleep, so I tiptoed out of his room and made it to the kitchen where I knew my early-riser parents were probably sitting and drinking coffee. I wanted a few minutes alone with them simply because they were my parents, and I didn’t see them often enough. It had nothing to do with Nolan, and I didn’t regret bringing him at all. I just … I just wanted some Donaldson family time.

  “It’s just that I don’t get what he does,” I heard my dad saying softly to my mom. I’d caught them in the middle of a conversation, but something about that sentence made me freeze. Anyone who told you eavesdropping was bad was right, but they were also probably the first ones to do the eavesdropping. I was no different. I’d listened in on my parents’ conversations plenty of times over the years with absolutely no remorse. This time was no different.


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