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Yes, Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

Page 10

by J Dawn King

  She had no clue she was being observed.

  “Miss Elizabeth, you were not with your sisters when we were first introduced. You have yet to meet my cousin.” Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam often took it upon himself to nudge Darcy into being more sociable. Though the two men were intimates, the nature of the both gentlemen were complete opposite in manners.

  “The tall man with the quizzical brow?” Elizabeth’s own eyebrow lifted as she spoke, her eyes twinkled and a grin appeared.

  The colonel chuckled. Here was a young woman not intimidated by his cousin’s stern manner. “Is that how you would describe Darcy?”

  “It is all I know of him.”

  “You have heard no rumours of his wealth? His status?” Even he had been confronted with the loud whispers of “ten thousand a year with a large estate and a house in town.”

  “For a certainty, Colonel Fitzwilliam, I have heard what my neighbors are saying.” Elizabeth paused as they moved away from each other in the dance. “Yet, wealth stays with us a little moment if at all. Only our characters are steadfast, not our gold.”

  “Sophocles?” He was caught in surprise at the slip of a lady in front of him. No other woman of his acquaintance could quote ancient writers.


  “Ah, the great playwright from ancient Greece.” They both laughed as both authors were ancient and Greek. In a blink, the colonel’s countenance changed from jovial to one of earnestness. “Nonetheless, my cousin is the finest, most honourable man of my acquaintance. His character is to be valued far more than the King’s coffers.”

  Elizabeth could not help but mutter under her breath. “Which the Prince Regent is currently spending like water through a net.”

  He heard. It caught him completely off guard. She knows politics and the events of the monarchy as well? Miss Elizabeth would have much in common with Darcy. He turned to look at his cousin and found him staring at them…at her. Ah, the young lady has his attention.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I will be dancing the next with Miss Bennet—and Miss Bingley the set after. Might I introduce you to my cousin before the evening is over?”

  Elizabeth had allowed her fertile imagination to mold this Mr. Darcy into the man of her dreams. To remain unknown, was to keep him perfect, a knight in shining armor, unblemished and unflawed. She spent the remainder of the dance pondering the introduction to come. She hoped his voice was rich, smooth, and deep.

  Until this night, Elizabeth felt she knew herself well. Her father was proud of her reasonable, inquisitive mind. She had been as well. Nevertheless, since the entry of the particular gentleman from Netherfield Park, her flights of romantic fancy had been reminiscent of her youngest sisters. She had best take charge of herself!

  “Yes, Colonel Fitzwilliam, I would be delighted to welcome your cousin to Meryton.” Elizabeth could see this pleased her partner, who seemed to continue the dance with a lighter step, inconsistent with his size.

  Mr. Darcy danced once with Miss Bingley and once with Mrs. Hurst, the sisters of his friend. He spent the balance of the evening walking about the room or leaning against the wall, speaking occasionally to one of his own party. As she had pondered earlier in the evening, Was he above the present company? Surely, with his rumoured wealth and stature, he was an accomplished man who could perform the steps needed to dance more than twice. Elizabeth wondered again, was he shy?

  Whatever the answer, it was a disappointment to more than one young lady, as gentlemen were scarce, and several had to sit out each dance due to lack of a partner, including Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth was seated with her good friend Charlotte amidst other ladies when Mr. Darcy, the colonel, and Mr. Bingley stopped adjacent to them and commenced speaking.

  “Come, Darcy,” said Mr. Bingley, “I must have you dance. I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner. You had much better dance.”

  “I certainly shall not. You know how I detest it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my partner. At such an assembly as this, it would be insupportable. Your sisters are engaged, and there is not another woman in the room whom it would not be a punishment to me to stand up with.”

  Mr. Darcy ignored the glare from his cousin. Elizabeth easily recognised that look as her mother often directed the same towards her when she was displeased.

  “I would not be so fastidious as you are for a kingdom!” cried Mr. Bingley. “Upon my honour, I never met with so many pleasant girls in my life, as I have this evening; and there are several of them, you see, uncommonly pretty.”

  “You are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room,'' said Mr. Darcy, looking at the eldest Miss Bennet. He turned to his cousin. “You, Richard, would welcome any female as a partner as long as they have two legs.”

  “Darcy!” The colonel hissed. He was appalled at his cousin’s contemptuous attitude, though he was not surprised. It was always so at large gatherings. He gave his cousin a censorious look, then walked away.

  Mr. Bingley failed to note the exchange between the two men. He only had eyes for Jane. “Oh! She is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld! But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, Miss Elizabeth, who is very pretty, and I dare say very agreeable. Do let me ask my partner to introduce you.”

  “Which do you mean?'' and turning round, he looked for a moment at the small group of young ladies sitting on either side of the woman he had noticed earlier. Focusing on the maiden whose features were somewhat similar to Miss Bennet’s, he said, “She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men. You had better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles, for you are wasting your time with me.”

  Bingley longed for the floor to open up and swallow him and Darcy completely. By the pained expression on Elizabeth’s face, she had heard every word uttered by his friend. He raised his eyebrows in alarm. Darcy merely stiffened and walked away.

  Elizabeth gasped at his insult. How dare he speak about me in such a manner…to be overheard by my neighbors? In her lifetime she had never been the target of such rudeness, disdain, or arrogance. His character was now decided. Mr. Blatantly Offensive had fallen from his white stallion and tarnished his shining armor. He was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world, and everybody, most especially Elizabeth Bennet, hoped he would never again be in their company. She was grateful Colonel Fitzwilliam had not yet performed an introduction.

  Mr. Darcy was an enigma…until he spoke. Then he was the enemy.

  Covered in mortification and enraged at his disparagement, Elizabeth’s cheeks glowed a flaming red and fire was shooting from her eyes. Charlotte reached over and put her hand on Elizabeth’s forearm when it looked like she would stand. Seeing the mixture of ire and hurt on her friend’s face and hoping to gain Elizabeth’s attention before she did something foolish, Charlotte asked, “Eliza, what do you think of our visitors now?” It would not surprise any person in attendance if Elizabeth stood toe-to-toe with the gentleman and shared her personal view of his character flaws. That was her way.

  Nonetheless, what was also known about Elizabeth Bennet was her unfailing kindness and her ability to laugh at the ridiculous. Charlotte knew how best to placate her friend. Though there was a difference in their upbringing and education, they both appreciated the keen intellect of the other. Charlotte was much more practical than Elizabeth, who was a romantic at heart, though Elizabeth would not likely admit that to herself or anyone else.

  “Does he not remind you of Farmer Glenn’s peacock?” Charlotte whispered.

  Elizabeth spun her head to look directly at Charlotte, the sparks turning into a twinkle. “Why, Charlotte, I do believe you are correct.” Elizabeth snickered. “At any moment, he might start shaking his tail feathers and squawk. Insolent man!” The last was said with the same dour expression currently on the man’s face. Both young ladies laughed with delight, completely unaw
are they were, again, being observed by Mr. Darcy himself.

  Elizabeth cared not that he might have heard her comments. She had certainly heard his and she only

  regretted they were breathing the same air in the enclosed room.

  “My father gave that peacock to Farmer Glenn, Charlotte.” Elizabeth’s smile was mixed with a hint of mischief. “Papa claims they are a vain, proud bird whose only virtue is their outer appearance. I would not be surprised if Mrs. Glenn served the miserable bird for Sunday dinner.”

  At that, Elizabeth looked up from where she was seated and caught his eye, refusing to look away first. He must have had the same determination. Eventually, as the music changed and the next set queued, her attention was diverted by her next partner. Mr. Darcy was off the hook—for now.

  Darcy groaned to himself. She had heard and she was the daughter of that woman. He moved with purpose through the crowds of dancers to the far wall to take up position in the corner. His mind could not contemplate how the lovely beauty could possibly be from that ridiculous family. He sought her face and found she had turned to her friend, paying him no more attention than she did any other in the room. He dropped his head and wondered why he felt such a loss. They had not yet been introduced and he sincerely doubted she would welcome it now. He knew his actions had not been that of a gentleman, and he felt disappointment with himself—a feeling that made him most uncomfortable.

  With a genuine smile, Elizabeth stood to join Mr. Bingley on the dance floor. How this man could be friends with Mr. Sour Puss was a conundrum.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I am delighted you had this set free. Your sister, Miss Bennet, is a wonderful partner.” He then blushed to his ears. “A wonderful dance partner for a certainty.”

  Elizabeth was charmed and vowed to think of Mr. Exceedingly Frustrating no more. During the dance, Mr. Bingley spoke of how much he relied on Mr. Knows Everything for guidance on estate matters. She realised that he might likely rely on him for personal matters as well. She did not know how easily Mr. Bingley accepted and followed such counsel.

  This left Elizabeth with a dilemma. Her vow to hate Mr. Ridiculously Rude must be shelved as she did with the stacks of books she filed away in her father’s library. She wanted nothing to come between Mr. Bingley and Jane. Nothing, not even her injury.

  While Elizabeth’s dance partner was distracted by Jane’s progress throughout the set, she contrived the perfect strategy. Espying Miss Bingley’s attempts to garner Mr. Proud and Prejudice’s attention, Elizabeth realised her best weapon was distraction. If she could throw Miss Bingley and Mr. Presumptuousness together, they would be too occupied with each other to interfere with Jane’s fledgling romance.

  Seconds after that decision was made, the set ended and Bingley escorted her back to Jane. The colonel stepped in front of her with an apology for his tardiness. He may wear the uniform of a soldier, however, it was she who was headed for battle. Placing her hand on his arm, she recalled a quote on war strategy from an ancient Chinese philosopher. Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.

  From the author: I hope you enjoyed this excerpt. All of J. Dawn King’s books are found on




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