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A Baby To Heal All Wounds: M/M Alpha/Omega Mpreg Romance (Cafe Gun Book 1)

Page 10

by Penny Bloom

“Hell yeah.” Arla pumped her fist.


  “But you curse too.”

  “I’m thirty-two years old. Big difference.”

  “Whatever. It rubs off. Goodnight!”

  I patted her head and closed her door. Being a father would’ve been no different from what I was doing now. Imagining Loren’s belly full of my pups made my throat hurt. So much was at stake now.

  There was not telling how Render was using the family funds… or what he was doing on his off time from running the pack.

  I already heard he was—“What the fuck?!”

  Tsumaki and his girl Fluff were… were fucking right on my bed! Oh, come on what the hell?

  *Ah, fuck, I’m coming!* he grunted.

  “H-h-hey! Get off the bed! Oh, gross!”

  My night was destroyed. I shouldn’t have had to see this defiance of physics happening all over my bed.


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  Ready for another bonus?

  Delivery Omega

  Delivery Omega

  Penny Bloom

  Copyright 2017 Penny Bloom

  All rights reserved

  This romance is intended for adults! Enjoy!

  Chapter One


  No deliveries for a week.

  Not in my condition.

  You see, even though I was a ripe Omega at the tender age of twenty-five, I was still a virgin. Pure in all the ways an Alpha would love.

  But, I wasn't going to lay down with someone who had the biggest dick. You know?

  I was waiting for that fated mate. That Alpha that would turn the world around... if that even existed. The relationships between Omegas and Alphas recently have scarred me for life.

  More Omegas are being left while pregnant, Alphas were starting to turn to having harems of Omegas, and barely anyone was being mated properly these days.

  So I decided to keep my virginity to myself and probably die one.

  Sad, I knew that. But I didn't want to upset my poor father by having a broken heart.

  The oncoming of my heat had me sweating and releasing out my scent. Even a few Alphas that passed my door thumped their crotches on it, begging to taste my heat.

  Worst part? I had to go to the store.

  I'd been neglecting to buy groceries because my job had kept me busy and I needed to catch up on my sleep.


  My phone ran, and I hobbled off of my couch over to the wooden table it sat on to look at the caller I.D.

  I picked it up. "Hey, Daisy. What's up?! How's the baby coming?"

  My sister was a Beta, and she was pregnant by an Alpha. At least she had some luck in the love department.

  "A-Aiden, I need your help," she sniffled.

  "Daisy, what happened?" I asked, sitting down on my couch. This wasn't going to be one of our light hearted conversations.

  "My Alpha... he left me!" she cried. "He's with some whore Omega and left me with the bills and the baby!" she sobbed.

  My heart broke and shattered all over my floor. Damn. Damn it all to hell, there really were no good Alphas out here anymore.

  "Listen, calm down, Daisy. What do you need?" I asked.

  "Rent... it's due in four days and I don't have any money for it until next month," she said through her broken voice.

  I placed my hand over my stomach. My dear sister, the sweetest girl in the earth was heart broken.

  "No problem! How much is it?"

  She sniffled. "It's a thousand dollars."

  "Alrighty, I'll have it soon! Don't fret. I gotcha!" I bubbled, trying to send my love through the phone. "Did you tell daddy?"

  "No, I can't bear to. Please don't--"

  "No, never. I won't do that. If it's a secret, it'll stay that way as long as you need it to."

  "Oh, thank you, Aiden," she cried.

  "No problem. What're big brothers for?"

  We hung up, and I knew I was in for a bumpy ass ride.

  I called my boss and braced myself for the 'uh huh, I knew you couldn't take a break' conversation he had waiting for me.

  "Hello? Aiden, this you?" he asked, knowing my phone number.


  "Let me guess, my favorite delivery boy can't stop himself from working. Want another job, don't ya?" he asked in his heavy Italian accent. "My god, I can have a twenty-four-hour service if I had four more of you."

  I chuckled. "Not want, I need another job, a high paying one."

  "Uh oh, need? What's going on?" he asked, puffing on his cigar. I could hear him inhale deeply and blow it out.

  "Got to help my family out. You know how it is."

  "Shit, I'm Italian, family is number one. Hell, you know I understand. Sure, got a good job for ya. Pays three grand when you come back with that signed receipt."

  "Damn, how far is that?" I asked, throwing my feet up on the couch and laying back. I couldn't be gone for too long.

  "Well, it's actually the next city over," he said, clearing his throat. Those cigars were getting to him.

  "Really? Sure, I'll snap that up."

  A burst of my pre-heat erupted around me. By the time I show up at my job I'd probably be sprinkled with Alphas all over me.

  "Good, come on by."

  "On it!" I said, hanging up and popping off the couch.

  I did a back flip over my couch and a cartwheel into the bedroom.

  One reason I was a delivery guy was my ability to get around town via parkour very well. Worked well when I had smaller packages that could be strapped to my back and the location was local.

  I laced up my boots, sprayed myself with some mint to mask the scent of my virgin pre-heat and rolled out.

  I jumped into my car and started for my workplace where all the packages that needed delivery were held.

  It was a mid-sized place, ran by an Alpha and Omega. My boss was an Alpha, but happily mated to a Beta.

  I wondered how long that'd last.

  "Alright, Aiden, stop moping around and think positive," I berated myself. "Daisy will be fine, you'll help with the baby and things will be peachy keen."

  I pulled up in the parking lot for my workplace called the Halo Delivery. Inside, I went to my boss's office and signed the papers I needed to get the package.

  "Hell, I'm glad you got this package. I was too worried to let the other delivery boys take it. It's not just what's in here that's important, it's the person who ordered it."

  I finished signing the last form and looked up at my boss who was still chewing on his cigar. "Really? Who does it belong to?"

  Mr. Buckson, my boss, shoved a package across his desk.

  "Take a look see for yourself, son," he grunted.


  I stood up and looked over the label on the thin black granite box.

  "Who's Barron Slash?" I asked.

  "You don't know Barron Slash? Come on! The guy's a hero! And a head Alpha of the Slash Pack. He's the Alpha in Feather town that helped save Halo and Feather from being over run by rouge bear shifters."

  "Oh! Him! I remember that. Wow, I hope he's around to get his package. Head Alphas are usually out collecting harems," I hissed.

  "Did I sense hostility? With you, Aiden?" he asked, folding his arms.

  "It's nothing. Don't worry about it. I'll be back in a few hours."

  "As usual! Have fun, be careful out there."

  I took the thin granite box and hauled it out to my car. It was a heavy little thing, but gorgeous too. The black granite had specks of silver that glinted and glittered in all kinds of light.

  Barron Slash, huh?

  Three thousand dollars spoke more than his name. That was enough to give Daisy two months of rent and stash the rest into savings.

  I revved up my car and started for Feather town. The roads weren't as busy as usual, but that only meant less traffic.

>   Ding Ding.

  My car's notification bell went off, and I looked to see what was wrong.

  Huh? Was I slowing down?

  I glanced across the dashboard and saw that my gas was on empty.


  Good job, Aiden.

  At least I wasn't too far from Feather.

  I was able to let my car die off on the shoulder and got out with the box firmly in hand.

  "Well, it should only be a thirty minute walk from here. I could hitch hike, but only Alphas would stop after smelling my scent, and there was no telling what would happen then."

  I sighed and walked on the shoulder of the four lane road.

  A few Alphas pulled over and tried to lure me into their car.

  One even had the gall to flash his huge dick in my face.

  Please, I wasn't starving for cock.

  After a peaceful fifteen minute walk, I passed the sign that said Feather town was another half mile away.

  Almost there.

  The road I had been on started to get wooded. Lots of trees and bushes.

  I had to be careful.

  *Calm down, Aiden. Just keep on your way. I know you're not a fan of woods, but Daisy needs help and you'll be just--*

  Something big rustled around in the bushes and I leapt to the other side of the road.

  "The hell was that?"

  Now his side of the road had bushes rustling, and it wasn't wind. I staggered to the middle of the road and bolted.

  Heavy thumping sounds were coming up from behind me. I risked a glance and saw three bears charging for me.

  What the hell? There weren't any bears around here! Not even in the woods.

  Those must've been some sort of left over rogue shifters.

  I ran and made my strides wider. However, they were still gaining speed on me. One swiped at me and caught my calf. The other jumped, but I was able to dodge him and keep running.

  Usually I had my mace on hand, but today was just one big lapse of judgement. Maybe I should've taken a ride with Mr. Big Cock after all.

  The box slipped from my grip since it was heavy and very slick. My palms were getting sweaty and I guess it just gave way.

  No, I needed that money.

  I stopped and went to get the box.

  And the bear went to get me.

  Its claws were right at my face.

  Right there.

  Everything seemed to move in slow motion. The effects of my heat added onto my misery and made my head swim.

  Bracing myself for impact, I still grabbed for the box, hoping for a miracle.

  And I got one.

  An Alpha slammed his truck right into the bear and the others ran off.

  That was when everything went black.


  In my dreams, I saw my family.

  The possibilities to even have my own.

  But then the voices of so many Omegas, heart broken and lonely warned me not to get tempted, warned me not to taste the lust of my heat.

  My eyes finally started to flutter open, and I was greeted by warm lights.

  "Did I die?" I mumbled, trying to get myself up. Whatever I was laying on was soft. Very plush indeed. When I fully came to, I looked around and saw that I was in a huge bed.

  It reeked of Alpha... but it wasn't an annoying scent. It brought me peace and made my chest warm.

  I went to move my foot and felt something tug at my ankle.

  what was that?

  Throwing the sheets off, I saw my ankle tied to the bed railing. It wasn't too tight, and the rest of my body was fine... naked (aside for my briefs which were still on) but fine.

  The door open and in walked an Alpha with the box I was supposed to deliver.

  "My box! It's not damaged, is it?!" I asked him as he approached me.

  God, he was huge. Like godly huge. His arms had many old cuts laced around them and he had a tough barbaric mohawk kind of style going.

  He twisted his mouth up in a crooked grin and sat beside me.

  "Excuse me, but where am I? Can you let me go and give me my box?" I asked, keeping my patience.

  Was he the one who saved me? If so, why was I tied up on one ankle? I could easily get out of that one.

  "This isn't your box anymore," he said with his rusty voice.

  It was deep and crackled with sexiness.

  Ohh, my heat liked that.

  Oof, I shook myself out of it and got back to the subject at hand.

  "That's not your box! It belongs to a dangerous Alpha, and if you want to challenge him because you want to steal his stuff, then go ahead."

  He chuckled and rubbed my cheek. I slapped his hand away, feeling a heat rise up into my stomach.

  This Alpha's scent had me tickled pink. Butterflies, they fluttered throughout my whole body.

  This arrogant Alpha couldn't be... no. Fated mates didn't exist anymore.


  "Oh really? Don't think I'd be afraid of my own self," he said, opening the box. "Good, it's not cracked."

  "Wait... your own... You're Barron Slash?!" I asked, putting the pieces together.

  "Yes, I am. I was going to come get my box, but was told it was already being delivered after I had found you."

  Listening to his voice was like listening to an open bonfire crackle. It was amazing.

  Now I started to see what the big deal was. No wonder.

  Rich, huge, an anomaly clad in muscles and scars.

  He narrowed his eyes. "Are you in any pain? Hungry?"

  A warmth tickled up to my cheeks. "Um, no. Maybe just a little sore, but I can still get up and go home--"

  "No, you must stay. Rest."


  "No buts. You won't even be able to get past the gates to my home without my permission."

  I pouted and folded my arms. "Holding me hostage, are you?"

  "No, I want to make sure you're okay."

  He touched my cheek again, and like a fool, I let him.

  A tray of fruit slid in from a cut away in the wall. Barron got up and brought over a slice of mango and pushed it in my mouth.

  After a second I opened and ate it.

  My heat was bubbling now, boiling over the rim.

  This was the Alpha I wanted to take my heat.

  And then I could leave it like that. Maybe that was all he wanted.

  And right now...

  With the way he was looking at me...

  He could have it.

  Chapter Two


  Barron grabbed me by the neck and our mouths collided into a hungry kiss.

  He nibbled around my neck, but I whimpered for his mouth to return to my lips and it did.

  We laid down on the bed and he undid his pants. God, I could only imagine how big his cock would be for such a large Alpha.

  I sent my hands down to undo my pants when I felt the hem of my briefs and remembered that my clothes were already off.

  "You're my mate," he growled into my ear.

  Oh, I was on the verge of believing his sweet lies. His words tugged at my heart. But I was afraid. I didn't want to end up pregnant and without.

  Plus, with the scent of my heat, he'd say anything.

  And speaking of heat. It was here, in full force.

  "Shut up and take me," I rasped.

  His hands roamed my body, exploring its plains, dips and divets. They were even large enough to wrap around my thighs, almost.

  His tongue dove deep down inside my mouth and I sucked it as if it were a dick.

  Well, that was what I thought of it. Never sucked any dick before. But I'd be doing it pretty soon now.

  I glanced down between our bodies and saw the heavy length of his cock danging between his legs, curled up in a powerful erection. Veins, lots of veins, I swooned at the sight of it.

  "Protection," I murmured.

  "No, I want babies with my mate."

  "But why?" I breathed, his kisses trailing down my chest.

p; He brushed his thumb over my nipple and nibbled the side of my torso.

  "My mate. Now hush, we make babies now."

  He spoke like a barbarian under the influence of my heat. But I had to admit, it was kind of sexy.

  I kept my mouth shut, choosing to just embrace the pleasure sweeping over my body like a wave. Goddamnit, his scent was all around me, it seduced me, made me want him ten times more.


  I looked down at Barron, kissing my inner thighs. Touching me, teasing me in all the wrong and right places.

  There was one—no—two places that wanted to be touched right now.

  "So cute," he said, grabbing my cock. It was no match for him. He could swallow me down hole with his mouth alone. He lapped his tongue at the head and teased me even further.

  I moaned and writhed around his bed with my damn ankle still tied down to the side of the bed.

  Finally he sucked the whole thing down his mouth and made me cum over and over again.

  My ass was wet with lubrication, readying itself for his huge cock.

  And to think I wasn't starving for cock. I was practically begging for it now. Barron took a lick at my ass, savoring my taste.

  "You taste sweet, like nectar," he hummed, sticking his fingers into my ass. Shit, he knew his way around a body.

  He must've done this before... and surely I wasn't the last.

  Before I could get myself into a more sullen state, Barron got on his knees and loomed over my face, swinging his big cock in my face. Shit, if that thing were to fall I'd get hurt.

  He needed to say nothing.

  I knew what he wanted.

  So I grabbed him and swallowed him down, trying my best to suck the cum out of him. His veins and strong shape made this an interesting experience.

  My ass got wetter and messier by the second, but I wanted to get a good taste of his cock first before we got really dirty.

  He came down my throat after a few swipes at his head with my rough tongue.

  He howled out a throaty yell of satisfaction.

  Hmm, howled.

  I popped my mouth off of his still hard cock and asked him, "Are you a wolf shifter?"

  "Yes, mate."

  My body trembled when he called me mate. It was just hormones though. Things would change when this was over. We'd be nothing but strangers going our two separate ways.


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