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The Highland Captive

Page 1

by Johanna Maas


  Johanna Maas


  Copyright © 2013 Diane Meyer

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1481928562

  ISBN-13: 978-1481928564

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  This book is a work of fiction and any names, characters and places or incidents are purely coincidental or the imagination of the author.








  To my family and to Dawn. Without you, none of this would have been possible.

  And to Deb. Your constant encouragement and willingness to forever be there for me has been invaluable. For that, I am truly grateful.


































  She had to find her mum for their most important day was now and truly upon them and the excitement was consuming her thoroughly. She could not be consoled by anyone else and there was nothing on her mind but that promise that she had extracted those many days ago. And fulfill it, she must.

  Through the empty great hall and back to the sweltering kitchens she traveled searching fervently for her mother throughout the keep. When she was met with the bewildered faces of the household servants within that vast room, for her mum continued to elude her there, she moved quickly up the back staircase and on to the family quarters above. Painstakingly, she searched each and every one of the chambers ever so hopeful at finding her there. As she moved from room to room, she was fervently hoping to locate her. That pledge was so clearly upon her mind and she was feeling so truly giddy for just the thought of it.

  And today was definitely that day. It was a very hot and humid midsummer afternoon and the heated air settled heavily upon the land and it was just so uncomfortable. The rains had finally dissipated and now the sun was shining brilliantly with only a few white clouds dotting the skies above. The misery of this summer heat was felt by all across this northern side of Scotland, the wanting and having a sure plan to be relieved of it had by just one.

  Lizbeth of the clan Stewart was but ten years old and this splendid journey was something her mother had promised long ago and she would not forget, could never forget. But she was so afraid her mum had and perhaps that was why she eluded her at this very moment. A slight disappointment came over her for just the thought but she quickly dismissed it for how could her mother possibly fail to remember? For Lizbeth ensured she had been repeatedly reminded. It did not matter how many rain filled days had fallen in between the time she had promised until today, she would never let her forget and Lizbeth was certain her mum would never do that on purpose.

  She moved down the stairs from the family chambers above after finding them all deserted and once again entered the great hall. She looked hopelessly about the room one last time as she quickly moved through it, its overabundance of tables completely barren as her tiny footfalls echoed faintly in the empty room. With a slight disappointment, she continued on, moving quickly up onto the landing and through the massive wooden doors leading her to a place where she could overlook the courtyard that gracefully surrounded her home.

  The Stewart clan's home. A lovely and strong holding located in the Highlands of Scotland. The keep was an ancient stone structure that lifted a full three stories into the air with two majestic turrets at its front corners. There was a high stone wall surrounding that protected the entire keep while it gracefully stretched from just beyond the courtyard below.

  Lizbeth gazed over the square and noted it was also deserted save for a few small ponies. She was overly saddened she did not see her mother within, but she did not expect to see her clansmen for she knew they were training with their bows and upon their beasts in the grassy fields beyond the great gates of the drawbridge. The men were working hard while perfecting their skills and protecting their homeland.

  From her place on the landing, Lizbeth stood upon the very tips of her toes and as high as her little feet would take her as she jumped slightly into the air. When she did so, she could see just beyond the great drawbridge and down the dirt path leading to the village and extending into the valley below. With excitement, she now watched breathlessly as she finally spied her mother in the distance as she walked up the path slowly and drew ever so near.

  Lizbeth could tell her mum was carrying a basket upon her arm, swinging it slightly as she moved along the path and knew precisely what it contained. Within were her most important tools and her healing supplies. This was a sign she had most likely been either tending a sick child or visiting the infirmed. Most days one would find her doing as such, ensuring her extended clan family stayed healthy and grew strong. Her mother, who was also the important wife to the great laird and chieftain of the Stewart clan, had many great and very important responsibilities.

  Lizbeth quickly descended the long and worn stone stairway running through the vast courtyard and down the path leading to the great drawbridge below. When she rounded the final corner, her gaze fell upon her mum in anticipation.

  Lizbeth quickly raced ahead and reached her mother's side as she continued her cheery thoughts, smiling profusely and knowing she was but one step closer to fulfilling her wish. As they walked together, Lizbeth's feet began to move quickly and in a skipping motion while she and her mother moved closer to the keep.

  "Please mum, it is a fine day is it not?"

  The Lady Stewart looked over at her daughter through the corner of her tired eyes, watching as the young one pranced at her side. With an assured knowing she spied the wide smile upon the child's face for she was skipping joyfully along, all the while understanding she definitely had an objective upon her mind.

  "And sunny, mum. You can see the rains are all but gone."

  Lizbeth smiled freely up at her, not wanting to specifically say out loud her desire. She wanted her mother to remember and hoped she would acknowledge her pledge of those many days ago. She looked up into her face intently as she tried to decipher her mood while intent upon her own purpose. With a feeling of despair, Lizbeth noted her mother looked quite worn and rather tired.

  With a sigh the Lady Stewart finally spoke, her voice low and slight with fatigue.

  "But the men are engaged elsewhere today. And none will be wanting to accompany us on our folly for their training is of so much more import."

; Lizbeth's feet stopped their happy movements as they completely became stationary upon the dirt path. With sadness, she looked up at her mother with a dismayed heart and blurted, "But your promise."

  She looked upon her mother with disappointed eyes as the desolation began to rise. Slowly she began to trudge along next to her mum, her shoulders now slumping, her feet now entirely dragging and a sadness overwhelming the young one's heart.

  The Lady Stewart stopped abruptly upon the landing of the stone keep with her hand perched upon the great door's handle as she gazed into the now distraught eyes of her daughter. With a weary sigh, she closed her own eyes as she remembered the words she had spoken those many days before, they now reverberating loudly through her mind. It had been her promise and of course, the small child had not forgotten and would never forget something as delightful as this.

  As she looked down upon Lizbeth in silence, she realized she would not be able to deny her this indulgence for the sun was shining and the day was rather warm. She looked over her shoulder and down into the empty courtyard and beyond into the vast green fields. Though the Stewart clansmen could not be seen from where they stood upon the stairs, she knew the men would be found in the fields afar and hard at work. She paused only a moment with determination upon her mind. Lady Stewart had a resolve to carry out her promise but decidedly alone. For the day was quite bright, the hour early, their destination not too far outside of the castle walls and the men were already engaged. And besides, what trouble could they possibly encounter?

  Very little time had passed and Lizbeth finally found herself and her mother happily walking hand in hand and out beyond the back kitchens and towards the rear of the castle walls. They moved leisurely across the slight expanse of green grass as they approached the tiny stone door which was a secret gateway to the other side of the wall. With both hands, Lizbeth pulled forcefully upon the iron latch and slowly moved the heavy stone barrier just wide enough to allow them to freely pass.

  Once they were beyond the great stone walls, they walked gaily down the long dirt path extending away from the keep and were soon passing through a slight cropping of trees. They moved carelessly along, Lizbeth once again skipping and resolved to only think of nothing but the bright and sunny day and the cool refreshment sure to be had when they reached their destination. And Lizbeth now beamed for the thought and the excitement of it.

  Lizbeth was giddy for they were finally on their way to the stream that lay just a short distance outside of the castle's walls. But they were bound for this destination only because Lizbeth had begged her mother to do so based on an extracted promise of so many days ago. For she had not forgotten nor would she allow her mother do so.

  As they happily strolled down the narrow path, Lizbeth looked up blissfully at her mother who was the beautiful and greatly respected Lady Stewart and wife to the Chieftain Hugh Stewart. With a smile, she recognized her mother loved and supported her laird and with the two fine sons older than Lizbeth, she was considered a fine wife who had provided well for her husband and for her clan.

  Lizbeth's brothers. While they teased her continually and unmercifully and she oftentimes considered them quite the nuisance, most of the time she deemed herself quite lucky. Macay, the eldest and next in line as the chieftain, was a large one and nearing his seventeenth year. He had light colored hair and looked much like their father with a handsome and strong face, or at least that is what the girls from the village had said.

  A slight smile came to Lizbeth's face as she thought of the times she spent with her brother Macay within the stables for that is where she liked it best. He was quite patient with her as he set her high upon his shoulder and taught her of their ways while showing her how to care for the great beasts. She and her brother shared something special and that was their love of horseflesh.

  Her other brother Burk was nearest to her own age and Lizbeth wrinkled her little nose for just the thought of him. Still quite a boy, but so wanting to prove he was a man. He had just turned thirteen and was only slightly taller than she. And he did not care too much for that at all. In fact, it made him especially mad when someone was mean enough to remind him. He never had time for Lizbeth and he was constantly reminding her that she was but a girl, for he always had so many more and other important things to do.

  When the mother and daughter came upon the clearing that was to be their final destination and the purpose behind their pleasure, Lizbeth released the hand she had held. With a joy upon her heart, she ran merrily forward through the long tangled grass as she excitedly neared the water's edge. Lizbeth sat down upon an obliging rock as she hurriedly removed her shoes and stockings and was wading within the stream before her mum even had a chance to gain the middle of the clearing.

  Lizbeth giggled gaily as the chilly water surrounded her ankles effectively cooling her from the midday heat. She pranced about in the water kicking her feet happily, splashing around as she lifted her skirts only faintly while dampening her hem. Beneath her, she could feel the rough edges of the stones within the water's bed but the pain of the uneven rocks did not stop her from enjoying the pleasure of the water. The delight was upon her and her breath was coming quickly for just the pleasure of it.

  In the heat of the afternoon sun, Lizbeth began to spin around, allowing her arms to stretch outwards with her head slightly back. Around and around she went as she spiraled. She noticed the vast blue of the cloudless sky, the lush green leaves upon the large trees and the three large horses with heavily armed men atop, approaching and now just on the other side of her mother.

  Lizbeth's heart beat wildly as she stopped all movements and stared wide-eyed and with fright unlike any other she had ever experienced. As the terror flooded through her young body, her breath caught in her throat. The unknown dark men who were astride their beasts before her emitted a sense of dread through the otherwise peaceful clearing.

  The three massive men along with their great steeds were armed and their chests armored with a dark frightening look upon their grimy faces. Dirty and greasy hair hung from their heads as scowls crossed over each of them. Lizbeth stared in fear as her mother slowly backed towards her, grasping her body and pressing it behind her. She slowly looked about and beyond the enormous warriors, hoping her clansmen were near to protect but knowing they were not.

  Lizbeth watched through startled eyes as the riders continued to approach unhurriedly while staring down intently upon them. The old one who rode in the middle sported a full head of dark graying hair with buggy eyes and a frightening grin upon his face and peered harshly down at them. As the fear flowed through her body for his massive size and his dark cold eyes, an ominous feeling hung within the air.

  She watched in horror as one of the young ones dismounted when they were but a pace or two away and noticed the powerful muscles of his dirty arms as they flexed in the bright sunlight. He moved near and grasped them harshly as he separated them from one another while the panic continued to rise.

  He first picked up her mother and set her before the old one. The man upon the beast seized her tightly around her waist as she attempted to struggle within his grasp. As her mother made to scream, he immediately placed his large grimy hand over her mouth as he stifled the noise entirely. Lizbeth could only stare as her mother's eyes grew wide with terror.

  The younger one gruffly grabbed Lizbeth and placed her upon his own steed as he immediately mounted behind her. He wrapped his arm tightly about her chest making it most difficult to breath, the armor upon his body biting painfully into her bared skin.

  In Lizbeth's ear he whispered harshly, "Make a sound little one and your mother will die."

  Lizbeth looked up and over her shoulder at the hardened man. His eyes were cruel and a threatening smile spread upon his lips as a vile laugh came from within. She nodded her head slightly in acceptance of her duty, knowing this one would fulfill his dark promise if she made but a small noise. The great dark one holding her appeared hardened and he looked mean and
he frightened her so.

  The old one and the other one carrying Lizbeth turned their beasts and galloped quickly away while moving hastily in the direction opposite of Stewart keep. They galloped rapidly down the worn dirt path for what seemed like an endless amount of time. They passed over the distant hills and through the scattered trees and away from the only home Lizbeth had ever known. A panic filled her heart as they moved further and further away from her father, her brothers and her clan.

  Even though Lizbeth of the clan Stewart felt the terror within, the tiny Highland lass who was but ten could not have comprehended that her life would be forever changed.



  Lizbeth stood at the window of her second story chamber looking out upon the courtyard as the late summer rains left lasting muddy puddles upon the ground. The air was beginning to cool and bit slightly at her exposed skin as she looked despondently out into the dimming light at the mostly abandoned area below.

  The square was nearly barren, save for the few unlucky young ones who were left cleaning the remains from the horses that had just passed through the square. The great clan's steeds had just been moved from the fields where they had completed their day's training to be housed within the stables. It was not a difficult chore the young lads were charged with, but a smelly and necessary one and left only for the smallest of boys to complete.

  Lizbeth drew in her breath as she watched with a great fear as Garret, who was the eldest son of the Macnab chieftain wandered out of the main door of the stables. He wore a soiled plaid which encompassed his hefty body and stood tall with long greasy red hair. He always sported a scowl across his lips and carried an anger within his heart. A cold shiver passed over Lizbeth's body for she knew him all too well. She had spent the last seven years under his father's roof. She trembled at just the thought of the man for his spiteful nature, his cold heart and his anger that was so easily sparked.


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