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The Highland Captive

Page 15

by Johanna Maas

  Garret's hands circled Lizbeth's wrists, holding her tightly as his strong fingers bit harshly into her skin. With a fire building within her breast, she unsuccessfully attempted to free herself from the clansman's grasp. Now with a defeat upon her heart for her own predicament, she realized he was just too strong.

  Lizbeth glanced over her shoulder with a sudden gladness just as Cait quickly disappeared into the darkness and completely faded into the night. And Lizbeth realized she could not have been more relieved.


  Macay and Blake stood together unspeaking and in the near darkness. Both of them were lost in their own thoughts and at the most recent turn of events. The vision of Cait was clearly upon Macay's troubled mind as was both of the women's, on Blake's. Blake closed his eyes, envisioning Lizbeth's petite grace and beauty as the emotions flooded his heart. How he wished he could go to her but knew he must not.

  They stood together in the darkness looking at the murkiness of the castle when they heard slight voices shouting in the distance. They were not close enough to hear the words, just knew something was transpiring. Within moments and with a perception only a trained warrior could feel, they sensed movement coming in their direction through the still of the night. They each immediately drew their swords and made ready, for someone was fast approaching.

  When the long crimson tresses and the petite body of Cait suddenly materialized through the darkened mist, Macay immediately dropped his weapon and moved forward opening his arms to her. With a fierce sense of relief, he crushed her to his chest as a joy flooded through him. For long moments they clung to each other, holding on as her gasping breath began to slow. His heart was racing with gladness and hers with complete distress.

  Macay pulled slightly back to gain her face as their clansmen began to circle around them. There was much confusion upon their faces for the appearance of this one.

  Macay asked incredulously, "Cait? They let you go?"

  Cait closed her eyes as she fought for the words. There was a true sadness overwhelming her as she spoke with a true fear upon her voice.

  "It was Lizbeth…Macay, she traded herself for my freedom!"

  Blake heard the words spoken by his sister but could not quite comprehend their true meaning. Lizbeth traded? What did his sister mean, traded, for she was behind them and sleeping within the trees under a great oak. As the only possibility he could fathom flooded through his mind, he felt as if someone had ripped his heart from within, the wind now entirely gone from his chest as the pain engulfed him. He now understood what had truly happened.

  He closed his eyes as the anguish coursed through him, acknowledging at this very moment no one had ever made him feel the way she had. Blake truly realized how she had given her love without question to only him. And now, she had sacrificed herself for the safety of his sister. He could not speak, he could barely breathe as the horror of Cait's words engulfed him.

  It was the chieftain, the Laird Stewart who spoke haltingly, his voice heard in the still of the night.

  "They have Lizbeth once again?"

  It was a sad question, a forlorn sound in his voice as he felt the misery once again of those many years ago. An overwhelming sadness engulfed his heart as the realization dawned and hush permeated within the surrounding clansmen.

  Cait could only look at him in sadness, her own grief displayed within her voice as she spoke.

  "My laird, I am so sorry…"


  Lizbeth was dragged by her wrists through the stone entry of the massive wall and brutally thrown down upon the ground. She felt the stones upon the path piercing the skin of her palms as she fell harshly upon the dirt. With anguish, she heard the distinctive sound of the door closing tightly behind her. Then within moments, she heard the devastating noise of a key grating immediately within the lock, it reverberating loudly within her mind and chilling her soul.

  Lizbeth knew now she was completely within the walls of the Macnab and firmly within their control. A fear began to rise further within her chest for the man standing over her was angry. She knew he was completely enraged. Even as she looked up into Garret's darkened eyes, she knew she did not regret her decision. Lizbeth conceded she would do it one-thousand times over again, if there were any chance at all she could save Cait and keep her from the misery of this clan.

  Garret reached down and grabbed at her wrist, pulling her violently from the ground and along behind him as he moved quickly up the stairs of the keep. She tripped unmercifully as her legs caught within her skirt as he dragged her into the great hall. Even though it was nearly filled to capacity with his clansmen, it was ominously quiet as a certain hush fell over the chamber. When they began to cross the floor, the great Laird Gerald Macnab looked up from his place at the hearth. The chieftain was scowling, his grimace seen across his face as he shouted to them across the expanse.

  "And what do we have here?"

  "It is true, father, she has missed me!"

  With a harsh laugh, Garret pulled her near him and up against his chest, his large and rank body assailing her senses as she pushed down the wave of nausea that threatened. He turned her body to his brutally within his arms as he bent and attempted to place a kiss upon her lips. In horror, she moved her head sideways, effectively averting his intended assault. Garret simply laughed severely, an ominous and harsh noise as he dragged her up the stairs to the family chambers above.

  He moved down the darkened hallway and to the doorway of the room that had once been hers not so very long ago. When they were before it, she noticed the obvious repair. It was a sure reminder of a previous day and time when she had been taken from her misery.

  Garret pulled her close and together they moved over the threshold. When they were within the room, he let go of her arm as he pushed her down upon the floor. As Lizbeth fell before him she heard he malicious laughter echoing heavily within the room. She quickly moved from his side as she heard him lock the door behind them.

  Lizbeth began to panic for she clearly understood the pain he would be capable of inflicting. She fought her emotions as she breathed deeply in an attempt to display an exterior calm and hide the rising turmoil within. She resolved she must be brave and not show her fear for she knew her own safety now depended upon it.

  "You know I am a religious woman. If you bring a priest to the keep and we are married, I will go to your bed willingly and I will please you. You have my word."

  She stared at him, looking deeply at Garret as he gazed back at her with both surprise and a skepticism within his eye. She hurriedly continued on solemnly.

  "If, however, you touch me just once before we are wed, you will never have a moment of peace with me. I will always fight you and will displease you whenever I can."

  She raised her chin, silently signaling she had laid down her terms and it was up to him to either take her offer and believe her, or not. She could only hope he would accept her words it as true, buying her a little bit of time and delaying what she knew was inevitable. For she could only hope her family and her clan would somehow be able to save her and rescue her from this horrible beast.

  But as she looked around at the room she had occupied for so many years and as she gazed upon the repulsive man in front of her, she realized her freedom would come at a price. With despondency, she thought of her own dear brother Burk and knew without a doubt he had already paid dearly. She reasoned if her clansmen were to make an effort to save her and take her from the Macnab, there was a certainty more lives would be lost.

  Lizbeth came to the realization she could not live with that fact. She could not allow more men to die so she may live her life in peace and away from the Macnab. It was clearly obvious to her that her destiny was to reside here with Garret, or reside next to her mother for all of eternity. Lizbeth did not believe it should come to any other end and refused to believe it would ever be so. In that moment, she realized it was more than her duty, it was for the love of her family and of the two c
lans who stood out beyond the great walls, trying to gain retribution.

  With resolution, she looked back at the clansman and spoke, "And I will promise you one more thing."

  Garret looked at her through the corner of his eye, doubtful, yet waiting patiently for her to continue. What else could she possibly offer?

  "If you promise to leave me be until our wedding night, I will speak to my clan. I will beg them to give up and go home. I will tell them I am staying here willingly."

  The Highlander's eyes opened widely and in surprise, unbelieving of what he had just heard as a slight smile crossed his face. He looked at her severely, wondering what possible reason she could have for this change of heart. Why would she agree to abandon her family?

  With a smile he said, "Willingly? You will do this and come to my bed willingly? And I have your word?"

  Lizbeth pursed her lips together as a wretchedness consumed her heart completely. She simply nodded slowly, her fate now sealed, understanding her life was no longer her own.


  As the land began to awaken and the first light revealed what the darkness had previously hidden, the sentries of the Macnab keep stationed high up upon the walls began to speak in hushed and nervous tones. All around them they could feel the unease as it was laced heavily in the air. For laid out before them was a wide and threatening band of warriors. They were all armed and all waiting to attack. Hundreds of them.

  Both the Stewart and the Campbell clans were waiting for one of the great lairds to give the signal and the clansmen were going to storm the castle. They were going to attack with their full force. Not one or two bands or smaller troops. It was to be the whole angry lot of them. Maybe they would not this minute nor even in the next hour, but it was going to be before the sun was completely over them in the sky.

  Slowly the line of warriors moved ominously closer, threateningly picking their way nearer to the large stone walls. They were close enough to gain a better advantage of their enemy, but staying just outside of arrow range. They stopped as they brandished their swords and made ready their bows, perched for action and just waiting for the signal so they could begin.

  As the great lairds were making ready to advance, a slight movement was seen high upon the castle wall. Garret appeared pulling a small woman with hair the color of honey behind him. The whole of the Stewart and Campbell men stared without emotion and watched carefully as the scene played out before their eyes.

  Lizbeth and Garret now stood on the top of the keep's wall with the Macnab surrounding them. She was held in front of his chest as the Highlander effectively used her as a shield for his protection. Even though she had agreed to be a willing participant, he had his hand wrapped tightly within her hair, painfully gripping at the base of her neck along with a blade pressed into her side.

  Lizbeth knew the plan, understood the arrangement and would not object and would do as he had instructed. She was most willing to sacrifice herself for she wanted no bloodshed and needed to ensure the safety of the ones she had the chance to call family and her protectors. This was her will, 'twas her right and her duty and she had agreed readily to do so.

  Garret shouted loudly so both his men and the clansmen stretched out below could hear.

  "Your daughter, my laird, has pledged herself to wed me within the fortnight."

  He paused, looking down at the men laid out before him who had not spoken nor shown any emotion to his words. He continued loudly.

  "Ask her, for she will tell you it is so!"

  Lizbeth shouted without hesitation as she looked down upon her father who stood at the center of the line of men.

  "He speaks the truth, father! I have pledged myself to the Macnab."

  "And she has given her word she will come to my bed, willingly."

  A slight sneer came to his face as both he and his men that flanked him laughed harshly.

  Lizbeth closed her eyes briefly, a sickening that threatened within her stomach for the words he had spoken out loud. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes and gazed down upon the men who had not reacted to either the Macnab words or hers.

  She shouted once again, wanting to convey a message to her warrior, the man who had been the one to provide a slight reprieve from her painful life. She wanted him to know what he had meant to her, even though their lives could never be as one.

  "Just know I am assured of happiness and peace here. For I would never give myself willingly to someone I did not love."

  She stared down at the men of her homeland, her eyes moving silently towards the man who had captured her heart and hoped he would understand her final message to him. Lizbeth now had realized she loved him with all of her being, even though she understood they could never be together even if she had the chance to be free. She was most happy she had bestowed upon him that one precious gift she had to give and hoped he would remember her always with a certain fondness.

  As she reflected back from the moment she first laid eyes upon her warrior, a warmth filled her heart. She was thankful for the few weeks she had with him, his kind words and the love they had shared had meant the world to her. More than anything at this very moment as she stood upon the wall knowing she had to sacrifice herself so they all could live, she understood his call to duty. She most likely had understood that more than most. For she realized with a sadness her own life was over, this being her price and her duty. She recognized she would never allow Garret to ever possess her body. If she could not find a way to escape, she would find a way to leave this earth forever, before he had the chance to touch her in that way.

  She took a deep breath, pushing those thoughts back into her mind knowing that was for another day…for she had to first convince her family to leave and to go home and decisively quit this battle. Lizbeth lifted her chin slightly, playing out the rest of her plan to put an end to it all. She knew in the deepest depths of her soul, she did not wish any more deaths upon her conscience.

  Lizbeth shouted loudly for all to hear, "'Tis time for the Stewart and the Campbell to leave the Macnab lands and go home! There will be no more lives lost nor blood shed on my account. Please know I stay here willingly!"

  As those words left her lips, her eyes locked with Blake's as she sent a silent message to him. She was certain this would be the last time she would ever have the chance to see him and gaze upon his face. More than anything, she wanted him to understand her silent wish for his forgiveness for the weakness she was surely showing. She also understood the path she had chosen would be considered the easy way out. Without a doubt, she knew this 'twas the coward's way out. Ending her life before she had to endure the certain pain the Macnab would put upon her. Her heart ached for the thought of it.

  Without warning, Garret pulled her harshly back and away from the top of the wall. He took her from her warrior, forcing her from her family and her clan, sending Lizbeth spiraling into a cavern of desolation, lost hope and despair.


  Quite before Lizbeth was ready to leave the wall overlooking her clansmen and the people she was eternally bound to, she was pulled harshly back and away from their view. Lizbeth truly understood this was the last time she would ever have the chance to gaze upon any of their faces and for that, she was devastated. Together, Garret moved them quickly across the courtyard and into the front of the keep. Instead of being taken to the family rooms above and where she had always resided in the past, she was brought to a stairway leading to the dungeons located far below the great room.

  The severe warrior walked before her and pulled her down into the dimness of the passageway. Lizbeth could feel the hard slippery steps below her feet while the cold rank air assailed her nostrils. A new fear began growing within for she was now being treated as a true prisoner, her existence now entirely confirmed.

  The Highlander moved her down the dark damp hallway as his malicious chuckle echoed ominously upon the stone walls. As they moved forward through the murky corridor, she heard muffled
noises, most likely from the masses of rats she understood would be within. On and on they moved, ever deeper into the dark caverns below.

  The clansman stopped before one of the gloomy cells and forced her inside. As they stepped within the darkened room, he pushed her gruffly where she stumbled and fell upon the grimy floor. He moved forward and stood above her with a scowl upon his face and a mocking in his voice.

  "My lady…" The clansman paused briefly, a scowl appearing upon his angered face. "You had your chance at being a part of this family but you chose to leave us. Think now I would have you for my wife even if you are willing? Trust me when I say I will have you, just not with the grand title you so desire."

  Lizbeth looked at him in fear as his laugh coursed through her body while echoing harshly off the hardened stone walls. She began to panic as her fate was clearly laid out before her.

  "We will see how you become and what you begin to beg for after you have lived down here for a while."

  Garret moved forward as he reached towards her with a ruthless look in his eyes. Lizbeth moved away from him as best she could and towards the wall, but he was too fast for her. He grabbed her and pulled her up against his monstrous body, his powerful arms encircling her and pulling her to him as he moved his mouth towards hers. He held her tightly as he pressed her back and forcefully up against the wall while with his mouth he abrasively captured hers.

  Garret leaned his heavy body into Lizbeth while pressing his knee between her legs as he pinned her cruelly to the wall. Hungrily he groped at her body as the bile began to rise in her throat. He pinched at her breasts as his large hand kneaded her fiercely and hungrily as he groaned loudly with his own pleasure. Lizbeth sickened further as she realized she could feel the full of his need against her stomach, her fear and panic now consuming her.


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