Breaking In His Virgin

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Breaking In His Virgin Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  Prologue – Jackson

  Get a Free Book from Bella!

  Breaking In His Virgin

  Bella Love-Wins

  Jenika Snow


  By Bella Love-Wins and Jenika Snow

  Copyright © March 2018 by Bella Love-Wins and Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: March 2018

  Cover Design: RBA Designs

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  She’s been my best friend for more years than I can count. But my friendly affection for her has turned into something so much more.

  I am in love with Marie but too afraid to tell her. No other woman compares to her.

  She's smart and hardworking, sweet and sexy, innocent yet made for temptation. And it’s because of that, because I want her so damn much, that I’ve stayed celibate, hoping one day Marie will be mine.

  But it’s the threat someone making her another notch in his bedpost that drives me into action.

  I should have made Marie mine long ago, but there’s no time like the present.

  It’s time I show her that nothing will stop me from claiming her.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  About Bella Love-Wins

  I. Sneak Peek From Bella

  Blurb and Author’s Notes

  1. Prologue – Jackson

  2. Dahlia

  3. Jackson

  Also by Bella Love-Wins

  Get a Free Book from Bella!

  About Jenika Snow

  II. Sneak Peek From Jenika

  Her Beast, His Beauty

  4. Sneak Peek

  Want More From Jenika?

  Chapter 1


  I guide one of my colts out of the barn toward the equine veterinarian’s truck.

  Right away, jealousy twists up my insides, urgent and demanding. I know I might be too late to stop fate the second I see her.

  Marie Dawson.

  We've known each other since childhood, but became close in our teens. All through high school, we had summer jobs at the Sun Vista Stables, the largest horse boarding ranch around.

  Marie and I have been good friends for years. Our shared interest in horses put us in close quarters, but I never crossed the line. That’s not for lack of interest on my part. I’ve been tempted more than a few times.

  I’ve been meaning to grow some balls and cross that line, see if she wants to be more than just friends. I’ve just been too afraid of ruining what we have. But it’s time to park all this fear and make my move. It’s past time. It seems fate is stepping in. A few days ago, I found out that Dr. Morris Trent, the local vet, hired Marie as his assistant.

  The guy is a womanizing son of a bitch. He puts on the charm with every female to get what he wants. Not that he needs charm. For a lot of women around here, panties drop once they hear the title doctor before his name, even for just a vet.

  I know Marie’s smart enough to see right through his games, but the fact that they’ll be working together day in and day out makes me worry a little. I should have been a man and told her how I felt long ago, but with the doctor threat now right in my face I need to just be honest and take this to the next level with her.

  If I had it my way, she’d be nowhere near him. The thing is, helping nurse sick animals back to health is Marie's dream job. She worked hard for this career change, taking night classes while holding down two waitressing jobs. She sacrificed her free time to study and work so she could support her family and keep a roof over their heads when her dad lost his job at the mill.

  So even though she lives in the next town over and has to drive thirty miles to work, I know exactly how important this job is to her. It's a unique opportunity, considering that Doc Trent is the only veterinarian around for a few hundred miles. I'm proud to know she's finally doing what she loves, but fuck, does it have to be with this guy?

  Doc Trent's a player. He's slept with half of the single women around. I wish like hell Marie and I hadn’t been in the friend zone for so long, that I just had the guts to make her mine. But I know why I respected the friends only code we shared.

  She told me ages ago that what we had in our friendship meant more to her than anything else.

  In a lot of ways, I understand what she means. Having someone who knows you inside and out, sees your flaws, and still has your back, well, it’s rare. Good friends are few and far between, especially for a guy like me who has burned a hell of a lot of bridges. Before Marie and I were friends I’d given my virginity away. I regretted it, wished like hell I’d saved it … for her. Only for her. No other woman could get my heart racing like just the thought of Marie could.

  And after I became friends with her … yeah, no other woman was good enough. So here I am, celibate for fucking years, only wanting one woman, my best friend, and she doesn’t even know it.

  But seeing her now, it's driving me crazy to know that any day now, Doc Trent will hit on her with one thing in mind.

  Getting her into bed, fucking her, and moving on to the next woman in sight.

  No way am I about to let that happen.

  Fuck no.

  Marie is mine. Irrevocably.

  I just hate it took some asshole threatening to move in on what is mine to get my ass in gear.

  "Good morning!" Marie chirps, her voice pulling me from my thoughts as I make it to the open double doors at the back of the vet truck.

  “Morning yourself.”

  She pets the colt along his neck and he nudges toward her. “Hey, boy,” she hums, licking her lips.

  I should be used to her by now, but the idea that some philandering douchebag in a Stetson cowboy hat, brand new Tony Lama cowboy boots, and fake as fuck rodeo buckle is sniffing around Marie causes me to see her in a new light. I can’t help but notice every little movement she makes around me now.

  Like how she licks those sexy, full cupid’s bow lips.

  It’s the last thing I need to see her doing right now while they’re glistening, shining a soft, naked and natural pink under the bright mid-morning sun. I’ve seen her countless times with makeup and without, and I’ve always liked admiring them, but today, it’s harder than ever not to smash my mouth to hers.

  “You all right?” she asks.

  “Sure I am.”

  She reaches her hand up into her fiery red hair, all pulled up into a loose bun at the top of her head. My fingertips start to tingle. They’re itching with the urge to remove the hair band hold
ing up that bun. I’d like to see all her wavy tresses fall around her shoulders, tempted to wrap a handful of it around my fist and take that mouth.

  “You seem a little… distracted,” she says.

  “Nah,” I tell her. I clear my throat and rearrange the growing bulge in my pants when she’s not looking. I can’t help but picture Doctor Love em’ and Leave em’ touching her, trying to coax her into his bed. It pisses me off and makes me possessive as hell.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” The concern in her voice is unmistakable. She squints her big hazel-green eyes and tilts her head up from her five-foot-two height to inspect my face. Given that I’m six-foot-two, she’s always had to crane her neck a little to look up at me. Today, though, the slender lines and harsh sunlight only highlight the faint flutter of pulse point at the base of her neck. Jesus. At the rate I’m going, I’m liable to devour that spot any minute now, and several more on her body.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You look a little flushed.” Marie walks around the front of the colt and comes to my side. She places the back of her hand on my forehead. “Your skin’s kinda warm.”

  I have to do my best not to react to the heat of her touch. I curse silently, mostly at goddamned Doc Trent. Although I probably should thank him. If he hadn’t hired her, if he hadn’t become an imminent threat, I might have stayed a coward and never told her how I feel. But the womanizing doctor has lit a fire under my ass, it seems. I’m standing here with an erection growing without my permission. And feeling all kinds of possessiveness about Marie.

  I curl my callused fingers around her wrist and gently pull her hand away before all my self-control erodes. “It’s the sun,” I explain. “It’s damned hot today, and it’s not even noon yet.”

  Still staring up at me curiously, she shrugs. “Okay, if you say so. All set for the vaccinations?”

  “Yeah, I’m ready, but I don’t think the horses are. They’ve been skittish all morning. It’s like they know what you and the Doc have planned for them.” I look past her to the front of the truck, checking to see if the vet’s with her. “Where’s your boss?”

  “Picking up extra supplies in town. He should be here within the hour.”

  “We’ve got an hour to spare?” I ask and can’t keep the lust from lacing into the rasp of my deep voice.

  “Spare time?” She rolls her eyes. “You wish.”

  “I can use a few minutes out of the sun. I’ve been working since seven this morning.”

  “That’s why I stopped at Rhett’s diner and picked up your favorite cup of dark roast. It’s in the cup holder in front.”

  “Awesome, thanks,” I say, but don’t move. Not even my favorite coffee can steal my attention away. She’s standing so close that the sweet floral scent of her shampoo reaches my nostrils and sends my thoughts spiraling back toward sin. “We should take a break…while it’s just us here.”

  “There’ll be no slacking off this morning,” she says lightly, not clueing into my lust-filled invitation. The corner of her lips curve up into a sweet smile. “I have to prepare the shots in the meantime. Hey, do me a favor and bring out the rest of the horses, will you?”

  “Yes, boss lady.”

  “What’s gotten into you this morning?” she asks, eyeing me strangely again as I stand there.

  I’m fully aware that I’ve agreed to everything she asks but haven’t moved an inch. I don’t have an answer for her. If I open my mouth, I’m positive that something less than appropriate will fly out. If I move, I’m sure it’ll be to pull her into my arms and claim that mouth once and for all.

  “How many vaccines are we doing today again?” she asks, breaking the awkward silence. “I think the requisition form said thirteen?”

  “Yes. Thirteen.”

  I’m not thinking when my hand reaches the side of her face and tucks a stray lock of red hair behind her ear. When she parts her lips to speak again, in all likelihood to tell me to quit acting so crazy, my mind shuts off completely. I bury my hand into her hair and cover her mouth with mine, stealing her breath with my kiss.

  Chapter 2


  I can’t move, not with the feel of Rowan’s lips on mine. They are firm yet soft. And when I feel his tongue stroke along the seam of my lips that’s when I take a step back, breaking the kiss. Truth is I want that kiss, have wanted it for so long it’s become this blur. But this feels weird, almost wrong, as if it’s forced. I don’t want that, don’t want things to get weird, although I have a very strong feeling they’ve just gone into that territory.

  My heart is racing, my palms sweating. I know I probably look shocked as hell as I stare at him, my eyes feeling as wide as saucers. I have no clue where the kiss came from, but before I knew what was going on Rowan had his mouth on mine, having me spiraling down some rabbit hole that I would never climb back out of.

  On instinct I lift my arm and touch my fingers to my mouth, feeling my hand shake, unable to break my stare from Rowan.

  “Shit,” he says in a gruff voice. He lifts his hand and rubs the back of his neck, looking away from me. Everything gets weird. The air becomes thicker, heated, and seemingly uncomfortable. “I’m sorry about that. I—I don’t know what the hell got into me.”

  I open and close my mouth, not sure what to say. I probably look like a fish out of water right now. And then I hear Maggie, one of the other horse trainers, walk out with a mare. She’s totally oblivious to what just happened; in fact, she’s not even paying attention to us. Thank God for small miracles. I sure as hell don’t know how to process this, and I don’t want witnesses on how awkward this really is.

  She doesn’t pay any attention to us as she walks by, ties the mare’s reins to the post beside the truck, and turns to head back inside the barn. But before she leaves us in the scorching sunlight she stops and looks over her shoulder at us, her brows lowering. “Everything okay?”

  I rub my hands furiously on my scrubs and nod, giving her the fakest smile I can muster. “Yeah,” I say and feel beads of perspiration dotting my forehead. “We’re cool as cucumbers.” I close my eyes instantly and curse myself for the fucking ridiculous thing I just said. I glance at Rowan, who is clearly suppressing a laugh.

  “Cool as cucumbers?” he mouths.

  I look back at Maggie. She shrugs and heads inside and I finally exhale the breath I’ve been holding. I rub a hand over my now-damp forehead, pieces of my hair sticking to my skin.

  I look at Rowan again. He’s now got a stoic expression on his face, the weight of the situation we were in before Maggie broke it coming back full force. Gone is the look of embarrassment on his face, and in its place is this total detachment. It’s the look I’ve seen on his face countless times with other people when he’s not comfortable with something. I’ve never seen him give me that expression. It’s a look I sure as hell never want directed at me, the person who’s supposed to be his best friend.

  There’s no doubt I probably humiliated him by not accepting his advances, but he took me by so much surprise that I didn’t know what to do but pull back. I know that Rowan isn’t used to getting turned down, and the truth is I haven’t seen him with a woman in a long time, a really long time if I’m being honest. But I can’t lie and say that doesn’t please me.

  All during high school he was the “Big Man on Campus,” the guy all the girls wanted. I honestly don’t even know how we stayed friends, or why he wanted to hang out with me. I was the nerdy bookworm girl, the Plain Jane. I’d heard plenty of rumors from the popular girls while growing up that the only reason Rowan hung out with me was because he saw me as a charity case, that he felt bad for me.

  Deep down, I always felt they said those things because they wanted to come between what Rowan and I had. They didn’t know the kind of friendship we had, how he was my best friend, the one person I could talk to anything about. Of course I’m close with Lila, have been for just as long as Rowan, but there was always this chemistry I felt between Rowan and
me, even if it was one way.

  I’ve loved Rowan for as long as I can remember.

  But we have always been in the friend zone, never crossing that line. Hell, he never even acted like he liked me that way. And I always kept my emotions hidden from him, maybe even from myself the majority of the time. But it was hard as hell watching him date women, knowing that they got to feel his hands on them, his mouth on theirs.

  And maybe if I was brave enough I could have told him long ago how I felt, could’ve seen where it all went.

  But the fear of losing him, that our friendship would be over because I crossed borders that I shouldn’t have, always kept me in check, always kept that fear at the forefront.

  I lift my hand and place my fingers on my lips again. They tingle, a reminder of his kiss. My heart is still racing, my palms still sweaty.

  I’ve been waiting for a kiss from Rowan my whole life.

  “What was that?” I finally ask, finding my voice. He doesn’t speak for long seconds, just stares at me, maybe trying to process what the hell happened, like I am. But I can tell his big body is tense.

  I’ve always compared Rowan to other men. It’s inevitable, what with his broad shoulders and muscular physique, his tall height and witty charm. He is intelligent, but has a smart mouth. The latter is what got him in trouble more times than not while we were growing up, what gave him the bad boy reputation.

  I think that’s what I love most about him, that his personality is so different than mine, that he can make me laugh without even trying.


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