One Nation
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Practical problems aside, there are moral problems with redistribution. Thomas Jefferson famously put it similarly when he said, “To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father’s has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.” The utopian vision of communal societies strongly disagrees with Jefferson’s views and would advocate for equitable redistribution to prevent massive accumulation by any one group or poverty by another group. The communal philosophy does not recognize exceptional production by individuals or exceptional nonproduction.
When the vision of the U.S. government included guarding the rights of people but staying out of their way, America was an economic engine more powerful than anything the world had ever witnessed. That engine is still in place, and if the original vision can be restored, that engine could restart and quickly obliterate our national debt while helping our nation reclaim its rightful position of leadership and respect throughout the world. Our ability to care for the indigent would also be considerably enhanced and the number of indigent would be significantly decreased in a thriving job market.
Deep Division
Because of our neglect of the Constitution, it has been a while since the people of America could agree on a national vision. Perhaps the last time was toward the end of the Cold War when our unity and strength radically changed the world’s power structure for the better. There was a great deal of unity across party lines and the resultant national vision made us a formidable foe or a powerful ally. Today we are deeply divided along ideological lines, as discussed earlier in the book. As a result, our political climate changes dramatically every time power shifts from one party to another. Massive swings to the right are followed by massive swings to the left, destroying the unity that was our strength.
There are deep and sometimes hostile divisions between those who believe in God and those who are atheists. Even deeper divisions exist between those who believe in personal responsibility and those who believe that there is no problem with government dependency. Many believe that as the world’s only superpower the United States should engage in strong international leadership, while others feel strongly that we should adopt a laissez-faire attitude. The right to bear arms versus the concern for public safety has produced a deep chasm as have attitudes about gay marriage, abortion, and other social issues. Every time the pendulum swings it leaves more deeply entrenched people at the extremities of the swing. This exacerbates tensions that used to be relatively minor differences.
Because we have strayed so far from the original intent of our nation’s goals, and because philosophical differences are so deep and entrenched, the legitimate question is whether our disparities can be peacefully resolved, resulting in a long-term forward trajectory instead of massive pendulum swings. I believe it is possible for us to adopt a positive direction, but it will require exceptionally wise and courageous leadership.
A Constitutional Convention?
Recently, some radio commentators have suggested the need for another constitutional convention since the last one was more than two hundred years ago. While I would be delighted to see a new convention, I don’t believe it is practical due to the size, complexity, dishonesty, and animosity that characterizes our political structure today. Fortunately, our founders were visionary and wise men who could foresee the turmoil we now face and anticipated almost everything that would be destructive to their vision except apathy on behalf of the populace in terms of protecting our freedom.
Revering the Constitution
I believe the only thing that will correct our downward trajectory is the rekindling of the enthusiasm for individual freedom and the reestablishment of the U.S. Constitution as the dominant document of governance. Unless the majority of Americans awaken from their complacency and recognize the threat to their fundamental individual liberties imposed by continued expansion of the federal government, nothing will save us from the fate of all pinnacle nations that have preceded us, those that tolerated political and moral corruption while ignoring fiscal irresponsibility.
We the people have lost the inspiration that produced the “can-do attitude” that was our foremost characteristic. We have capitulated to the forces of ever-expanding governmental control of our lives. But it is not too late for us to change. As a beginning, all American citizens must be familiar with our Constitution, and they must be brave enough to stand up for its principles even if that makes them temporarily unpopular. They must be willing to share their knowledge with others and encourage frank discussions rather than “going along to get along.”
Voting for the Constitution
The last point that I just mentioned is the safeguard that our founders built into our system of government to allow “we the people” to rectify an out-of-control governmental structure. As outraged citizens, we have the power to vote out of office any politician who refuses to uphold the Constitution.
One of the most important steps that must be taken if America is to remain free is stimulation of the large voter base that has basically tuned out of politics. One of the political parties or perhaps a new political party has to be dependable and courageously uphold the Constitution. The fact that the Republican Party in particular often seems to stand for principle, only to cave in to pressure at the last minute, has turned off a huge number of voters. A true reformation of the Republican Party would be a breath of fresh air for those voters. Those voters are also up for grabs for the Democrats if they decide suddenly that they want to be the party of the Constitution. In an ideal world, both parties would desire to uphold the Constitution, and their energies could be spent elsewhere, including solving our nation’s problems instead of engaging in ideological squabbles.
Just prior to the start of the American Revolution, and throughout its duration, concerned citizens engaged in self-education and education of others by convening community meetings, often in one another’s homes, to discuss the desire for freedom and the threat posed by inaction. The same kinds of meetings were held throughout Europe during and after the Dark Ages in an attempt to keep Christianity alive. Both movements were successful because people became activists and used their collective skills, resources, and intellect to bring about the changes they desired. If Americans would meet together the same way and discuss which candidates would best honor the Constitutional vision, our future’s security would be much improved.
In making decisions about who should be replaced, it is important for the people not to be deceived by those politicians who claim that the matters they are dealing with and voting on are too complex for the average citizen to understand. I believe our political role models should be people who understand and revere the U.S. Constitution and are willing to defend it from those who feel it is outdated. We need people who can articulate their beliefs in a way that is easily understandable, and people who are willing to point out who among their compatriots are deviating from the Constitution and why. People who are worried about reelection are terrible representatives, especially when they place reelection above principles. Until we the people learn to identify and support those political role models who truly represent our interests, we can expect continued deterioration of governmental trust and ongoing governmental expansion into every aspect of our lives.
In my opinion, if politicians are unable to explain a law or statute in a way that a seventh grader could understand it, then they don’t understand it either and should be provided an opportunity to study after being voted out of office. Anyone who writes a law that cannot be easily understood by an average citizen is not worthy of leadership. The Constitution, which was written by extremely learned men, is quite easy to understand and should serve as a gold standard for the language and size of subsequent legislation that is introduced.
Visionary Leaders
Dynamic national leaders tend to be exceptionally good at painting a clear vision that inspires and motivates the populace. For the United States, George Washington was such a figure. He was extraordinarily brave and disciplined, and inspired confidence in his troops even though the odds of victory were often minuscule. He helped formulate the goals for our nation, which included a degree of personal freedom for all citizens, something rarely witnessed in the world previously. This understanding gave him the fortitude to resist the many calls for him to become a monarch.
The British adversaries of General Washington were used to beating their subjects into submission and treated the colonies like many of the other colonies around the world. But they had no overarching vision, putting them at a distinct disadvantage even though they were the most powerful fighting force in the world at that time, and their opponents were an ill-equipped, ragtag bunch of militiamen.
If today’s Americans refuse to give up on the constitutional vision, explain that vision clearly, and elect leaders who will uphold it, we will likewise defeat the powers that would bring our country down.
Action Steps
Do you have a personal vision for the rest of your life? If not, stop and write out your lifetime, one-, five-, and ten-year goals.
Read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Examine candidates in the next election to see if any are potential visionary leaders.
Consider whether freedom or security is most important to you. Do you see the trade-offs between the two?
Do not carouse with drunkards and gluttons, for they are on their way to poverty. Too much sleep clothes a person with rags. Listen to your father, who gave you life, and don’t despise your mother’s experience when she is old.
PROVERBS 23:20-22
As a child in Detroit and Boston, I had a rather limited worldview. The coolest people around were the drug dealers who drove big-finned fancy cars with huge white-walled tires, and always displayed the latest fashions, particularly in footwear and showy big straw hats. Also highly admired were the people who had risen to the rank of foreman in one of the many factories that fueled the burgeoning industrial-based economy. Most of the kids, including me, did not have a big vision of anything outside of our small world and being a dealer or foreman would have been great.
I was never heavily drawn toward drug selling or factory work, but instead I was fascinated whenever I heard stories about doctors, especially the ones I heard in church about missionary doctors who lived amazing adventures. My family certainly was not friendly with any doctors, but at the little community hospital in our neighborhood, one could occasionally see a well-dressed and polished physician driving off in a beautiful car. I was always eager to visit a doctor even if it meant getting a shot, and I was magnetically drawn to any doctor show on television, especially Dr. Kildare, who was a general practitioner, and Dr. Ben Casey, who was a neurosurgeon.
As mentioned earlier, in the fifth grade my academic performance was so poor that my mother (with her third-grade education) turned off the television and made us read books. I was rather disgruntled at first, but since I had no choice in the matter I began focusing on the reading so I could get my mother-required book reports done, even though she couldn’t read them, which we didn’t know. Within a matter of weeks, I began to actually know some of the answers to questions in various classes, which was shocking to the teachers and my classmates, and frankly to me as well.
I started out reading about animals because I love nature. I then moved on to plants and minerals before discovering what really affected me: stories about people. As I read about people of great accomplishment I began to understand that success is no accident that only happens to lucky people. Instead it became clear to me that the person who has the most to do with what happens to you in life is you!
Reading helped me realize that becoming a doctor was definitely within my grasp and that I could make this dream a reality if I was willing to invest the necessary time and effort. My vision was ever before me and buoyed me during times of discouragement. The environment can be a small factor but it pales in comparison with the power of determination to achieve a dream.
I did not like poverty. In fact, I hated it until I began reading those books and realized that I had the power to control my own destiny and did not have to be a victim of circumstances. I know many successful people who grew up in poverty and also came to this realization sometime during their preadolescent years. What happened is that we developed a vision of what our lives could be and began to follow that vision, which required establishing plans and following them. When you have a vision, it is much easier to keep your target in sight and know when you are deviating from the plan.
Our Young People Need Vision
I’ve discussed how necessary a shared vision is to a country. It is equally important to make sure that the young individuals in the country are given role models, providing an inspiring vision of what their lives can be. As a teenager there was a period of time when I began to “hang out” with a gang after school and into the evening. The leader of the group was older than most of the kids at school because he had failed several grades. He was an extremely cool guy who not only had brass knuckles and a knife but he also possessed a shiny .22 caliber handgun. He demonstrated such extreme confidence that many of us followed him around like little ducklings. He either possessed or had access to cars and motorcycles and he always seemed to be flush with cash. For a kid surrounded by poverty and a sense of helplessness, being around a person like this was exciting and offered a false hope of quick financial security.
Fortunately, my fascination with his lifestyle was short-lived as I became captivated by the lives of great inventors, doctors, and explorers whom I was reading about in the library books. Once again my future was protected by academic pursuits, because that young man and many of his followers subsequently lost their lives to the violent subculture rampant in cities like Detroit.
It is common for young people to be deceived by glamour, power, or wealth when choosing their role models. I should quickly add that some adults are also easily fooled by such things. We have a duty as parents and guardians to strive to influence which people capture our children’s imaginations. It means taking an active role in their lives and always being aware of who their friends are and what places they frequent. It also means trying to put them in the presence of people of great accomplishment whom we want them to emulate. These are things that used to be done quite routinely by caring guardians, but now many young people derive their identity from their peer group and their social network, which can be extensive.
Miley Cyrus Is Not a Role Model
If we don’t help set role models for our children, the media will provide them—and they will not be the role models who will inspire our children to save America by living lives of wisdom, ambition, humility, and discipline.
Many sports stars are among our young people’s heroes, but their character is often cause for concern. For example, before he died, I had an opportunity to have breakfast with Tom Landry, the famous former coach of the Dallas Cowboys. We were talking about many of the spectacular players he had coached over the years, but I was unpleasantly surprised to hear that almost all those players had borrowed money from the coach or from others and were far from leading lives of comfort and productivity. I heard exactly the same story in talking to my friend Tony Dungy, who coached the Indianapolis Colts during their glory days. Many of these players are held up before our young people as great heroes because they can throw or catch a ball or perform some other athletic feat consistently and with great flair. Entertainers similarly are extolled as superior human specimens worthy of our praise, adoration, and attention.
Some of these people possess spectacular talent and I do not begrudge them the millions of dollars they receive for displaying those talents. I am, however, concerned about the godlike status bestowed on them when i
n most cases their intellectual contributions to the betterment of our society do not justify such deification. Like athletes, many entertainers are here today and gone tomorrow. It is a sad sight wandering through some of the Las Vegas casinos and seeing performers trying to get spectators to remember their glory days. I wish there were a television show that came on every day titled Lifestyles of the Formerly Rich and Famous. This would perhaps enable many of our young people to recognize the fleeting nature of some types of fame and begin to focus on developing their God-given intellectual talents so they can make a contribution to the betterment of society.
This is not to say that we don’t need and value athletes and entertainers but we need to bring perspective to the table when talking about these kinds of careers. For example, only seven in one million will become starters in the NBA. Less than 1 percent of student athletes attending college will have a career in professional sports due to the limited number of available slots. The average career span of a professional athlete is less than five years, and only one in ten thousand makes it in a lasting way in the entertainment field. Despite these discouraging odds, thousands of people dedicate themselves to being one of the few, while often neglecting preparation for the assumption of key productive roles in society.
More negative role models were identified in a parents’ survey taken at the time of the penning of this book. Topping the list was former Disney star Miley Cyrus, who for years gave hope to parents as a wholesome character but changed into an R-rated performer without warning in August of 2013. And Chris Brown, the singer who assaulted Rihanna, had the distinct honor of being the top worst male role model.