One Nation
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see also education; informed citizens; wisdom
Kuwait, 115
labor force participation, 44, 160
Landry, Tom, 184–85
Latimer, Lewis, 188–89
lawyers, xvii
in black community, 43
visionary, 179, 180
learning from mistakes, 148–49, 151
Leno, Jay, 6
Leviticus, 194
liberal universities, 64, 89–90
libraries, xix, 99
Carson’s use of, xv, 134, 184
lightbulbs, 188
Lincoln, Abraham, 211
listening, 106–8, 110
Madison, James, xxiv
malpractice cases, 102–3, 146–47, 207–8
manners, 5–6, 12
marriage, 18, 194–95
gay, 3, 18–20, 60, 116–17, 175, 194–95
Martin, Trayvon, 52
Matthew, Book of, 193
McCoy, Elijah, 188
Mead, Margaret, 89
media, 4, 15, 18, 23, 28–29, 34, 46
bias in, 133
bullies in, 86–87, 97
elite class and, 28
manipulators in, 134–35
Medicare, 113
defensive, 102–3, 146–47, 207–8
knowledge in, 36
see also health care
memory, 36, 88
see also ignorance and forgetfulness
Middle East, 43–44
minimum-wage jobs, 158–60
minority communities:
elite oppression of, 29–30
see also African American communities
mistakes, 164, 194
learning from, 148–49, 151
money, 74–75
“In God We Trust” on, 55, 200
Montgomery bus boycott, 91
morality, 3, 40, 191–203
abortion and, 193–94
action steps for, 203
in animals, 198–99
Bible and, 192–95, 199, 200
brain and, 198–99
evolution and, 195–200
God and, 192–95, 199–203
homosexuality and, 194–95
Morgan, Garrett, 188
Moses, 200
music, classical, 124–25
“my way or the highway” attitude, 64–65, 112, 117, 121
NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association), 18
name-calling, 5
nanny state, 173
national anthem, 209
national debt, xx, 3, 59, 72–81, 101
action steps for, 80–81
compromise on, 117–21
economic growth and, 75–76, 119
government assistance and, 155, 156
raising ceiling for, 79
see also federal budget
National Prayer Breakfast (1997), ix, x
National Prayer Breakfast (2013), ix–xxvi, 18, 143, 206
Nazism, 12, 94
Nelson, Steven, 31
NSA (National Security Agency), 206
nursing homes, 155, 156
Obama, Michelle, x, xi
Obama, Barack, 64, 117, 135
at National Prayer Breakfast, x–xi, xxv
Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), 3, 12–13, 64–65, 71, 74, 75, 142, 143, 147–48, 172–73, 206
Occupy Wall Street movement, 40, 80
offense, 5, 13
feigned, 15, 17–20, 21–22, 25
oil, 149
“Operation Heal Our Patriots” program, 162
organizations, bullying by, 90–91
Palisades Park, 55
Paul, Saint, 194
Pelosi, Nancy, 64
pinnacle nations, 3, 39, 176
isolationism and, 45
Pledge of Allegiance, 3, 55, 60–61, 201, 211
political bullies, 87–89, 97
political correctness, xii, xiii, xx, xxv, 3, 6, 11–25, 189
action steps for, 25
best/worst analysis of actions toward, 205–6
bullying and, 86, 93
dialogue stifled by, 13–14, 17–18, 19
faux hypersensitivity and, 17–20, 21–22, 25
freedom of speech and, 12, 19, 23–24
hypersensitivity and, 13, 14–15, 23, 24
true sensitivity and, 15–16
true wounds and, 22–23
political correctness police (PCP), 12–13, 25, 86
responding to, 20–22
political fighting, 62–71
action steps for, 71
division tactics in, 66–67
“my way or the highway” approach and, 64–65, 112, 117, 121
strength in unity vs., 69–71
“we the people” vs. “they the government” and, 68–69
Post, Emily, 186
poverty, 3, 30, 183
caring for the poor, 153, 157
Carson’s experience with, xiv, xv, xvi, 183
prayer, 56, 151, 171
presidential election of 2012, 69, 130
pride, 116, 121–22, 123
prioritizing, 149–50, 151
Proverbs, xi, 1, 11, 26, 35, 48, 62, 72, 85, 96, 98, 108, 111, 121, 122, 124, 138, 140, 148, 151, 152, 169, 171, 181, 191, 204
Psalms, 193
quoting out of context, 67
racism, 17, 39, 50–53
Carson’s internship and, 16–17
Montgomery bus boycott and, 91
Ravella, Dawn, 162
Reagan, Ronald, 189
Reformed Church, 161–62
bigotry and, 53–57
and caring for others, 162, 165
Constitution and, 40–41, 53, 54, 55
see also Christianity; God
Republicans, 63, 68, 69, 78, 177
fighting between Democrats and, see political fighting
respectful disagreement, 98–100, 113
on abortion, 100–101
action steps for, 110
humility and a listening ear in, 106–8, 110, 122
strategies for, 108–10
on taxation, 103–6
on tort reform, 102–3
on welfare, 101–2
retirement, 164
Rihanna, 186
role models, 181–90
action steps for, 190
Carson’s mother as, 187
courageous, 189
identifying, 189
inventors as, 188–89
negative, 184–86
teachers as, 187–88
for young people, 183–87, 190
Rome, xx, 3, 73
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 42, 75
Rules for Radicals (Alinsky), 14–15, 25
sacrifice, 79
Saddam Hussein, 115
Samaritan’s Purse, 162
Sanford, Mark, 186
schools, 132, 133
bullies in, 5, 85–86, 95–96, 169–70
Title I, xix, 98–99
see also education
Schumer, Chuck, xi
science, 196–97
evolution theory in, 195–200
Second Amendment, 109–10, 175
secular progressives, 3, 6–7, 13, 136
character destruction attempts by, 21
elite, 28
fighting back against, 96
gay marriage issue and, 18
King and, 42
religious faith and, 41
segregation, 50–51, 52
self-reliance, 30
sensitivity, 15–16
faux hypersensitivity, 17–20, 21–22, 25
hypersensitivity, 13, 14–15, 23, 24
September 11 attacks, 115
Sessions, Jeff, xi
sexism, 17, 57–58
Simpson-Bowles commission, 121
Singapore, 144
single motherhood, 31
slavery, xiv, 12–13, 33, 38, 188
> Snyder, Dan, 141
socialism, 70
caring for others and, 154
social media, 87, 88, 90
Sodom and Gomorrah, 194
Solomon, King, 139–40
see also Proverbs
Southwestern High School, 35–36
special interest groups, 63, 64
sports stars, 184–86
stimulus package, 142
stock market crash of 1929, 44–45
stores, bullying by, 90–91
Summers, Lawrence, 12
Supreme Court, 200
survival of the fittest, 195–96, 199
Tallmadge, Ben, 202
taxes, xxi, 75, 80, 103–6, 120–21, 172
in ancient Greece, 77
corporate, 119–20
for individuals and small businesses, 75, 120
in modern Greece, 73
Simpson-Bowles plan for, 121
tithing and, xxi, 104, 120
voting and, 104–5
teachers, 187–88
Tea Party, 68
Ten Commandments, 192, 200
terrorists, 150
Thatcher, Margaret, 158
tithing, xxi, 104, 120
Title I schools, xix, 98–99
Tocqueville, Alexis de, xvi, 40
Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The, 6
tort reform, 102–3, 146
Toscanini, Arturo, 42
trauma, emotional, 22–23
Trial Lawyers Association, 64
TSA (Transportation Security Administration), 119
tyranny, 23, 39, 66, 126
unemployment, 44, 121, 160
unity, 6, 174–75
bigotry and, 50
political correctness and, 13, 17
strength in, 69–71
universities, liberal, 64, 89–90
US News and World Report, 31
utopian vision, 172–74
veterans, 162, 207
Vietnam War, 39
vision, 169–80, 202–3
action steps for, 180
Constitution as, 170–72, 179
constitutional convention and, 176
deep division and, 174–75
leadership and, 179, 180
personal, 170, 180, 181–83
and revering Constitution, 176–77
utopian, 172–74
and voting for those who uphold the Constitution, 177–79, 180
for young people, 183–87, 190
volunteer work, 162, 165
voters, 135
identification cards for, 4
informed, 126, 127–28, 130, 131
voting, 69, 87–88, 89
for politicians who uphold the Constitution, 177–79, 180
presidential election of 2012 and, 69, 130
taxation and, 104–5
Wall Street Journal, xxv
war heroes, 189
War of 1812, xxiii–xxiv
Washington, Booker T., 30
Washington, George, 55, 179, 201–2, 206–7, 211
Watergate, 135
Watters, Jesse, 6
Watters’ World, 6
Wayne State University, 158
wealth development, 32–33
weapons, 109–10, 175
Weiner, Anthony, 186
welfare, 101–2, 115, 158, 160
rolling back, 161
White House tours, 119
Wilson Junior High School, 50
wisdom, 138–51, 189
action steps for, 151
of Carson’s mother, 140–41, 142, 150
education and, 141
experts and, 141–42
of God, 151
health care and, 142–48
humility and, 150–51
knowledge and, 138–39, 141
and learning from mistakes, 148–49, 151
prioritizing and, 149–50, 151
women’s suffrage movement, 33
World Series, 70
World War I, 45, 188
World War II, 45, 58–59
Japanese in, 38
Yale University, 26–27, 159
young people, role models for, 183–87, 190
Zimmerman, George, 52