Earth's Last Angel

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Earth's Last Angel Page 22

by Leon Castle

  Denise collapses into Dave’s arms as the reality sinks in, ‘No…not Kenny’ she screams and lapses into unconsciousness.

  Sofia begins to wail uncontrollably, her hands covering her face, the upper half of her body rocking up and down. ‘Noooooooo…it should have been me…not Kenny! Ahhhh!’ she wails, over and over. She feels a small, merciful sting on the side of her neck, she feels herself fading… gently falling… falling…

  Chapter 63

  The horror of the loss of Prospecting Vessel 013 sends shock waves through the entire community aboard the Sobek and the entire prospecting vessel fleet. The first loss of life, stings the crews like a whiplash.

  An immediate evacuation of the asteroid survey field is ordered, with all prospecting vessel’s to return immediately to the Sobek. One of the first prospecting vessels to return is PV 005. As she touches down the waiting medical team move straight up to the lowering access ram to assist. Val, Tom, and Mondok are also there to oversee the medical evacuation. A small crowd of family and friends have gathered.

  ‘Denise!’ Mondok cries out, running over to her as she is maneuvered unconscious off the ramp on the hover stretcher. ‘Will she be OK?’ he asks the medic, deep concern in his voice.

  ‘Yes sir, I think so. She’ll need some time to rest then she’ll need all the support she can get.’ Leaning in close to Mondok, she confides: ‘It’s the other young lady I’m really worried about, it would appear she’s had a complete nervous breakdown.’

  ‘Thanks love, I’m glad you guys are looking out for us.’ says Mondok placing a grateful hand on her shoulder.

  ‘We have an entire floor setup for the crew sir. They will be as comfortable for the duration of their stay as we can possibly make it for them.’

  Having now reached the medical transport unit, the side door swings up, revealing six empty stretcher bays. The medic keys in the number one on the stretcher control pad, the stretcher gently lifts up level to the first docking position, then hovered sideways into bay one, self-locking into place.

  The second hover stretcher appears at the ramp with Sofia securely strapped in. Although unconscious, she is rolled up in a tight ball in the fetal position, trembling uncontrollably. Tom and Val stop Ven from going over to her.

  ‘But Tom I have to see her.’ Ven implores.

  ‘Give the doctors some space, mate, she’s in good hands. As soon as she can have visitors I’ll have the doctor call you.’ consoles Tom.

  Three doctors are waiting in the passage way inside the transport between the twin banks of six bays. After the initial triage, the worst affected are moved to the medical transport first, then the rest of the crew are directed to a small transport shuttle to ferry them to the medical center.

  The small crowd converges on the rest of the crew as they descend the ramp, tears and hugs flowing freely.

  After a short time, Val raises his hands to get everyone’s attention.

  ‘OK guy’s! We need all of our crew members to board the transport shuttle, you will be taken to the medical center for a general medical and also debriefing. Family and friends are welcome to meet us there.’

  Slowly the small crowd disperses making their way to the medical center, the distraught remaining crew of PV 005 board the transport shuttle. Tom and Mondok accompany the crew to the medical center, with Val staying to coordinate the return of the remaining prospecting vessel fleet.

  ‘PV 017 to flight control, permission to enter landing zone 3, deck 24, dock 2.’ calls the Caped Crusader a pilot who got his nick name from being a Mr. Fix it, always rushing in to save the day!

  ‘Access to landing zone 3, dock 2, deck 24 is granted maintain your present velocity and heading.’

  ‘PV 017 copies that flight control, thank you.’

  The huge prospecting vessel passes through the massive, open, outer alloy metal door, then through the second, inner, energy airlock curtain. Its legs fold up at the center joint for landing, her main thrusters now shut off. The descent is controlled by its gravity management devise, and small air thrusters, allowing the vessel to touch down feather soft.

  Val stays to watch all 24 remaining prospecting vessel’s return. Crews are instructed to move to the training dock for debriefing.

  Standing before the assembled crews, Val begins his address.

  ‘I really do not know where to start,’ confides Val the raw emotion choking him, coughing to clear his throat.

  ‘I won’t dwell on the incident itself. Suffice to say we have all suffered a terrible loss, an entire crew lost and that may not be the end of it, we also have two crew members from nearby PV 005 in a bad way in the mental health unit. All this loss for what?’ slamming his fist onto the table.

  ‘I am suspending all operations until the investigation is complete. A memorial service will be held for our fallen sisters and brothers. I will announce the time and venue when arrangements are finalized. We will meet here tomorrow morning at 0900 sharp.

  And No!…I will not answer any questions about the incident until I have accurate information,’ Val replies to the rising hands in the crowd.

  ‘I would like you all to make yourselves comfortable in the training room, feel free to help yourself to the food and refreshments provided. Please stay with your crew for now. Tom and Mondok, who have just joined us from the medical center, will be circulating to address any concerns you have.

  ‘Captain, can I ask, how are Denise and Sofia? We heard they are the two in mental health care.’

  ‘Resting comfortably, that’s all we know for now.’ interjects Mondok, ‘Sorry, Captain.’

  ‘It’s OK Mondok,’ Val replies, giving Mondok’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

  Two hours later, Val dismisses the crews.

  ‘What in hell possessed those morons to go out into a hot zone in the first place?’ asks a now very angry Val.

  ‘I’ll find out exactly what went wrong and get back to you, captain.’

  ‘Thanks Mondok, I’m so sorry about Kenny and Becky…You run the investigation and Tom and I will look after the immediate families of the deceased and organize the memorial service.

  The Croc is going to be furious! This is our first loss of life. This is personal, this is our family those idiots have taken from us!’ Val fires up again.

  ‘Take it easy, Dad. We need to be strong through this, for us and everyone else aboard.’

  ‘I’ll get the investigation underway immediately, Captain.’ Mondok salutes then rushes off.

  ‘We better get over and see the crew’s families of PV 013, the medical support team should be nearly finished with them by now.’

  As Val and Tom walk into the medical center lounge where the families are gathered, they all rise to their feet in respect for the captain. All are red eyed from crying. Val motions for them to be seated.

  ‘First of all I speak on behalf of the Croc and our family. We are truly sorry for your loss, we will provide support for all of your needs, you have nothing to worry about. A memorial service will be arranged and provided as soon as you are comfortable to have it. I have to say there is an investigation underway into the incident, to determine the cause and what controls we can put in place to stop a repeat. We will do all in our power to stop anything like this ever happening again. Space is a hostile, unforgiving place, so we need to make it as safe as possible.’ Val continues, reassuring the families of his support and condolences.

  Three days later the memorial service is held on board the Sobek. Val, perched up on the plank looking out at the gathered community lining the balconies, begins with a minutes silence. After the drone of the pipes of the lone piper fade Val wipes a stray tear from his eye.

  He introduces the Croc, who has flown to the Sobek direct from Thera. He is dressed in his royal robe. His face is a picture of intense sadness, yet his very presence fills the massive floor to ceiling hologram.

  ‘You have my heartfelt condolences and that of the entire ‘United Kingdom of Sobektar.’ />
  ‘From this day forth I decree that a one minute silence will be observed annually on the exact time and day of the incident. We will not forget our fallen. We will not allow the same mistake to be made again. The names of our heroes who seized control of the doomed prospecting vessel will be remembered and celebrated for all time.’

  ‘However the names of those involved in the mutiny will be erased and banished forever! Their villainous acts are written with innocent blood. The blood weight of their guilt is on their own heads!’

  ‘We are a strong and brave people, draw on the strength of your brothers and sisters. I am immensely proud to call each and every one of you my family, my own brothers and sisters, the children of the United Kingdom of Sobektar.’

  The Croc’s discourse lasts for just over an hour as he celebrated the life and achievements of each individual finally, Emotionally drained, the Croc signs off.

  Val then dismisses the crowd, then along with Tom, Mondok and the Croc, goes to join the modest wake arranged for the immediate families. After the wake the Croc boards his shuttle and returns home to Thera.

  Three weeks passes quickly for Mondok, the prospecting vessel fleet upgrades are nearly complete. However something disturbing is brought to his attention. With crews getting bored hanging around while the vessels are being fitted up, the rumor mill has jumped into high gear,

  ‘I’ve heard the whole mission is canceled and we are going home,’ one rumor.

  ‘I heard they found a massive ice deposit on their asteroid before it was smashed,’ went another.

  ‘Yeah, I heard they want us to do snatch and run missions.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘We fly into the hot zone, grab an asteroid, then tow it back to the safe zone!’

  ‘No you twit, they can’t make us do that. Why would they?’

  ‘Because that’s where the ice asteroids are, dummy!’

  ‘I heard that the whole crew plotted the mutiny before they even left the Sobek, maybe even before we left Thera!’

  ‘I heard there are other PVs involved in the plot, like PV 005 flying cockatoo for them.’

  ‘What are you on about, cockatoo?’

  ‘Yes cockatoo, keeping lookout for them and squawking at the first sign of someone coming.’

  ‘So you think there’s more than one crew involved?’

  ‘What do you think? There’s got to be! Maybe it came all the way from the top brass, a secret mission. If it did just watch the cover up!’

  The rumors grew in size and stupidity as rumors do. Finally Mondok speaks to the captain, who has started hearing reports of the rumors. Val decides to take immediate action.

  ‘Nolack-1, Activate the ship wide screen network.’

  The ship wide screen system jumps into action, The captain’s face fills the screen, sadly shaking his head.

  ‘I am deeply disappointed and hurt by the senseless, stupid rumors that are now circulating. I need them to stop. Right now! Haven’t we been through enough pain, tragedy and loss?’

  ‘I ask the people who started these rumors to have a good hard look at themselves, and hang their heads in shame. If you do not want to be here with us, then pack your bag and I’ll personally see you onto a shuttle bound for Thera. Your citizenship will be immediately revoked and you will have all that’s owed to you transferred to an outside bank. I will not tolerate this behavior from anyone. Am I clear on that? Thank you.’ With that Val signs off. Funnily enough, the rumors die a very sudden death.

  Chapter 64

  Two days later deck 24 is again a hive of activity, people scurrying about making final preparations for the return to the asteroid survey field. One small consolation from the PV 013 disaster is the discovery that the ice bearing rock is a form of limestone similar to limestone back on Thera, which makes the hunt for ice a little easier.

  Mondok visits Denise at the medical center, where she has recovered a little. She sits up in bed to read and chat, but she is still very frail after the shock. Her doctors are concerned over her irregular heartbeat, and her now regular fits of depression, plus she is eating way too much!

  After spending some time with Denise, Mondok heads for the elevator to the education deck, which houses a medical university, a geological and mining university, and a university of advanced technology, as well as several smaller schools and colleges. Arriving on deck 7, Mondok makes a beeline for the geological and mining university, or rock licking school as some of the wags around the place call it, because of the geologist’s practice of touching rocks to their tongue to taste the mineral. Mondok has made an appointment with the Dean. Walking into the reception area he greets the young receptionist behind the desk.

  ‘Julie I am here to see Dean Fernandez.’

  ‘He’s expecting you, Mondok, this way please.’ Julie leads the way down a short corridor to a large oak door and knocks, and then opening the door she announces Mondok’s arrival to the Dean.’

  ‘Come in Signor Mondok!’ A tall athletic middle age Mazuban stands up from his large timber desk, walking over to meet his old friend.

  ‘Antonio, you haven’t aged a day! But that’s not a bit of gray coming through on your frill is it?’ teases Mondok

  ‘Just a touch of silver perhaps, as I prefer to say,’ grins Antonio, stroking his frill. He then grasps Mondok’s outstretched hand, giving it a hearty pump.

  ‘I am so sorry about Kenny and Bekky,’ still squeezing Mondok’s hand while expressing his sorrow. Antonio releases Mondok’s hand, offering him a seat.

  ‘I still can’t get my head around the fact that they are gone!’ comments Mondok, shaking his head.

  Antonio places a reassuring hand on Mondok’s shoulder. ‘Would you like a Greetna? I’m having one.’

  ‘Yes why not, I’ll have a double with ice, thanks.’ replies Mondok.

  ‘How can I help, Mondok?’ Antonio asks as he pours the drinks.

  ‘Well…as you know Denise and Sofia are out of action for a while, so I’m taking Denise’s place on PV 005. Then I can keep a close eye on what’s going on out there, and finally get out on the ground and do what I do best. Which brings me to why I’m here, I’m looking for someone to temporarily replace Sofia until she recovers I’ll pay them the same as Sofia.’

  ‘Well it just so happens that I have someone in mind who would fill Sofia’s role. What she may lack in experience She more than makes up for with sheer talent and enthusiasm,’ he says, walking behind his desk and pressing the intercom button.

  ‘Julie, can you please send Sandy into my office.’

  ‘Yes dean, right away.’

  Striding straight into the office is a young female with a squat, solid muscular build with a jet black neck frill, soft pretty face, flashing white teeth, and alert golden eyes.

  ‘Hi! I’m Sandra, my friends call me Sandy,’ she smiles extending her hand to Mondok.

  ‘Err…yes I’m Mondok.’ He responds, taken aback by Sandy’s powerful approach. ‘She’s built like a brick dunny!’ thinks Mondok, smiling inside, and she’s as tall as me. He likes this youngster already.

  ‘So Sandy, do you mind me calling you Sandy?

  ‘No, of course not, should I call you sir or Mondok?’

  ‘No! Just call me Mondok. Now let’s get down to business, how long will you be available and what can you offer us as a trainee geologist?’

  ‘Well for a start I am in my final year of studies and have passed all of my exams with honors, I have a real passion for my chosen profession, my dream is to discover new minerals that can be developed into new metals. I have also completed my space environment training with low gravity, and passed again with honors. I am a good team player and get on well with other people, and I can also work alone. I really wish to thank you for considering me for this position. My only concern would be finishing my doctorate if my duties run out a little longer than expected.’

  ‘You have nothing to worry about, my dear, your theory is complete as far as
I am concerned, and of course your experience in this position will count towards your final scores. So now consider yourself a fully qualified Geologist. You can join your classmates for the graduation when you return,’ replies a proud fatherly Antonio.

  Youthful exuberance seizes Sandy and she throws her arms around Antonio’s neck, giving him a bear hug.

  ‘Thank you so much Dean, you’ve made my dreams come true!’ she sobs through tears of joy.

  ‘Here take this.’ insists Mondok, handing her his handkerchief. ‘I want it back when you are finished with it…clean!’ he smiles

  ‘Of course Mondok, I’ll look after it.’

  ‘How long will it take you to pack?’

  ‘A couple of hours, perhaps.’

  ‘Good, that will give me time to organize a transport for you and your gear. I’ll get your paperwork organized. You will be working directly with me on my prospecting vessel, PV 005. I’m taking Denise’s place until she is able to work again. By the way, where does your family come from?’

  ‘My mother is from the southern islands and my father is from the northern islands.’

  ‘An interesting mix of hot and cold.’ smiles Mondok ‘Ok you go pack and I’ll see you at the launch pad.’

  ‘Consider it done!’ she answers over her shoulder as she disappears out the door.

  ‘She’s a lively one, Antonio. She’s like a bee in a bottle!’

  ‘She’ll keep you busy, I guarantee it. She’ll do the work of three guys and still come back for more,’ laughs Antonio

  ‘Well, that’s what we need right now, someone who’s keen and eager to get the job done.’

  Antonio refills their glasses and they drink a toast to the success of the survey mission.

  ‘I’d better get cracking or I’ll have Sandy chasing me up.’ laughs Mondok.

  ‘Don’t be a stranger, Signor Mondok, you know you are always welcome in my home.’

  ‘OK I’ll drop by when we get back. Ask Maria to bake us one of those rhubarb pies she’s famous for.’


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