Earth's Last Angel

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Earth's Last Angel Page 23

by Leon Castle

  Antonio walks with Mondok out to reception. They say their goodbyes and Mondok heads for deck 24, the prospecting deck.

  On arriving at PV 005, Mondok sees the crew busy loading new supplies for the trip. He calls them all to assemble at the bottom of the access ramp. As the last of the crew emerge from inside the prospecting vessel, Sandy arrives on the transport with her luggage.

  ‘Just park over here, mate’ Mondok instructs the driver, then helps him with a few of the gathering crew to unload Sandy’s gear.

  ‘OK guy’s, you have two new crew members. This is Dr Sandra Mc Alistair she is our new geologist, so make her welcome.’

  Sandy introduces herself to each of the crew, shaking their hands in turn, then she says: ‘I’d like you all to call me Sandy, I feel very privileged to be working with the famous PV 005 team.’ She hardly gets the last bit out for the clapping and whistles from the team.

  ‘I guess you get called Sandy because of your wrist frills.’ calls out one of the wags at the back.

  ‘Of course it is!’ she replies, laughing at the cheeky banter.

  ‘So who’s the second new dude? man.’ asks Thirz.

  ‘I am…‘replies Mondok.

  ‘So who’s in charge back here?’ asks Frances

  ‘I promoted Ven to Acting Chief Prospecting Boss, he’s a sharp lad and has the skills.’

  ‘That answers why he was buzzing around here like a blue arse fly organizing our supplies for us then.’ smiles Dave.

  Turning serious, he askes: ‘So…you’re taking Denise’s, place are you Mondok?’

  ‘Yes, that’s correct gang. I’m now running survey operations from this vessel as Field Commander. I want to be out there on the rocks with you guys, it’s time for me to let someone younger have the job back here.’

  ‘I didn’t know he was Scotch!’ sniggers DJ

  His Brother AJ screws up his face as he looks at DJ. ‘What are you on about?’

  ‘Don’t you get it? Mondok on the rocks!’ and explodes in to uncontrolled laughter.

  ‘Slap him on the back the head, someone!’ comments Frances, barely able to control her own laughter. ‘Sorry Mondok, they grow on you after a while,’ nodding at the two lads.

  ‘It’s all good, Frances, as long as they are pulling their weight I don’t mind a little humor.’

  ‘Mondok, I’ve taken the liberty of packing Denise’s things for her and taking them to her apartment. I left it all in the transport trunk to make it easier for her when she‘s able to return to us.’

  ‘You’re a good friend, Frances, I’m sure Denise will be happy with that.’

  ‘OK crew, we leave in one hour,’ Frances announces.

  The launch goes without a hitch, 24 prospecting vessels all heading out to continue the survey they had started earlier. The captain had attended the launch and wished Mondok well on the continued survey.

  ‘Mondok, I’m going to miss having you around. But I think your move into the field of operations is a wise one. I’ll keep an eye on Ven for you and help him out if he needs it. All we need is a verifiable, commercially viable amount of minerals and the Croc can lodge our claim to the entire asteroid belt.’

  ‘Yes…I know captain, we’ve all got a lot riding on this. We will get the data the Croc needs for the claim, and an ice asteroid big enough to build our new home. I’ll make sure of it!’

  As the Captain shakes Mondok’s hand in farewell. a delicate blue butterfly lands on Mondok’s nose then walks up onto his head, gently folding its wings back and forth as it walks.

  ‘Well I’ll be damned!’ smiles Val.

  Mondok just smiles and walks carefully up the access ramp with the butterfly on his head, waving good bye to the captain. On the flight deck he gently puts his finger in front of the butterfly and it crawls onto his finger, he puts his finger close to Frances’s shoulder and the butterfly happily settles on Frances’s shoulder, with her grinning like a little girl.

  ‘OK. Everyone strapped in for liftoff?’ Frances enquires.

  ‘Yep! But the butterfly will just have to wing it!’ calls out DJ, to everyone’s laughter.

  Once clear of the Sobek Frances gives the all clear to move around. The flight deck clears pretty quickly, nearly everyone heading into the biosphere to sort their gear in their rooms. Sandy moves in to Sofia’s room, Sofia’s gear now stowed away in her apartment on the Sobek.

  ‘So…Mondok where did you pick up this pretty little girl?’

  ‘At the Uni for rock lickers, were else?’

  ‘Not Sandy, you clown! The butterfly!’

  ‘Oh,’ a burst of pink flashing on his frill and cheeks, ‘she found me. She landed on the end of my nose and crawled up onto my head. The captain thought it was hilarious. She must have gotten lost from the agricultural deck and spotted me, thinking I was a shrub or something.’

  ‘She’s gorgeous Mondok.’ replies Frances, admiring her black tipped vibrant blue wings.

  ‘Do you know what sort of butterfly she is?’

  ‘No idea.’

  ‘She’s a Dunk Island blue,’ says Dave as he walks on to the flight deck.

  ‘We used to collect them as kids when I lived in Tully.’

  ‘Where the hell is that? asked Frances.

  ‘Not far south of the tip of the great southern land. Went there on holiday once, rained the whole blasted time I was there. They’ve got this huge gumboot in the main park it must be 10 meters tall! I reckon it must have been full of water from the damn rain. I’ve never been back since!’ snorts Mondok.

  ‘Mmm…Wet season, got cheap off season rates did we mate?’ sniggers Dave. ‘Go back in the dry, you’ll love it. I’ve got some friends there who will take you out to Dunk Island in their boat, they’ll take you diving on the reef, and I might even talk them in to taking you up the boot.’

  ‘What do you mean, “‘up the boot?’”

  ‘It’s a viewing tower, Mondok. It’s hollow with a stairwell inside.’ ‘unlike some people’s heads that are just hollow.’ Dave mumbles under his breath.

  ‘Yeah, well maybe, I’d better go and get my stuff sorted.’

  ‘Isn’t it supposed to be good luck if a butterfly lands on you?’ asks Frances.

  ‘I don’t know, I just think it’s pretty cool she’s chosen us to be with.’

  ‘Hell Yeh! I’ll take her through to the biosphere and she can make friends with Denise’s carp Tiger.’

  ‘I hope Tiger doesn’t eat her!’ laughs Dave.

  Chapter 65

  Sadly, on the third day of the expedition, Denise passed away in her sleep. A blood clot had developed in her lung and broken free, entering her heart, blocking the blood flow and causing a massive fatal heart attack. Medical staff tried to revive her with no success. Mondok is heartbroken, now he will never get the chance to tell Denise how he really felt about her. After the dignified funeral, Denise’s coffin is placed inside a hollowed out asteroid with an ID beacon marking the asteroid as the new cemetery.

  Before arriving at the ‘0’ point for PV 005, Mondok makes an all ships call to the fleet of prospecting vessels.

  ‘This is Field Commander Mondok. I will be running operations from the survey field. Ven has been promoted to the position of Acting Chief Prospector. I know we are all still recovering from the loss of PV 013 with all hands. With the new override technology, an incident like that will never happen again. However I feel I must remind you that we work in the most hostile environment known to Mazubans. We need to look out for each other, don’t take any stupid risks. We have much to do, so let’s get it done safely. What we are doing now is the start of a new history, our history!’

  ‘So let’s give our descendants something to be proud of.’ A collective cheer spills out from the entire fleet. Mondok’s face splits into a broad grin. ‘Let’s do this people, safely!’ Now the survey is back underway in earnest.

  He divides the prospecting vessels into four groups of five, and one of four. He calls them Alpha,
Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, his team of four prospecting vessels being team Echo. He then nominates a leader for each team to report to him regularly, which gives him plenty of time to supervise his own crew on PV 005.

  With the first survey field now complete, Mondok moves the Prospecting fleet to the next survey field SF 0002. The survey process starts again with each prospecting vessel relocating their ID bench mark beacon to their new 500 square kilometer survey cube. They find their new ‘0’ point, then relaunch their bench mark ID beacons to begin the process of mineral survey all over again.

  After six months the mineral survey on the first 12,500 square kilometer cube section is complete. Now there is enough survey data to support the Croc’s claim of the entire asteroid belt, which he does on behalf of the United Kingdom of Sobektar.

  Chapter 66

  Back on Thera there has been long months of speculation regarding the massive ship named Sobek. Where exactly was it built? What are they doing out there in the darkness of space, just exploring? What on Thera is the Croc up to, calling a special sitting of the One World Order?

  The meeting is organized to be held at their headquarters in Gera. Delegates from around the globe are in attendance for this historic meeting.

  ‘Thank you all for coming to this special session of governance, the main item of business is the claim of the asteroid belt by the United Kingdom of Sobektar. I hand over the floor to his Highness, the Croc,’ announces the speaker.

  After thanking and acknowledging the delegates, the Croc proceeds with the declaration of claim.

  ‘I the Croc of the United Kingdom of Sobektar, acting by with power vested in me by the citizens of the United Kingdom of Sobektar, on this the 5th day of May in the year of 2010, before the honorable high counsel of the One World Order and all the attending delegates, do rightfully claim the asteroid belt in its entirety as a new territory of The United Kingdom of Sobektar.’

  ‘With all associated rights and privileges of claiming such an unclaimed and uninhabited territory in accordance with international law.’

  ‘The United Kingdom of Sobektar will use its rights to harvest any and all resources in the said territory, immediately taking possession of it as our own with the legal and moral right to defend it as necessary from any form of invasion or threat.’

  Initially there is shocked outrage and resistance to the claim, but as the Croc reminds them, the first people to settle in a new uninhabited land have the ancient right to claim it for themselves. This has been international law for millennia. Also, as a prospecting venture, the United Kingdom of Sobektar has the right to stake their claim on all mineral deposits in that claimed area. After two weeks of intense deliberation the United Kingdom of Sobektar’s claim is upheld by the global government, the One World Order. trade negotiations can now began in earnest.

  Trade negotiations are arranged to take place at the Grand Pyramid in the United Kingdom of Sobektar in two months’ time. There is a scurry of activity as all participants prepare for the upcoming trade session.

  It is now 87 years since the Third World War, and areas that were once radiation hot zones are gradually becoming safe to live in once again. The population has now recovered to just over two billion.

  Industry and commerce are establishing themselves once more as a demanding population grows rapidly.

  Old infrastructure destroyed in the war is slowly being replaced or repaired, placing a heavy demand on minerals and other natural resources. Mines, steel mills, and factories of every product bought by consumers that have lay dormant for years, or had been destroyed, have now been rebuilt and recommissioned. Oil, however, is in high demand and in short supply, an alternative must be found… quickly.

  ‘I have never in all of my life, seen anything like this!’ comments an awed Senator Cai, as he looks out of his port side window directly down at the imposing grand golden pyramid of the Croc, with the sun shining directly onto its western face lighting up the gold tinted glass. The massive structure is perched out on the ocean fronting onto the sheer cliff of the headland, it appears to float on a base of water. The small air shuttle leaves the sea behind, crossing the northern beach coastline then arching around to line up with the end of the runway, positioning itself for final approach. The golden pyramid looms high and majestic out of the port side window. With a squeal the tires of the aircraft gently touch down. It taxies towards the apron where the other eight aircraft are parked. Just before they turn onto the apron something amazing catches Lien-Lua’s eye.

  ‘Look at this! It’s…just beautiful!’ murmurs Lien-Lua as she leans across her husband Cai to get a better look. Looking at the eastern side now, the golden pyramid is shrouded in a golden halo from the sun shining on the western face.

  ‘Now I understand the symbol of Croc,’ breaths Cai entranced by the sight of the two huge upright golden Crocs facing each other guarding the apron entryway, one Croc on each side of the entrance. Between them, the sun haloed golden pyramid looms high.

  Waiting for them on the apron is the Croc and a small welcoming delegation.

  ‘Welcome to the United Kingdom of Sobektor. Senator Cai, and of course the lotus of the mainland, your beautiful wife…Lady Lien-Lua,’ bowed the Croc in a show of respect to his guests.

  ‘Stories are told of this place, Croc…but none can truly describe the beauty and majesty of your golden pyramid with the sun as its halo, simply spectacular! This is a rare honor to be invited to your home as your guest. Thank you, your Highness,’ Cai enthuses, returning the bow of greeting with his wife and small entourage.

  ‘Thank you for making the time to come. We will have time enough to talk over our business, so for now enjoy yourselves. Our porters will collect your baggage and take it up to your rooms. Delegates from the other eight regions are already here.’

  ‘I will give you a quick tour then you can freshen up and enjoy a relaxing swim or simply soak up some sun in the courtyard. Later this evening I would be honored if you join us for a meal and some light entertainment.’

  A wide set of stone steps leads up from the apron level, up to the slate stone path that follows the shoulder high wall to the northern entrance. Walking up the steps, the entrance opens out onto a massive white tiled court yard. The large lagoon style swimming pool occupies most of the northwest corner of the court yard. Some of the other guests are already enjoying a relaxing swim. The sound of splashing water and happy squeals of children ring out from the pool. Senator Cai stops at the top of the steps to take in the sight before him. He looks the massive structure up and down.

  ‘This is truly spectacular, Croc! I see now that it’s a moat around the base of the pyramid, from the air it looked like the pyramid is floating on a small lake, is it to keep the bad guys out?’ Cia jokes

  ‘No, it’s to keep my babies in,’ the Croc smiles as they approach the long, shallow pond. Large schools of every variety of fantail goldfish swim lazily around, filling the white pebble pond with living color. The Croc stands beside one of the two, head high Croc statues, marking the north entrance to the pyramid. He touches a hidden switch and the glass door of the northern entrance slowly rises up inside the glass wall to the gasps of astonishment from the visitors.

  The massive glass door has barely passed halfway when something spectacular happens. Hidden just beneath the water is the clear glass walkway, now rising out of the water, allowing them to walk over and into the interior of the pyramid. Senator Cia shakes his head in amazement, The Croc just smiles to himself satisfied with their reaction.

  ‘This way…’ instructs the Croc as he walks over the now fully raised glass walkway into the pyramid. The Senator’s small daughter stops to dip her fingers in the pond, and some of the fish immediately swim over to her, bumping her fingers and making sucking sounds asking for food, much to her delight.

  ‘Would you like to feed them?’ the voice belongs to a young Mazuban, the Croc’s son.

  She nods shyly, looking up at him.

bsp; ‘My father and I feed them before breakfast so you’ll have to be up early, I’ll make sure to ask if it’s OK with your mom and dad first.’

  ‘It will be fine young Croc, I would like to join you…if I may?’ Lien-Lua is standing behind the Croc’s son keeping a close eye on her little one.

  ‘Of course it is OK, Father will be delighted.’

  With everyone now inside, the Croc points out where everything is, and then leads them up to their guest rooms on the next floor, which houses the guests from the other eight regions of the globe. Individual countries have long ceased to exist, the planet’s population is now divided into nine regions governed by the One World Order. The floor above this is the Croc and Queen’s private chambers. The top capstone floor is the Croc’s private studio.

  Rising early, the young Croc meets Lien-Lua and her little daughter at the western entrance to the pyramid. ‘Would you like to help me with the mealy grubs?’ smiles the young Croc at the excited little girl, expecting her to balk at the offer.

  ‘Oh yes please!’ she replies, excited to finally feed the hungry goldfish. After collecting the pellets and grubs, the young Croc squats down next to his new little friend, who is busy wiggling her fingers for the goldfish to play with and make sucking sounds as they demand their food. She feeds them with both pellets and grubs, squealing with delight as they suck at her tiny fingers.

  ‘I see my babies like you, little one,’ comes a powerful voice from behind them.

  ‘And she loves them too, father.’ the young Croc replies to his father.

  ‘I did not see you walk up my lord, Good morning’ smiles Lien-Lua making a short bow in respect.

  The Croc smiles and returns the short bow of respect. ‘Little one, do you truly love my fish?’

  ‘Oh yes! my lord they are the most beautiful fish I have ever seen, and they just love to be tickled!’ she giggles.

  ‘During your visit I will be very busy with your father and the other lords, would you like to do me a favor? Just as long as it’s OK with your mother.’ the Croc asks giving her mom a conspiratorial wink.


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