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Earth's Last Angel

Page 30

by Leon Castle

  ‘You and your species have defied the law of the master creators. You have engaged in worship and now you will reap your bitter harvest!’

  ‘ME’NE, ME’NE, TE’KEL, PE’RES’ which means: ‘Your days have been numbered and brought to a finish. You have been weighed on the scales of justice and have been found deficient. This planet is to be taken from your creator and given to another.’

  With that the Sky Lion claps his hands together unleashing an energy blast vaporizing everything to a subatomic level, totally erasing all life on the planet leaving only dust, rocks and water, all evidence of the existence of the Mazubans, from cave paintings to their massive city states, and advanced technology. everything Mazuban in that solar system is gone in an instant!

  Now with the sun shining brightly through a crystal clear blue sky, the Sky Lion’s feet gently touchdown on the newly cleansed planet surface. The lakes and sea are now sweet and pure with all the garbage and pollution gone! The Sky Lion takes a deep breath of fresh clean air, then squats down, touching the planet’s surface. He sends a wave of energy down, embracing the heart of the newly cleansed planet. With this action, he moves the planet’s tilt initiating an ice age. Now the planet can rest in its cold fallow state until a new creator is found, worthy to awaken her once more and bring new life to this now cleansed barren planet.

  The Sky Lion now shifts his attention skywards again, having completed his first mission. The arrogant creator Azeebar is condemned to roam the outer fringes of the universe as a lifeless, mindless black hole, thankfully he did not create any energy life forms.

  The Sky Lion calls out into the depths of the multiverse to the Guild of Master Creators, to meet with them at his birthplace in the void that separates the centurial cluster of universes. He reports all that has happened. They are well pleased with their son, he has performed his duties beyond their expectations. Now he is free to guide and direct any and all new intelligent life forms that appear from the diversity of life on the new planets.

  Chapter 93

  The old man’s eyes grow misty as he loudly clasps his hands together, creating a powerful flash of golden light that he contains within his clasped hands. The light intensifies as he squeezes harder. Beads of sweat appear on his brow, a loud groan escapes his lips as his eyes roll backward exposing only the whites of his eyes.

  I immediately panic and ring for an ambulance, they are dispatched quickly and soon on their way, the advantage of living in a small town, everyone knows everyone.

  A loud groan snaps my attention back to my grandfather, who now looks very frail, just clinging to life by his fingernails!

  ‘Son, I need you to take this. It is the key to your kingdom.’

  I look down at my outstretched hand. My grandfather has just made and given me the biggest diamond I have ever seen! Cut to perfection, every one of the 777 facets reflecting a riot of sparkling color.

  He smiles up at me weakly as he now lies comfortably on the floor. I had placed a small pillow under his head. For a moment I stare in disbelief at the beautiful flawless gem, it is the size of a golf ball, a perfect stone.

  ‘My time has come to return to my place,’ he smiles up at me ‘I will be with you always, guiding you, watching over you.’

  The paramedics arrive with a stretcher, and as they enter the lounge room my grandfather squeezes my hand.

  ‘Goodbye for now, son, I will see you again.’ His whole body starts to emanate a searing, blinding, golden light. When the light dims again only my grandfather’s clothes lay on the floor. He is gone!

  ‘What in the name of God just happened?’ dropping to his knees as the power of his legs gave out, the big medic Dave grabs onto the stretcher to stop himself falling flat on his face! Francine just stands there on the spot, transfixed, her jaw hanging slack, her mouth wide open in shock.

  Only moments later, the local police sergeant, Terry sticks his head in through the open door.

  ‘Are you guys Ok? You all look like you saw a ghost! We saw the massive light show that kinda looked like an explosion.’

  ‘Sergeant…’ I start to reply, slowly coming out of the shock of it myself. I slip the diamond in to my pocket as I stand up.

  ‘My grandfather was in those empty clothes just a second ago, he was here and then in a massive flash of energy he vanished leaving these!’ I say, pointing to the empty cloths laying on the floor.

  He looks over at the other two slowly coming out of their shock. They both nod in agreement.

  Realization finally dawns on him ‘Holy crap! That was the bright golden flash we saw driving past, it was him!’ now just a little scared and awestruck all at once.

  ‘I’ll get the coroner to sort this one out. I’ll get some tape from the car and tape this room off. ‘Have you got somewhere you can stay until the coroner’s finished?’ the sergeant asks me.

  ‘Yes, I can stay with my sister Nancy for a couple of days.’ I reply.

  Geoff and Nancy welcome me with open arms. I explain to them what just happened to our grandfather. They are flabbergasted.

  ‘Just you stay as long as you need,’ they kindly offer.

  I say my goodnight to my hosts. I then collect my overnight bag from the lounge containing some clothes and a new bottle of scotch. On my way through the kitchen I borrow a small glass for my scotch. My room is the spare room at the end of the porch. I enter quietly, closing the door behind me so that I don’t wake my little niece sleeping in the next room. I put my bag on the bed and get the bottle of scotch out, and picking up the chair I move it to the glass doors opening out onto the porch. I open the doors, then place the chair on the edge of the porch, giving me a clear view of Nancy’s beautiful gardens in full bloom. To be honest, at this time the gardens do not interest me. My attention is fully fixed on the starry heavens, it looks like black silk with thousands of diamonds scattered over it!

  I wonder where he is out there, this person I had known all my life, my grandfather, my best friend. Now it turns out he is one of the most powerful energy lifeforms out in the multiverse, the Sky Lion!

  In fact, when he returns to his place out there the last 96 years will be for him like a millisecond, a micro sleep. Head bending stuff, I must admit!

  My grief is tempered by the fact that this majestic energy lifeform has chosen my family, and me personally, to train and tutor for my new role. All these years of playing, ‘What if…?’ with him taught me all I need to know. The sudden realization that it was all training and grooming sends a wave of emotion through me, a tear slips down my face. I still can’t stop the intense feelings surging through my brain. love, gratitude and loss. I open the bottle and pour a measure into my glass, and holding it heavenwards I whisper quietly so as to not disturb my hosts.

  ‘Here’s to you mate, safe travels.’ I down the glass.

  Then another realization struck me. He’s been here before! His monuments are scattered all over our planet, The Sphinx of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, to name just a few!

  I ponder the years of training he has invested in me, never disclosing who he really was or his intentions until the very end, always gently pushing me to demand and give more of myself as I built our business interests. I think maybe now I should take some time out, go on a holiday and get my head right and plan how I should prepare myself for what lies ahead.

  I become conscious of the lump in my pocket. I slide my hand in to collect the diamond. Placing it onto my palm I get a sense of its weight, and I lift it up to the moon light, holding it between my forefinger and thumb. Immediately it explodes into a riot of sparkling color.

  I feel a little hand on my leg.

  ‘It’s very pretty, uncle,’ a tiny voice says as she looks up at the sparkling gem between my fingers, lit up by the moonlight.

  ‘Yes, it is.’ I pick up my little 5 year old niece Valarie, and sit her on my knee.

  ‘Would you like to hold it?’ I whisper to her.

  ‘Oh, yes please, uncle!’ a little loudly, h
er face lighting up with a smile.

  ‘OK here it is. Now hold your hands together like a big cup.’

  She does as I ask, and I place the diamond in her little hands, her delight is evident with her little giggle. Then she frowns: ‘It’s getting warm, uncle!’ giving it back to me. I take it back and sure enough it is warming up, in fact it starts to glow and sparkle from within. Valarie slides off my knee, a little scared. But not taking her eyes off the glowing gem for a second. I place the gem back in my pocket.

  ‘Can I ask you something, uncle?’ she looks up at me with both her elbows on my leg, her hands tucked up under her chin.

  ‘Of course you can sweetie,’ I reply.

  ‘Were did you get the shiny stone, uncle?’

  ‘From pops, he gave it to me just before he left.’ I smile.

  ‘You two are best pals! Can I be your best pal now?’

  ‘You better believe it girl! You and I are besties forever!’ I smile down at her. She raises her arms for me to lift her up, her face just one big smile.

  ‘I’m going to love you forever, uncle!’

  ‘We’d better get you back to bed before mom comes out and gives me a thick ear for letting you stay out here in the cold.’

  Valarie just giggles ‘Mommy won’t give you a thick ear, because I won’t let her!’ she announces, squeezing my neck.

  A chill breeze springs up, carrying with it the mixed sweet aroma of the blossoming gardens. Valarie snuggles in as I carry her back to her room. Her mom is waiting at the door, smiling at my little niece.

  ‘I heard her getting up I didn’t want her disturbing you, so I came out to check on her.’

  ‘She’s no trouble at all.’

  ‘Mommy, me and uncle are besties forever now, just like him and Pop’s!’ she grins as I tucked her in.

  ‘OK that’s enough excitement for one night little lady, you better get some sleep.’ I smile down to her.

  ‘It’s freezing out there, I’ll leave you to it and we can catch up in the morning,’ my elder sister said as we walk out of Val’s room.

  Nancy wraps her arms around my neck and whispers in my ear, ‘Take as much time as you need little bro.’

  I kiss her on the cheek and give her a hug. ‘Thanks sis.’

  I return to my chair on the porch. I had intended drinking the whole bottle of scotch but decide not to. After I return the bottle to my bag, I sit out on the porch with a blanket around my shoulders.

  Letting my thoughts drift back to my grandfather, I am still in shock that he is, the Sky Lion Angel of Light!

  That thought triggers a passage I had read a very long time ago, it mentions the Devil trying to appear as an Angel of Light. A deep pang of pity fills my heart at this once beautiful powerful energy life form, who was placed in charge of human development, assisting us to reach our full potential. Instead he is seduced by the idea of being worshiped. This is the very first original sin. He lusted after worship.

  What if…he had not bitten into the forbidden fruit of worship?

  Many energy life forms have taken on an organic body down through the ages to try and help us get back on track. They all promoted a peaceful cooperative coexistence with our fellow humans. These messengers were usually treated badly, tortured and murdered by the very people they tried to help. The Creator’s own son even tried to help us but he was tortured and murdered for his trouble like the rest, and then, to add insult to injury, the instrument of his torture and murder was made into an object of sacred worship! This hideous instrument of death hangs from worshipers necks as a charm to protect them from evil! I feel deep anger stirring in my chest and I fight to suppress it. The Mazubans got it so wrong by doing exactly the same thing!

  Looking up into the starry heavens, I feel small and insignificant. I wonder what the local universal community of energy life form’s feel about our species, as they watch us closely following the path of the doomed Mazubans.

  ‘What needs to change for us not to suffer the same fate as them?’ I muse to myself, and a strong pang of grief overtakes me for a moment. I’m surprised by its intensity, this grief is not just for loss of my grandfather, but is for the loss of all the innocent souls that have perished as victims of the sin of worship. I quietly leave the porch and move out into the gardens, hoping my sobs of grief do not wake my hosts.

  After a time I return to the porch. I revisit the question I asked myself before.

  ‘What needs to change?’ I use the ‘What if…’ process my grandfather had taught me.

  What if…someone involved in violence that belonged to a so called peaceful faith was removed from that faith? Stripped of their religious identity and forced to face justice as the criminals they are?

  What if…this same faith used its massive resources to fight poverty and disease, instead of supporting greed and financing war?

  What if…someone I love dearly is falsely accused of supporting torture, rape, murder, genocide, war, oppression of the weak and all manner of filthy vile atrocities, doing all of this in his name? How do these false accusations against our creator make me feel?

  What if…there is no right religion of chosen ones? No more arguing over interpretation of scripture that was in some cases written many years, or even decades, after the event. And certainly no scripture was ever written by the creator’s son!

  What if…worship stopped, disappeared forever?

  What if…we empowered ourselves to achieve peace and prosperity for us all? Regardless of our color, race, gender.

  Now I get excited! Maybe we humans have a chance after all!

  The warm gem glowed brightly as I drew it back out of my pocket, its color now vivid gold! I look up into the starry sky and ask: ‘Sky Lion…am I on the right path?’ the gem gives me the answer instantly, glowing and warming more intensely. I smile to myself discovering that this is how he will communicate with me. I speak with him long into the night, sometimes making a wrong statement just to see his reaction, the gem would go cold and dull.

  The beautiful golden sun rises heralding a new day, a new beginning.

  I start to see the enormity of the task before me. I will have to be careful how I present this new truth. I decide right there and then, rather than tell people what they should do, I will show them what we can achieve together as a brotherhood and sisterhood of human kind. Free of the entanglement of worship.

  Part of me still grieves for the loss of my best friend and grandfather. The other part of me is still trying to come to grips with the fact that I have been charged with a mission:

  Save my species and clear my Creator’s name!

  My grandfather and best friend is not dead!

  He watches over me, guiding my every step…

  He is

  The Sky Lion

  Angel of Light

  Earth’s Last Angel!

  The End




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