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Zeus (Frozen Origin)

Page 14

by Dawn, Crystal

  “How did this happen?” He was sexy when he was angry.

  “It’s just one of those things. I fought two of the guards and one got in a lucky hit.”

  “Where was Eres or his males? Why did they let you take on two of the enemy?”

  “Eres was with me dealing with two enemies of his own.”

  “Well, okay, but I won’t be sending you in like that again.”

  “You will not treat me like a helpless female. I am a soldier!” Zeus was smart and didn’t argue. They loaded onto one of the helicopters heading home. The head count on the demons was not what was expected. Eres told Zeus less than half of the demons were there. The others had been moved before their rescue attempt. She could see Zeus was upset and didn’t blame him. He had freed less than half the demons, the others were now nowhere to be found.

  Zeus pulled her into his arms but she felt he needed the comfort even more than she did. If only she could convince him to celebrate for each one that he freed instead of suffering for each one he couldn’t. She snuggled into his arms sinking in his comforting embrace hoping he would find the peace he needed until they arrived back home. The trip was slow and boring not to mention uncomfortable. It was a relief when they arrived home. They unloaded, bringing the demons around to the hidden door that accessed the sublevels. Everything went without a problem, so they were all settled in to the places that were available to them. Only a few rooms were ready so most would have to take the cages that were available which was less than desirable. Zeus let Lucifer decide who got the rooms or cells since he was the leader of the demons. With the demons settled in, Zeus and Sierra went to their room to rest. The demons would stay on the second floor where visiting humans wouldn’t see them because even though humans knew about the second floor, access was restricted.

  A few days passed with no major disasters which was a pleasant surprise. Work was moving along on the remodeling especially in the first sublevel (second floor) since those demons with an interest were helping to do the work. Demons and gods had amazing abilities and could watch how to videos to learn to do almost anything remembering even the smallest details. Now that a plane was available, larger amounts of construction materials and tools could be transported in. At least something was going well. Sierra decided to help with construction on the first level so she put on her workout clothes which would allow easy movement before going to where one of the suites was being remodeled. It was hot, hard work and by lunchtime she was ready for a break. She headed to the lunchroom where she was pissed off to find Brenda mooning over Zeus. Brenda ignored her when she sat next to Zeus acting as if she wasn’t there. When Brenda ran her fingers over his chest, it was more than she could take.

  “You might want to move that hand before you lose it.” Sierra growled aggressively at Brenda.

  “He doesn’t seem to mind. Maybe you’re not enough woman for him.” Brenda said with a laugh. The cafeteria was quiet as everyone watched to see what would happen next.

  Sierra stalked closer ready to take out her prey. The stupid bitch had needed a take down for a very long time. She grabbed the offending hand twisting it around her back then pulling her to her before slamming her head on the table. She released her to step away from the table to give her a chance to retaliate. Sierra motioned with her hand for her to come on. Brenda did, she rushed towards her attempting to punch her in the throat. Sierra blocked the punch with her open hand wrapping it around the fist and twisting Brenda’s whole arm sideways. Brenda rolled to the side and Sierra released her. Brenda ran at her gripping her in a bear hug intended to crush her ribs. Sierra moved her hands out on both sides of Brenda’s head and slammed them together effectively boxing her ears. Brenda screamed and released Sierra.

  Sierra tackled Brenda taking her to the floor and straddling her. She started to punch her face all the while screaming at her. “You will leave Zeus alone! You will not touch him again!” She threw one more powerful punch which knocked Brenda out cold. Then she turned her attention to Zeus. “You allow her to touch you like that again and I am so out of here.” She turned and left the cafeteria still so angry that her face felt burning hot. Damn male! She should have stayed the hell away from him and never got involved. She went to her room and locked the door. She didn’t want to see anyone right now especially him. The temptation to run away, from Zeus and this place, was nearly overwhelming, but she stayed anyway.

  It had been nearly a week without her saying a word to Zeus. She was still so pissed off at him sitting there letting that bitch run her hands over him then not saying he didn’t like it when Brenda suggested he did. No matter how fucked up his life had been, he had to know that was wrong. She had serious thoughts of leaving constantly even though she knew it would hurt. She was an emotional disaster, her feelings were all over the place. She avoided him most of the time and refused to talk or even look at him when he was around. He had tried to get her attention, even tried to talk to her but she just stormed away. If Brenda’s intention had been to break them up, then Zeus had helped her do it. Sierra thought she might even love him but she wasn’t going to put up with that kind of shit from anyone. Her mistake had been allowing herself to get involved when she knew she shouldn’t. All the females in the facility that were close to her had taken what happened to heart. None of Zeus’ males would have any luck with them.

  All the gods had made an effort to speak to her on his behalf, those guys sure stuck together. Zeus was sad, he didn’t know any better, he wanted to see her, he was lovesick, and so on and on. Her friends supported her letting her know she was doing the right thing, it only strengthened their resolve to keep their distance from the other gods, not that they needed a reason to stay away. They had done an excellent job of avoiding any intimacies even to the point of refusing friendship with any of the gods. The men, not so much, as they made friends with the gods easily. Sierra was surprised by that but the men on her team were exceptional so they might not have the chip on their shoulder that Kyler had. Speaking of Kyler, he took every chance to catch her alone, trying to touch her and woo her back to him. She had explained in no uncertain terms that they were through, but he just didn’t seem to get it and here he was again.

  “Sierra, my sweet, I just love to see you. When are we going to pick up where we left off? I miss you in my bed it gets so cold up here. You can’t tell me your bed isn’t cold and lonely too.”

  “Look, Kyler, we are done, through, finished. We had our time and now it’s time to move on. It was fun while it lasted, cherish the memories.”

  “To hell with memories, you can’t tell me you don’t miss the feeling of a dick filling you while hands squeeze your tits and a mouth coaxes you to cum all over. I can do that for you again and again. I don’t hold your little affair with the freak against you. I understand they’re different, you were curious. I’m willing to take you back, because let’s face it, there’s no one like you. No one as tight or hot, no one that can make me scream their name when I cum inside them. No one that gives head like you do or that tastes so sweet when I go down on them. Come back to me, my sweet, and all will be forgiven.”

  Sierra shivered but not from thoughts of Kyler. It was Zeus she thought of, probably always would. Kyler, however, saw and assumed it was for him and what they had once had. He moved closer to touch her, to guide her to his room where he had big plans for her.

  “Don’t come one step closer. These males aren’t freaks and they are different in a deliciously delightful way. Zeus and I may not have worked out, but it wasn’t because the sex wasn’t incredible. You and I will never be in bed together again if I am conscious. Get it through your thick skull, never again.” She said as she walked off.

  As another week passed it seemed that both Kyler and Zeus got the message. She wished she could get the message too because she dreamed of him every night, not Kyler but Zeus. She wasn’t kept informed anymore but she spent most of her time with the demons especially Lucifer who she felt had become a friend
and occasionally a confessor. He knew about everything that had happened between her and Zeus but he didn’t judge. She was a do it yourselfer and showed them how to do many of the things they needed to do on their projects while they didn’t bring up Zeus. A fair deal she thought, as more time passed without anything being resolved.

  “So, Lucifer, why don’t you have a nickname like many of the others do?”

  “What, a demon called Luci? I’d have to kill people who called me that. It challenges my maleness, don’t you agree?” He said with a smirk and a saucy wink. He was a real tease, not that it affected her, but other women would burn for him if he acted that way around them.

  “Maybe, but what about Cipher or even Ci?”

  “That would be an improvement on Luci. Cipher might work since it implies a secret which I am and have.” He winked at her again before continuing. “I hate to hide them because my wings are my best feature. They add a little kinkiness to sex. Want to find out?”

  Sierra blushed bright red all over. Lucifer was sneaky since he rarely got sexual. He was usually more playful but when he did get sexual, it always caught her off guard. She knew he didn’t mean it since he was a staunch advocate for Zeus.

  “And if I said I did?”

  “I would nail you right here on this table in a quick minute, but I know where your heart is whether you admit it or deny it, my brother Zeus totes it around with him while you carry his.”

  “We need to find you an equally unruly wench to wear that liveliness right out of you.”

  “I eagerly await her.” Sierra knew he did. Lucifer was lonely and had been alone too much of his life. He and all his demons needed friends and lovers to help them heal the hurts Origin had caused them.

  She needed to see Doc and she knew it, but she didn’t want to. She was getting sick often at the most inopportune times. If she was just heartsick, Doc couldn’t help her. What if she had picked up something in Mexico? The conditions in the demon’s quarters had been terrible and they were resistant to most illnesses but she was only human, mostly anyway. She decided to see Doc as she ran for the nearest bathroom. Damn, it was the last thing she needed now!

  She went to the first floor, a place she had avoided like the plague. She managed not to see anyone she knew as she slipped into medical. Shit, I was relieved too soon. Eres was there talking to Doc. He looked up when he saw her his eyes accusing her of letting him down. So what if she was suppose to train him, it wasn’t her fault things hadn’t worked out. She did have to admit she hadn’t followed up on any of the things she had offered to do, but she had wanted to avoid Zeus. It seemed while avoiding him, she had avoided many others.

  “Hello, Sierra.” He said with no warmth or happiness at seeing her. My how things have changed.

  “Hey, Eres. Long time no see.” Stupid thing to say since I’ve been hiding.

  A ghost of a smile crossed his lips. “It has been a while. I’ve got to go meet Buzz at the station. See you two later.” He walked out without looking back. That was easier than expected.

  “What brings you to the danger zone?” Doc asked with a mischievous smile.

  “I’ve been feeling like shit.” Doc shot her a look that said ‘what’s new’. “It’s more than this thing with Zeus. It’s physical, I’ve thrown up, I’m getting headaches, and I feel kinda achy. I’m afraid I picked up something in Mexico because the conditions the demons were in was appalling.”

  “Okay, I need to draw some blood and I need a urine sample too, just in case.”

  Sierra didn’t ask in case what because it made her nervous to know what it might be. She’d deal with that if it came down to it. She went to get Doc her sample then Doc pulled the blood sample. “Why don’t you go to your room to take a nap, you look tired. I’ll call you in an hour or whenever I know something.”

  Sierra didn’t have the strength to fight her so she agreed. It was almost funny how quickly she fell asleep once she hit her pillow. She didn’t want to wake when the com buzzed but she forced herself to. It was Doc and she had the information but wanted to give it to her personally. It made her worry that it was something serious. She hurried to medical though why she couldn’t say. A few minutes would make no difference either way.

  “Sierra, have a seat while I go over some things with you. You have a mild bladder infection which isn’t serious but needs to be treated immediately.”

  “Alright but if it isn’t serious, why do you seem so worried about it?”

  “I was about to tell you that you are pregnant. Bladder infections are more common during pregnancy and can be dangerous to the baby. I will treat you for it, put you on prenatal vitamins, and you need to see me regularly. The baby looks to be about thirteen weeks, does that make it Kyler’s?”

  “No, I hadn’t seen him for almost four months before this mission. We were planning on getting together but we hadn’t yet. Because we both went on long missions, we went weeks without getting together. We also used protection, condoms and additional spermicide. Zeus and I had unprotected sex several times, but not that long ago.” She was confused and a little scared. A baby now would be a career killer, of course she had always planned to have one someday, but now someday was soon. “I don’t want to share this information with anyone yet. Just pretend I never came here.”

  “I can do that for now but it’s only a matter of time before everyone can see. I’m surprised you’re not showing more. Now that I’m looking I can see some signs but at around three months I would expect more. Eventually we need to figure out who the father is. If it’s Kyler’s, the baby is underweight and not developed enough, but if it’s Zeus’, the baby is ahead in development and large. The gods are large and grew rapidly but they were on a special diet to boost development. I bet you’re not even eating right or enough under the circumstances. I need to get you on a special diet for the baby’s sake.”

  “You can’t order a special diet for me. None of these guys are stupid, they’ll know something is up.”

  “Fine, I’ll have your food sent to my room and we’ll start exercising together. I’ll say I’m training for a contest or something. Keep in mind, if this baby is developing rapidly, you may be giving birth in two or three months.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind but it won’t change anything.” She left the office only to run into Zeus, literally. Her whole body hummed with electricity the second she came into contact with him.

  “Sierra, I’m so sorry. Please give me a chance to talk to you.” He looked pretty miserable but he deserved it.

  “You had a chance to talk, but you blew it.”

  “I didn’t have much of a chance. You and that wicked witch took over the conversation. She knew I didn’t want her touch, I had told her many times before. I thought if you handled it she might actually leave me be. I was right, even though you are punishing me, she hasn’t come near me since.”

  “I am not punishing you.” She said because she was punishing herself as much as anyone. “We are not a couple so I can’t punish you.”

  “You are denying me, withholding your company and your body from me, that is punishment. You are putting me through hell.”

  “I didn’t let a man run his hands over me. What would you have done if I had?”

  “I would have beaten him within an inch of his life and proven to you that I was the only one you wanted but I would never have left you, never.”

  “So you wouldn’t have been angry with me?”

  “Of course I would be but it wouldn’t turn me from you. Nothing could ever turn me from you. Maybe my feelings are just stronger than yours.”

  “I don’t think your feelings could have been stronger than mine were.”

  “Were? You’re over them already?”

  “I’m tired of talking and I need to get some rest, Zeus. Maybe we’ll talk later.”

  Zeus growled, tired of all the talking and concerned about his mate. He moved like greased lightening scooping her up before running down the hall
to take her to his room. She was startled grabbing hold of his shirt to stop herself from moving around. He went through the door kicking it closed before marching into his room to drop her on his bed. He fell over her catching himself on his hands so he loomed over her just touching her body all over. She felt his warmth radiating into her body making it hum with need. Damn him for the way he makes me feel.

  He kissed her even though she moved her mouth to avoid him, he just kissed wherever his mouth landed. She could not avoid the fact that she wanted him whether he was a jerk or not. She was hot with desire, something not likely to go away ever with this male. She’d always heard pregnancy could ramp up desire and she was now a believer. Her hormones must be going wild, even more so with what his mouth and hands were doing. There was no way to fight the feelings he caused in her. He knew it as he stood removing his clothes watching her carefully for any sign she might run.

  She was angry at herself for being so weak as Zeus settled himself over her again kissing her breathless before he slid her shirt off her while he leaned to one side. Part of her mind screamed that sex wouldn’t solve their problems but her body said worry about that later. He popped the front snap of her bra to grab her breast squeezing them gently before moving down to pull her pants and panties down by her waistband. He moved down to untie her tennis shoes before sliding everything off her legs. Now that she was naked, she would have a hard time escaping if she changed her mind. He started at her toes kissing and licked her instep making her shiver with delight. He continued up the inside of her leg before starting down the other leg. When he was through, he sat back looking at her intently as if waiting for her to say something.

  When she remained silent he said, “I want you so much, but this won’t fix what’s broken. I need you to come back to me and commit to us with everything you have. I will give you all that I have, all that I am if you will do the same. The next time a female touches me without your approval, I will throw them at your feet.”


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